Single Sign-On Status API
Use the Single Sign-On (SSO) Registration API to get the current status of registering components with the Cisco Identity Service (IdS) and setting SSO state on the SSO-compatible components. These components include AW, Finesse, and Unified Intelligence Center machines.
get component status: Returns the status of registering a specific component with the Cisco IdS and setting SSO state, using the URL https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/sso/status/<id>. The <id> is the machine_id of the component.
list: Retrieves a list with the overall and individual component statuses of registering SSO-compatible components with the Cisco Identity Service and setting SSO state, using the URL https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/sso/status.
globalSsoState: The current SSO state as set in the AW database. The values are NON_SSO (SSO is disabled for all users), SSO (SSO is enabled for all users), and HYBRID (mix of enabled and disabled).
- registrationState: The overall status of registering components with the Cisco IdS. Values are the following:
SUCCEEDED: All of the components were successfully registered.
FAILED: Registration failed on one or more components. Error detail is set on each failed component.
PROCESSING: Registration started and is not complete.
NOT_STARTED: Registration has not started.
- modeState: The overall status of registering components with the Cisco IdS. Values are the following:
SUCCEEDED: The SSO state was successfully set on all of the components.
FAILED: The SSO state failed to be set on one or more components. Error detail is set on each failed component.
PROCESSING: The SSO state change has started and is not complete.
NOT_STARTED: The SSO state change has not started.
idSConfigurationState: Whether the Cisco IdS has been configured and is in service.
STATE_NOT_CONFIGURED : The Cisco IdS is not been configured.
STATE_IN_SERVICE : The Cisco IdS is configured and is in service.
STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE : The Cisco IdS is configured and is out of service.
STATE_PARTIAL_SERVICE: The Cisco IdS is configured and is partially in service.
STATE_UNREACHABLE: The Cisco IdS cannot be reached.
hasIdsCredentials: Whether the Machine Inventory has the necessary IdS credentials to register components (see Machine Inventory API. Values are true or false. The default is false.
idsBaseUrl: The base URL for accessing the Identity Service.
ssoComponentStatuses: A collection of registration and SSO state status information for all of the individual components. Returned on a list operation.
ssoComponentStatus: Registration and SSO state status information for an individual component. Includes the following parameters:
registrationState: The status of registering the component with the IdS. See the values for this parameter above.
modeState: The status of setting the SSO state for the component. See the values for this parameter above.
refURL: The refURL for the component machine. See Shared Parameters.
name: The name of the component machine.
Example Get Response
Example URL: https://<server>/unifiedconfig/config/sso/status/21
Example List Response