Member Configuration

Installation and Configuration for Member Node


All configured nodes in a cluster must be up and running before you install a new Member node.


To add a member node in a Live Data only deployment, see Live Data Standalone Installation, in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Installation and Upgrade Guide


To add a member node in a IdS only deployment, see Install Cisco Identity Service Standalone Deployment, in the Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Features Guide

Complete Configuration for Member Node


Step 1

Install the member node following the steps in Preparation for Unified Intelligence Center Installation on a Virtual Machine, under sections:

  • Deploy Unified Intelligence Center Open Virtualization Format/Open Virtual Appliance (OVF/OVA)Template

  • Specify Location of Unified Intelligence Center Installable, on page 9

  • Install Cisco Unified Intelligence Center on Virtual Machine, on page 10

Step 2

At the First Node Configuration Screen, select No.

The First Node Configuration Warning screen opens. This screen advises you that you must configure the server on the first node before you can proceed. You completed this configuration in Chapter 4.

Step 3

Select OK at the screen.

Step 4

In the Network Connectivity Test Configuration screen, you can verify the connection of this node to the first node (the Controller).


The Network Connectivity Test Configuration screen refers to the first node as the publisher, in reference to its role in database replication. The first node publishes or replicates, the databases to the Member nodes, which are referred to as subscribers of the database replication. Select No to open the First Node Access Configuration screen.

Step 5

In the First Node Access Configuration screen, enter connection values for the first node (the Controller):

  1. Host Name of the Controller

  2. IP Address of the Controller

  3. Security Password (enter and confirm)

  4. Select OK to open the SMTP Host Configuration screen.

Step 6

In the SMTP Host Configuration screen, select whether you want to configure an SMTP host to receive platform-level emails; for example, emails about certificate expiration. This field is optional. You configure email for report scheduling in the Administration console.



You want to configure an SMTP Host.

Select Yes to open the second SMTP screen.

Proceed to Step 7.

You do not want to configure an SMTP Host.

Select No to open the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen.

Proceed to Step 8.

Step 7

In the second SMTP Host Configuration screen:

  1. Enter the hostname or IP address for the SMTP server.

  2. Select OK to open the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen.

Step 8

In the Platform Configuration Confirmation screen:



You want to proceed.

Select OK.

The installation begins.

You want to revisit screens to modify the configuration.

Select Back.