Registry Settings

Campaign Manager Registry Settings

The following registry settings modify the behavior of the Campaign Manager:

Registry Setting

Default Setting



20% free.

Indicates the percentage of free space left on the Microsoft SQL Server drive where the Outbound Option database is installed before an alarm is raised.


20% free.

Indicates the percentage of free space left on the Outbound Option database before an alarm is raised.

CallbackTimeLimit (Campaign Manager only)

15 minutes

Calculates the callback time range for each personal and regular callback in minutes. The Campaign Manager queries the Personal or Regular Callback List for callback records, where the CallbackDateTime database column value is between the current time and current time minus the CallbackTimeLimit. For example, if the current time is 3:00 PM and the CallbackTimeLimit is 15 minutes, the query to retrieve Personal Callback records is "where CallbackDateTime >= 2:45 PM and CallbackDateTime <= 3:00 PM." This column is also used to control how long a Personal or Regular Callback is retried after it is sent to a dialer. If the CallbackTimeLimit is set to 15 minutes, the Dialer keeps reserving the agent and calling the customer for 15 minutes before giving up for that day. For Personal Callbacks, the Dialer re-reserves the agent based on the PersonalCallbackTimeToRetryReservation registry entry.


Default Value is 1 million, and if the value is set to 0 you will not receive the SNMP trap.

This is a threshold for number of records in a contact table. If number of records go beyond this threshold value, SNMP trap will be generated corresponding to that contact table after every successful import.



Describes how many dialer detail records should be buffered before sending to the Central Controller database.



Describes how long to wait before sending dialer detail records to the Central Controller database when the DialerDetailBufferSize is not reached.



When set to 0, dialer detail records are not sent from campaign manager. All Dialer Detail records are disabled.


If the registry entry is missing, the default values are C,M, and D.

A string containing the call status types of records in the Dialing_list table to be included in the automated purge. The types specified are compared with the value of CallStatusZone1. For example, if the string contains "C,M,F,L,I," any calls with these call statuses are purged from the database.

This registry setting is not added by default; it must be added manually.

To be purged, records must also be older than the number of days set in DialingListDaysToPurgeOldRecords.


The call status values can optionally be delimited using a comma, a hyphen, a semi-colon, or a colon.


Minimum value is 1; maximum value is 30; default is 5 days

The number of days after the record is imported before it is included in the automated purge of the Dialing_list table. This value is compared with ImportRuleDate.

To be purged, records must also have a call status that is set in DialingListCallStatusToPurge.


Minimum value is 10 seconds; maximum value is 600 seconds; default value is 60 seconds.

Do Not Call Records are loaded into the Campaign Manager by the Campaign Manager's periodic reading of the Do_Not_Call table. The polling frequency of this operation is determined by this registry key in seconds.


Default value: 60 seconds

The interval time, in seconds, at which the active Campaign Manager sends the failover message to the router if the Dialer or BAImport do not connect with the Campaign Manager.

Set this registry value. If it is not set, the default value of 60 seconds is used.

EMTHeartBeat (Outbound Option Import only)

500 milliseconds

Outbound Option Import sends a heartbeat message to Campaign Manager every n milliseconds to indicate that it is still alive.

ImportAreaCodeProcDisable (Outbound Option Import only)

0, enabled

When set to 0, this setting performs standard region_prefix matching. When set to 1, the GMT time zones are always set to the local time zone of the ICM Logger.

If there is a prefix match, the GMT time zones for each customer record are retrieved from the Region_Prefix table.


Time zones are selected based on the data in the Region_Prefix database. When contacts are imported, the phone number is assigned a time zone based on the information in the region prefix table. Each prefix has settings for the time zone and daylight savings observation. If the prefix of the contact number does not match any of the prefixes listed in the region prefix table, then the contact number is assigned the time zone listed in the campaign configuration tool Call Target Tab.


If this registry setting changes, the ICM Logger must be restarted before the new values take effect. Alternatively, restart the Outbound Option Import process by closing its console window.

ImportRegLocalNumberSize (Outbound Option Import only)

7 digits

The number of digits in a phone number must be greater than this registry entry to perform a search of the region_prefix table.


If this registry setting changes, the ICM Logger must be restarted before the new values take effect. Alternatively, restart the Outbound Option Import process by closing its console window.

MinimumCallsForHitRate (Campaign Manager only)

30 calls

Specifies the minimum number of calls that have to be attempted before the hit-rate percentage calculation begins for a campaign query rule.



When set to 1, pending records get priority over retry records for all campaigns.

PersonalCallbackNoAnswerRingLimit (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 2; maximum value is 10; default is 4 rings

The number of times a customer phone rings before being classified as an unanswered call.

PersonalCallbackCallStatusToPurge (Campaign Manager only)

If the registry entry is missing, the default values are C,M,D.

A string containing the call status types of records in the Personal_Callback_List table to be included in the automated purge. For example, if the string contains "C,M,F,L,I," all calls with these call statuses are purged from the database.

This registry setting is not added by default; it must be added manually.


The call status values can optionally be delimited using a comma, a hyphen, a semi-colon, or a colon.

PersonalCallbackDaysToPurgeOldRecords (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 1; maximum value is 30; default is 5 days

The number of days after the personal callback has been scheduled to keep the record before it is purged.

PersonalCallbackDisableViaQueryRule (Campaign Manager only)


This registry key determines if the Callback has to be enabled if the query rule is disabled.

PersonalCallbackMaxAttemptsDefault (Campaign Manager only)


Sets the maximum number of times a personal callback is attempted (minimum value is 1; maximum value is 20). When the number of maximum attempts reaches 0, the record is not tried again and the status is set to M (maxed out).



Not used.

PersonalCallbackRecordsToCache (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 5; maximum value is 200; default is 20

The number of personal callback records to send to the Outbound Option Dialer at one time.

PersonalCallbackSaturdayAllowed (Campaign Manager only)


Indicates whether personal callbacks are allowed on Saturdays.

  • 0: Personal callbacks are not allowed on Saturdays and are scheduled for the next allowable day. For example, a personal callback which fails to reach the customer on a Friday is rescheduled for the following Monday.

  • 1: Personal callbacks are allowed on Saturdays.

PersonalCallbackSundayAllowed (Campaign Manager only)


Indicates whether personal callbacks are allowed on Sundays.

  • 0: Personal callbacks are not allowed on Sundays and are scheduled for the next allowable day. For example, a personal callback which fails to reach the customer on a Friday or Saturday is rescheduled for the following Monday.

  • 1: Personal callbacks are allowed on Sundays.

PersonalCallbackTimeToCheckForRecords (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 1; maximum value is 30; default is 1 minute

The interval time, in minutes, at which the Outbound Option Dialer checks the Campaign Manager for personal callback records.

PersonalCallbackTimeToRetryBusy (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 1; maximum value is 10; default is 1 minute

Sets the amount of time, in minutes, that the Outbound Option Dialer waits before retrying a personal callback when the customer’s phone is busy.

PersonalCallbackTimeToRetryNoAnswer (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 5; maximum value is 60; default is 20 minutes

Sets the amount of time, in minutes, that the Outbound Option Dialer waits before retrying a personal callback when the customer does not answer the phone.

PersonalCallbackTimeToRetryReservation (Campaign Manager only)

Minimum value is 1; maximum value is 10; default is 1 minute

Sets the amount of time, in minutes, that the Outbound Option Dialer waits before retrying to reserve an agent if the agent is not available.


600 seconds

Controls the expiration threshold for replication.

If the data is not replicated within this threshold, an EMS Report Event is signaled periodically until the condition has improved.

RescheduleCallbacks (Campaign Manager only)


Boolean value.

Controls how to handle contacts that were requested to be called back at a particular time, but were left out in Pending call status 'P', for whatever reason.

  • 0: Pending dialing records are not rescheduled or purged.

  • 1: Pending dialing records are scheduled for retry at the next valid time.

SQLServer (Campaign Manager and Outbound Option Import)


Not used.



Not used.



Not used.



Not used.



Not used.



Not used.



Not used.



Not used.

TimeToResetDailyStats (Campaign Manager only)

30 minutes after midnight ("00:30")

Specifies the time of day (in 24-hour format: hh:mm) when the real-time statistics for DialerRealTime and CampaignQueryRealTime are reset.

UnknownCallStatusResetTime (Campaign Manager only)

60 minutes

The interval time, in minutes, at which the Campaign Manager resets the contact records in Unknown status to Pending status (available for reuse).


Contact records are marked Unknown if they are in the Active state when the Campaign Manager is initialized or if the Outbound Option Dialer dialing those (Active) records disconnects from the Campaign Manager due to network or Outbound Option Dialer failure.



Enable the maximum attempts per phone number in a record.

For example: If every phone number has to be dialed only once then configure MaxAttempts to 1 and set EnableMaxAttemptsPerNumber to 1.


15 Seconds

Represents the percentage of free Logger drive space allowed before outbound option replication stops and the databases are no longer in sync.


15 Seconds

Represents the amount of time before temporary files are renamed to replication files. This registry also provides information to the standby Campaign Manager if it were to observe a temporary file remaining open for longer than this duration.

Dialer Registry Settings

The following registry settings modify the behavior of the Outbound Option Dialer. To specify the exact path, modify the registry path for the dialer to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\ICM\<instance name>\Dialer instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\\Dialer.

Registry Setting

Default Setting




When enabled (1), dialer automatically answers customer calls transferred to agent phones.



This registry key is not created until the process starts up. It controls whether the Dialer auto-answers the call or not. The guideline is to disable this and use the auto-answer in Unified CM if you want zip tone.


20 seconds

Amount of silence before no ringback is returned, in seconds. If ringback is not detected within this time limit, the call is dropped.


Changes made to this setting take effect after the Outbound Option Dialer is cycled.



Controls behavior when started call attempts can be canceled once all agents are occupied and abandon to IVR is not configured. Setting to 0 never cancels calls after they have been started. Setting to 1 always cancels calls after they have been started once no agents are available. A value of 100 cancels all ringing calls that are less than 100 milliseconds after the dialing was started (that is, line went off hook.


  1. When CancelDialingCalls = 0, it cancels calls not confirmed to reach customer (which means SIP progress messages of 180, 181, 182, or 183 not yet received). The abandon to IVR configuration is ignored for canceling in this case.

  2. When CancelDialingCalls > 0, and abandon to IVR configuration is enabled, the only calls that have not yet been started while waiting in the Port Throttle queue, are canceled.



When set to 0, packet capturing is disabled; when set to 1, packet capturing is enabled.


-i 2 -tt -C 20 -s 0 -W 20 -w DialerCapture

Options associated with packet capture:

  • -i <ifname>: Interface name to capture on

  • -tt : Print an unformatted time stamp on each dump line.

  • -w <filename>: Capture directly to file in pcap format, file can be opened with Wireshark.

  • -C <file_size>: The maximum size of a capture file. The units of file_size are millions of bytes (1,000,000 bytes, not 1,048,576 bytes).

  • -W <filecount>: The number of files created. The capture files are overwritten from the beginning, thus creating a rotating buffer. Capture files after the first capture file have the name specified with the -w flag, with a number after it, starting at 1 and continuing upward.

  • -s : Snarf snaplen bytes of data from each packet rather than the default of 68. Setting snaplen to 0 means use the required length to catch whole packets.



When set to 1, capture SIP packets only. When set to 2, capture the entire data payload on the Dialer host machine.



Not used.



The hostname or IP address of the Campaign Manager on Side A.



The hostname or IP address of the Campaign Manager on Side B.



Not used.



Signal must exceed CPAActiveThreshold*noiseThreshold to be considered active. For example, 32 is 10 * log(32) = 15 dB.



The jitter buffer delay (in mS).



Maximum Noise floor possible. Used to restrict noise floor measurement.



Minimum Noise floor possible. Used to restrict noise floor measurement.



Standard deviation of zero crossing rate per block. Values lower than this and CPAMaxEnergySTDev are considered tones.



The amount of time to wait for initial voice. The CPAAnalysisPeriod starts once the system detects speech.


0 (off)

Setting this entry to 1 enables recording of the CPA period to assist in troubleshooting. The key must be added to be enabled.



The machine name where CTI Server-Side A resides.



The machine name where CTI Server-Side B resides.



The TCP port number where CTI Server-Side A listens.



The TCP port number where CTI Server-Side B listens.


30 seconds

Describes the polling interval when the campaign is enabled, agents are available, and the Dialer needs more records from the Campaign Manager. The first request is sent when the Dialer notices that it is low on records. Subsequent requests are sent after the TimeToWaitForRecord times out, based on this polling interval until more records are received.



Not used.



Disables call progress analysis for this Dialer.


500 milliseconds

Dialer sends a heartbeat message to the Campaign Manager every n millisecond to indicate that it is still alive.


N/A ( Manual Registry)

If there is no registry value or if the registry value is set as zero, Unified CCE uses the existing predictive algorithm.

If the registry value is set to 1, Unified CCE uses the Enhanced Predictive Algorithm.



Enable this registry only when there is low hit rate with long idle agent times. This change adjusts dialing rate more aggressively, so it may not respect the configured abandon limit.



Generally, an agent must respond to the Preview dialog when a reservation call is placed. With the implementation of the Auto Accept feature, the Outbound Option Dialer implements the Auto-Accept functionality. It causes the Dialer to Auto-ACCEPT the preview call in n seconds if the agent fails to respond to the preview dialog. The same applies to Personal Callback calls.

This feature is disabled by default and the registry key must be set to one (1) to enable the feature.

The PreviewReservationTimeout registry key is used to configure the auto-accept timer value.


1 (enabled)

EnableHeartbeat registry is used to enable heartbeats on the dialer. When this flag is enabled, the dialer sends heartbeats (SIP OPTIONS request message) to the SIP server - Proxy or Gateway.

If there is no response from the SIP server, the dialer marks itself as not ready and inform the same to the campaign manager.

If this registry is disabled, there is no indication if the SIP server goes down.


5 seconds

The time between heartbeats.



The number of times a timeout occurs before the SIP Dialer identifies the SIP Gateway or SIP Proxy as down.



Not used.



The maximum recording file size (in bytes) per SIP Dialer.



The maximum number of media termination sessions per SIP Dialer if recording is enabled in the Campaign configuration.



The number of failed attempts to reserve a port before the Dialer logs a warning. The message states that the Dialer has reached maximum port capacity. The counter resets to 0 after logging the message.



The maximum recording file size (in bytes) that the SIP Dialer deletes when the total recording file size, MaxAllRecordFiles, is reached.



The maximum number of recording sessions per SIP Dialer if recording is enabled in the Campaign configuration.



The connection port for the MR PIM.



This registry entry is reserved for future use. Leave the value of this parameter at 0.



Not used.



Contains a script name that the MR PIM receives as a dialed number when personal callback calls require to reserve agents.



Indicates whether the Dialer must retry or redial failed outbound personal callbacks. When set to 1 (default key value), the Dialer immediately redials failed personal callback numbers with dialing errors (where the CallResult value is 2) until maximum attempts are reached. To disable the Dialer from redialing personal callbacks, set the registry key value to 0.



Number of seconds to wait before canceling a preview agent’s reservation call. This key is automatically created when the Dialer starts. If a preview agent does not accept or reject a call within this time period, the agent’s reservation call is dropped and the record is marked as rejected.


This registry setting also works with Direct Preview mode, and applies to the regular callback calls in both Preview mode and Direct Preview mode.



When set to 1, answering machine calls that are abandoned due to lack of agent or IVR resources are not counted as abandoned voice calls.

They will be counted as answering machine calls. This registry is also enabled by default on fresh installs, and disabled in upgraded systems.



When set, real-time dialer port messages are disabled for this dialer. Enabling the Real-Time Port Feed by setting to 0 causes the dialpr01 report to populate, but this can cause impacts to the Outbound Campaign in delays in getting records.



When set to 1, the Outbound Option Dialer automatically sets manual IN agents to the Ready state, if the reservation call is dropped due to any reason other than transfer of a live customer call.

If this value is set to 0, then manual IN agents assume the After Call Work (ACW) state at the end of each reservation call and manually become ready to receive another call.



SetAgentsReadyOnResvDrop is applicable only for TDM dialer.



This key specifies the port number used by the dialer to communicate with the SIP server. This registry is created by default when the dialer machine is installed.



The IP address or DNS hostname of the SIP Proxy or SIP Gateway that this Dialer connects to, as specified during setup.



The port number that the SIP Dialer uses to communicate with the server.



The transport type used to communicate with the gateway/CUSP.

A setting of 1 indicates that the transport type is UDP, and a setting of 2 indicates that the transport type is TCP. Currently, only UDP is supported.


Incoming transport time accepts TCP and UDP. The trunk accepts traffic from the Gateway in TCP or UDP.


1 second

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait between CTI Server skill group query requests.



Dialing prefix prepended to every phone number; for example, this entry could be used to dial an outside line access number, such as 9.


60 seconds

The amount of time an average customer call takes. (Seed value for talk time, which is adjusted as a moving average as the system is used.)



Maximum length for test phone numbers. Test phone numbers do not receive any prefixes added by the Dialer.



The name of the Unified CM TFTP server. This server is usually located on the Publisher Unified CM.


7 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the CTI begin call event before canceling call.


7200 seconds, which is 2 hours

The amount of time, in seconds, before a customer call is declared stuck and dropped.


7200 seconds, which is 2 hours

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before releasing a stuck port.


1 second

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before abandoning a customer call due to lack of agents. If abandon to IVR is enabled for campaigns, this value should be set to 0 to reduce transfer delays.


10 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before dropping a reservation call.


30 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before retrying a close customer record request to the Campaign Manager.

When the Outbound Option Dialer finishes with a customer record, it sends a close customer record request message to the Campaign Manager. If this message is not sent, the Outbound Option Dialer retries the call based on the configured timeout.


8 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, each customer ring takes. For example, if this entry is set to 8 and the no-answer configuration in the campaign is set to 3 rings, then the Dialer classifies the call as no-answer within 3*8 (24) seconds.


7 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait before dropping a call being transferred.


3 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the CTI Server to respond to a request before dropping the call.


10 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the Unified CM dial tone.


600 seconds (10 minutes)

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the MR PIM to respond to a new task request before canceling the request.


5 seconds

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for customer records from the Campaign Manager before declaring the skill group disabled.

Once a skill group has been disabled, the Dialer begins polling the Campaign Manager every <CustRecReadyRequestToServer> second for additional records.