Configure Voicemail

Configure Voicemail Workflow


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Configure Cisco Unity Connection for Use with Cisco Jabber

Configure Cisco Unity Connection so that Cisco Jabber can access voicemail services.

Step 2

Configure Retrieval and Redirection

Configure retrieval so that users can access voice mail messages. Configure redirection so that users can send incoming calls to voicemail.

Step 3

Add a Voicemail Service

Add a Voicemail UC service. Jabber uses this information to connect to the voicemail server.

Step 4

Apply a Voicemail Service

Apply the Voicemail UC service to the service profile.

Step 5

Set a Voicemail Credentials Source

Set the credentials for connecting to the Voicemail server.

Configure Cisco Unity Connection for Use with Cisco Jabber

You must complete some specific steps to configure Cisco Unity Connection so that Cisco Jabber can access voicemail services. You should refer to the Cisco Unity Connection documentation for instructions on general tasks such as creating users, passwords, and provisioning users with voicemail access.


Cisco Jabber connects to the voicemail service through a REST interface and supports Cisco Unity Connection release 8.5 or later.


Step 1

Ensure the Connection Jetty and Connection REST Service services are started.

  1. Open the Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability interface.

  2. Select Tools > Service Management.

  3. Locate the following services in the Optional Services section:

    • Connection Jetty

    • Connection REST Service

  4. Start the services if required.

Step 2

Open the Cisco Unity Connection Administration interface.

Step 3

Edit user password settings.

  1. Select Users.

  2. Select the appropriate user.

  3. Select Edit > Password Settings.

  4. Select Web Application from the Choose Password menu.

  5. Uncheck User Must Change at Next Sign-In.

  6. Select Save.

Step 4

Provide users with access to the web inbox.

  1. Select Class of Service.

    The Search Class of Service window opens.

  2. Select the appropriate class of service or add a new class of service.

  3. Select Allow Users to Use the Web Inbox and RSS Feeds.

  4. In the Features section, select Allow Users to Use Unified Client to Access Voice Mail.

  5. Select all other options as appropriate.

  6. Select Save.

Step 5

Select API configuration settings.

  1. Select System Settings > Advanced > API Settings.

    The API Configuration window opens.

  2. Select the following options:

    • Allow Access to Secure Message Recordings through CUMI

    • Display Message Header Information of Secure Messages through CUMI

    • Allow Message Attachments through CUMI

  3. Select Save.

What to do next

If you have Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 9.x and later, Add a Voicemail Service.

Configure Retrieval and Redirection

Configure retrieval so that users can access voicemail messages in the client interface. Configure redirection so that users can send incoming calls to voicemail. You configure retrieval and redirection on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


Step 1

Open the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.

Step 2

Configure the voicemail pilot.

  1. Select Advanced Features > Voice Mail > Voice Mail Pilot.

    The Find and List Voice Mail Pilots window opens.

  2. Select Add New.

    The Voice Mail Pilot Configuration window opens.

  3. Specify the appropriate details on the Voice Mail Pilot Configuration window.

  4. Select Save.

Step 3

Add the voicemail pilot to the voicemail profile.

  1. Select Advanced Features > Voice Mail > Voice Mail Profile.

    The Find and List Voice Mail Profiles window opens.

  2. Specify the appropriate filters in the Find Voice Mail Profile where Voice Mail Profile Name field and then select Find to retrieve a list of profiles.

  3. Select the appropriate profile from the list.

    The Voice Mail Pilot Configuration window opens.

  4. Select the voicemail pilot from the Voice Mail Pilot drop-down list.

  5. Select Save.

Step 4

Specify the voicemail profile in the directory number configuration.

  1. Select Device > Phone.

    The Find and List Phones window opens.

  2. Specify the appropriate filters in the Find Phone where field and then select Find to retrieve a list of devices.

  3. Select the appropriate device from the list.

    The Phone Configuration window opens.

  4. Locate the Association Information section.

  5. Select the appropriate device number.

    The Directory Number Configuration window opens.

  6. Locate the Directory Number Settings section.

  7. Select the voicemail profile from the Voice Mail Profile drop-down list.

  8. Select Save.

Add a Voicemail Service

Add a voicemail service, to allow users to receive voice messages.


Step 1

Open the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.

Step 2

Select User Management > User Settings > UC Service.

The Find and List UC Services window opens.
Step 3

In the Find and List UC Services window, select Add New.

UC Service Configuration window opens.
Step 4

In the Add a UC Service section, select Voicemail from the UC Service Type drop-down list and select Next

Step 5

Specify details for the voicemail service as follows:

  • Product Type — Select Unity Connection.

  • Name — Enter a descriptive name for the server, for example, PrimaryVoicemailServer.

  • Hostname/IP Address — Enter the IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the voicemail server.

  • Port—You do not need to specify a port number. By default, the client always uses port 443 to connect to the voicemail server. For this reason, any value you specify does not take effect.

  • Protocol Type—You do not need to specify a value. By default, the client always uses HTTPS to connect to the voicemail server. For this reason, any value you specify does not take effect.

Step 6

Select Save.

Apply a Voicemail Service

After you add a voicemail service on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, apply it to a service profile so that the client can retrieve the settings.


Cisco Jabber does not read Voicemail UC Service Profile when it is deployed only in the Phone mode.

For Cisco Jabber to retrieve the voicemail server information, update the jabber-config.xml file with the voicemail parameters.





After updating, upload the jabber-config.xml file to all the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP servers and restart the TFTP service on TFTP server nodes. Then reset the Jabber client.


Step 1

Open the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.

Step 2

Select User Management > User Settings > Service Profile.

The Find and List Service Profiles window opens.

Step 3

Find and select your service profile.

The Service Profile Configuration window opens.

Step 4

Configure the Voicemail Profile section as follows:

  1. Select up to three services from the following drop-down lists:

    • Primary

    • Secondary

    • Tertiary

  2. For Credentials source for voicemail service, select one of the following:

    • Unified CM - IM and Presence — Uses the instant messaging and presence credentials to sign in to the voicemail service. As a result, users do not need to enter their credentials for voicemail services in the client.

    • Web conferencing — This option is not supported, it uses the conferencing credentials to sign in to the voicemail service. You cannot currently synchronize with conferencing credentials.

    • Not set — This option is selected for Phone mode deployments.

Step 5

Click Save.

Set a Voicemail Credentials Source

You can specify a voicemail credentials source for users.


In hybrid cloud-based deployments, you can set a voicemail credentials source as part of your configuration file with the VoiceMailService_UseCredentialsForm parameter.

Before you begin

Configure Retrieval and Redirection


Step 1

Open the Cisco Unified CM Administration interface.

Step 2

Select User Management > User Settings > Service Profile.

Step 3

Select the appropriate service profile to open the Service Profile Configuration window.

Step 4

In the Voicemail Profile section, select Unified CM - IM and Presence from the Credentials source for voicemail service drop-down list.


Do not select Web Conferencing from the Credentials source for voicemail service drop-down list. You cannot currently use conferencing credentials as a credentials source for voicemail services.

The user's instant messaging and presence credentials match the user's voicemail credentials. As a result, users do not need to specify their voicemail credentials in the client user interface.

What to do next


There is no mechanism to synchronize credentials between servers. If you specify a credentials source, you must ensure that those credentials match the user's voicemail credentials.

For example, you specify that a user's instant messaging and presence credentials match the user's Cisco Unity Connection credentials. The user's instant messaging and presence credentials then change. You must update the user's Cisco Unity Connection credentials to reflect that change.

Cloud-Based deployments can use the configuration file parameter VoicemailService_UseCredentialsFrom. Set this parameter to the value phone to use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager credentials to sign in to Cisco Unity Connection.