

Applies to Cisco Jabber for desktop clients.

Specifies that if you configure a domain with this key, you'll be able to see presence information for people only within the specified domain. If not configured, you'll be able to see presence information for all the contacts (domains).

This key supports multiple whitelisted domains which are separated by comma. For example <DomainsForOutlookPresence>,</DomainsForOutlookPresence>.

It supports simple wildcard match. For example, * or *

Example: <DomainsForOutlookPresence></DomainsForOutlookPresence>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Enables users' presence to change to "In a Webex meeting" even if they do not join the Cisco Webex session link but the meeting is in their Microsoft Outlook calendar.

  • true - Users' presence changes to "In a Webex meeting" even if they do not join the Cisco Webex session link.

  • false (default) - Users must join the Cisco Webex session link for their presence to change to "In a Webex meeting". Otherwise, their presence remains "Available", even if the meeting is in their Microsoft Outlook calendar.

Example: <CalendarWebExMeetingPresence>true</CalendarWebExMeetingPresence>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Mac

Prerequisite: Microsoft Outlook 15.34.0

Specifies if presence in Cisco Jabber is integrated with Microsoft Outlook.
  • True (default)—Users' presence in Cisco Jabber is integrated with Microsoft Outlook.

  • False—Users' presence in Cisco Jabber is not integrated with Microsoft Outlook.


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Specifies if Jabber is allowed to start multiple Webex Meetings.

  • true (default)—Enable multiple meetings

  • false—Diable multiple meetings

Example: <meetingservice_supportmultimeeting>true</meetingservice_supportmultimeeting>


Applies to all the Cisco Jabber clients.

This parameter controls whether users can sign in to multiple Cisco Jabber client instances.
  • multiResource (default)—Users can sign in to multiple instances of the client at the same time.

  • wbxconnect—Users can sign in to one instance of the client at a time. This option applies to cloud and hybrid deployments only.

    The client appends the wbxconnect suffix to the user's JID. Users cannot sign in to any other Cisco Jabber client that uses the wbxconnect suffix.

  • mutualExclusion—Users can sign in to one instance of the client at a time. This option applies to all deployment types (on-premises, cloud, and hybrid). New sign ins automatically sign out users from older instances of the client.

Example: <LoginResource>mutualExclusion</LoginResource>


Applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows and Mac

Specifies how Jabber resolves the presence of a contact in Outlook.

  • Auto (default)—When you configure the proxyaddress attribute with SIP:user@cupdomain, then Jabber uses user@cupdomain as a Jabber ID. If you configure the proxyaddress attribute without SIP, Jabber uses an email address to resolve the presence of a contact in Outlook.

  • Email—When you configure the proxyaddress attribute with SIP:user@cupdomain, then Jabber uses user@cupdomain as an email address. If you configure the proxyaddress attribute without SIP, Jabber uses an email address to resolve the presence of a contact in Outlook.

Example: <OutlookContactResolveMode>Email</OutlookContactResolveMode>


Applies to all the Cisco Jabber clients.
Specifies the address of a presence server for on-premises deployments. Set one of the following as the value:
  • Hostname (hostname)

  • IP address (

  • FQDN (

Example: <PresenceServerAddress>hostname</PresenceServerAddress>


Applies to all the Cisco Jabber clients.

Specifies the Central Authentication Service (CAS) URL for the Cisco Webex Messenger service.

Example: <PresenceServerURL></PresenceServerURL>