show Commands
This section lists the show commands that you can use to display information about the controller settings and user accounts.
show 802.11 cu-metrics
To display access point channel utilization metrics, use the show 802.11 cu-metrics command.
show 802.11{ a | b} cu-metrics cisco_ap
Syntax Description
a |
Specifies the 802.11a network. |
b |
Specifies the 802.11b/g network. |
cisco_ap |
Access point name. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show 802.11a cu-metrics command:
(Cisco Controller) > show 802.11a cu-metrics AP1
AP Interface Mac: 30:37:a6:c8:8a:50
Measurement Duration: 90sec
Timestamp Thu Jan 27 09:08:48 2011
Channel Utilization stats
Picc (50th Percentile)...................... 0
Pib (50th Percentile)....................... 76
Picc (90th Percentile)...................... 0
Pib (90th Percentile)....................... 77
Timestamp Thu Jan 27 09:34:34 2011
show advanced 802.11 l2roam
To display 802.11a or 802.11b/g Layer 2 client roaming information, use the show advanced 802.11 l2roam command.
show advanced 802.11{ a | b} l2roam { rf-param | statistics} mac_address}
Syntax Description
a |
Specifies the 802.11a network. |
b |
Specifies the 802.11b/g network. |
rf-param |
Specifies the Layer 2 frequency parameters. |
statistics |
Specifies the Layer 2 client roaming statistics. |
mac_address |
MAC address of the client. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show advanced 802.11b l2roam rf-param command:
(Cisco Controller) > show advanced 802.11b l2roam rf-param
L2Roam 802.11bg RF Parameters.....................
Config Mode.................................. Default
Minimum RSSI................................. -85
Roam Hysteresis.............................. 2
Scan Threshold............................... -72
Transition time.............................. 5
show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff
To display whether the WLAN controller disassociates clients after a handoff, use the show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff command.
show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff command:
(Cisco Controller) > show advanced send-disassoc-on-handoff
Send Disassociate on Handoff..................... Disabled
show boot
To display the primary and backup software build numbers with an indication of which is active, use the show boot command.
show boot
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Each Cisco wireless LAN controller retains one primary and one backup operating system software load in nonvolatile RAM to allow controllers to boot off the primary load (default) or revert to the backup load when desired.
The following is a sample output of the show boot command:
(Cisco Controller) > show boot
Primary Boot Image............................... (active)
Backup Boot Image................................
show band-select
To display band selection information, use the show band-select command.
show band-select
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show band-select command:
(Cisco Controller) > show band-select
Band Select Probe Response....................... per WLAN enabling
Cycle Count................................... 3 cycles
Cycle Threshold............................... 200 milliseconds
Age Out Suppression........................... 20 seconds
Age Out Dual Band............................. 60 seconds
Client RSSI................................... -80 dBm
show buffers
To display buffer information of the controller, use the show buffers command.
show buffers
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show buffers command:
(Cisco Controller) > show buffers
Pool[00]: 16 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 50000
chunks in use: 9196
bytes in use: 147136
bytes requested: 73218 (73918 overhead bytes)
Pool[01]: 64 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 50100
chunks in use: 19222
bytes in use: 1230208
bytes requested: 729199 (501009 overhead bytes)
Pool[02]: 128 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 26200
chunks in use: 9861
bytes in use: 1262208
bytes requested: 848732 (413476 overhead bytes)
Pool[03]: 256 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 3000
chunks in use: 596
bytes in use: 152576
bytes requested: 93145 (59431 overhead bytes)
Pool[04]: 384 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 6000
chunks in use: 258
bytes in use: 99072
bytes requested: 68235 (30837 overhead bytes)
Pool[05]: 512 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 18700
chunks in use: 18667
bytes in use: 9557504
bytes requested: 7933814 (1623690 overhead bytes)
Pool[06]: 1024 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 3500
chunks in use: 94
bytes in use: 96256
bytes requested: 75598 (20658 overhead bytes)
Pool[07]: 2048 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 1000
chunks in use: 54
bytes in use: 110592
bytes requested: 76153 (34439 overhead bytes)
Pool[08]: 4096 byte chunks
chunks in pool: 1000
chunks in use: 47
bytes in use: 192512
bytes requested: 128258 (64254 overhead bytes)
Raw Pool:
chunks in use: 256
bytes requested: 289575125
show cac voice stats
To view the detailed voice CAC statistics of the 802.11a or 802.11b radio, use the show cac voice stats command.
show cac voice stats { 802.11a | 802.11b}
Syntax Description
802.11a |
Displays detailed voice CAC statistics for 802.11a. |
802.11b |
Displays detailed voice CAC statistics for 802.11b/g. |
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show cac voice stats 802.11b command:
(Cisco Controller) > show cac voice stats 802.11b
WLC Voice Call Statistics for 802.11b Radio
Total num of Calls in progress................. 0
Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
Total Num of exp bw requests received.......... 0
Total Num of exp bw requests Admitted.......... 0
Total Num of Calls Rejected.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected............... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to insufficent bw.... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to invalid params.... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to PHY rate.......... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to QoS policy........ 0
SIP CAC Call Stats
Total Num of Calls in progress................. 0
Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
Total Num of Preferred Calls Received.......... 0
Total Num of Preferred Calls Admitted.......... 0
Total Num of Ongoing Preferred Calls........... 0
Total Num of Calls Rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected(Insuff BW).... 0
KTS based CAC Call Stats
Total Num of Calls in progress................. 0
Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
Total Num of Calls Rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected(Insuff BW).... 0
show cac voice summary
To view the list of all APs with brief voice statistics (includes bandwidth used, maximum bandwidth available, and the number of calls information), use the show cac voice summary command.
show cac voice summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show cac voice summary command:
(Cisco Controller) > show cac voice summary
AP Name Slot# Radio BW Used/Max Calls
----------------- ------- ----- ----------- -----
APc47d.4f3a.3547 0 11b/g 0/23437 0
1 11a 1072/23437 1
show cac video stats
To view the detailed video CAC statistics of the 802.11a or 802.11b radio, use the show cac video stats command.
show cac video stats { 802.11a | 802.11b}
Syntax Description
802.11a |
Displays detailed video CAC statistics for 802.11a. |
802.11b |
Displays detailed video CAC statistics for 802.11b/g. |
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show cac video stats 802.11b command:
(Cisco Controller) > show cac video stats 802.11b
WLC Video Call Statistics for 802.11b Radio
Total num of Calls in progress................. 0
Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
Total Num of Calls Rejected.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected............... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to insufficent bw.... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to invalid params.... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to PHY rate.......... 0
Num of Calls Rejected due to QoS policy........ 0
SIP CAC Call Stats
Total Num of Calls in progress................. 0
Num of Roam Calls in progress.................. 0
Total Num of Calls Admitted.................... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Admitted............... 0
Total Num of Calls Rejected(Insuff BW)......... 0
Total Num of Roam Calls Rejected(Insuff BW).... 0
show cac video summary
To view the list of all access points with brief video statistics (includes bandwidth used, maximum bandwidth available, and the number of calls information), use the show cac video summary command.
show cac video summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show cac video summary command:
(Cisco Controller) > show cac video summary
AP Name Slot# Radio BW Used/Max Calls
----------------- ------- ----- ----------- -----
AP001b.d571.88e0 0 11b/g 0/10937 0
1 11a 0/18750 0
AP5_1250 0 11b/g 0/10937 0
1 11a 0/18750 0
show cdp
To display the status and details of the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), use the show cdp command.
show cdp { neighbors [ detail] | entry all | traffic}
Syntax Description
neighbors |
Displays a list of all CDP neighbors on all interfaces. |
detail |
(Optional) Displays detailed information of the controller’s CDP neighbors. This command shows only the CDP neighbors of the controller; it does not show the CDP neighbors of the controller’s associated access points. |
entry all |
Displays all CDP entries in the database. |
traffic |
Displays CDP traffic information. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show cdp command:
(Cisco Controller) > show cdp
CDP counters :
Total packets output: 0, Input: 0
Chksum error: 0
No memory: 0, Invalid packet: 0,
show certificate compatibility
To display whether or not certificates are verified as compatible in the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the show certificate compatibility command.
show certificate compatibility
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show certificate compatibility command:
(Cisco Controller) > show certificate compatibility
Certificate compatibility mode:................ off
show certificate ssc
To view the Self Signed Device Certificate (SSC) and hash key of the virtual controller, use the show certificate ssc command.
show certificate ssc
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show certificate ssc command :
(Cisco Controller) > show certificate ssc
SSC Hash validation.............................. Enabled.
SSC Device Certificate details:
Subject Name :
C=US, ST=California, L=San Jose, O=Cisco Virtual Wireless LAN Controller,
Validity :
Start : 2012 Jul 23rd, 15:47:53 GMT
End : 2022 Jun 1st, 15:47:53 GMT
Hash key : 5870ffabb15de2a617132bafcd73
show certificate summary
To verify that the controller has generated a certificate, use the show certificate summary command.
show certificate summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show certificate summary command:
(Cisco Controller) > show certificate summary
Web Administration Certificate................. Locally Generated
Web Authentication Certificate................. Locally Generated
Certificate compatibility mode:................ off
show client calls
To display the total number of active or rejected calls on the controller, use the show client calls command.
show client calls { active | rejected} { 802.11a | 802.11bg | all}
Syntax Description
active |
Specifies active calls. |
rejected |
Specifies rejected calls. |
802.11a |
Specifies the 802.11a network. |
802.11bg |
Specifies the 802.11b/g network. |
all |
Specifies both the 802.11a and 802.11b/g network. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show client calls active 802.11a command :
(Cisco Controller) > show client calls active 802.11a
Client MAC Username Total Call AP Name Radio Type
Duration (sec)
-------------------- --------- ---------- --------------- ----------
00:09: ef: 02:65:70 abc 45 VJ-1240C-ed45cc 802.11a
00:13: ce: cc: 51:39 xyz 45 AP1130-a416 802.11a
00:40:96: af: 15:15 def 45 AP1130-a416 802.11a
00:40:96:b2:69: df def 45 AP1130-a416 802.11a
Number of Active Calls ------------------------------------ 4
show client roam-history
To display the roaming history of a specified client, use the show client roam-history command.
show client roam-history mac_address
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command provides the following information:
The time when the report was received
The MAC address of the access point to which the client is currently associated
The MAC address of the access point to which the client was previously associated
The channel of the access point to which the client was previously associated
The SSID of the access point to which the client was previously associated
The time when the client disassociated from the previous access point
The reason for the client roam
![]() Note |
For non-CCXv4 clients, the Layer 2 roam reason is not displayed in the command output. For more information, see CSCvv85022. |
The following is a sample output of the show client roam-history command:
(Cisco Controller) > show client roam-history 00:14:6c:0a:57:77
show client summary
To display a summary of clients associated with a Cisco lightweight access point, use the show client summary command.
show client summary [ ssid / ip / username / devicetype]
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Syntax Description
ssid / ip / username / devicetype |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use show client ap command to list the status of automatically disabled clients. Use the show exclusionlist command to display clients on the exclusion list.
The following example shows how to display a summary of the active clients:
(Cisco Controller) > show client summary
Number of Clients................................ 24
Number of PMIPV6 Clients......................... 200
MAC Address AP Name Status WLAN/GLAN/RLAN Auth Protocol Port Wired PMIPV6
----------------- ----------------- ------------- -------------- ---- ---------------- ---- ----- ------
00:00:15:01:00:01 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated 1 Yes 802.11a 13 No Yes
00:00:15:01:00:02 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated 1 Yes 802.11a 13 No No
00:00:15:01:00:03 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated 1 Yes 802.11a 13 No Yes
00:00:15:01:00:04 NMSP-TalwarSIM1-2 Associated 1 Yes 802.11a 13 No No
The following example shows how to display all clients that are WindowsXP-Workstation device type:
(Cisco Controller) >show client summary WindowsXP-Workstation
Number of Clients in WLAN........................ 0
MAC Address AP Name Status Auth Protocol Port Wired Mobility Role
----------------- -------- ------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------
Number of Clients with requested device type..... 0
show client summary guest-lan
To display the active wired guest LAN clients, use the show client summary guest-lan command.
show client summary guest-lan
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show client summary guest-lan command:
(Cisco Controller) > show client summary guest-lan
Number of Clients................................ 1
MAC Address AP Name Status WLAN Auth Protocol Port Wired
----------- --------- ---------- ---- ---- -------- ---- -----
00:16:36:40:ac:58 N/A Associated 1 No 802.3 1 Yes
show client tsm
To display the client traffic stream metrics (TSM) statistics, use the show client tsm command.
show client tsm 802.11{ a | b} client_mac { ap_mac | all}
Syntax Description
802.11a |
Specifies the 802.11a network. |
802.11b |
Specifies the 802.11 b/g network. |
client_mac |
MAC address of the client. |
ap_mac |
MAC address of the tsm access point. |
all |
Specifies the list of all access points to which the client has associations. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show client tsm 802.11a command:
(Cisco Controller) > show client tsm 802.11a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx all
AP Interface MAC: 00:0b:85:01:02:03
Client Interface Mac: 00:01:02:03:04:05
Measurement Duration: 90 seconds
Timestamp 1st Jan 2006, 06:35:80
UpLink Stats
Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
Total packet Count.........................................80
Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2
DownLink Stats
Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
Total packet Count.........................................80
Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2
show client username
To display the client data by the username, use the show client username command.
show client username username
Syntax Description
username |
Client’s username. You can view a list of the first eight clients that are in RUN state associated to controller's access points. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show client username command:
(Cisco Controller) > show client username local
MAC Address AP Name Status WLAN Auth Protocol Port Device Type
----------------- ----------------- ------------- ---- ---- ---------------- ---- -----------
12:22:64:64:00:01 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:02 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:03 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:04 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:05 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:06 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:07 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
12:22:64:64:00:08 WEB-AUTH-AP-1 Associated 1 Yes 802.11g 1 Unknown
show client voice-diag
To display voice diagnostics statistics, use the show client voice-diag command.
show client voice-diag { quos-map | roam-history | rssi | status | tspec}
Syntax Description
quos-map |
Displays information about the QoS/DSCP mapping and packet statistics in each of the four queues: VO, VI, BE, BK. The different DSCP values are also displayed. |
roam-history |
Displays information about history of the last three roamings. The output contains the timestamp, access point associated with the roaming, the roaming reason, and if there is a roaming failure, the reason for the roaming failure. |
rssi |
Displays the client’s RSSI values in the last 5 seconds when voice diagnostics are enabled. |
status |
Displays the status of voice diagnostics for clients. |
tspec |
Displays TSPEC for the voice diagnostic for clients. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show client voice-diag status command:
(Cisco Controller) > show client voice-diag status
Voice Diagnostics Status: FALSE
show coredump summary
To display a summary of the controller’s core dump file, use the show coredump summary command.
show coredump summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show coredump summary command:
(Cisco Controller) > show coredump summary
Core Dump is enabled
FTP Server IP....................................
FTP Filename..................................... file1
FTP Username..................................... ftpuser
FTP Password.................................. *********
show cpu
To display current WLAN controller CPU usage information, use the show cpu command.
show cpu
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show cpu command:
(Cisco Controller) > show cpu
Current CPU load: 2.50%
show custom-web
To display all the web authentication customization information, use the show custom-web command.
show custom-web all remote-lan guest-lan sleep-client webauth-bundle wlan
Syntax Description
all |
Display all Web-Auth customization information. |
remote-lan |
Display per WLAN Web-Auth customization information. |
guest-lan |
Display per Guest LAN Web-Auth customization information. |
sleep-client |
Display all Web-Auth Sleeping Client entries summary. |
webauth-bundle |
Display the content of Web-Auth Bundle. |
wlan |
Display per WLAN Web-Auth customization information. |
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show custom-web all command:
(Cisco Controller) > show custom-web all
Radius Authentication Method..................... PAP
Cisco Logo....................................... Enabled
CustomLogo....................................... None
Custom Title..................................... None
Custom Message................................... None
Custom Redirect URL.............................. None
Web Authentication Type.......................... Internal Default
Logout-popup..................................... Enabled
External Web Authentication URL.................. None
show database summary
To display the maximum number of entries in the database, use the show database summary command.
show database summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show database summary command:
(Cisco Controller) > show database summary
Maximum Database Entries......................... 2048
Maximum Database Entries On Next Reboot.......... 2048
Database Contents
MAC Filter Entries........................... 2
Exclusion List Entries....................... 0
AP Authorization List Entries................ 1
Management Users............................. 1
Local Network Users.......................... 1
Local Users.............................. 1
Guest Users.............................. 0
Total..................................... 5
show dtls connections
To display the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) server status, use the show dtls connections command.
show dtls connections
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show dtls connections command.
Device > show dtls connections
AP Name Local Port Peer IP Peer Port Ciphersuite
--------------- ------------- --------------- ------------- -----------------------
1130 Capwap_Ctrl 23678 TLS_RSA _WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
1130 Capwap_Data 23678 TLS_RSA _WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
1240 Capwap_Ctrl 59674 TLS_RSA _WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
show guest-lan
To display the configuration of a specific wired guest LAN, use the show guest-lan command.
show guest-lan guest_lan_id
Syntax Description
guest_lan_id |
ID of the selected wired guest LAN. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To display all wired guest LANs configured on the controller, use the show guest-lan summary command.
The following is a sample output of the show guest-lan guest_lan_id command:
(Cisco Controller) >show guest-lan 2
Guest LAN Identifier........................... 1
Profile Name................................... guestlan
Network Name (SSID)............................ guestlan
Status......................................... Enabled
AAA Policy Override............................ Disabled
Number of Active Clients....................... 1
Exclusionlist Timeout.......................... 60 seconds
Session Timeout................................ Infinity
Interface...................................... wired
Ingress Interface.............................. wired-guest
WLAN ACL....................................... unconfigured
DHCP Server....................................
DHCP Address Assignment Required............... Disabled
Quality of Service............................. Silver (best effort)
Web Based Authentication................... Enabled
ACL........................................ Unconfigured
Web-Passthrough............................ Disabled
Conditional Web Redirect................... Disabled
Auto Anchor................................ Disabled
Mobility Anchor List
GLAN ID IP Address Status
show invalid-config
To see any ignored commands or invalid configuration values in an edited configuration file, use the show invalid-config command.
show invalid-config
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
You can enter this command only before the clear config or save config command.
The following is a sample output of the show invalid-config command:
(Cisco Controller) > show invalid-config
config wlan peer-blocking drop 3
config wlan dhcp_server 3 required
show inventory
To display a physical inventory of the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the show inventory command.
show inventory
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
show load-balancing
To display the status of the load-balancing feature, use the show load-balancing command.
show load-balancing
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the load-balancing status:
> show load-balancing
Aggressive Load Balancing........................ Enabled
Aggressive Load Balancing Window................. 0 clients
Aggressive Load Balancing Denial Count........... 3
Total Denied Count............................... 10 clients
Total Denial Sent................................ 20 messages
Exceeded Denial Max Limit Count.................. 0 times
None 5G Candidate Count.......................... 0 times
None 2.4G Candidate Count..................... 0 times
show local-auth certificates
To display local authentication certificate information, use the show local-auth certificates command:
show local-auth certificates
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following example shows how to display the authentication certificate information stored locally:
(Cisco Controller) > show local-auth certificates
show logging
To display the syslog facility logging parameters and buffer contents, use the show logging command.
show logging
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following example shows how to display the current settings and buffer content details:
(Cisco Controller) >show logging
(Cisco Controller) > config logging syslog host
System logs will be sent to from now on
(Cisco Controller) > config logging syslog host 2001:9:6:40::623
System logs will be sent to 2001:9:6:40::623 from now on
(Cisco Controller) > show logging
Logging to buffer :
- Logging of system messages to buffer :
- Logging filter level.......................... errors
- Number of system messages logged.............. 1316
- Number of system messages dropped............. 6892
- Logging of debug messages to buffer ........... Disabled
- Number of debug messages logged............... 0
- Number of debug messages dropped.............. 0
- Cache of logging ............................. Disabled
- Cache of logging time(mins) ................... 10080
- Number of over cache time log dropped ........ 0
Logging to console :
- Logging of system messages to console :
- Logging filter level.......................... disabled
- Number of system messages logged.............. 0
- Number of system messages dropped............. 8243
- Logging of debug messages to console .......... Enabled
- Number of debug messages logged............... 0
- Number of debug messages dropped.............. 0
Logging to syslog :
- Syslog facility................................ local0
- Logging of system messages to console :
- Logging filter level.......................... disabled
- Number of system messages logged.............. 0
- Number of system messages dropped............. 8208
- Logging of debug messages to console .......... Enabled
- Number of debug messages logged............... 0
- Number of debug messages dropped.............. 0
- Logging of system messages to syslog :
- Logging filter level.......................... errors
- Number of system messages logged.............. 1316
- Number of system messages dropped............. 6892
- Logging of debug messages to syslog ........... Disabled
- Number of debug messages logged............... 0
- Number of debug messages dropped.............. 0
- Number of remote syslog hosts.................. 2
- syslog over tls................................ Disabled
- Host 0.......................................
- Host 1....................................... 2001:9:6:40::623
- Host 2.......................................
Logging of RFC 5424.............................. Disabled
Logging of Debug messages to file :
- Logging of Debug messages to file.............. Disabled
- Number of debug messages logged................ 0
- Number of debug messages dropped............... 0
Logging of traceback............................. Enabled
show logging flags
To display the existing flags, use the show logging flags command.
show logging flags AP | Cilent
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the current flags details:
> show logging flags
ID username Connection From Idle Time Login Time
-- --------------- --------------- ------------ ------------
00 admin EIA-232 00:00:00 00:19:04
show loginsession
To display the existing sessions, use the show loginsession command.
show loginsession
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the current session details:
> show loginsession
ID username Connection From Idle Time Session Time
-- --------------- --------------- ------------ ------------
00 admin EIA-232 00:00:00 00:19:04
show mgmtuser
To display the local management user accounts on the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the show mgmtuser command.
show mgmtuser
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display a list of management users:
> show mgmtuser
User Name Permissions Description Password Strength
----------------------- ------------ -------------- ------------------
admin read-write Weak
show netuser
To display the configuration of a particular user in the local user database, use the show netuser command.
show netuser { detail user_name | guest-roles | summary}
Syntax Description
detail |
Displays detailed information about the specified network user. |
user_name |
Network user. |
guest_roles |
Displays configured roles for guest users. |
summary |
Displays a summary of all users in the local user database. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show netuser summary command:
(Cisco Controller) > show netuser summary
Maximum logins allowed for a given username ........Unlimited
The following is a sample output of the show netuser detail command:
(Cisco Controller) > show netuser detail john10
username........................................... abc
WLAN Id............................................. Any
Lifetime............................................ Permanent
Description......................................... test user
show network
To display the current status of 802.3 bridging for all WLANs, use the show network command.
show network
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the network details:
(Cisco Controller) > show network
show network summary
To display the network configuration of the Cisco wireless LAN controller, use the show network summary command.
show network summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display a summary configuration:
(Cisco Controller) >show network summary
RF-Network Name............................. RF
Web Mode.................................... Disable
Secure Web Mode............................. Enable
Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option High.......... Disable
Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option SSLv2......... Disable
Secure Web Mode RC4 Cipher Preference....... Disable
OCSP........................................ Disabled
OCSP responder URL..........................
Secure Shell (ssh).......................... Enable
Telnet...................................... Enable
Ethernet Multicast Mode..................... Disable Mode: Ucast
Ethernet Broadcast Mode..................... Disable
Ethernet Multicast Forwarding............... Disable
Ethernet Broadcast Forwarding............... Disable
AP Multicast/Broadcast Mode................. Unicast
IGMP snooping............................... Disabled
IGMP timeout................................ 60 seconds
IGMP Query Interval......................... 20 seconds
MLD snooping................................ Disabled
MLD timeout................................. 60 seconds
MLD query interval.......................... 20 seconds
User Idle Timeout........................... 300 seconds
AP Join Priority............................ Disable
ARP Idle Timeout............................ 300 seconds
ARP Unicast Mode............................ Disabled
Cisco AP Default Master..................... Disable
Mgmt Via Wireless Interface................. Disable
Mgmt Via Dynamic Interface.................. Disable
Bridge MAC filter Config.................... Enable
Bridge Security Mode........................ EAP
Over The Air Provisioning of AP's........... Enable
Apple Talk ................................. Disable
Mesh Full Sector DFS........................ Enable
AP Fallback ................................ Disable
Web Auth CMCC Support ...................... Disabled
Web Auth Redirect Ports .................... 80
Web Auth Proxy Redirect ................... Disable
Web Auth Captive-Bypass .................. Disable
Web Auth Secure Web ....................... Enable
Fast SSID Change ........................... Disabled
AP Discovery - NAT IP Only ................. Enabled
IP/MAC Addr Binding Check .................. Enabled
CCX-lite status ............................ Disable
oeap-600 dual-rlan-ports ................... Disable
oeap-600 local-network ..................... Enable
mDNS snooping............................... Disabled
mDNS Query Interval......................... 15 minutes
Web Color Theme............................. Red
Web Color Theme............................. Default
CAPWAP Prefer Mode.......................... IPv4
show nmsp notify-interval summary
To display the Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) configuration settings, use the show nmsp notify-interval summary command.
show nmsp notify-interval summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display NMSP configuration settings:
> show nmsp notify-interval summary
NMSP Notification Interval Summary
Measurement interval: 2 sec
Measurement interval: 8 sec
Rogue AP
Measurement interval: 2 sec
Rogue Client
Measurement interval: 2 sec
show nmsp statistics
To display Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) counters, use the show nmsp statistics command.
show nmsp statistics { summary | connection all}
Syntax Description
summary |
Displays common NMSP counters. |
connection all |
Displays all connection-specific counters. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display a summary of common NMSP counters:
> show nmsp statistics summary
Send RSSI with no entry: 0
Send too big msg: 0
Failed SSL write: 0
Partial SSL write: 0
SSL write attempts to want write:
Transmit Q full:0
Max Measure Notify Msg: 0
Max Info Notify Msg: 0
Max Tx Q Size: 2
Max Rx Size: 1
Max Info Notify Q Size: 0
Max Client Info Notify Delay: 0
Max Rogue AP Info Notify Delay: 0
Max Rogue Client Info Notify Delay: 0
Max Client Measure Notify Delay: 0
Max Tag Measure Notify Delay: 0
Max Rogue AP Measure Notify Delay: 0
Max Rogue Client Measure Notify Delay: 0
Max Client Stats Notify Delay: 0
Max Tag Stats Notify Delay: 0
RFID Measurement Periodic : 0
RFID Measurement Immediate : 0
Reconnect Before Conn Timeout: 0
This example shows how to display all the connection-specific NMSP counters:
> show nmsp statistics connection all
NMSP Connection Counters
Connection 1 :
Connection status: UP
Freed Connection: 0
Nmsp Subscr Req: 0 NMSP Subscr Resp: 0
Info Req: 1 Info Resp: 1
Measure Req: 2 Measure Resp: 2
Stats Req: 2 Stats Resp: 2
Info Notify: 0 Measure Notify: 0
Loc Capability: 2
Location Req: 0 Location Rsp: 0
Loc Subscr Req: 0 Loc Subscr Rsp: 0
Loc Notif: 0
Loc Unsubscr Req: 0 Loc Unsubscr Rsp: 0
IDS Get Req: 0 IDS Get Resp: 0
IDS Notif: 0
IDS Set Req: 0 IDS Set Resp: 0
show nmsp status
To display the status of active Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) connections, use the show nmsp status command.
show nmsp status
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the status of the active NMSP connections:
> show nmsp status
LocServer IP TxEchoResp RxEchoReq TxData RxData
-------------- ----------- --------- ------- ------- 21642 21642 51278 21253
show nmsp subscription
To display the Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) services that are active on the controller, use the show nmsp subscription command.
show nmsp subscription { summary | detail ip-addr}
Syntax Description
summary |
Displays all of the NMSP services to which the controller is subscribed. |
detail |
Displays details for all of the NMSP services to which the controller is subscribed. |
ip-addr |
Details only for the NMSP services subscribed to by a specific IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display a summary of all the NMSP services to which the controller is subscribed:
> show nmsp subscription summary
Mobility Services Subscribed:
Server IP Services
--------- -------- RSSI, Info, Statistics
This example shows how to display details of all the NMSP services:
> show nmsp subscription detail
Mobility Services Subscribed by
Services Sub-services
-------- ------------
RSSI Mobile Station, Tags,
Info Mobile Station,
Statistics Mobile Station, Tags,
> show nmsp subscription detail 2001:9:6:40::623
Mobility Services Subscribed by 2001:9:6:40::623
Services Sub-services
-------- ------------
RSSI Mobile Station, Tags,
Info Mobile Station,
Statistics Mobile Station, Tags,
show ntp-keys
To display network time protocol authentication key details, use the show ntp-keys command.
show ntp-keys
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
7.6 | This command was introduced in a release earlier than Release 7.6. |
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display NTP authentication key details:
(Cisco Controller) > show ntp-keys
Ntp Authentication Key Details...................
Key Index
show qos
To display quality of service (QoS) information, use the show qos command.
show qos { bronze | gold | platinum | silver}
Syntax Description
bronze |
Displays QoS information for the bronze profile of the WLAN. |
gold |
Displays QoS information for the gold profile of the WLAN. |
platinum |
Displays QoS information for the platinum profile of the WLAN. |
silver |
Displays QoS information for the silver profile of the WLAN. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display QoS information for the gold profile:
> show qos gold
Description...................................... For Video Applications
Maximum Priority................................. video
Unicast Default Priority......................... video
Multicast Default Priority....................... video
Per-SSID Rate Limits............................. UpstreamDownstream
Average Data Rate................................ 0 0
Average Realtime Data Rate....................... 0 0
Burst Data Rate.................................. 0 0
Burst Realtime Data Rate......................... 0 0
Per-Client Rate Limits........................... UpstreamDownstream
Average Data Rate................................ 0 0
Average Realtime Data Rate....................... 0 0
Burst Data Rate.................................. 0 0
Burst Realtime Data Rate......................... 0 0
protocol......................................... none
802.11a Customized EDCA Settings:
ecwmin....................................... 3
ecwmax....................................... 4
aifs......................................... 7
txop......................................... 94
802.11a Customized packet parameter Settings:
Packet retry time............................ 3
Not retrying threshold....................... 100
Disassociating threshold..................... 500
Time out value............................... 35
show reset
To display the scheduled system reset parameters, use the show reset command.
show reset
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the scheduled system reset parameters:
> show reset
System reset is scheduled for Mar 27 01 :01 :01 2010
Current local time and date is Mar 24 02:57:44 2010
A trap will be generated 10 minutes before each scheduled system reset.
Use ‘reset system cancel’ to cancel the reset.
Configuration will be saved before the system reset.
show route summary
To display the routes assigned to the Cisco wireless LAN controller service port, use the show route summary command.
show route summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display all the configured routes:
> show route summary
Number of Routes............................... 1
Destination Network Genmask Gateway
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
show run-config
To display a comprehensive view of the current Cisco Mobility Express controller configuration, use the show run-config all command.
show run-config { all | commands} [ no-ap | commands]
Syntax Description
all |
Shows all the commands under the show run-config. |
no-ap |
(Optional) Excludes access point configuration settings. |
commands |
(Optional) Displays a list of user-configured commands on the controller. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
These commands have replaced the show running-config command.
The show run-config all command shows only values configured by the user. It does not show system-configured default values.
The following is a sample output of the show run-config all command:
(Cisco Controller) > show run-config all
Press Enter to continue...
System Inventory
Switch Description............................... Cisco Controller
Machine Model....................................
Serial Number.................................... FLS0923003B
Burned-in MAC Address............................ xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Crypto Accelerator 1............................. Absent
Crypto Accelerator 2............................. Absent
Power Supply 1................................... Absent
Power Supply 2................................... Present, OK
Press Enter to continue Or <Ctl Z> to abort...
show run-config startup-commands
To display a comprehensive view of the current Cisco wireless LAN controller configuration, use the showrun-configstartup-commands command.
show run-config startup-commands
Syntax Description
run-config |
Displays the running configuration commands. |
startup-commands |
Display list of configured startup commands on Wireless LAN Controller. |
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The configuration commands on the Wireless LAN controller are uploaded to the TFTP or NCS servers using the transfer upload process. The show run-config startup-commands command enables the Wireless LAN controller to generate running-configuration in CLI format. The configuration commands generated can be used as backup configuration to restore the network.
The following is a sample output of the show run-config startup-commands command:
show run-config startup-commands(Cisco Controller) >show run-config
(Cisco Controller) >show run-config startup-commands
This may take some time.
Are you sure you want to proceed? (y/N) y
config location expiry tags 5
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile AirPrint
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile AirTunes
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile AppleTV
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile HP_Photosmart_Printer_1
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile HP_Photosmart_Printer_2
config mdns profile service add default-mdns-profile Printer
config mdns profile create default-
show sessions
To display the console port login timeout and maximum number of simultaneous command-line interface (CLI) sessions, use the show sessions command.
show sessions
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
5 minutes, 5 sessions.
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the CLI session configuration setting:
> show sessions
CLI Login Timeout (minutes)............ 0
Maximum Number of CLI Sessions......... 5
The response indicates that the CLI sessions never time out and that the Cisco wireless LAN controller can host up to five simultaneous CLI sessions.
show snmpcommunity
To display Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) community entries, use the show snmpcommunity command.
show snmpcommunity
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display SNMP community entries:
> show snmpcommunity
SNMP Community Name Client IP Address Client IP Mask Access Mode Status
------------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------- --------
public Read Only Enable
********** Read/Write Enable
show snmpengineID
To display the SNMP engine ID, use the show snmpengineID command.
show snmpengineID
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the SNMP engine ID:
> show snmpengineID
SNMP EngineId... ffffffffffff
show snmptrap
To display Cisco wireless LAN controller Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap receivers and their status, use the show snmptrap command.
show snmptrap
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display SNMP trap receivers and their status:
> show snmptrap
SNMP Trap Receiver Name IP Address Status
------------------------ ----------------- -------- Enable
show snmpv3user
To display Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 3 configuration, use the show snmpv3user command.
show snmpv3user
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display SNMP version 3 configuration information:
> show snmpv3user
SNMP v3 username AccessMode Authentication Encryption
-------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------
default Read/Write HMAC-SHA CFB-AES
show snmpversion
To display which versions of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) are enabled or disabled on your controller, use the show snmpversion command.
show snmpversion
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the SNMP v1/v2/v3 status:
> show snmpversion
SNMP v1 Mode.................................. Disable
SNMP v2c Mode.................................. Enable
SNMP v3 Mode.................................. Enable
show sysinfo
To display high-level controller information, use the show sysinfo command.
show sysinfo
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
show tech-support
To display Cisco wireless LAN controller variables frequently requested by Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC), use the show tech-support command.
show tech-support
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display system resource information:
> show tech-support
Current CPU Load................................. 0%
System Buffers
Max Free Buffers.............................. 4608
Free Buffers.................................. 4604
Buffers In Use................................ 4
Web Server Resources
Descriptors Allocated......................... 152
Descriptors Used.............................. 3
Segments Allocated............................ 152
Segments Used................................. 3
System Resources
Uptime........................................ 747040 Secs
Total Ram..................................... 127552 Kbytes
Free Ram...................................... 19540 Kbytes
Shared Ram.................................... 0 Kbytes
Buffer Ram.................................... 460 Kbytes
show time
To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller time and date, use the show time command.
show time
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the controller time and date when authentication is not enabled:
> show time
Time............................................. Wed Apr 13 09:29:15 2011
Timezone delta................................... 0:0
Timezone location........................ (GMT +5:30) Colombo, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata
NTP Servers
NTP Polling Interval......................... 3600
Index NTP Key Index NTP Server NTP Msg Auth Status
------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
This example shows successful authentication of NTP Message results in the AUTH Success:
> show time
Time............................................. Thu Apr 7 13:56:37 2011
Timezone delta................................... 0:0
Timezone location........................ (GMT +5:30) Colombo, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata
NTP Servers
NTP Polling Interval......................... 3600
Index NTP Key Index NTP Server NTP Msg Auth Status
------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
This example shows that if the packet received has errors, then the NTP Msg Auth status will show AUTH Failure:
> show time
Time............................................. Thu Apr 7 13:56:37 2011
Timezone delta................................... 0:0
Timezone location........................ (GMT +5:30) Colombo, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata
NTP Servers
NTP Polling Interval......................... 3600
Index NTP Key Index NTP Server NTP Msg Auth Status
------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
This example shows that if there is no response from NTP server for the packets, the NTP Msg Auth status will be blank:
> show time
Time............................................. Thu Apr 7 13:56:37 2011
Timezone delta................................... 0:0
Timezone location................................ (GMT +5:30) Colombo, New Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata
NTP Servers
NTP Polling Interval......................... 3600
Index NTP Key Index NTP Server NTP Msg Auth Status
------- ---------------------------------------------------------------
1 11
show trapflags
To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap flags, use the show trapflags command.
show trapflags
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display controller SNMP trap flags:
> show trapflags
Authentication Flag............................ Enable
Link Up/Down Flag.............................. Enable
Multiple Users Flag............................ Enable
Spanning Tree Flag............................. Enable
Client Related Traps
802.11 Disassociation......................... Disable
802.11 Association.............................Disabled
802.11 Deauthenticate......................... Disable
802.11 Authenticate Failure................... Disable
802.11 Association Failure.................... Disable
Excluded...................................... Disable
Max Client Warning Threshold.................. 90%
Nac-Alert Traps................................. Disabled
RFID Related Traps
Max RFIDs Warning Threshold..................... 90%
802.11 Security related traps
WEP Decrypt Error............................. Enable
IDS Signature Attack............................ Disable
Cisco AP
Register...................................... Enable
InterfaceUp................................... Enable
Auto-RF Profiles
Load.......................................... Enable
Noise......................................... Enable
Interference.................................. Enable
Coverage...................................... Enable
Auto-RF Thresholds
tx-power...................................... Enable
channel....................................... Enable
antenna....................................... Enable
auth.......................................... Enable
servers....................................... Enable
rogueap........................................ Enable
adjchannel-rogueap............................... Disabled
wps............................................ Enable
configsave..................................... Enable
IP Security
esp-auth...................................... Enable
esp-replay.................................... Enable
invalidSPI.................................... Enable
ike-neg....................................... Enable
suite-neg..................................... Enable
invalid-cookie................................ Enable
auth failure.................................... Enabled
child excluded parent........................... Enabled
parent change................................... Enabled
child moved..................................... Enabled
excessive parent change......................... Enabled
onset SNR....................................... Enabled
abate SNR....................................... Enabled
console login................................... Enabled
excessive association........................... Enabled
default bridge group name....................... Enabled
excessive hop count............................. Disabled
excessive children.............................. Enabled
sec backhaul change............................. Disabled
show traplog
To display the Cisco wireless LAN controller Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap log, use the show traplog command.
show traplog
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command History
Release | Modification |
8.3 | This command was introduced. |
The following is a sample output of the show traplog command:
(Cisco Controller) > show traplog
Number of Traps Since Last Reset........... 2447
Number of Traps Since Log Last Displayed... 2447
Log System Time Trap
--- ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
0 Thu Aug 4 19:54:14 2005 Rogue AP : 00:0b:85:52:62:fe detected on Base Rad
io MAC : 00:0b:85:18:b6:50 Interface no:1(802.11
b/g) with RSSI: -78 and SNR: 10
1 Thu Aug 4 19:54:14 2005 Rogue AP : 00:0b:85:52:19:d8 detected on Base Rad
io MAC : 00:0b:85:18:b6:50 Interface no:1(802.11
b/g) with RSSI: -72 and SNR: 16
2 Thu Aug 4 19:54:14 2005 Rogue AP : 00:0b:85:26:a1:8d detected on Base Rad
io MAC : 00:0b:85:18:b6:50 Interface no:1(802.11
b/g) with RSSI: -82 and SNR: 6
3 Thu Aug 4 19:54:14 2005 Rogue AP : 00:0b:85:14:b3:4f detected on Base Rad
io MAC : 00:0b:85:18:b6:50 Interface no:1(802.11
b/g) with RSSI: -56 and SNR: 30
Would you like to display more entries? (y/n)