Service Account Manager

Service Account Management

The Service Account Manager allows you to use existing AD accounts as Unified ICM/CCE service accounts.

Other Considerations


You must have the correct privileges to associate the accounts in the local machine. Typically, a Domain User with local administrator privilaege performs this task.

Domain Restriction

The following conditions are mandatory when adding or editing a service account using the Service Account Manager Tool or Websetup:

  • The service account must be in the same domain as the Unified ICM server.

  • The UPN (User Principal Name) must be set for the account in the Active Directory.

  • ensure that the account user login name set for UPN is same as the NETBIOS pre-windows 2000 login name (SAM Account Name).

Special Case: If the distributor service Account and logger service account are different then add the distributor service account in the logger.

Local Group Update Failures

If Service Account Manager fails to add the user in the local administrators group and local UCCE service account group then add the user to above mentioned groups manually.


The application maintains its own log file, when you invoke it as a standalone application. If you invoke it through the Web Setup tool, logs write to the Websetup log files only.

Service Account Manager – Main Dialog Box

You can use the Service Account Manager as a standalone application for Cisco Unified ICM/CCE Installer.

The Main Service Account Manager dialog box is the application's primary interface. It consists of the Services Requiring User Logon Accounts section (which contains the Service Name, Service Logon Account Name, Logon Account Health, Password Expiration, State, and Startup fields), the Facility/Instance drop-down; and the Select All, Edit Service Account, Fix Group Membership, Refresh,Close, and Help buttons.

The following table provides a description for each field and button in this dialog box.

Field/Button/ Drop-down


Service Name

A list of all relevant services. If there are no relevant services on the server, such as a Administration & Data Server, or Logger; the field displays the message "This instance does not have any service that requires a service account."

Service Logon Account Name

Displays the service account name for the list of relevant services.

Logon Account Health

The Service Account Manager has an account health check mechanism. When the application starts, it scans all relevant Unified ICM services and flags them as indicated below.

  • Green

    • Healthy Account: the service account state is active.

  • Yellow

    • Password Warning: the password is due to expire in less than 7 days.

  • Red

    • Invalid Account: service has an invalid account associated with it.

    • Password Expired: service account password has expired.

    • Group Membership Missing: service account is missing from the required local security groups.

    • Account not associated with service: service account created but not replicated, hence not associated yet.

    • Account is locked out in domain: service has a locked out account associated with it.

The following messages could appear in the Health column.

  • Healthy

    • Only applies to the service account, not the service itself.

    • The account is a member of the required UcceService local service and local admin groups.

    • The account has been validated to start a service.

    • If the account password is changed outside of the Service Account Manager application, Healthy would be displayed even though the service might not actually be healthy because this application cannot detect the change.

  • Need to create service account

    • The Service Account Manager must be used to associate a service account for each service.

  • Account not a member of the UcceService local group

    • The Service Account Manager then places the account in the required UcceService local service group and local admin group, and sets the required permissions.

  • Account Disabled

    • In AD, an account can be enabled or disabled. This message indicates that the account is disabled in the domain.

  • Password Expired

  • Account is locked out in domain

    • In AD, an account can be locked out because of domain policies.

  • Central Controller (sideA ) Domain name is unknown (Administration & Data Server only)

    • Administration & Data Servers can be in a different domain than the Central Controller. When Fixed Group is selected, you are queried for the domain name of the Central Controller if it is different than that of the Administration & Data Server.

  • Central Controller (sideA ) Domain is not trusted or trust is not two-way (Administration & Data Server only)

    • There must be a two-way trust between the Central Controller and the Administration & Data Server. SAM detects the lack of the trust relationship and displays this message. SAM might detect this issue, but is unable to fix it.

  • Account not a member of LoggerA Domain Service Group (Administration & Data Server only)

    • If the Administration & Data Server is on a different domain than the Central Controller, it applies the Administration & Data Server's Domain Service Group to both itself and the Central Controller.

  • Central Controller (sideB ) Domain name is unknown (Administration & Data Server only)

    • Administration & Data Servers can be in a different domain than the Central Controller. When Fixed Group is selected, you are queried for the domain name of the Central Controller if it is different than that of the Administration & Data Server.

  • Central Controller (sideB ) Domain is not trusted or trust is not two-way (Administration & Data Server only)

    • There must be a two-way trust between the Central Controller and the Disributor. SAM detects the lack of the trust relationship and displays this message. SAM might detect this issue, but is unable to fix it.

  • Account not a member of LoggerB Domain Service Group (Administration & Data Server only)

    • If the Administration & Data Server is on a different domain than the Central Controller, it applies the Administration & Data Server's Domain Service Group to both itself and the Central Controller.

  • Account not associated with service

    • When SAM associates an account with a service it might run into replication issues. Use Edit and select Associate the account with a service rather than selecting editing from the beginning.

  • Service not validated for starting

    • When SAM validates a service it might run into replication issues. Use Validate to successfully start the service.

  • Password About To Expire

    • Check the Password Expiration option to determine the validity period of the password. The Service Account Manager can then be used to reset the password for this pre-existing account.

A service has an Invalid Account health state immediately after creation because no domain account is assigned to it yet. This is expected behavior.

A service can have a Missing Group Membership problem due to a prior AD related failure. The Service Account Manager is capable of fixing this issue by providing an interface that re-attempts placing the account in the relevant local security groups.


SAM health reporting might be inaccurate for the period of time while AD replication is in progress. The previous health state might be indicated during this time.

Password Expiration


  • Any service with an account password that expires in seven (7) days is yellow flagged by the application.

  • You own the responsibility to refresh the passwords before they expire. If you do not, the system services fail to function.


The current state of the service (Stopped, Start/Stop Pending, or Running).


Displays how the service is started (Manual or Automatic).


Drop-down displaying the "Facility/Instance" name.

In case of multiple instances, the default "Facility/Instance" selected in the drop-down is the last instance edited by Setup.

Select a specific instance. The Service Account Manager lists all relevant services with their account information, account health, password expiration and startup state for the selected instance.

If there are no relevant services on the server (such as a Administration & Data Server, or Logger) the Service Account Manager displays the message: This instance does not have any service that requires a service account.

Select All

Click to select all listed services.

Edit Service Account

To fix any account issues, edit one, a few, or all accounts at the same time by selecting them and clicking this button.

When the dialog box appears, the Service Account Manager prompts you to try to use the account recently created, as it keeps track of it. The application never stores the password.

Fix Group Membership

Available ONLY if an account with the Group Membership Missing health state is selected.


Refreshes all information in the Service Account Manager Main dialog box.


Closes the Service Account Manager dialog box.


Select to access the online help for the Service Account Manager.

Service Account Manager – Edit Service Account dialog box

The Edit Service Account dialog allows you to use an existing account . From the Edit Service Account dialog, you can also modify the existing user account or password. The status bar at the bottom of the dialog box displays status messages as needed.

The following table provides a description for each field, button, and check box for this dialog box:

Field/Button/check box



Displays the name of the service to be edited.

Service account(s)

Displays the account name for the selected service.

Account Domain

Displays the server domain. (Read Only)


Enter the password associated with the account name.


Click to apply any changes on this dialog box.


Click to close this dialog box.

Whenever this dialog box is closed, the Service Account Manager determines if a valid domain account is associated with the services or not. If the account is associated, the services must start automatically.



If the services do not start automatically, you must start it manually using the CCE Service Control Tool.

If the Service Account Manager finds that you did not successfully associate a valid domain account with a service, it warns you that the service fails to function until you use the Service Account Manager to associate a valid domain account with the service.


Select to access the online help for the Service Account Manager.

Command Line Interface for Service Account Manager

Silent Setup for Default Service Accounts

Web Setup uses the command line interface to silently associate service accounts.

Setup passes the following three arguments to the Service Account Manager:

/Instance <InstanceName>

  • The InstanceName argument specifies the Unified ICM instance name for which the service is being setup.

/Service <ServiceType>

  • The Service argument specifies the type of the service whose account name and password are being created.

    For example: /Service Distributor

    Service types to use are:

    • Distributor

    • LoggerA – Use when on Side A of the logger or for All-In-1 ICM/CCE

    • LoggerB – Use when on Side B of the logger only

/Log <Path\LogFileName>

  • The Log argument specifies the log file name and the path where the log is appended. Typically, Web Setup and Cisco Unified ICM/CCE Installer passes their own log file name to append the logs. The Service Account Manager also maintains its own log file in the temp folder.


  • If any one of the arguments is missing or incorrect, the Service Account Manager returns an error to Setup.

  • If Setup needs to create accounts for more than one service, it invokes the Service Account Manager multiple times using the command line interface.

/domainUser <Service Account>

  • The domainUser argument provides the Service Account that needs to be associated with the service.

/domainPassword <Password>

  • The domainPassword argument provides the Service Account password for the Service Account that needs to be associated with the service.

Service Account Manager

Update Existing Account for Single Service


Step 1

Select a single service from Main Service Account Manager dialog box.

Step 2

Click Edit Service Account.

The Edit Service Account dialog box opens.

Step 3

Enter a password.

Step 4

Click Apply.

The Service Account Manager places the account in required UcceService local group and local admin group, and sets the required permissions.

Update existing account for more than one Service


Step 1

Select multiple services or click Select All on the Main Service Account Manager dialog box.

Step 2

Click Edit Service Account.

The Edit Service Account dialog box opens.

Step 3

Enter an account name.

Step 4

Enter a password.

Step 5

Click Apply.

The Service Account Manager then places the account in the required UcceService local group and local admin group, and sets the required permissions.

Fix Account Displaying Adverse Health State

Fix Group Membership is only enabled when an account that is in an adverse health state, is selected. The health state is displayed by a message such as "Group Membership Missing" or "Account not a member of UcceService local group"


Step 1

Select the unhealthy accounts displaying a state such as the "Group Membership Missing" or "Account not a member of UcceService local group" state.

Step 2

Click Fix Group Membership.

Step 3

Click Apply.

The Service Account Manager then places the account in the required UcceService local service group and local admin group, and sets the required permissions.


If the Service Account Manager fails to place the accounts in the groups, it provides an appropriate error.