
Before You Upgrade


Unsupported Widgets

The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.6 interface for Dashboards doesn’t support the following widgets:

  • Schedule Report widgets

  • URL widgets containing Dashboard permalinks (Nested Dashboards)

Migration Limitations

To address injection vulnerabilities, the Custom Widget feature in Dashboards is disabled by default. If any custom widgets were added to the Dashboards in versions earlier to Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.6, those widgets are visible in the read-only mode post upgrade to the 12.6 version. You can opt to retain or delete them.

To enable the Custom Widget feature, use the CLI andset cuic properties dashboard-customwidget-enabled set the parameter value to "on".

For more information, see the Administration Console User Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/customer-collaboration/unified-intelligence-center/products-maintenance-guides-list.html.


  • To perform an upgrade of Cisco Unified Intelligence Center to 12.6(1), you must first perform an upgrade to 12.0(1) from the previous versions (11.0(x)) and then upgrade to 12.6(1).

  • Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.5(1) users can directly upgrade to 12.6(1).

Upgrade Prerequisites

Before starting the software upgrade,

  • Perform the Unified CCE User Integration to import supervisors and their teams from Unified CCE into the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

  • Back up your system data using the Disaster Recovery system application. To access the DRS application, direct your browser to https://IP address of Intelligence Center:8443/drf. For more information, see the online help provided with the DRS application.

  • Ensure that the certificates aren’t expired. If the certificates are expired, regenerate the certificates.

Upgrade and restart the Controller node first. Then upgrade and restart the members. All nodes must be on the same version of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

Post-Upgrade Tasks
  • After upgrading Cisco Unified Intelligence Center to release 12.6, ensure to perform the following:

    1. Disable the Unified CCE User Integration. (Uncheck the Enable UCCE User Integration check box in OAMP > Cluster Configuration > UCCE User Integration.)

    2. Install the latest Cisco Options Package (COP) file for the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.6 release.

    3. Enable the Unified CCE User Integration manually to import the Supervisors with the required roles. This setting is required to view gadgets in the Cisco Finesse Desktop for Supervisors. For more information on User Integration, see the Unified CCE User Integration Configuration section in the Administration Console User Guide for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center at


    4. Configure CORS and reset the cluster configuration. For more information on enabling the CORS CLI and to reset the cluster configuration, see Post-Install Configuration.

    5. When you upgrade Cisco Unified Intelligence Center from release 12.5(1) to release 12.6(1), permissions of all the STOCK value lists for the ALLUSERS group is set to NONE. Therefore, you must reset the permissions manually in 12.6(1) if you want users to use the entire value list.

Your configuration information moves automatically to the upgraded version in the active partition.


After the successful upgrade, the CAs that are unapproved by Cisco are removed from the platform trust store. You can add them back, if necessary.


If you upgrade Cisco Unified Intelligence Center to version 12.6(1) and your Live Data (standalone) server remains on an earlier version (11.6(1), 12.0(1), or 12.5(1)), ensure that you update the Live Data server with the latest ES for that release. This is required for the Live Data gadgets to work in the Finesse desktop.

Download Unified Intelligence Center Upgrade File


Step 1

Point your browser to the Download Software page for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center: https://software.cisco.com/download/type.html?mdfid=282163829&i=rm, and click the Unified Intelligence Center Software link.

Step 2

Navigate to the folder and subfolder for the release you want.

Step 3

Select the Unified Intelligence Center installer .iso file and click Download.

Step 4

Click Log in.

Refresh Upgrade

You can perform an upgrade from 12.0(1) to 12.6(1) on the publisher and subscriber nodes of Unified Intelligence Center. Before you begin upgrade, perform a backup. For more information, see Before You Upgrade.

Upgrade VMware vSphere ESXi for Upgrade

If you use VMware vCenter Server in your deployment, upgrade VMware vCenter Server before upgrading VMware vSphere ESXi.

Upgrade VMWare vSphere ESXi on Side A and Side B servers to the latest version supported with this release of Packaged CCE. Packaged CCE uses standard upgrade procedures, which you can find using VMware documentation (https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/).

Upgrade Unified Intelligence Center

Follow the steps to install the ISO file using the Unified Intelligence Center CLI.

You can also install the ISO using the upgrade procedure in the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration web interface. For more information, see Access Unified OS Administration.

Before you begin

Before you begin the upgrade from 12.0(1) or 12.5(1) to 12.6(1), you must install the COP ucos.keymanagement.cop.sgn on the base version.

Download the ISO file from https://software.cisco.com/download/home/282163829/type/282377062/release to the SFTP server that can be accessed from the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center system.


Step 1

Log in to Unified Intelligence Center CLI and specify the System Administration username and password.

Step 2

Enter the command utils system upgrade initiate to initiate the ISO installation.

Step 3

Select Remote File System from the source list page.

Step 4

Enter the remote path to the directory on the SFTP server where you have downloaded the ISO file.



If the ISO file is located on a Linux or UNIX server, you must enter a forward slash (/) at the beginning of the directory path. For example, if the COP file is in the patches directory, enter /patches. If the ISO file is located on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct directory path.

Step 5

Enter the SFTP server name or IP address and then enter the credentials.

It’s optional for you to enter the SMTP Host Server name.

Step 6

Select the transfer protocol as SFTP. The system displays the list of ISO files available in the SFTP location.

Step 7

Select the number corresponding to the ISO file that you want to install, and press Enter.

Step 8

Enter the relevant option when you’re prompted Switch to new version if the upgrade is successful (yes/no).

  • Enter yes to automatically switch the version .

  • Enter no if you need to manually switch the version after all the nodes are upgraded (refer step 10 for more details).



After successfully switching the version, verify if the node is upgraded. You can upgrade from Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.0(1) to 12.6(1).

  • If you upgrade from 12.0(1) to 12.6(1), the inactive version is 12.0(1) and the active version is 12.6(1).

Step 9

Enter yes when you’re prompted Start Refresh Upgrade (yes/no).

Step 10

In cluster setup, first complete the upgrade on the publisher node and perform the upgrade on the subscriber node. After successful upgrades, switch the version using the command utils system switch-version first on the publisher node and later on the subscriber nodes.



After successfully switching the version of the publisher node and subscriber node, verify if the nodes are upgraded. You can upgrade from Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.0(1) to 12.6 (1).

  • If you upgrade from 12.0(1) to 12.6(1), the inactive version is 12.0(1), and the active version is 12.6(1).

L2 Upgrade for Unified Intelligence Center

Follow the steps to install the ISO file using the Unified Intelligence Center CLI.

You can also install the ISO using the upgrade procedure in the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration web interface. For more information, see Access Unified OS Administration.

Before you begin
Before you begin the upgrade from 12.5(1) to 12.6(2), you must install the COP ucos.keymanagement.v01.cop.sgn on the base version.

Before you begin the upgrade from 12.6(1) to 12.6(2), you must install the COP ucos.keymanagement.v02.cop.sgn on the base version.


For 12.5(1) SU to 12.6(2) upgrade no COP is required to be applied.

Download the ISO file from https://software.cisco.com/download/home/282163829/type/282377062/release to the SFTP server that can be accessed from the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center system.


Step 1

Log in to Unified Intelligence Center CLI and specify the System Administration username and password.

Step 2

Enter the command utils system upgrade initiate to initiate the ISO installation.

Step 3

Select Remote File System from source list page.

Step 4

Enter the remote path to the directory on the SFTP server where you have downloaded the ISO file.



If the ISO file is located on a Linux or UNIX server, you must enter a forward slash (/) at the beginning of the directory path. For example, if the COP file is in the patches directory, enter /patches. If the ISO file is located on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct directory path.

Step 5

Enter the SFTP server name or IP address and then enter the credentials.

It is optional for you to enter the SMTP Host Server name.

Step 6

Enter the relevant option when you are prompted Continue with upgrade after download (yes/no).

  • Enter yes to continue with upgrade after the download is complete.

  • Enter no if you want to cancel the upgrade.

Step 7

Enter the relevant option when you are prompted Switch-version server after upgrade [valid only for ISO] (yes/no).

  • Enter yes to automatically switch the version after upgrade.

  • Enter no if you need to manually switch the version after all the nodes are upgraded (refer step 11 for more details).



After successfully switching the version, verify if the node is upgraded. You can upgrade from Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.5(1) to 12.6(1).

  • If you upgrade from 12.5(1) to 12.6(1), the inactive version is 12.5(1), and the active version is 12.6(1).

Step 8

If the transfer protocol is selected as SFTP, the system displays the list of ISO files available in the SFTP location.

Step 9

Select the number corresponding to the ISO file that you want to install, and press Enter.

When the download is complete, the nodes are automatically upgraded.

Step 10

In cluster setup, first complete the upgrade on the publisher node and perform the upgrade on the subscriber node. If you chose to manually switch version, after successful upgrades, switch the version using the command utils system switch-version first on the publisher node and later on the subscriber nodes.



After successfully switching the version of the publisher node and subscriber node, verify if the nodes are upgraded. You can upgrade from Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 12.5(1) to 12.6 (1).

  • If you upgrade from 12.5(1) to 12.6(1), the inactive version is 12.5(1), and the active version is 12.6(1).

Upgrade VMware Tools

Use this procedure to upgrade VMware tools from the VMware vSphere Client followed by the CLI command.

To upgrade VMware tools for Cisco Unified Intelligence Center:


Step 1

Power on the virtual machine.

Step 2

Right-click the VM and select Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools.

Step 3

Select the Interactive Tools Upgrade option and click OK.

Step 4

Open the administrator console and log in to command prompt.

Step 5

Run the command utils vmtools refresh and confirm.

The server automatically reboots twice. This process takes a few minutes.

Step 6

After reboot, from the vSphere client, select the VM and click the Summary tab.

Step 7

Check for the VMware Tools status is “Running (Current)”.

Access Unified OS Administration

To perform an upgrade from the Cisco Unified OS Administration application, follow the steps.


Step 1

Enter https://x.x.x.x/cmplatform, where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the node.

Step 2

Sign in using the username and password of the system administrator account.

Step 3

Select Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade to display the Software Installation/Upgrade page.

Figure 1. Software Upgrade Page

Step 4

Select source: DVD/CD or Remote Filesystem.

Upgrade From DVD/CD

Follow these steps if a DVD/CD is the source for your install or upgrade.


Step 1

Prepare a writeable DVD and insert it into the disc drive on the server that is to be upgraded.

Step 2

Select DVD/CD from the Source list on the Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade page.

Step 3

In the Directory field, enter the path to the upgrade file.

If the file is in the root directory, enter a slash (/) in the Directory field.

Step 4

To continue the upgrade process, click Next.

Step 5

Choose the upgrade version that you want to install and click Next.

Step 6

In the next window, monitor the progress of the download.

Step 7

When the download completes, Click Next.

Step 8

If you want to install the upgrade and automatically reboot to the upgraded partition, choose Reboot to upgraded partition. The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Step 9

If you want to install the upgrade and then manually reboot to the upgraded partition at a later time, do the following:

  1. Choose Do not reboot after upgrade.

  2. Click Next. The Upgrade Status window displays the Upgrade log.

  3. When the installation completes, click Finish.

  4. To restart the system and activate the upgrade, choose Settings > Version, and then click Switch Version.

The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Step 10

Run the utility to update the VMware settings. See Upgrade VMWare Settings Utility.

Step 11

Clear the browser cache and cookies manually before you start working on the new version of Unified Intelligence Center. For more information about clearing the cache and cookies, see your browser-specific documentation.

Upgrade From Remote Filesystem

Follow these steps if Remote Filesystem is the source for your install or upgrade.


Step 1

Choose Remote Filesystem from the Source list on the Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade page.

Step 2

Enter the path to the directory that contains the patch file on the remote system in the Directory field.

If the upgrade file is on a Linux or Unix server, you must enter a forward slash at the beginning of the directory path. For example, if the upgrade file is in the patches directory, enter /patches. If the upgrade file is on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct directory path.

Step 3

In the Server field, enter the server name or IP address.

Step 4

In the User Name field, enter your username on the remote server.

Step 5

In the User Password field, enter your password on the remote server.

Step 6

Select the transfer protocol from the Transfer Protocol field.

Step 7

To continue the upgrade process, click Next.

Step 8

In the next window, monitor the progress of the download.

Step 9

When the download completes, click Next.

Step 10

If you want to install the upgrade and automatically reboot to the upgraded partition, choose Reboot to upgraded partition. The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Step 11

If you want to install the upgrade and then manually reboot to the upgraded partition at a later time, do the following:

  1. Choose Do not reboot after upgrade.

  2. Click Next. The Upgrade Status window displays the Upgrade log.

  3. When the installation completes, click Finish.

  4. To restart the system and activate the upgrade, choose Settings > Version, and then click Switch Version.

The system restarts running the upgraded software.


It takes about half an hour to complete the Switch Version and the restart.

Step 12

Run the utility to update the VMware settings. See Upgrade VMWare Settings Utility.

Step 13

Clear the browser cache before you start working on the new version of Unified Intelligence Center. For more information about clearing the cache and cookies, see your browser-specific documentation.

Revert to Previous Version

After upgrading, you can revert to the software version that was running before the upgrade, by restarting your system and switching to the software version on the inactive partition


All nodes must be running the same version of Unified Intelligence Center. Reverting is an all-or-none operation when you operate a cluster of Unified Intelligence Center nodes.

Procedure to Revert to Previous Version

Revert to previous version can be performed in two ways. You can use the CLI command utils system switch-version on each node or you can also use the user interface in the Unified OS Administration.


  • If you have upgraded from 12.0(1) to 12.6(1), you cannot revert to versions earlier than 12.0(1).

  • If you have upgraded from 12.5(1) to 12.6(1), you cannot revert to versions earlier than 12.5(1).

Follow these steps to revert using Unified OS Administration:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Open Unified OS Administration page entering the following URL: https://server-name/cmplatform, where server-name is the hostname or IP address of the node.

Step 2

Sign in using the system administrator credentials.

Step 3

Choose Settings > Version. This opens the Version Settings screen, which shows the software version on both the active and inactive partitions. To switch versions and restart, click Switch Versions. When the system restarts, it boots to the now-active (formerly inactive) partition with your migrated data in place.



It takes about half an hour to complete the Switch Version and the restart.