Deploy Cisco Jabber Applications and Jabber Softphone for VDI

Download the Cisco Jabber Clients

If required, you can add your own Customer signature to the Jabber Installer or Cisco Dynamic Libraries by using the signing tools from the Operating System for that client.


For Cisco Jabber for Mac, the installer includes the product installer file. Use the Terminal tool to extract the pkg file from the installer and sign the pkg file before adding to the installer.


Download the client from the applicable source.

  • Visit the Cisco Software Center to download the Cisco Jabber for Mac and Cisco Jabber for Windows clients.
  • For Cisco Jabber for Android, download the app from Google Play.
  • For Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad, download the app from the App store.

Install Cisco Jabber for Windows

Cisco Jabber for Windows provides an MSI installation package that you can use in the following ways:

Install Option


Use the Command Line

You can specify arguments in a command line window to set installation properties.

Choose this option if you plan to install multiple instances.

Run the MSI Manually

Run the MSI manually on the file system of the client workstation and then specify connection properties when you start the client.

Choose this option if you plan to install a single instance for testing or evaluation purposes.

Create a Custom Installer

Open the default installation package, specify the required installation properties, and then save a custom installation package.

Choose this option if you plan to distribute an installation package with the same installation properties.

Deploy with Group Policy

Install the client on multiple computers in the same domain.

Before you begin

You must be logged in with local administrative rights.

Use the Command Line

Specify installation arguments in a command line window.


Step 1

Open a command line window.

Step 2

Enter the following command:

msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi

Step 3

Specify command line arguments as parameter=value pairs.

msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi argument=value

Step 4

Run the command to install Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Example Installation Commands

Review examples of commands to install Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 9.x
msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi /quiet CLEAR=1
  • CLEAR=1 — Deletes any existing bootstrap file.
  • /quiet — Specifies a silent installation.

Command Line Arguments

Review the command line arguments you can specify when you install Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Override Argument

The following table describes the parameter you must specify to override any existing bootstrap files from previous installations:






Specifies if the client overrides any existing bootstrap file from previous installations.

The client saves the arguments and values you set during installation to a bootstrap file. The client then loads settings from the bootstrap file at startup.

If you specify CLEAR, the following occurs during installation:

  1. The client deletes any existing bootstrap file.

  2. The client creates a new bootstrap file.

If you do not specify CLEAR, the client checks for existing bootstrap files during installation.

  • If no bootstrap file exists, the client creates a bootstrap file during installation.

  • If a bootstrap file exists, the client does not override that bootstrap file and preserves the existing settings.


If you are reinstalling Cisco Jabber for Windows, you should consider the following:

  • The client does not preserve settings from existing bootstrap files. If you specify CLEAR, you must also specify all other installation arguments as appropriate.

  • The client does not save your installation arguments to an existing bootstrap file. If you want to change the values for installation arguments, or specify additional installation arguments, you must specify CLEAR to override the existing settings.

To override existing bootstrap files, specify CLEAR in the command line as follows:

msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi CLEAR=1
Mode Type Argument

The following table describes the command line argument with which you specify the product mode:

Argument Value Description



Specifies the product mode for the client. You can set the following value:

  • Phone_Mode — Cisco Unified Communications Manager is the authenticator.

    Choose this value to provision users with audio devices as base functionality.

When to Set the Product Mode

In phone mode deployments Cisco Unified Communications Manager is the authenticator. When the client gets the authenticator, it determines the product mode is phone mode. However, because the client always starts in the default product mode on the initial launch, users must restart the client to enter phone mode after sign in.


Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release 9.x and Later — You should not set PRODUCT_MODE during installation. The client gets the authenticator from the service profile. After the user signs in, the client requires a restart to enter phone mode.

Change Product Modes

To change the product mode, you must change the authenticator for the client. The client can then determine the product mode from the authenticator.

The method for changing from one product mode to another after installation, depends on your deployment.


In all deployments, the user can manually set the authenticator in the Advanced settings window.

In this case, you must instruct the user to change the authenticator in the Advanced settings window to change the product mode. You cannot override the manual settings, even if you uninstall and then reinstall the client.

Change Product Modes with Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 9.x and Later

To change product modes with Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 9.x and later, you change the authenticator in the service profile.


Step 1

Change the authenticator in the service profiles for the appropriate users.

Change Default Mode > Phone Mode

Do not provision users with an IM and Presence service.

If the service profile does not contain an IM and presence service configuration, the authenticator is Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Change Phone Mode > Default Mode

Provision users with an IM and Presence service.

If you set the value of the Product type field in the IM and Presence profile to:

  • Unified CM (IM and Presence) the authenticator is Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service.

  • Webex (IM and Presence) the authenticator is the Webex Messenger service.

Step 2

Instruct users to sign out and then sign in again.

When users sign in to the client, it retrieves the changes in the service profile and signs the user in to the authenticator. The client then determines the product mode and prompts the user to restart the client.

After the user restarts the client, the product mode change is complete.

Authentication Arguments

The following table describe the command line arguments you can set to specify the source of authentication:

Argument Value Description




Specifies the source of authentication for the client. This value is used if Service Discovery fails. Set one of the following as the value:

  • CUP—Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service. On-premises deployments in the default product mode. The default product mode can be either full UC or IM only.

  • CUCM—Cisco Unified Communications Manager. On-premises deployments in phone mode.

  • WebexWebex Messenger Service. Cloud-based or hybrid cloud-based deployments.

In on-premises deployments with Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 9.x and later, you should deploy the _cisco-uds SRV record. The client can then automatically determine the authenticator.


IP address



Specifies the address of Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service. Set one of the following as the value:

  • Hostname (hostname)

  • IP address (

  • FQDN (


IP address



Specifies the address of your TFTP server. Set one of the following as the value:

  • Hostname (hostname)

  • IP address (

  • FQDN (

You should specify this argument if you set Cisco Unified Communications Manager as the authenticator.

If you deploy:

  • In phone mode—you should specify the address of the TFTP server that hosts the client configuration.

  • In default mode—you can specify the address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service that hosts the device configuration.


IP address



Sets the address of your CTI server.

Specify this argument if:

  • You set Cisco Unified Communications Manager as the authenticator.

  • Users have desk phone devices and require a CTI server.


IP address



Sets the address of your CCMCIP server.

Specify this argument if:

  • You set Cisco Unified Communications Manager as the authenticator.

  • The address of your CCMCIP server is not the same as the TFTP server address.

    The client can locate the CCMCIP server with the TFTP server address if both addresses are the same.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager release 9.x and earlier—If you enable Cisco Extension Mobility, the Cisco Extension Mobility service must be activated on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager nodes that are used for CCMCIP. For information about Cisco Extension Mobility, see the Feature and Services guide for your Cisco Unified Communications Manager release.



Sets the value of the domain where the DNS SRV records for Service Discovery reside.

This argument can be set to a domain where no DNS SRV records reside if you want the client to use installer settings or manual configuration for this information. If this argument is not specified and Service Discovery fails, the user will be prompted for services domain information.



In Hybrid Deployments the domain required to discover Webex via CAS lookup may be a different domain than where the DNS records are deployed. If this is the case then set the SERVICES_DOMAIN to be the domain used for Webex discovery (or let the user enter an email address) and set the VOICE_SERVICES_DOMAIN to be the domain where DNS records are deployed. If this setting is specified, the client will use the value of VOICE_SERVICES_DOMAIN to lookup the following DNS records for the purposes of Service Discovery and Edge Detection:

  • _cisco-uds

  • _cuplogin

  • _collab-edge

This setting is optional and if not specified, the DNS records are queried on the Services Domain which is obtained from the SERVICES_DOMAIN, email address input by the user, or cached user configuration.


One or more of:

  • Webex

  • CUCM

Lists the services that you want Jabber to exclude from Service Discovery. For example, you may have done a trial with Webex which means that your company domain is registered on Webex, but you do not want Jabber users to authenticate using Webex. You want Jabber to authenticate with CUCM server. In this case set:


    Possible values are CUCM, Webex

If you exclude all services, you need to use manual configuration or bootstrap configuration to configure the Jabber client.




Allows you to define whether the client uses the User Principal Name (UPN) of a Windows session to get the User ID and domain for a user when discovering services.

  • true (default)—The UPN is used to find the User ID and the domain of the user, which is used during service discovery. Only the user discovered from UPN can log in to the client.

  • false—The UPN is not used to find the User ID and domain of the user. The user is prompted to enter credentials to find the domain for service discovery.

Example installation command: msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi /quiet UPN_DISCOVERY_ENABLED=false

TFTP Server Address

Cisco Jabber for Windows retrieves two different configuration files from the TFTP server:

  • Client configuration files that you create.

  • Device configuration files that reside on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service when you provision users with devices.

To minimize effort, you should host your client configuration files on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service. You then have only one TFTP server address for all configuration files and can specify that address as required.

You can, however, host your client configuration on a different TFTP server to the one that contains the device configuration. In this case, you have two different TFTP server addresses, one address for the TFTP server that hosts device configuration and another address for the TFTP server that hosts client configuration files.

Default Deployments

This section describes how you should handle two different TFTP server addresses in deployments that have a presence server.

You should do the following:

  1. Specify the address of the TFTP server that hosts the client configuration on the presence server.

  2. During installation, specify the address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service with the TFTP argument.

When the client starts for the first time, it:

  1. Retrieves the address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service from the bootstrap file.

  2. Gets device configuration from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service.

  3. Connects to the presence server.

  4. Retrieves the address of the TFTP service that hosts the client configuration from the presence server.

  5. Gets client configuration from the TFTP server.

Phone Mode Deployments

This section describes how you should handle two different TFTP server addresses in phone mode deployments.

You should do the following:

  1. During installation, specify the address of the TFTP server that hosts the client configuration with the TFTP argument.

  2. Specify the address of the TFTP server that hosts the device configuration in your client configuration file with the following parameter: TftpServer1.

  3. Host the client configuration file on the TFTP server.

When the client starts for the first time, it:

  1. Retrieves the address of the TFTP server from the bootstrap file.

  2. Gets client configuration from the TFTP server.

  3. Retrieves the address of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service from the client configuration.

  4. Gets device configuration from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TFTP service.

Common Installation Arguments

The following table describes command line arguments that are common to all deployments:

Argument Value Description


LCID in decimal

Defines the Locale ID (LCID), in decimal, of the language that Cisco Jabber for Windows uses. The value must be an LCID in decimal that corresponds to a supported language.

For example, you can specify one of the following:

  • 1033 specifies English.

  • 1036 specifies French.

See the LCID for Languages topic for a full list of the languages that you can specify.

This argument is optional.

If you do not specify a value, Cisco Jabber for Windows uses the regional language for the current user as the default.

From Release 11.1(1) onwards, if you do not specify a value, Cisco Jabber for Windows checks the value for the UseSystemLanguage parameter. If the UseSystemLanguage parameter is set to true, the same language is used as for the operating system. If the UseSystemLanguage parameter is to set to false or not defined, then the client uses the regional language for the current user as the default.

The regional language is set at Control Panel > Region and Language > Change the date, time, or number format > Formats tab > Format dropdown.



Specifies the URL where users can reset lost or forgotten passwords.

This argument is optional but recommended.



In cloud-based deployments, you can specify a forgot password URL using the Webex Administration Tool. However, the client cannot retrieve that forgot password URL until users sign in.




Applies to Release 11.1(1) onwards.

Specifies whether the Sign me in when Cisco Jabber starts check box is checked when the user installs the client.

  • true—The Sign me in when Cisco Jabber starts check box is checked when the user installs the client.

  • false (default)—The Sign me in when Cisco Jabber starts check box is not checked when the user installs the client.



Specifies the unique name of a group configuration file.

You can specify either an unqualified or fully qualified filename as the value. The filename you specify as the value for this argument takes priority over any other configuration file on your TFTP server.

This argument is optional.



You can specify group configuration files in the Cisco Support Field on the CSF device configuration on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.




Controls user sign in to multiple client instances.

By default, users can sign in to multiple instances of Cisco Jabber at the same time. Set one of the following values to change the default behavior:

  • WBX—Users can sign in to one instance of Cisco Jabber for Windows at a time.

    Cisco Jabber for Windows appends the wbxconnect suffix to the user's JID. Users cannot sign in to any other Cisco Jabber client that uses the wbxconnect suffix.

  • MUT—Users can sign in to one instance of Cisco Jabber for Windows at a time, but can sign in to other Cisco Jabber clients at the same time.

    Each instance of Cisco Jabber for Windows appends the user's JID with a unique suffix.


Absolute path on the local filesystem

Defines the directory where the client writes log files.

Use quotation marks to escape space characters in the path, as in the following example:

"C:\my_directory\Log Directory"

The path you specify must not contain Windows invalid characters.

The default value is %USER_PROFILE%\AppData\Local\Cisco\Unified Communications\Jabber\CSF\Logs




Disables click-to-x functionality with Cisco Jabber.

If you specify this argument during installation, the client does not register as a handler for click-to-x functionality with the operating system. This argument prevents the client from writing to the Microsoft Windows registry during installation.

You must re-install the client and omit this argument to enable click-to-x functionality with the client after installation.



Jabber for Windows and Skype for Business can compete for the Windows API. To potentially mitigate this issue, you can install Jabber with CLICK2X=DISABLE.

Click2Call function in Browser—The Click2X parameter can now be configured by using the newly added Click2Call parameter. This enables only the Click to call feature in the browser and disables the Click2X feature.




  • true (default)—The Report a problem menu item is enabled in the Help menu in the client.

  • false—The Jabber menu item option Report a problem is removed from the Help menu in the client.

If you set the argument to false, users can still manually use the Start Menu > Cisco Jabber directory, or the Program files directory and launch the Problem Report Tool manually. If a user manually creates a PRT, and this parameter value is set to false, then the zip file created from the PRT has no content.




Enables problem report encryption. You must configure this argument with the PRT_CERTIFICATE_NAME argument.

  • true—PRT files sent by Jabber clients are encrypted.

  • false (default)—PRT files sent by Jabber clients are not encrypted.

PRT encryption requires a public/private key pair to encrypt and decrypt the Cisco Jabber problem report.


Certificate name

Specifies the name of a certificate with a public key in the Enterprise Trust or Trusted Root Certificate Authorities certificate store. The certificate public key is used to encrypt Jabber Problem reports. You must configure this argument with the ENABLE_PRT_ENCRYPTION argument.




Specifies the client behavior for invalid certificates.

  • RejectAndNotify—A warning dialog displays and the client doesn't load.

  • PromptPerSession—A warning dialog displays and the user can accept or reject the invalid certificate.

For invalid certificates in FIPS mode, this argument is ignored, the client displays a warning message and doesn't load.




Specifies whether analytics data is gathered. The default value is true.

To improve your experience and product performance, Cisco Jabber may collect and send non-personally identifiable usage and performance data to Cisco. The aggregated data is used by Cisco to understand trends in how Jabber clients are being used and how they are performing.

Full details on what analytics data Cisco Jabber does and does not collect can be found in the Cisco Jabber Supplement to Cisco’s On-Line Privacy Policy at





Specifies whether the Location feature is enabled and whether users are notified when new locations are detected.

  • ENABLED(default)—Location feature is turned on. Users are notified when new locations are detected.

  • DISABLED—Location feature is turned off. Users are not notified when new locations are detected.

  • ENABLEDNOPROMPT—Location feature is turned on. Users are not notified when new locations are detected.




Specifies whether Cisco Jabber is in FIPS mode.

Cisco Jabber can be in FIPS mode on an operating system that is not FIPS enabled. Only connections with non-Windows APIs are in FIPS mode.

If you don't include this setting, Cisco Jabber will determine the FIPS mode from the operating system.




Specifies whether the user is shown the email prompt for determining their home cluster.

In order for the email prompt to work defined by ServicesDomainSsoEmailPrompt the installer requirements are:



  • VOICE_SERVICES_DOMAIN=<domain_name>

  • SERVICES_DOMAIN=<domain_name>

Example: msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi SSO_EMAIL_PROMPT=ON UPN_DISCOVERY_ENABLED=False CLEAR=1




Enables DPI awareness. DPI awareness enables Cisco Jabber to automatically adjust the display of text and images to suit different screen sizes.

  • true (default)—

    • on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, Cisco Jabber adjusts to different DPI settings on each monitor.

    • on Windows 7 and Windows 8, Cisco Jabber displays according to the system DPI settings.

  • false—DPI awareness is not enabled.

DPI awareness is enabled by default. To disable DPI awareness, use the following command: msiexec.exe /i CiscoJabberSetup.msi CLEAR=1 ENABLE_DPI_AWARE=false



If you are installing Cisco Jabber with the command line, remember to include the CLEAR=1 argument. If you are not installing Cisco Jabber from the command line, you must manually delete the file.




Two Stacks

Specifies the network IP protocol for the Jabber client.

  • IPv4-Only—Jabber will only attempt to make IPv4 connections.

  • IPv6-Only—Jabber will only attempt to make IPv6 connections.

  • Two Stacks (Default)—Jabber can connect with either IPv4 or IPv6.



IPv6-only support is available only for desktop devices on-premise deployment. All Jabber mobile devices must be configured as Two Stacks.

For more details about IPv6 deployment, see the IPv6 Deployment Guide for Cisco Collaboration Systems Release.

There are a number of factors used to determine the network IP protocol used by Jabber, for more information see the IPv6 Requirements section in the Planning Guide.




Specifies whether the Cisco Jabber Diagnostics Tool is available to Cisco Jabber for Windows users.

  • true (default)—Users can display the Cisco Jabber Diagnostics Tool by entering Ctrl + Shift + D.

  • false—The Cisco Jabber Diagnostics Tool is not available to users.




Enables voicemail forwarding in the Voice Messages tab.

  • true (default)—Users can forward voicemails to contacts.

  • false—Voicemail forwarding is not enabled.

LCID for Languages

The following table lists the Locale Identifier (LCID) or Language Identifier (LangID) for the languages that the Cisco Jabber clients support.

Supported Languages

Cisco Jabber for Windows

Cisco Jabber for Mac

Cisco Jabber for Android, Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad


Arabic - Saudi Arabia




Bulgarian - Bulgaria




Catalan - Spain




Chinese (Simplified) - China





Chinese (Traditional) - Taiwan





Croatian - Croatia





Czech - Czech Republic




Danish - Denmark





Dutch - Netherlands





English - United States





Finnish - Finland




French - France





German - Germany





Greek - Greece




Hebrew - Israel



Hungarian - Hungary





Italian - Italy





Japanese - Japan





Korean - Korea





Norwegian - Norway




Polish - Poland




Portuguese - Brazil





Portuguese - Portugal




Romanian - Romania





Russian - Russia









Slovak - Slovakian





Slovenian -Slovenia




Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort)





Swedish - Sweden





Thai - Thailand









Run the MSI Manually

You can run the installation program manually to install a single instance of the client and specify connection settings in the Advanced settings window.


Step 1

Launch CiscoJabberSetup.msi.

The installation program opens a window to guide you through the installation process.

Step 2

Follow the steps to complete the installation process.

Step 3

Start Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Step 4

Select Manual setup and sign in.

The Advanced settings window opens.

Step 5

Specify values for the connection settings properties.

Step 6

Select Save.

Create a Custom Installer

You can transform the default installation package to create a custom installer.


You use Microsoft Orca to create custom installers. Microsoft Orca is available as part of the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4.

Download and install Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 from the Microsoft website.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Get the Default Transform File

You must have the default transform file to modify the installation package with Microsoft Orca.

Step 2

Create Custom Transform Files

Transform files contain installation properties that you apply to the installer.

Step 3

Transform the Installer

Apply a transform file to customize the installer.

Get the Default Transform File

You must have the default transform file to modify the installation package with Microsoft Orca.


Step 1

Download the Cisco Jabber administration package from Software Download page.

Step 2

Copy CiscoJabberProperties.msi from the Cisco Jabber administration package to your file system.

What to do next

Create Custom Transform Files

Create Custom Transform Files

To create a custom installer, you use a transform file. Transform files contain installation properties that you apply to the installer.

The default transform file lets you specify values for properties when you transform the installer. You should use the default transform file if you are creating one custom installer.

You can optionally create custom transform files. You specify values for properties in a custom transform file and then apply it to the installer.

Create custom transform files if you require more than one custom installer with different property values. For example, create one transform file that sets the default language to French and another transform file that sets the default language to Spanish. You can then apply each transform file to the installation package separately. The result is that you create two installers, one for each language.

Before you begin

Get the Default Transform File


Step 1

Start Microsoft Orca.

Step 2

Open CiscoJabberSetup.msi and then apply CiscoJabberProperties.msi.

Step 3

Specify values for the appropriate installer properties.

Step 4

Generate and save the transform file.

  1. Select Transform > Generate Transform.

  2. Select a location on your file system to save the transform file.

  3. Specify a name for the transform file and select Save.

The transform file you created is saved as file_name.mst. You can apply this transform file to modify the properties of CiscoJabberSetup.msi.

What to do next

Transform the Installer

Transform the Installer

Apply a transform file to customize the installer.


Applying transform files will alter the digital signature of CiscoJabberSetup.msi. Attempts to modify or rename CiscoJabberSetup.msi will remove the signature entirely.

Before you begin

Create Custom Transform Files


Step 1

Start Microsoft Orca.

Step 2

Open CiscoJabberSetup.msi in Microsoft Orca.

  1. Select File > Open.

  2. Browse to the location of CiscoJabberSetup.msi on your file system.

  3. Select CiscoJabberSetup.msi and then select Open.

The installation package opens in Microsoft Orca. The list of tables for the installer opens in the Tables pane.

Step 3

Remove all language codes except for 1033 (English).



You must remove all language codes from the custom installer except for 1033 (English).

Microsoft Orca does not retain any language files in custom installers except for the default, which is 1033. If you do not remove all language codes from the custom installer, you cannot run the installer on any operating system where the language is other than English.

  1. Select View > Summary Information.

    The Edit Summary Information window displays.

  2. Locate the Languages field.

  3. Delete all language codes except for 1033.

  4. Select OK.

English is set as the language for your custom installer.

Step 4

Apply a transform file.

  1. Select Transform > Apply Transform.

  2. Browse to the location of the transform file on your file system.

  3. Select the transform file and then select Open.

Step 5

Select Property from the list of tables in the Tables pane.

The list of properties for CiscoJabberSetup.msi opens in the right panel of the application window.

Step 6

Specify values for the properties you require.



Values are case sensitive. Ensure the value you enter matches the value in this document.



Set the value of the CLEAR property to 1 to override any existing bootstrap file from previous installations. If you do not override existing bootstrap files, the values you set in the custom installer do not take effect.

Step 7

Remove any properties that you do not require.

It is essential to remove any properties that are not being set, otherwise the properties being set will not take effect. Remove each property that is not needed one at a time.
  1. Right-click the property you want to remove.

  2. Select Drop Row.

  3. Select OK when Microsoft Orca prompts you to continue.

Step 8

Enable your custom installer to save embedded streams.

  1. Select Tools > Options.

  2. Select the Database tab.

  3. Select Copy embedded streams during 'Save As'.

  4. Select Apply and then OK.

Step 9

Save your custom installer.

  1. Select File > Save Transformed As.

  2. Select a location on your file system to save the installer.

  3. Specify a name for the installer and then select Save.

Installer Properties

The following are the properties you can modify in a custom installer:





  • TFTP

  • CTI










These properties correspond to the installation arguments and have the same values.

Deploy with Group Policy

Install Cisco Jabber for Windows with Group Policy using the Microsoft Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) on Microsoft Windows Server.


To install Cisco Jabber for Windows with Group Policy, all computers or users to which you plan to deploy Cisco Jabber for Windows must be in the same domain.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Set a Language Code

You must use this procedure and set the Language field to 1033 only if the MSI is to be modified by Orca in any way.

Step 2

Deploy the Client with Group Policy

Deploy Cisco Jabber for Windows with Group Policy.

Set a Language Code

Altering the installation language is not necessary in Group Policy deployment scenarios where the exact MSI file provided by Cisco will be used. The installation language will be determined from the Windows User Locale (Format) in these situations. You must use this procedure and set the Language field to 1033 only if the MSI is to be modified by Orca in any way.

For a list of the Locale Identifier (LCID) or Language Identifier (LangID) for languages that Jabber clients support, see LCID for Languages.


Step 1

Start Microsoft Orca.

Microsoft Orca is available as part of the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and ,NET Framework 4 that you can download from the Microsoft website.

Step 2

Open CiscoJabberSetup.msi.

  1. Select File > Open.

  2. Browse to the location of CiscoJabberSetup.msi on your file system.

  3. Select CiscoJabberSetup.msi and then select Open.

Step 3

Select View > Summary Information.

Step 4

Locate the Languages field.

Step 5

Set the Languages field to 1033.

Step 6

Select OK.

Step 7

Enable your custom installer to save embedded streams.

  1. Select Tools > Options.

  2. Select the Database tab.

  3. Select Copy embedded streams during 'Save As'.

  4. Select Apply and then OK.

Step 8

Save your custom installer.

  1. Select File > Save Transformed As.

  2. Select a location on your file system to save the installer.

  3. Specify a name for the installer and then select Save.

What to do next

Deploy the Client with Group Policy

Deploy the Client with Group Policy

Complete the steps in this task to deploy Cisco Jabber for Windows with Group Policy.

Before you begin

Set a Language Code


Step 1

Copy the installation package to a software distribution point for deployment.

All computers or users to which you plan to deploy Cisco Jabber for Windows must be able to access the installation package on the distribution point.

Step 2

Select Start > Run and then enter the following command:


The Group Policy Management console opens.

Step 3

Create a new group policy object.

  1. Right-click on the appropriate domain in the left pane.

  2. Select Create a GPO in this Domain, and Link it here.

    The New GPO window opens.

  3. Enter a name for the group policy object in the Name field.

  4. Leave the default value or select an appropriate option from the Source Starter GPO drop-down list and then select OK.

    The new group policy displays in the list of group policies for the domain.

Step 4

Set the scope of your deployment.

  1. Select the group policy object under the domain in the left pane.

    The group policy object displays in the right pane.

  2. Select Add in the Security Filtering section of the Scope tab.

    The Select User, Computer, or Group window opens.

  3. Specify the computers and users to which you want to deploy Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Step 5

Specify the installation package.

  1. Right-click the group policy object in the left pane and then select Edit.

    The Group Policy Management Editor opens.

  2. Select Computer Configuration and then select Policies > Software Settings.

  3. Right-click Software Installation and then select New > Package.

  4. Enter the location of the installation package next to File Name; for example, \\server\software_distribution.



    You must enter a Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path as the location of the installation package. If you do not enter a UNC path, Group Policy cannot deploy Cisco Jabber for Windows.

  5. Select the installation package and then select Open.

  6. In the Deploy Software dialog box, select Assigned and then OK.

Group Policy installs Cisco Jabber for Windows on each computer the next time each computer starts.

Configure Automatic Updates for Windows

To enable automatic updates, you create an XML file that contains the information for the most recent version, including the URL of the installation package on the HTTP server. The client retrieves the XML file when users sign in, resume their computer from sleep mode, or perform a manual update request from the Help menu.

XML File Structure

XML files for automatic updates have the following structure:

          <App name=”JabberWin”>
                  <![CDATA[<b>This new version of Cisco Jabber lets you do the
                  following:</b><ul><li>Feature 1</li><li>Feature 2</li></ul>For
                  more information click <a target="_blank"

Before you begin

  • Install and configure an HTTP server to host the XML file and installation package.

  • Ensure users have permission to install software updates on their workstations.

    Microsoft Windows stops update installations if users do not have administrative rights on their workstations. You must be logged in with administrative rights to complete installation.


Step 1

Host the update installation program on your HTTP server.

Step 2

Create an update XML file with any text editor.

Step 3

Specify values in the XML as follows:

  • name—Specify the following ID as the value of the name attribute for the App element:

    • JabberWin—The update applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

  • LatestBuildNum—Build number of the update.

  • LatestVersion—Version number of the update.

  • Mandatory—(Windows clients only) True or False. Determines whether users must upgrade their client version when prompted.

  • Message—HTML in the following format:

  • DownloadURL—URL of the installation package on your HTTP server.

  • AllowUpdatesViaExpressway—(Windows client only). False (default) or True. Determines whether Jabber can carry out automatic updates while connected to the corporate network over the Expressway for Mobile and Remote Access.

    If your update XML file is hosted on a public web server, set this parameter to false. Otherwise the update file tells Jabber that it is hosted on an internal server that must be accessed through the Expressway for Mobile and Remote Access.

Step 4

Save and close your update XML file.

Step 5

Host your update XML file on your HTTP server.

Step 6

Specify the URL of your update XML file as the value of the UpdateUrl parameter in your configuration file.

Uninstall Cisco Jabber for Windows

You can uninstall Cisco Jabber for Windows using either the command line or the Microsoft Windows control panel. This document describes how to uninstall Cisco Jabber for Windows using the command line.

Use the Installer

If the installer is available on the file system, use it to remove Cisco Jabber for Windows.


Step 1

Open a command line window.

Step 2

Enter the following command:

msiexec.exe /x path_to_CiscoJabberSetup.msi
For example,
msiexec.exe /x C:\Windows\Installer\CiscoJabberSetup.msi /quiet
Where /quiet specifies a silent uninstall.

The command removes Cisco Jabber for Windows from the computer.

Use the Product Code

If the installer is not available on the file system, use the product code to remove Cisco Jabber for Windows.


Step 1

Find the product code.

  1. Open the Microsoft Windows registry editor.

  2. Locate the following registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products

  3. Select Edit > Find.

  4. Enter Cisco Jabber in the Find what text box in the Find window and select Find Next.

  5. Find the value of the ProductIcon key.

    The product code is the value of the ProductIcon key, for example, C:\Windows\Installer\{product_code}\ARPPRODUCTICON.exe.



    The product code changes with each version of Cisco Jabber for Windows.

Step 2

Open a command line window.

Step 3

Enter the following command:

msiexec.exe /x product_code
For example,
msiexec.exe /x 45992224-D2DE-49BB-B085-6524845321C7 /quiet
Where /quiet specifies a silent uninstall.

The command removes Cisco Jabber for Windows from the computer.

Install Cisco Jabber for Mac

Installer for Cisco Jabber for Mac

Installing the Client

You can choose to install the client using one of the following methods:

  • Provide the installer for users to manually install the application. The client is installed in the Applications folder. You must remove previous versions of the client.

  • Configure automatic updates for users, the installer silently updates the application.

    For automatic updates, the installer always adds the client in the Applications folder.

    • If the client existed in a different folder, or a sub folder of the Applications folder, then the installer creates a link in that folder to run the client in the Applications folder.

    • If the user previously renamed the client, then the installer renames the new client to match.

The installer prompts users for system credentials during the installation.

Quiet Install—To install the client quietly, in the Terminal tool use the following Mac OS X command:

sudo installer -pkg /path_to/Install_Cisco-Jabber-Mac.pkg -target /

For more information on the installer command, refer to the installer manual pages on your Mac.


Provide configuration information for your users to sign into the client. Choose one of the following:

  • Provide your users with a configuration URL with optional server information. For further information, see the URL Configuration for Cisco Jabber for Mac section.

  • Provide your users with the server information to connect manually. For further information, see the Manual Connection Settings section.

  • Use service discovery. For more information, see the Service Discovery section.

Running Jabber natively on Apple M1 Mac

Before Release 14.1.2, you can only run Jabber on an Intel-based Mac or using Rosetta on an Apple M1 Mac. Now, you can also run Jabber on an Apple M1 Mac without using Rosetta.

To run Jabber natively on an Apple M1 Mac, uncheck Open using Rosetta for Cisco Jabber.

You can check how you're running Jabber in the Activity Monitor. The Kind displays Apple when you run natively.

Run Installer Manually

You can run the installation program manually to install a single instance of the client and specify connection settings in the Preferences settings.

Before you begin

Remove any older versions of the client.


Step 1

Launch the jabber-mac.pkg.

The installer opens a window to guide you through the installation process.

Step 2

Follow the steps to complete the installation process.

The installer prompts the user to enter the system credentials.

Step 3

Launch the client, using either a configuration URL or running the client directly.

Enter user credentials.

URL Configuration for Cisco Jabber for Mac

To enable users to launch Cisco Jabber without manually entering service discovery information, create and distribute a configuration URL to users.

You can provide a configuration URL link to users by emailing the link to the user directly, or by posting the link to a website.

You can include and specify the following parameters in the URL:

  • ServicesDomain—Required. Every configuration URL must include the domain of the IM and presence server that Cisco Jabber needs for service discovery.

  • VoiceServiceDomain—Required only if you deploy a hybrid cloud-based architecture where the domain of the IM and presence server differs from the domain of the voice server. Set this parameter to ensure that Cisco Jabber can discover voice services.

  • ServiceDiscoveryExcludedServices—Optional. You can exclude any of the following services from the service discovery process:

    • Webex—When you set this value, the client:

      • Does not perform CAS lookup

      • Looks for:

        • _cisco-uds

        • _cuplogin

        • _collab-edge

    • CUCM—When you set this value, the client:

      • Does not look for _cisco-uds

      • Looks for:

        • _cuplogin

        • _collab-edge

    • CUP—When you set this value, the client:

      • Does not look for _cuplogin

      • Looks for:

        • _cisco-uds

        • _collab-edge

    You can specify multiple, comma-separated values to exclude multiple services.

    If you exclude all three services, the client does not perform service discovery and prompts the user to manually enter connection settings.

  • ServicesDomainSsoEmailPrompt—Optional. Specifies whether the user is shown the email prompt for the purposes of determining their home cluster.

    • ON

    • OFF

  • EnablePRTEncryption—Optional. Specifies that the PRT file is encrypted. Applies to Cisco Jabber for Mac.

    • true

    • false

  • PRTCertificateName—Optional. Specifies the name of the certificate. Applies to Cisco Jabber for Mac.

  • InvalidCertificateBehavior—Optional. Specifies the client behavior for invalid certificates.

    • RejectAndNotify—A warning dialog displays and the client doesn't load.

    • PromptPerSession—A warning dialog displays and the user can accept or reject the invalid certificate.

  • Telephony_Enabled—Specifies whether the user has phone capability or not. The default is true.

    • True

    • False

  • DiagnosticsToolEnabled—Specifies whether the diagnostics tool is available in the client. The default is true.

    • True

    • False

Create the configuration URL in the following format:


The parameters are case sensitive.


  • ciscojabber://provision?

  • ciscojabber://provision?
  • ciscojabber://provision?ServicesDomain=service_domain
  • ciscojabber://provision?
  • ciscojabber://provision?

Configure Automatic Updates for Mac

To enable automatic updates, you create an XML file that contains the information for the most recent version, including the URL of the installation package on the HTTP server. The client retrieves the XML file when users sign in, resume their computer from sleep mode, or perform a manual update request from the Help menu.

XML File Structure

The following is example XML file for automatic updates:

<App name="JabberMac">
  <Message><![CDATA[<b>This new version of Cisco Jabber lets you do the following:</b><ul><li>Feature 1</li><li>Feature 2</li>
  </ul>For more information click <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>.]]>
Example XML File 2

The following is an example XML file for automatic updates for both Cisco Jabber for Windows and Cisco Jabber for Mac:

	<App name="JabberMac">
  <Message><![CDATA[<b>This new version of Cisco Jabber lets you do the following:</b><ul><li>Feature 1</li><li>Feature 2</li>
  </ul>For more information click <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>.]]>
	<App name="JabberWin">
  <Message><![CDATA[<b>This new version of Cisco Jabber lets you do the following:</b><ul><li>Feature 1</li><li>Feature 2
  </li></ul>For more information click <a target="_blank" href="">here</a>.]]>

Before you begin

Install and configure an HTTP server to host the XML file and installation package.


Configure Web servers to escape special characters to ensure the DSA signature succeeds. For example, on Microsoft IIS the option is: Allow double spacing.


Step 1

Host the update installation program on your HTTP server.

Step 2

Create an update XML file with any text editor.

Step 3

Specify values in the XML as follows:

  • name—Specify the following ID as the value of the name attribute for the App element:

    • JabberWin—The update applies to Cisco Jabber for Windows.

    • JabberMac—The update applies to Cisco Jabber for Mac.

  • LatestBuildNum—Build number of the update.

  • LatestVersion—Version number of the update.

  • Mandatory—True or False. Determines whether users must upgrade their client version when prompted.

  • Message—HTML in the following format:

  • DownloadURL—URL of the installation package on your HTTP server.

    For Cisco Jabber for Mac the URL file must be in the following format:

Step 4

Save and close your update XML file.

Step 5

Host your update XML file on your HTTP server.

Step 6

Specify the URL of your update XML file as the value of the UpdateUrl parameter in your configuration file.

Install Cisco Jabber Mobile Clients


Step 1

To install Cisco Jabber for Android, download the app from Google Play from your mobile device.

Step 2

To install Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad, download the app from the App Store from your mobile device.

URL Configuration for Cisco Jabber for Android, iPhone, and iPad

To enable users to launch Cisco Jabber without manually entering service discovery information, create and distribute a configuration URL to users.

You can provide a configuration URL link to users by emailing the link to the user directly, or by posting the link to a website.

You can include and specify the following parameters in the URL:

  • ServicesDomain—Required. Every configuration URL must include the domain of the IM and presence server that Cisco Jabber needs for service discovery.

  • VoiceServiceDomain—Required only if you deploy a hybrid cloud-based architecture where the domain of the IM and presence server differs from the domain of the voice server. Set this parameter to ensure that Cisco Jabber can discover voice services.

  • ServiceDiscoveryExcludedServices—Optional. You can exclude any of the following services from the service discovery process:

    • Webex—When you set this value, the client:

      • Does not perform CAS lookup

      • Looks for:

        • _cisco-uds

        • _cuplogin

        • _collab-edge

    • CUCM—When you set this value, the client:

      • Does not look for _cisco-uds

      • Looks for:

        • _cuplogin

        • _collab-edge

    • CUP—When you set this value, the client:

      • Does not look for _cuplogin

      • Looks for:

        • _cisco-uds

        • _collab-edge

    You can specify multiple, comma-separated values to exclude multiple services.

    If you exclude all three services, the client does not perform service discovery and prompts the user to manually enter connection settings.

  • ServicesDomainSsoEmailPrompt—Optional. Specifies whether the user is shown the email prompt for the purposes of determining their home cluster.

    • ON

    • OFF

  • InvalidCertificateBehavior—Optional. Specifies the client behavior for invalid certificates.

    • RejectAndNotify—A warning dialog displays and the client doesn't load.

    • PromptPerSession—A warning dialog displays and the user can accept or reject the invalid certificate.

  • PRTCertificateUrl—Specifies the name of a certificate with a public key in the trusted root certificate store. Applies to Cisco Jabber mobile clients.

  • Telephony_Enabled—Specifies whether the user has phone capability or not. The default is true.

    • True

    • False

  • ForceLaunchBrowser—Used to force user to use the external browser. Applies to Cisco Jabber mobile clients.

    • True

    • False


    ForceLaunchBrowser is used for client certificate deployments and for devices with Android OS below 5.0.

Create the configuration URL in the following format:


The parameters are case sensitive.


  • ciscojabber://provision?

  • ciscojabber://provision?
  • ciscojabber://provision?ServicesDomain=service_domain
  • ciscojabber://provision?
  • ciscojabber://provision?

Mobile Configuration Using Enterprise Mobility Management

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) with the AppConfig Standard

Before using Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM), ensure:

  • The EMM vendor supports Android for Work or Apple Managed App Configuration.

  • That Android devices have OS 5.0 or later.

To allow users to launch Cisco Jabber for Android or Cisco Jabber for iPhone and iPad, you can configure Cisco Jabber using Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). For more information on setting up EMM, refer to the instructions for administrators provided by the EMM provider.

If you want Jabber to run only on managed devices, then you can deploy certificate-based authentication, and enroll the client certificate through EMM.

When using EMM, disable URL configuration by setting the AllowUrlProvisioning parameter to False in the EMM application. For more information on configuring the parameter, see the AllowUrlProvisioning Parameter section.

Useful Parameters for MDM Deployments

  • ServicesDomain

  • VoiceServicesDomain

  • ServiceDiscoveryExcludedServices

  • ServicesDomainSsoEmailPrompt

  • EnablePRTEncryption

  • PRTCertificateURL

  • PRTCertificateName

  • InvalidCertificateBehavior

  • Telephony_Enabled

  • ForceLaunchBrowser


  • AllowUrlProvisioning

  • IP_Mode

FIPS_MODE Parameter

Use this parameter to enable or disable FIPS mode on Cisco Jabber mobile clients using EMM.

  • true—Runs Cisco Jabber in FIPS mode.

  • false—Does not run Cisco Jabber in FIPS mode.


CC_MODE Parameter

Use this parameter to enable or disable Common Criteria mode on Cisco Jabber mobile clients using EMM.

  • true—Runs Cisco Jabber in Common Criteria mode.

  • false (default)—Does not run Cisco Jabber in Common Criteria mode.



To enable CC_MODE, the RSA key size must be at least 2048 bits. For more information about how to set up Jabber to run in common criteria mode, read about how to Deploy Cisco Jabber Applications in the On-Premises Deployment Guide for Cisco Jabber 12.5.

AllowUrlProvisioning Parameter

Use this parameter when migrating users from URL configuration to EMM.

The following values apply to this parameter:

  • true (default)—Bootstrap configuration is performed using URL configuration

  • false— Bootstrap configuration is not performed using URL configuration
