Configured Devices That Contain Unified Intelligence Center Reporting Process

Open the Device Management drawer to view and maintain the devices in the cluster and to view log and trace settings for those devices.

Devices are the physical machines servers on which the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Administration Console and the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center reporting applications are installed.

Device Configuration

This page lists all the currently configured devices (nodes) in the cluster that contain the Unified Intelligence Center reporting process.

A cluster can contain a maximum of eight such devices:

  • One Controller (which runs both Administration and Unified Intelligence Center reporting)

  • Seven Members (which run Unified Intelligence Center)


The license type determines the number of devices (nodes) that you can install and configure. For more information, see License Types.


You cannot add a member node until you have uploaded the license.

To navigate to this page, choose Device Management > Device Configuration.

This list always contains at least one row for the Controller, added during the installation. You cannot delete the Controller from this page. To delete the Controller, you must uninstall it.


Before you can install a new Member node, you must define the Member in this interface.

The rows on the Device Summary page contain four columns. There is a check box to the left of each row for selecting that device for deletion. Click the check box in the heading row to select all devices.

Table 1. Columns on This Page




The name of the device.

The name of the device is a link. Click a name to edit the configuration for that device.

The software assigns default alias names - for the Controller, CUIC1; for the members, Member1, Member2, and so forth.

You can edit the default aliases to names that are more meaningful for you.

Host Address

The IP address for the device.


The description of the device.


The type of the device: Controller or Member.

  • There is only one Controller. It runs both the Administration console and Unified Intelligence Center Reporting.

  • There can be a maximum of seven Members. Members run the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting.

Table 2. Actions from This Page


Do This

Add Member

Click Add Member to open a blank Device Configuration Detail page for a new member. This button is disabled if you have not applied a license or when you have the maximum number of members allowed by your license.

Delete a device

Check the box at the left of the device row and click Delete.

You cannot delete the Controller.

The interface allows you to delete Members, but you must reinstall a Member device to add it back to the cluster.

Edit an existing device

Each device name is a link. Click the name link to open its Device Configuration Detail page.

Define Member Node in Administration Console

If you intend to add a Member node, you must define the Member in the Administration console before you run the installation for the member.


Step 1

To access the Administration console, direct a browser to the URL https://<HOST ADDRESS>/oamp where HOST ADDRESS is the IP Address or Hostname of your server.

Step 2

Sign in using the system application user ID and password that you defined during installation.

Step 3

From the panel in the left, select the Device Management drawer. Then select Device Configuration.

Figure 1. Device Configuration

The Device Configuration page shows the Controller that you have installed. Note that the hostname defaults to the alias CUIC1. (You can change it.)

Step 4

On the Device Configuration page, click Add Member.

Step 5

On the Device Configuration fields for the new member, enter a name by which you can identify the member, the hostname or IP address, and a description for the device.

Step 6

Click Save.

The Member appears on the Device Configuration list.

Figure 2. Member Configured

Now that the Member is defined in Device Configuration, you can begin to configure and install as documented in the Installation Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

Create or Edit Device Information

Use this page to define information about a new device or to edit information about an existing device.

To navigate to this page, click Device Management > Device Configuration. Then click Add Controller or Add Member to add and configure a new device or click an existing device name to edit the detail configuration for that device.

Text at the top of the page shows the type of server you are adding or editing.

Table 3. Rows on this Page




Displays the type of the server you are adding or editing.


The name of the device.

Host Address*

The IP address or hostname of the device.

You cannot edit the IP address of the Controller on this page.

You can edit the IP address of a Member on this page, but changing it here does not effect a change in the cluster. The cluster continues to recognize the original IP address for replication, and the replication will fail. For more information on the procedure to change the IP address of Unified Intelligence Center nodes in a cluster, see Changing the IP Address and hostname in Unified Intelligence Center.


The description of the device.

Actions on this page are Save (changes)Cancel (changes), and Refresh (page).

View List of Host Addresses for Configured Devices

Use the Log and Trace Settings page to see the list of Host Addresses for all configured devices and to configure log and trace settings for those devices.

Access the page from Device Management > Logging and Tracing.

Click the arrow icon at the left of each host address to expand the row and display the list of server processes running on that device. The server processes are identified by name, and each name is a link.
Figure 3. Log and Trace Settings

The host address for the Controller expands to show displays two processes - OAMPserver and the name for the Unified Intelligence Center Reporting server processes running on the controller.

Click the link to open the Edit Syslog Server Connection Settings page for that server process.

Logging and Tracing

Logging and Tracing are two mechanisms for application monitoring and management and are differentiated as follows:

  • Logs contain predefined, higher-level messages that can indicate everything from general system behavior to severe error conditions.

  • Traces are free-form, developer-oriented, detailed information that is not printed to the logs by default, but only when increased logging is enabled to debug problems.

You configure log levels to be Basic or Detailed. Basic is the default. When you change the log levels to Detailed, you have the opportunity to select specific trace level definitions.

There are two ways to review log and tracing information:

  • The Command Line Interface. Using the show trace command.

  • The Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).

Edit Syslog Server Connection Settings

This page opens when you click the link for the OAMPServer or Unified Intelligence Center server process on the Log and Trace Settings page (see View List of Host Addresses for Configured Devices).

Use the Edit Serviceability Settings page to provide syslog server connection settings and to change the type of logging the servers provide.

Figure 4. Edit Serviceability Settings


Modify the settings on this page only under the direction of, and with the assistance of, your support provider.

Log Settings

Use the following required fields to define the maximum size of the log directory and of each log file.



Maximum Log Directory Size

Enter a numeric value between 50 and 50,000. The default is 1,500.

When the directory size exceeds 50,000, the oldest log files are deleted.

Maximum Log File Size

Enter a numeric value between 1 and 50. The default is 50.

When a log size exceeds 50, a new log file is created.

Syslog Settings

Use the following fields to identify the server where the log files are stored.


You must restart the Unified Intelligence Center server for the change to take effect.



Primary Host

The host address of the primary syslog server that stores the log files.


The port is fixed at 514.

Backup Host

The host address of the backup syslog server that stores the log files.


The port is fixed at 514.

Subsystem Settings

Navigate in this expandable list of subsystems to set the log levels for each subsystem. For more information, see Log Levels and Trace Level Definitions: Basic and Detailed.
Figure 5. SubSystem Settings

Actions on this page

  • Save - Save the changes you have made.

  • Cancel - Undo all changes you have made since the last save.

  • Refresh - Undo all changes and revert fields back to the default values.

  • Reset - Restores the original settings and does not keep your changes.

Also see Log Levels and Trace Level Definitions: Basic and Detailed.

Log Levels and Trace Level Definitions: Basic and Detailed

There are two log levels for all subsystems:


This is the default log level. With this setting, messages and warnings are displayed (INFO, ERROR, and WARN).

When the log level is Basic, the trace definitions are not editable.


If you check the detailed log level, the trace check boxes for Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions and Infrastructure Trace Definitions become editable. You can check the boxes to turn on specific trace code paths to output to the log file.

Figure 6. Select Detailed to Edit Trace Definitions

There are two ways to review log and trace information:

  • The Command Line Interface (show trace).

  • The Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).

Infrastructure Trace Definitions

Infrastructure Trace definitions are the same for Unified Intelligence Center and for Operation Administration Maintenance and Provisioning (OAMP) Infrastructure and OAMP_BO. There are no Infrastructure Trace Definitions for OAMP WSM_BO.




Description of the exception and how it was handled


JMX and management interface related traces


For any parameters (not just method arguments)


For traces related to a call / call processing


General traces for configuration API


Set this bit to enable OoOQueue tracing


When entering and exiting a method


Bits and Bytes

Subsystem Trace Definitions - OAMPServer


Operation Administration Maintenance and Provisioning (OAMP) Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions




To control logging for looping/bulk operations


For tracing the general OAMP UI


For tracing Exceptions


For tracing Parameters


Trace DB Access for db fetch and modify such as Save, Update, Delete


For tracing of Entry/Exit of Methods


Infrastructure Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions




Description of the exception and how it was handled


JMX and management interface related traces


For any parameters (not just method arguments)


For traces related to a call / call processing


General traces for configuration API


Set this bit to enable OoOQueue tracing


When entering and exiting a method


Bits and Bytes


OAMP-BO Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions




To control logging for looping/bulk operations


For tracing Exceptions


General Traces for OAMP back-end


For tracing Parameters


Trace DB Access for db fetch and modify such as Save, Update, Delete


For tracing of Entry/Exit of Methods


WSM-BO Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions




For tracing Exceptions


General Traces for OAMP back-end


For tracing Parameters


Trace DB Access for db fetch and modify such as Save, Update, Delete


For tracing of Entry/Exit of Methods

Subsystem Trace Definitions - CUICServer


CUIC Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions

CUIC Subsystem, Cache, Thread, Schedule, Util, Statistics, JMX, I18N, L10N, Message, Help




Trace for CuicSubsystem setup


Trace for CuicSubsystem object dump


Infrastructure Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions




Description of the exception and how it was handled


JMX and management interface related traces


For any parameters (not just method arguments)


For traces related to a call / call processing


General traces for configuration API


Set this bit to enable OoOQueue tracing


When entering and exiting a method


Bits and Bytes

CUIC Model Objects

CUIC Model Objects Specific Trace Definitions for Reports, Report Definitions, Templates, Dashboards, Categories, Value Lists, and Collections.




Trace dashboard objects


Trace data source objects


Trace report definition objects


Trace collection objects


Trace report objects


Trace value list objects

CUIC Data Processing

CUIC Data Processing Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions for Data Source, Data Processing, and Hibernate.




Trace for DCP other than worker threads


Trace for DCP worker threads

CUIC Security

CUIC Data Processing Subsystem Specific Trace Definitions for Encryption, Permission, User, Group, and ICM User Synchronization.




Trace for security operation details


Trace for security object details

IP Address and Hostname of Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Nodes


Perform the IP address change only during a maintenance window.

This section provides the steps to change the IP address or hostname on a Cisco Unified Intelligence Center server. You may want to change this IP address for a variety of reasons, which include moving the server from one segment to another or resolving a duplicate IP address problem.

IP Address Change Checklist

Perform the following tasks to ensure that your system is prepared for a successful IP address change.

If you have a DNS configured anywhere on the Unified Intelligence Center servers, ensure the following before changing the IP address:

  • There is a forward and reverse lookup zone configured.

  • The DNS is reachable and working.


If you do not receive the results that you expect when you perform these tasks, do not continue with this procedure until after you resolve any problems that you find.

Prepare for IP Address Change

You must perform the following tasks before changing the IP address.


Step 1

List all servers in the cluster and note whether the nodes are defined by using IP addresses or host names.

  1. From the Administration console on the first node, navigate to Device Management > Device Configuration. System displays a list of all servers in the cluster.

  2. Capture this list of servers for later reference.

Step 2

Ensure that you have saved an inventory of both the host name and IP address of each node in your cluster.

Step 3

Ensure that all servers in the cluster are up and available by checking for any active ServerDown alerts. You can check by using either the Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) or the Command Line Interface (CLI) on the first node.

  • To check by using RTMT, access Alert Central and check for ServerDown alerts.

  • To check by using the CLI on the first node, enter the following command and inspect the application event log:

    file search activelog syslog/CiscoSyslog ServerDown

Step 4

Check the DB replication status on all the Unified Intelligence Center nodes in the cluster to ensure that all servers are replicating database changes successfully. You can check by using either RTMT or a CLI command.

  • To check by using RTMT, access the Database Summary and inspect the replication status.

  • To check by using the CLI, enter the command that is shown in the following example:

admin: show perf query class "Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication"
==>query class :
- Perf class (Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication)
has instances and values:
ReplicateCount -> Number of Replicates Created = ###
ReplicateCount -> Replicate_State = 2

Be aware that the Replicate_State object shows a value of 2 in this case. The following list shows the possible values for Replicate_State:

  • 0-Replication Not Started. Either no subscribers exist, or the Database Layer Monitor service is not running and has not been running since the subscriber was installed.

  • 1-Replicates have been created, but their count is incorrect.

  • 2-Replication is good.

  • 3-Replication is bad in the cluster.

  • 4-Replication setup did not succeed.

Step 5

To check network connectivity and DNS server configuration, enter the CLI command that is shown in the following example:

admin: utils diagnose module validate_network
Log file: /var/log/active/platform/log/diag1log
Starting diagnostic test(s}
test - validate network : Passed
Diagnostics completed

Step 6

Run a manual DRS backup and ensure that all nodes and active services are backed up successfully. For more information, see Disaster Recovery System.

Change Cluster IP Addresses for Subscriber Servers Defined by IP Addresses

Use this procedure to change the IP address of a subscriber server if your cluster servers are defined by an IP address. To successfully change the IP address, you must complete all steps in this procedure.


To define subscriber servers on the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center publisher server or to determine how a subscriber server is defined, navigate to Device Management > Device Configuration.


Step 1

From the OAMP, choose Device Management > Device Configuration. The system opens Find and List Servers window.

Step 2

Select the subscriber server from the Find and List Servers window.

Step 3

Change the IP address of the subscriber server to reflect the new IP address.

Step 4

Ensure that the IP address change is replicated to the subscriber server database by entering the CLI command run sql select * from mmca_device on all nodes in the cluster. The following example shows the command output:

name               nodeid
================== ======
EnterpriseWideData   1           4            2

Step 5

If you are moving the subscriber server to a different subnet that requires a new default gateway address, change the default gateway by using the set network gateway CLI command, as shown in the following example:

admin: set network gateway
*** W A R N I N G ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity
Do you want to continue ?
Enter "yes" to continue or any other key to abort

Step 6

Change the IP address of the subscriber server by performing the following tasks:


When you are logging in to the subscriber server to perform this step, ensure that you use the original IP address of the subscriber server and not the IP address that you changed in the publisher node.
  1. Enter the complete CLI command set network ip eth0 ip_address netmask gateway where ip_address specifies the new server IP address, netmask specifies the new server network mask and gateway specifies the new server network gateway.

    The following output displays:

    ***   W A R N I N G   ***
    If there are Member(Subscriber) IP addresses (not hostnames)
    configured in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Administration
    under Device Management -> Device Configuration
    then you must change the IP address there BEFORE
    changing it here .
    This will cause the system to restart
     Note: To recognize the new IP address all nodes within
           the cluster will have to be manually rebooted.
  2. Enter Yes and press Enter.


    You can also change the IP address of the default gateway and the subscriber server by using the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System. From Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration, choose Settings > IP > Ethernet.

Step 7

Ensure that your updated subscriber server restarts after this step. If it does not, manually reboot the server for the changes to take effect.


These files get updated only during system startup; the system needs to restart core network services, a Cisco DB and Cisco Tomcat, after the files are updated. Restarting the servers ensures the proper update and service-restart sequence for the IP address changes to take effect.

Step 8

When changing the IP address of more than one subscriber server, do the following:

  1. Change the IP address for one server.

  2. Reboot the cluster.

  3. Check the replication status.

    If the changed IP address reflects properly, follow the same procedure on the next subscriber server. Otherwise do not change the IP address of the other servers.

    Caution: Avoid doing the changes in parallel in several servers at the same time, as it can lead to .rhosts, sqlhosts files being out of sync in the cluster.

Change Cluster IP Address for Publisher Server Defined by IP Address

Use this procedure to change the IP address of a publisher server if your cluster servers are defined by an IP address.


You cannot use this procedure to change a subscriber's host publisher server from one publisher server to another publisher server.


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration window of each subscriber server in the cluster, perform the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to Settings > IP > Publisher.

  2. Change the IP address of the publisher server.

Step 2

If you are moving the server to a different subnet that requires a new default gateway address, change the default gateway by using the set network gateway CLI command, as shown in the following example:

admin: set network gateway
*** W A R N I N G ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity
Do you want to continue ?
Enter "yes" to continue or any other key to abort

Step 3

To change the IP address of the publisher server, perform one of the following tasks:

To change the IP address from Cisco Unified Operating System Administration:

  1. Choose Settings > IP > Ethernet.

  2. Enter the new IP addresses.

  3. Click Save. The server reboots automatically.

To change the IP address by using a CLI command

  1. Enter the complete CLI command set network ip eth0 ip_address netmask gateway where ip_address specifies the new server IP address, netmask specifies the new server network mask and gateway specifies the new server gateway.

    The following output displays:

    WARNING: Changing this setting will invalidate software license
                    on this server. The license will have to be re-hosted.
    Continue (y/n)? Enter y
    ***   W A R N I N G   ***
    If there are Member(Subscriber) IP addresses (not hostnames)
    configured in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Administration
    under Device Management -> Device Configuration
    then you must change the IP address there BEFORE
    changing it here.
    This will cause the system to restart.
     Note: To recognize the new IP address all nodes within
           the cluster will have to be manually rebooted.
    Continue (y/n)?
    Enter y to continue and restart at both places.
  2. Enter yes and press Enter.

Step 4

Ensure that the IP address change is replicated to the subscriber server database by entering the CLI command run sql select * from mmca_device on all nodes in the cluster. The following example shows the command output:

name               nodeid
================== ======
EnterpriseWideData   1           4            2

Step 5

After the publisher server reboots automatically, reboot all subscriber servers to update the local name resolution files, such as hosts, rhosts, sqlhosts, and services.


These files get updated only during system startup, and the system needs to restart core network services, such as Cisco DB and Cisco Tomcat, after the files are updated. Restarting the servers ensures the proper update and service-restart sequence for the IP address changes to take effect.

Step 6

Only for Virtual Machine based deployments, obtain and apply a new license for the publisher node. For more details, see Disaster Recovery System.

Step 7

Run a manual DRS backup and ensure that all nodes and active services get backed up successfully. For more information, see Disaster Recovery System.

Change Cluster IP Addresses for Subscriber Servers Defined by Host Name

Use this procedure to change the IP address of a subscriber server if your cluster servers are defined by a host name.


Be aware that a DRS backup that you take from a server with a particular host name cannot be restored on a server (either a publisher or subscriber node) with a different host name, even after you reinstall that node.


Step 1

Change the DNS record of the subscriber server to point to the new IP address. Ensure that you correctly update both the forward (A) and reverse (PTR) records. You must refresh your DNS cache to ensure that the records get correctly updated.



DNS servers comprise part of the network infrastructure. Unified Intelligence Center servers do not and cannot run DNS services.

Step 2

Verify that the DNS change propagates to other nodes by using the utils network host and show tech network hosts CLI commands on all the cluster nodes:

admin:utils network host lg-sub-4
Hostname lg-sub-4 resolves to
admin:show tech network hosts
-------------------- show platform network --------------------
/etc/hosts File:
#This file was generated by the /etc/hosts cluster manager.
#It is automatically updated as nodes are added, changed, removed from the cluster. localhost lg-pub-1 lg-tftp-1 lg-tftp-2 lg-sub-1 lg-sub-3 lg-sub-2 lg-sub-4 lg-sub-5 lg-sub-7 lg-tftp-3 lg-cups1 lg-sub-6

Step 3

If you are moving the server to a different subnet that requires a new default gateway address, change the default gateway by using the set network gateway CLI command, as shown in the following example:

admin:set network gateway
                *** W A R N I N G ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity
Do you want to continue ?
Enter "yes" to continue or any other key to abort

Step 4

Change the IP address of the subscriber server by performing the following tasks:

  1. Enter the complete CLI command set network ip eth0 ip_address netmask gateway where ip_address specifies the new server IP address, netmask specifies the new server network mask and gateway specifies the new server network gateway.

    The following output displays:

    *** W A R N I N G ***
    If there are IP addresses (not hostnames)
    configured in CallManager Administration
    under System -> Servers
    then you must change the IP address there BEFORE
    changing it here or call processing will fail.
    This will cause the system to restart
    Note: To recognize the new IP address all nodes within
    the cluster will have to be manually rebooted.
    Do you want to continue?
    Enter "yes" to continue and restart or any other key to abort
  2. Enter yes and press Enter.



    You can also change the IP address of the default gateway and the server by using the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System. From Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration, choose Settings > IP > Ethernet.

Step 5

Reboot all other servers in the cluster, including the publisher server, to update the local name resolution files, such as hosts, rhosts, sqlhosts, and services.



These files only get updated during system startup; you need to restart core network services, such as Cisco DB and Cisco Tomcat, after the files are updated. Restarting the servers ensures that the proper update and service-restart sequence for the IP address changes take effect.

Step 6

Do the following if you want to change the IP address of more than one subscriber server:

  1. Change the IP address for one server.

  2. Reboot the cluster.

  3. Check the replication status. If the changed IP address reflects properly, follow the same procedure on the next subscriber server. Otherwise do not change the IP address of the other servers.



    Avoid making the changes in parallel in several servers at the same time, because doing so can lead to .rhosts, sqlhosts files being out of sync in the cluster.

Step 7

Verify that the DNS change propagates to other nodes by using the utils network host and show tech network hosts CLI commands on all the cluster nodes:

admin:utils network host lg-sub-4
Hostname lg-sub-4 resolves to
admin:show tech network hosts
-------------------- show platform network --------------------
/etc/hosts File:
#This file was generated by the /etc/hosts cluster manager.  
#It is automatically updated as nodes are added, changed, removed from the cluster. localhost lg-pub-1 lg-tftp-1 lg-tftp-2 lg-sub-1 lg-sub-3 lg-sub-2 lg-sub-4 lg-sub-5 lg-sub-7 lg-tftp-3 lg-cups1 lg-sub-6

Step 8

Run a manual DRS backup and ensure that all nodes and active services get backed up successfully. For more information, see Disaster Recovery System.

Change Cluster IP Address for Publisher Server Defined by Host Name

Use this procedure to change the IP address of a publisher server if your servers are defined by a host name.


Be aware that a DRS backup that you take from a server with a particular host name cannot be restored on a server (either a publisher or subscriber node) with a different host name, even after you reinstall that node.


Step 1

Change the DNS record of the publisher server to point to the new IP address. Ensure that you correctly update both the forward (A) and reverse (PTR) records.


DNS servers comprise part of the network infrastructure. Unified Intelligence Center servers do not and cannot run DNS services.

Step 2

Verify that the DNS change propagates to other nodes by using the utils network host and show tech network hosts CLI commands on all the cluster nodes:

admin:utils network host lg-sub-4
Hostname lg-sub-4 resolves to
admin:show tech network hosts
-------------------- show platform network --------------------
/etc/hosts File:
#This file was generated by the /etc/hosts cluster manager.
#It is automatically updated as nodes are added, changed, removed from the cluster. localhost lg-pub-1 lg-tftp-1 lg-tftp-2 lg-sub-1 lg-sub-3 lg-sub-2 lg-sub-4 lg-sub-5 lg-sub-7 lg-tftp-3 lg-cups1 lg-sub-6

Step 3

From the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration window (http://subscriber_ip_address/cmplatform) of each subscriber server in the cluster, perform the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to Settings > IP > Publisher.

  2. Change the IP address of the publisher server.

Step 4

If you are moving the server to a different subnet that requires a new default gateway address, change the default gateway by using the set network gateway CLI command, as shown in the following example:

admin:set network gateway
*** W A R N I N G ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity
Do you want to continue ?
Enter "yes" to continue or any other key to stop

Step 5

Change the IP address of the publisher server by using the CLI by performing the following tasks:

  1. Enter the complete CLI command set network ip eth0 ip_address netmask gateway where ip_address specifies the new server IP address, netmask specifies the new server network mask and gateway specifies the new server network gateway.

    The following output displays:

    *** W A R N I N G ***
    If there are IP addresses (not hostnames)
    configured in CallManager Administration
    under System -> Servers
    then you must change the IP address there BEFORE
    changing it here or call processing will fail.
    This will cause the system to restart
    Note: To recognize the new IP address all nodes within
    the cluster will have to be manually rebooted.
    Do you want to continue?
    Enter "yes" to continue and restart or any other key to stop
  2. Enter Yes and press Enter.


    You can also change the IP address of the default gateway and the server by using the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System. From Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration, choose Settings > IP > Ethernet.

Step 6

After the publisher server reboots automatically as a result of the set network ip command, reboot all subscriber servers to update the local name resolution files, such as hosts, rhosts, sqlhosts, and services.


These files only get updated during system startup, and you need to restart core network services, such as Cisco DB and Cisco Tomcat, after the files are updated. Restarting the servers ensures that the proper update and service-restart sequence for the IP address changes take effect.

Step 7

Ensure that local resolution of the subscriber node also resolves to the new IP address by running the utils network host and show tech network hosts CLI commands:

admin:utils network host lg-sub-4
Hostname lg-sub-4 resolves to
admin:show tech network hosts
-------------------- show platform network --------------------
/etc/hosts File:
#This file was generated by the /etc/hosts cluster manager.
#It is automatically updated as nodes are added, changed, removed from the cluster. localhost lg-pub-1 lg-tftp-1 lg-tftp-2 lg-sub-1 lg-sub-3 lg-sub-2 lg-sub-4 lg-sub-5 lg-sub-7 lg-tftp-3 lg-cups1 lg-sub-6

Step 8

Run a manual DRS backup and ensure that all nodes and active services get backed up successfully. For more information, see Disaster Recovery System.

Change Hostname for Unified Intelligence Center Publisher (Controller) Node

This section describes how to change the hostname for the Unified Intelligence Center Publisher (Controller) Node that is defined by an IP address.


Step 1

Change the DNS record of the subscriber server to point to the new IP address. If the IP address is being changed at the same time, ensure that the DNS servers also reflect the IP address. Ensure that forward (A) and reverse (PTR) records update correctly.

Note: DNS servers comprise part of the network infrastructure. Unified Intelligence Center servers don’t and can’t run DNS servers.

Step 2

If the server for which you’re changing the hostname is a publisher server, log on to each subscriber server in the cluster and change the hostname mapping of the cluster Publisher server. You can perform this task from Cisco Unified Operating System Administration or by using a CLI command.

To change the mapping from Unified Intelligence Center Operating System Administration, log in to each subscriber server in the cluster and perform the following tasks:


Changing the value of hostname affects the licensing MAC of the server. After a successful hostname change, the license must be rehosted.

Step 3

Change the hostname of the server from Cisco Unified Operating System Administration:

  1. Navigate to Settings > IP > Ethernet.

  2. Change the hostname to the new hostname.

  3. Click Save. The server automatically reboots with the new changes.

Step 4

If the IP address changes along with the hostname and the server moves to a new subnet, change the server Default Gateway to the new address by using the set network gateway ip address CLI command.

If the default gateway changes, before the next step, ensure that the server moves to the new subnet and has access to the default gateway. During Unified Intelligence Center server startup, the Verify Network script checks server access to the default gateway. If the server can’t communicate with the default gateway at startup time, the Verify Network script fails and start up may be delayed. If you’re using Manual DHCP configuration and the DHCP server isn’t reachable or doesn’t give out an IP address to the server, the system won’t boot; instead, the system continues to wait at the Verify Network startup phase.

Step 5

Reboot all other servers in the cluster twice, including the publisher.

Step 6

Verify that the name-IP association change that was made in Step 4 propagates to the other nodes by using the utils network host and show tech network hosts CLI commands on all cluster nodes.

admin:utils network host lg-sub-4
Hostname lg-sub-4 resolves to
admin:show tech network hosts
-------------------- show platform network -------------------- /etc/hosts File: 
#This file was generated by the /etc/hosts cluster manager.
#It is automatically updated as nodes are added, changed, removed from the cluster. localhost lg-pub-1 lg-tftp-1 lg-tftp-2 lg-sub-1 lg-sub-3 lg-sub-2 lg-sub-4 lg-sub-5 lg-sub-7 lg-tftp-3 lg-cups1 lg-sub-6 

You can also use the utils diagnose module validate_network command on all cluster nodes. This diagnostics module checks that you configured DNS client services correctly, that the server can connect to the DNS server, and that Forward (A) and Reverse (PTR) records are present and match the server IP address and hostname.


Don’t proceed until the change propagates to all nodes.

Step 7

From the publisher server, run the CLI utils dbreplication stop all to stop the automatic setup of database replication and to stop ongoing setup of replication.

Step 8

For all the nodes in the cluster, run utils dbreplication dropadmindb.

Step 9

From the publisher server, run utils dbreplication reset all to set up replication across the whole cluster again.

Change Hostname for Unified Intelligence Center Subscriber (Member) Node

This section describes how to change the hostname for Unified Intelligence Center Subscriber (Member) Nodes that are defined by an IP address in Unified Intelligence Center.


Step 1

Change the DNS record of the subscriber server to point to the new IP address. If the IP address is being changed at the same time, ensure that the DNS servers also reflect the IP address. Ensure that forward (A) and reverse (PTR) records update correctly.


DNS servers comprise part of the network infrastructure. Unified Intelligence Center servers do not and cannot run DNS services.

Step 2

From the Unified Intelligence Center Administration console page, perform the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to Device Management > Device Configuration.

  2. Change the Host Address of the subscriber node to the new hostname.

  3. Click the Save button.

Step 3

To change the hostname of Unified Intelligence Center subscriber (Member) node, log in to Cisco Unified Operating System Administration page on each subscriber node in the cluster and perform the following tasks:

  1. Navigate to Settings > IP > Ethernet.

  2. Change the hostname to the new hostname.

  3. Click Save. The server automatically reboots with the new changes.

Step 4

To change the hostname using a CLI command:

  1. Enter the CLI command set network hostname hostname.

  2. Enter Yes and press Enter. This command automatically reboots this server with the new hostname.

Step 5

Reboot all other servers in the cluster twice, including the publisher.

Step 6

Verify that the name-IP association change that was made in Step 3 propagates to the other nodes by using the utils network host and show tech network hosts CLI commands on all cluster nodes.

admin:utils network host lg-sub-4
Hostname lg-sub-4 resolves to
cups114.86.13.13 lg-sub-6 


You can also use the utils diagnose module validate_network command on all cluster nodes. This diagnostics module checks that you configured DNS client services correctly, that the server can connect to the DNS server, and that Forward (A) and Reverse (PTR) records are present and match the server IP address and hostname.


Do not proceed until the change propagates to all nodes.

Step 7

From the publisher server, run the CLI utils dbreplication stop all to stop the automatic setup of database replication and to stop ongoing setup of replication.

Step 8

From the publisher server, run utils dbreplication reset all to set up replication across the whole cluster again.

Verify IP Address Change

After you finish changing the IP addresses of your cluster, complete the following tasks.


Step 1

Ensure that all servers in the cluster are up and available by checking for any active ServerDown alerts. You can check by using either the Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) or the Command Line Interface (CLI) on the first node.

  1. To check by using RTMT, access Alert Central and check for ServerDown alerts.

  2. To check by using the CLI on the first node, enter the following command and inspect the application event log: file search activelog syslog/CiscoSyslog ServerDown

Step 2

Check the DB replication status on all Unified Intelligence Center nodes in the cluster to ensure that all servers are replicating database changes successfully. You can check by using either RTMT or a CLI command.

To check by using RTMT, access the Database Summary and inspect the replication status.

To check by using the CLI, enter the command that the following example shows:

admin: show perf query class "Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication"
==>query class :
- Perf class (Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication) 
has instances and values:
ReplicateCount -> Number of Replicates Created = 344
ReplicateCount -> Replicate_State = 2

Be aware that the Replicate_State object shows a value of 2 in this case. The following list shows the possible values for Replicate_State:

  • 0 - Replication Not Started. Either no subscribers exist, or the Database Layer Monitor service has not been running since the subscriber was installed.

  • 1- Replicates have been created, but their count is incorrect.

  • 2 - Replication is good.

  • 3 - Replication is bad in the cluster.

  • 4 - Replication setup did not succeed.

Step 3

Run a manual DRS backup and ensure that all nodes and active services backed-up successfully.

Step 4

Update RTMT custom alerts and saved profiles:

  • RTMT custom alerts that are derived from performance counters include the hard-coded server IP address. You must delete and reconfigure these custom alerts.

  • RTMT saved profiles that have performance counters include the hard-coded server IP address. You must delete and re-add these counters and then save the profile to update it to the new IP address.

Configure IPv6

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center supports IPv6 using dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6). You can enable IPv6 after installation using the either Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration or CLI.

With IPv6 enabled, the Unified Intelligence Center Administration Console and REST APIs can connect to the Unified Intelligence Center server using IPv4 or IPv6.

Set up IPv6 using CLI

To set up IPv6 using the CLI, perform the following procedure on the primary and secondary servers of Unified Intelligence Center.


Step 1

Access the CLI on the Unified Intelligence Center server.

Step 2

To enable or disable IPv6, enter: set network ipv6 service {enable | disable}.

Step 3

Set the IPv6 address and prefix length : set network ipv6 static_address addr mask. Example: set network ipv6 static_address 2001:db8:2::a 64

Step 4

Set the default gateway : set network ipv6 gateway addr

Step 5

Restart the system for the changes to take effect : utils system restart

Step 6

To display the IPv6 settings, enter : show network ipv6 settings

The IPv6 configured is global.

Set up IPv6 using Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration

To set up IPv6 using Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, perform the following procedure on both the primary and secondary Unified Intelligence Center servers.


Step 1

Sign in to Cisco Unified Operating System Administration on the Unified Intelligence Center server (http://host or IP address/cmplatform, where host or IP address is the hostname or IP address of the Unified Intelligence Center server).

Step 2

Navigate to Settings > IP > Ethernet IPv6.

Step 3

To enable IPv6, check the Enable IPv6 check box (or uncheck the box to disable IPv6).

Step 4

Enter values for IPv6 Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.

Step 5

To restart after you save the changes, check the Update with Reboot check box. Click Save