Exec Mode Commands (A-C)

The Exec Mode is the initial entry point into the command line interface system. Exec mode commands are useful in troubleshooting and basic system monitoring.


This section includes the commands aaa test through crypto-group .


The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).

aaa test

Tests Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) functionality between this system and a remote server.








Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



aaa test { accounting username user_name | authenticate user_name password | session user_name password } 

accounting username user_name

Tests RADIUS or GTPP accounting functionality for the specified user.

user_name must be the name of a user configured on the RADIUS or CFG server.


GTPP is used only in conjunction with the GGSN or SGSN product.

authenticate user_name password

Tests RADIUS authentication functionality for the specified user.

user_name is the name of a user configured on the RADIUS server. password is the user's password.

session user_name password

Tests both RADIUS authentication and RADIUS or GTPP accounting functionality for the specified user.

user_name is the name of a user configured on the RADIUS server. password is the user's password.


GTPP is used only in conjunction with the GGSN or SGSN product.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to test RADIUS-based authentication and RADIUS or GTPP accounting. This command may be useful for diagnosing problems with subscribers and access to the system and/or billing data.


The following command verifies accounting for a user named user1 :
aaa test accounting username user1 
The following command tests authentication for a user named user1 with the password abc123 :
aaa test authentication user1 abc123 
The following command tests both accounting and authentication for the user named user1 with the password abc123 :
aaa test session user1 abc123 


Stops software patch or upgrade process.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



abort { patch | upgrade } [ -noconfirm ] 


Stops a running software patch process.


Stops a running software upgrade process.


The abort upgrade command can only be used during Stage 1 (busy-out) of an on-line software upgrade.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to stop a running StarOS patch or upgrade process. For additional information on software patches and upgrades, refer to the System Administration Guide.


The following command stops an in-progress StarOS upgrade:
abort upgrade 

active-charging service

Creates an active charging service (ACS).




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



active-charging service ecs_service_name [ -noconfirm ] 


Specifies name of the active charging service.

ecs_service_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.

If the named service does not exist, it is created and the CLI mode changes to the ACS Configuration Mode wherein the service can be configured.

If the named service already exists, the CLI mode changes to the ACS Configuration mode wherein the specified active charging service can be configured.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create an active charging service in the system. This command can be used directly in Exec Mode after issuing the require active-charging command in the Global Configuration Mode.

This command allows an operator (rather than security administrators and administrators) to configure the ACS functionality only.

On entering this command, the CLI prompt changes to:



Operators need special CLI privilege for ACS functionality to be able to use this CLI command.


The following command creates an active charging service named test :
active-charging service test 


Disables the internal audible alarm on the MIO card.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



alarm cutoff 

Usage Guidelines

Alarm cutoff disables the audible alarm. The alarm may be enabled following this command if an event within the system results in the audible alarm being enabled.


alarm cutoff 


Allows the operator to perform SONET Automatic Protection Switching (APS) administrative operations.


Use of this command is limited to the OLC2 and the CLC2 line cards.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



aps { clear slot#/port# | exercise slot#/port# | lockout slot#/port# | switch { force | manual } slot#/port# }  

clear slot#/port#

Clears the last switch command on the specified channelized port.

slot#/port# is the CLC2/OLC2 slot number (valid range is 17 - 48) and appropriate port number (CLC2 valid range is 1 - 4; OLC2 valid value is 1).

exercise slot#/port#

Tests the APS protocol on line connected to port.

slot#/port# is the CLC2/OLC2 slot number (valid range is 17 - 48) and appropriate port number (CLC2 valid range is 1 - 4; OLC2 valid value is 1)

lockout slot#/port#

Prevents the working port from switching to the protection port.

slot#/port# is the CLC2/OLC2 slot number (valid range is 17 - 48) and appropriate port number (CLC2 valid range is 1 - 4; OLC2 valid value is 1)

switch { force | manual } slot#/port#

Switch to either the working port or the protection port:
  • force : Forces a switch of ports, even if there is an active alarm state.

  • manual : Implements a switch of ports if there are no active alarms.

slot#/port# is the CLC2/OLC2 slot number (valid range is 17 - 48) and appropriate port number (CLC2 valid range is 1 - 4; OLC2 valid value is 1)

Usage Guidelines

This command allows an operator to perform administrative/maintenance APS tasks such as testing the APS protocol, switching the working port to the protection port, and locking out the switching function.


The following command starts an APS protocol test on port 2 of card 27:
aps exercise 27/2 


Enables or disables confirmation for certain commands. This command affects the current CLI session only.


Use the autoconfirm command in the Global Configuration Mode to change the behavior for all future CLI sessions.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



[ no ] autoconfirm 


Disables autoconfirm if it has been enabled.

Usage Guidelines

When autoconfirm is enabled, certain commands ask you to answer yes or no to confirm that you want to execute the command. When autoconfirm is disabled, the confirmation prompts never appear. Disabling autoconfirm in the Exec mode is active for the current CLI session only.

By default autoconfirm is enabled.


If commandguard is enabled, autoconfirm will disable commandguard.


The following command enables command confirmation:

bulkstats force

Manages the collection and delivery of system statistics (bulkstats) to the configured server.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



bulkstats force { gather | transfer } 


Immediately collects the system statistics.


Immediately sends the currently collected statistics to the configured server.

Usage Guidelines

When the current system statistics are desired immediately as opposed to the normal scheduled collection and delivery intervals issue this command.

Troubleshooting the system may require the review of statistics at times when the scheduled delivery is not timely.


The following causes the chassis to immediately collect system statistics. This would be in anticipation of a transfer command.
bulkstats force gather 
The following command causes the chassis to immediately send all collected statistics to the configured server.
bulkstats force transfer 

call-home send

Manages how Cisco Smart Call Home messages are sent to alert groups.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



call-home send alert-group { configuration profile profile name | inventory profile profile name } 

configuration profile profile name

Sends configuration messages to the previously defined profile, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

inventory profile profile name

Sends inventory messages to the previously defined profile, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to send specified alert-group call-home message from the CLI to all profiles subscribed to the specified alert group, or to a specified profile which does not need to be subscribed to the specified alert-group. For additional information, refer to the Call-Home Configuration Mode Commands and Call-Home Profile Configuration Mode Commands chapters.


The following command sets the system to send configuration related call-home messages to the profile named Profile1 .
call-home send alert-group configuration profile Profile1 

call-home test

Sends a test Smart Call Home event message to a specified profile.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



call-home test message { test_message_content | profile profile name  }  

call-home test message message test_message_content

Defines the message to send to the defined profile as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 128 characters.

profile profile_name

Specifies the previously defined profile to which the message will be sent, expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to send test call-home messages from the CLI to a specified profile. If a message is not specified, the system sends out a default message.


The following command sets the system to send a test call-home message Test_Message_1 to the profile named Profile1 .
call-home test message Test_Message_1 profile Profile1 

card busy-out

Moves processes from the source packet processing card to the destination packet processing card, or disables the packet processing card from accepting any new calls. When busy-out is enabled, the packet processing card stops receiving new calls but continues to process calls until they are completed. The command prompt is returned once the command is initiated. The busy-out procedure is completed in background. (ASR 5x00 only)




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card busy-out { migrate from src_slot to dst_slot } [ -noconfirm ] 
no card busy-out 


Disables busy-out. The packet processing card is re-enabled to accept new calls.

migrate from src_slot to dst_slot

Moves processes from the specified source packet processing card to the specified destination packet processing card. The command prompt is returned once the command is initiated. The card migration is completed in background.

src_slot indicates the source slot number of the card from which processes will be migrated. dst_slot indicates the destination slot number of the card to which processes will be migrated.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Migrating a packet processing card changes the active/standby status of a packet processing card. This results in the active sessions/processes being moved to the newly active card. This is useful when there is a maintenance activity on the active card which requires removing the card from service.

The destination slot specified must contain a packet processing card which is in the standby state for the command to complete successfully.


Be cautious when executing this command. Depending on the number of active sessions being migrated, some subscribers may experience service interruptions.

Using busy-out to refuse new calls on a packet processing card allows you to take a card out of service without any interruptions to the end user. An individual system can be taken completely out of service gracefully by enabling busy-out on all packet processing cards and waiting for current calls to complete. The show card info command shows if busy-out is enabled.


When a packet processing card fails, is migrated, or is restarted for any reason, busy-out is reset to disabled, the default behavior.


This command is not supported on all platforms.


The following command migrates the active processes from the packet processing card in slot 12 to the card in slot 14 . This command executes after you provide confirmation of the request.
card migrate from 12 to 14  
The following command migrates the active processes from the packet processing card in slot 1 to the card in slot 8 . This command executes after you provide confirmation of the request.
card migrate from 1 to 8  
The following command sets the packet processing card in slot 1 to stop accepting new calls:
card busy-out 1  

card halt

Halts all StarOS processes on a card. A card reboot command must be issued to bring the card back into service after it is halted. (ASR 5x00 only)




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card halt slot_num [ -force ] [ -noconfirm ] 


Indicates the slot number of the card of interest.


Overrides any warnings to force the card to be halted.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Halt a card to stop it for maintenance or emergency situations.


Caution should be taken in using this command. Halting a card which has no redundant card available may cause a service interruption and loss of active sessions.


On the ASR 5500, do not initiate a card halt for an active FSC if there are less than two active FSCs in the system. The system returns an error message if there are less than four active FSCs.


The -force and -noconfirm options should only be used concurrently by experienced users as this will cause an immediate halt regardless of warnings and no confirmation from the user.


This command is not supported on all platforms.


The following command temporarily stops the card in slot 1.
card halt 1  
The following commands force the card to halt and indicate no confirmation is to take place, respectively.
card halt 1 -force -noconfirm  
card halt 1 -noconfirm  

card migrate

Migrates StarOS processes from an active packet processing card to a standby packet processing card. (ASR 5x00 only)




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card migrate from src_slot to dst_slot -force-smaller  [ -noconfirm ] [ stop-checkpoint ] 


Indicates the slot number of the packet processing card from which processes will be migrated.


The packet processing card in this slot must be in Active mode.


Indicates the slot number of the packet processing card to which processes will be migrated.


Indicates the force migration to a smaller card even though tasks may not fit.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


This command is used instead of the default “live migration” algorithm. The stop and checkpoint algorithm stops the migrating proclet, migrates proclet, then restarts the proclet on the destination card. This migration process is typically faster than the live migration algorithm. However, the migrating proclet does not process call requests when stopped.


Proclets are migrated sequentially and that only one proclet is stopped at any point in time. For more information about the usage of stop-checkpoint keyword, contact your Cisco Account representative.

Usage Guidelines

This command allows an operator to move processes from an active to a standby packet processing card.


The following will cause processes currently running on the card in slot 8 to migrate to the standby card in slot 9. The migration will not occur if any warnings are generated.
card migrate from 8 to 9  

card reboot

Performs reset of the target card. For ASR 5500, rebooting a card will result in the card downloading the image from the active MIO card.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card reboot target_slot [ -force ] [ -noconfirm ] 


Initiates a reboot of the card in the specified the slot number.


Indicates that the reboot is to take place ignoring any state or usage warnings that might be generated.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

A reboot is used to reset the card and receive a new download. This may be useful when a card is not responding or when it is necessary to cause the card to reload its image and restart.


Caution should be taken in using this command. Rebooting a card which has no redundant card available may cause a service interruption and loss of active sessions.


On the ASR 5500, do not initiate a card reboot for an active FSC if there are less than four active FSCs in the system. The system returns an error message if there are less than four active FSCs.


The -force and - noconfirm options should only be used concurrently by experienced users as this will cause an immediate reboot regardless of warnings and no confirmation from the user.


This command is not supported on all platforms.


The following will cause the card in slot 8 to reboot without any confirmation from the user. The card will not reboot if there are any warnings generated.
card reboot 8 -noconfirm 
The following command will cause the card in slot 8 to reboot regardless of any warnings. The user must provide confirmation prior to this command executing.
card reboot 8 -force 
The following command will cause the card in slot 8 to reboot regardless of any warnings with no additional user confirmation.
card reboot 8 -force -noconfirm 

card restart

Performs a soft-reset of the target card causing all application processes to restart. (ASR 5x00 only)




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card restart target_slot [ -force ] [ -noconfirm ] 


Initiates a restart of the card in the specified slot number.


Indicates the restart is to take place ignoring any state or usage warnings that might be generated.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Restarting a card may be useful when a card is not performing as expected (performance drop, increased response delays, etc.). A restart may be preferred to a reboot as the card becomes available in less time than a reboot.

When this command is issued for an active card, the user is prompted for confirmation unless the -force and/or -noconfirm keywords are used. Because the reboot of standby or redundant cards is non-service impacting, the reboot proceeds immediately after the command execution without user confirmation.


Caution should be taken in using this command. Restarting a card which has no redundant card available may cause a service interruption and loss of active sessions.


This command is not supported on all platforms.


The -force and - noconfirm options should only be used concurrently by experienced users as this will cause an immediate restart regardless of warnings and no confirmation from the user.


The following will cause the card in slot 8 to restart without any confirmation from the user. The card will not reboot if there are any warnings generated.
card restart 8 -noconfirm 
The following command will cause the card in slot 8 to restart regardless of any warnings. The user must provide confirmation prior to this command executing.
card restart 8 -force 
The following command will cause the card in slot 8 to restart regardless of any warnings with no additional user confirmation.
card restart 8 -force -noconfirm  

card switch

Manages card pairs and their active/standby status (ASR 5x00 and VPC-DI only).




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card switch { from target_slot | to target_slot } [ -noconfirm ] 

from target_slot

Specifies the slot number of a currently active card that is to be switched. The slot number must be valid and contain a card in active mode.

to target_slot

Specifies the slot number of a standby card which is to become the active card. The slot number must be valid and contain a card in standby.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

Card switch-overs change the active/standby status of a card. This is useful when there is a maintenance activity on the active card which requires removing the card from service.

On VPC-DI, a warning is presented during the switchover between Control Functions (CFs) if the HD RAID is degraded.
Warning: RAID is degraded. Switchover might lead to data loss.


Caution should be taken in using this command. Depending on the amount of bandwidth/traffic being switched, some subscribers may experience service interruptions.


The following command switches the active/standby status of the line cards in slots 17 and 18. This command only executes after you provide confirmation of the request.
card switch from 17 to 18 
The following command switches the active/standby status of the cards in slots 1 and 2. This command executes immediately with no additional user confirmation.
card switch from 1 to 2 -noconfirm  

card upgrade

Upgrades the programmable memory on a card. (ASR 5x00 only)




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



card upgrade slot_number [ -noconfirm ] 


The slot number of the card to be upgraded from 1 through 10.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


Use this command only if instructed by or working with Technical Assistance Center personnel.


On the ASR 5500, do not initiate a card upgrade for an active FSC if there are less than four active FSCs in the system. The system returns an error message if there are less than four active FSCs.

Usage Guidelines

You can only initiate an upgrade if:

  • there is no migration occurring,

  • the card is active or standby,

  • there is no online upgrade in progress.


The following operations are not allowed while a card is upgrading: change edc requirement (config), change card [no] shutdown (config), change card active (config), change card redundancy (config), card halt (exec), card reboot (exec), start an online upgrade.


Level unlock operations are ignored while a card is upgrading.


This command is not supported on all platforms.


The following command initiates a packet processing card upgrade on slot number 10:
card upgrade 10  


Initiates a manual push of CDR files to a configured URL.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator, Inspector



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



cdr-push { all | local-filename file_name } 


Pushes all CDR files to the configured URL.

local-filename file_name

Pushes only the specified file to the configured URL.

The file_name must be the absolute path of the local file to push, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 1023 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to manually push CDR files to the configured URL or external storage.

For information on configuring the external storage, see the cdr command in the EDR Module Configuration Mode Commands and the UDR Module Configuration Mode Commands chapters.

ASR 5000: Run this command only from the local context. If you are in any other context, you will see this failure message: "Failure: Manual PUSH of CDRs supported only in the local context"

ASR 5500: Run this command only from the local context. If you are in any other context, you will see this failure message: "Failure: Manual PUSH of CDRs supported only in the local context"


The following command pushes all CDR files to the URL:
cdr-push all 


Specifies the chassis key that will be used to encrypt and decrypt encrypted passwords in the configuration file. If two or more chassis are configured with the same chassis key value, the encrypted passwords can be decrypted by any of the chassis sharing the same chassis key value. As a corollary to this, a chassis key value will not be able to decrypt the passwords that were encrypted using a different chassis key value.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



[ no ] chassis { key value key_string | keycheck key_string } 


Resets the chassis key to the factory default value. The factory default value is a local MAC address for the chassis. Once this command is executed, the chassis key value command can be used to change the default chassis key.

key value key_string

Specifies the chassis key value as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 16 characters.

The chassis key value is stored as a one-way encrypted value, much like a password. It is never displayed in its plain-text form.

keycheck key_string

Generates a one-way encrypted key value based on the entered alphanumeric string of 1 through 16 characters.

The generated encrypted key value is compared against the encrypted key value of the previously entered chassis key value. If the encrypted values match, the command succeeds and key check passes. If the comparison fails, a message is displayed indicating that the key check has failed. Note that if the default chassis key MAC address) is currently being used, this key check will always fail since there will be no chassis key value to compare against.


Fro detailed information regarding the impact of using these commands in various StarOS releases, refer to the System Settings chapter of the System Administration Guide.

Usage Guidelines

Establish multiple, unique chassis keys to encrypt and decrypt passwords in configuration files.


The following command generates a one-way encrypted key based on the string tewks367 .
chassis key value tewks367 

clear aaa

Clears all Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) statistics for the current context.








Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear aaa local counters 

Usage Guidelines

Clearing the AAA statistics may be useful when monitoring the statistics manually. Clearing resets the counters to zero.

The keyword local is not intended to imply the local context defined for all systems. Rather, it indicates the statistics within the current context are to be cleared.


The following command zeroes out all the AAA statistics in the current context.
clear aaa local counters 

clear active-charging analyzer statistics

Clears protocol analyzer statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging analyzer statistics [ name protocol_name ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

name protocol_name

Clears statistics for the specified protocol analyzer.

If this keyword is not specified all statistics are cleared.

protocol_name must be one of the following:
  • cdp

  • dns

  • file-transfer

  • ftp

  • http

  • icmp

  • icmpv6

  • imap

  • ip

  • ipv6

  • mipv6

  • mms

  • p2p [ application p2p_list | protocol-group group_list ] : Peer-to-peer analyzer.

    p2p application p2p_list : The supported applications are:

    • 8tracks

    • abcnetworks

    • actionvoip

    • actsync

    • adobeconnect

    • aimini

    • amazoncloud

    • amazonmusic

    • amazonvideo

    • antsp2p

    • apple-push

    • apple-store

    • applejuice

    • applemaps

    • ares

    • armagettron

    • avi

    • badoo

    • baidumovie

    • battlefld

    • bbm

    • beatport

    • betternet

    • bitcasa

    • bittorrent

    • bittorrent-sync

    • blackberry-store

    • blackberry

    • blackdialer

    • box

    • callofduty

    • chikka

    • cisco-jabber

    • citrix

    • clubbox

    • clubpenguin

    • comodounite

    • crackle

    • crossfire

    • crunchyroll

    • cyberghost

    • ddlink

    • deezer

    • didi

    • directconnect

    • dish-anywhere

    • disneymovies

    • dofus

    • dramafever

    • dropbox

    • ebuddy

    • edonkey

    • espn

    • expressvpn

    • facebook

    • facetime

    • fandor

    • fasttrack

    • feidian

    • ficall

    • fiesta

    • filetopia

    • filmontv

    • flash

    • flickr

    • florensia

    • foursquare

    • fox-sports

    • freenet

    • friendster

    • fring

    • funshion

    • gadugadu

    • gamekit

    • gmail

    • gnutella

    • go90

    • goober

    • google-music

    • google-push

    • google

    • googleplay

    • googleplus

    • gotomeeting

    • gtalk

    • guildwars

    • halflife2

    • hamachivpn

    • hayu

    • hbogo

    • hbonow

    • heytell

    • hgtv

    • hike-messenger

    • hls

    • hotspotvpn

    • hulu

    • hyves

    • iax

    • icall

    • icecast

    • icloud

    • idrive

    • igo

    • iheartradio

    • imesh

    • imessage

    • imgur

    • imo

    • implus

    • instagram

    • iplayer

    • iptv

    • irc

    • isakmp

    • iskoot

    • itunes

    • jabber

    • jap

    • jumblo

    • kakaotalk

    • kik-messenger

    • kontiki

    • kugoo

    • kuro

    • linkedin

    • livestream

    • lync

    • magicjack

    • manolito

    • mapfactor

    • mapi

    • maplestory

    • meebo

    • mgcp

    • mig33

    • mlb

    • mojo

    • monkey3

    • mozy

    • msn

    • msrp

    • mute

    • mypeople

    • myspace

    • nateontalk

    • naverline

    • navigon

    • nbc-sports

    • netflix

    • netmotion

    • newsy

    • nick

    • nimbuzz

    • nokia-store

    • octoshape

    • off

    • ogg

    • oist

    • oovoo

    • opendrive

    • openft

    • openvpn

    • operamini

    • orb

    • oscar

    • outlook

    • paltalk

    • pando

    • pandora

    • path

    • pbs

    • pcanywhere

    • periscope

    • pinterest

    • plingm

    • poco

    • popo

    • pplive

    • ppstream

    • ps3

    • qq

    • qqgame

    • qqlive

    • quake

    • quic

    • quicktime

    • radio-paradise

    • rdp

    • rdt

    • regram

    • rfactor

    • rhapsody

    • rmstream

    • rodi

    • rynga

    • samsung-store

    • scydo

    • secondlife

    • shoutcast

    • showtime

    • silverlight

    • siri

    • skinny

    • skydrive

    • skype

    • slacker-radio

    • slingbox

    • slingtv

    • smartvoip

    • snapchat

    • softether

    • sopcast

    • soribada

    • soulseek

    • soundcloud

    • spark

    • spdy

    • speedtest

    • spike

    • splashfighter

    • spotify

    • ssdp

    • ssl

    • starz

    • stealthnet

    • steam

    • stun

    • sudaphone

    • svtplay

    • tagged

    • talkatone

    • tango

    • teamspeak

    • teamviewer

    • telegram

    • thunder

    • tinder

    • tmo-tv

    • tor

    • truecaller

    • truphone

    • tumblr

    • tunnelvoice

    • turbovpn

    • tvants

    • tvland

    • tvuplayer

    • twitter

    • twitch

    • ultrabac

    • ultrasurf

    • univision

    • upc-phone

    • usenet

    • ustream

    • uusee

    • vchat

    • veohtv

    • vessel

    • vevo

    • viber

    • vine

    • voipdiscount

    • vopium

    • voxer

    • vpnmaster

    • vpnx

    • vtok

    • vtun

    • vudu

    • warcft3

    • waze

    • webex

    • wechat

    • weibo

    • whatsapp

    • wii

    • windows-azure

    • windows-store

    • winmx

    • winny

    • wmstream

    • wofkungfu

    • wofwarcraft

    • wuala

    • xbox

    • xdcc

    • xing

    • yahoo

    • yahoomail

    • yiptv

    • youku

    • yourfreetunnel

    • youtube

    • zattoo

    p2p protocol-group group_list : The supported P2P protocol groups are:

    • generic
    • anonymous-access
    • business
    • communicator
    • cloud
    • e-store
    • e-mail
    • e-news
    • internet-privacy
    • filesharing
    • gaming
    • p2p-filesharing
    • p2p-anon-filesharing
    • remote-control
    • social-nw-gaming
    • social-nw-generic
    • social-nw-videoconf
    • standard
    • streaming
  • pop3

  • pptp

  • rtcp

  • rtp

  • rtsp

  • sdp

  • secure-http

  • sip

  • smtp

  • tcp

  • tftp

  • udp

  • wsp

  • wtp

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear ACS analyzer statistics.


The following command clears active charging service analyzer information for TCP analyzer:
clear active-charging analyzer statistics name tcp 

clear active-charging charging-action statistics

Clears ACS charging action statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging charging-action statistics [ name charging_acion_name ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

name charging_acion_name

Clears statistics for the specified charging action.

charging_acion_name must be the name of a charging action, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear active charging action statistics.


The following command clears active charging action statistics information for charging action named pre-paid :
clear active-charging charging-action statistics name pre-paid 

clear active-charging content-filtering server-group statistics

Clears statistics for all/a specific CF server group.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging content-filtering server-group statistics [ name cf_server_group_name ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

name cf_server_group_name

Clears statistics for the specified CF server group.

cf_server_group_name must be the name of a CF server group, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear content filtering statistics for CF server groups.


The following command clears category-based content filtering statistics information for Rulebase named cf_rule1 :
clear active-charging content-filtering category statistics rulebase name cf_rule1 

clear active-charging credit-control statistics

Clears credit control statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging credit-control statistics [ group cc_group_name | server { all | ip-address ip_address | name cc_group_name } ] 

clear active-charging credit-control statistics

Clears statistics for all credit control groups.

group cc_group_name

Clears statistics for the specified credit control group.

cc_group_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

server { all | ip-address ip_address | name cc_group_name }

Clears statistics for the credit control server specified as:
  • all : for all the Diameter peers and hosts

  • ip-address : an IP address for the credit control group entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation

  • cc_group_name : name of the credit control group server entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear credit control statistics.


The following command clears statistics information for credit control:
clear active-charging credit-control statistics 

clear active-charging dns-learnt-ip-addresses

Clears DNS learnt IP address statistics for the DNS Snooping feature.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging dns-learnt-ip-addresses statistics sessmgr { all | instance sessmgr_instance } [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

sessmgr { all | instance sessmgr_instance }

Clears statistics for all or the specified Session Manager (SessMgr) instance.

  • all : Clears statistics for all SessMgr instances.

  • instance sessmgr_instance : Clears statistics for the specified SessMgr instance.

    sessmgr_instance must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear DNS learnt IP address statistics for the DNS Snooping feature.

On clearing the statistics using this command, only the entries-flushed, entries-replaced, and IP-Overflows statistics are cleared as these are cumulative statistics. Total-entries will not be cleared as it is an instantaneous statistic of the current total entries in that rule line.


The following command clears all DNS learnt IP address statistics:
clear active-charging dns-learnt-ip-addresses statistics sessmgr all 

clear active-charging edr-format statistics

Clears ACS statistics for all or a specific Event Data Record (EDR) format.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging edr-format statistics [ name edr_format_name ] 

name edr_format_name

Clears statistics for the specified EDR format.

edr_format_name must be the name of an EDR format, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


If an EDR format name is not specified, statistics for all EDR formats are cleared.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the accumulated statistics for the specified EDR format.


The following command clears the statistics for all EDR formats:
clear active-charging edr-format statistics 

clear active-charging edr-udr-file statistics

Clears Event Data Record (EDR) and Usage Data Record (UDR) file related statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging edr-udr-file statistics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear EDR and UDR file statistics.


The following command clears statistical information for EDR and UDR files:
clear active-charging edr-udr-file statistics 

clear active-charging firewall statistics

Clears Stateful Firewall statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging firewall statistics [ callid call_id | domain-name domain_name | nat-realm nat_realm_name | protocol { icmp | icmpv6 | ip | ipv6 | other | tcp | udp } | username user_name ] [ acsmgr instance instance_id ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

acsmgr instance instance_id

Specifies an ACS Manager instance ID as an integer from 1 through 65535.

callid call_id

Specifies a call identification number as an eight-byte hexadecimal number.

domain-name domain_name

Specifies the domain name.

domain_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

nat-realm nat_realm_name

Specifies the NAT realm.

nat_realm_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

protocol { icmp | ip | other | tcp | udp }

Specifies a protocol for the statistics.
  • icmp : ICMPv4

  • icmpv6

  • ip : IPv4

  • ipv6

  • other : Protocols other than TCP, UDP, and ICMPv4/ICMPv6

  • tcp

  • udp

username user_name

Specifies the user name.

user_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear Stateful Firewall statistics.


The following command clears all Stateful Firewall statistics:
clear active-charging firewall statistics 

clear active-charging firewall track-list

Clears the list of servers being tracked for involvement in any Denial-of-Service (DOS) attacks.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging firewall track-list attacking-servers 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the list of servers being tracked for involvement in any DOS attacks.


The following command clears the list of servers being tracked for involvement in any DOS attacks:
clear active-charging firewall track-list attacking-servers 

clear active-charging fw-and-nat policy statistics

Clears statistics for all or a specific Firewall-and-NAT policy.





Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging fw-and-nat policy statistics { all | name policy_name } [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Clears information for all Firewall-and-NAT policies.

name policy_name

Clears information for the specified Firewall-and-NAT policy.

policy_name must be the name of a Firewall-and-NAT policy, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear statistics for all or a specific firewall-and-NAT policy.


The following command clears statistics for the firewall-and-NAT policy named test123 :
clear active-charging fw-and-nat policy statistics name test123 

clear active-charging group-of-ruledefs statistics

Clears ACS group of ruledefs statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging group-of-ruledefs statistics [ name group_of_ruledefs ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

name group_of_ruledefs

Clears statistics for the specified group of ruledefs.

group_of_ruledefs must be the name of a group of ruledefs, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear statistical information related to all or specified Active Charging Service group of ruledefs.


The following command clears statistical information related to the group of ruledefs named ruledef_group12 :
clear active-charging group-of-ruledefs statistics name ruledef_group12 

clear active-charging nat statistics

Clears NAT realm statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging nat statistics [ nat-realm nat_realm_name ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

nat statistics

This command when issued in the local context clears statistics for all NAT realms in all contexts. When issued within a specific context, this command clears statistics for all NAT realms in that context.

nat-realm nat_realm_name

This command when issued in the local context clears statistics for the specified NAT realm in all contexts. When issued in a specific context, this command clears statistics for the specified NAT realm in that context.

nat_realm_name : Specifies name of the NAT realm as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 31 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear NAT realm statistics.


The following command when issued in the local context, clears NAT realm statistics for NAT realms named test135 in all contexts:
clear active-charging nat statistics nat-realm test135 

clear active-charging regex statistics

Clears regular expression (regex) related statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator, Inspector



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging regex statistics ruledef { all | instance instance_number } 


Clears all regex-related statistics.

instance instance_number

Clears regex-related statistics for specified Session Manager instance.

instance_number must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear regular expression (regex) related statistics.


The following command clears all regex-related statistics:
clear active-charging regex statistics ruledef all 

clear active-charging rulebase statistics

Clears ACS rulebase statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging rulebase statistics [ name rulebase_name ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Clears statistics for the specified ACS rulebase.

rulebase_name must be the name of a rulebase, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 15 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear ACS rulebase statistics.


The following command clears statistics for the ACS rulebase named postpaid :
clear active-charging rulebase statistics name postpaid 

clear active-charging ruledef statistics

Clears statistics for rule definitions configured in the Active Charging Service (ACS).




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging ruledef statistics [ charging | firewall | name ruledef_name | tpo ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Clears statistics for all charging ruledefs.


Clears statistics for all Stateful Firewall ruledefs.

name ruledef_name

Clears statistics for the specified ruledef.

ruledef_name must be the name of a ruledef, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.



The Traffic Performance Optimization (TPO) in-line service is not supported in this release.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear ACS ruledef statistics.


The following command clears all ruledef statistics:
clear active-charging ruledef statistics 

clear active-charging subsystem

Clears all ACS subsystem information.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging subsystem 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear all ACS subsystem information.


The following command clears all ACS subsystem information:
clear active-charging subsystem 

clear active-charging tcp-proxy statistics

Clears ACS TCP Proxy statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging tcp-proxy statistics [ all | ip-layer | proxy-fac | rulebase rulebase_name | socket-migration | tcp-layer ] 


Clears all TCP Proxy statistics.


Clears TCP Proxy statistics for IP layer.


Clears TCP Proxy Flow Admission Control statistics.

rulebase rulebase_name

Clears TCP Proxy statistics for the specified rulebase.

rulebase_name must be the name of a rulebase, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Clears TCP Proxy Socket Migration related statistics.


Clears TCP Proxy statistics for TCP layer.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear TCP Proxy statistics.


The following command clears TCP Proxy statistics for the rulebase named test14 :
clear active-charging tcp-proxy statistics rulebase test14 

clear active-charging tethering-detection statistics

Clears statistics pertaining to the Tethering Detection feature.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator, Inspector



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging tethering-detection statistics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear statistics pertaining to the Tethering Detection feature.

clear active-charging tpo policy statistics

The Traffic Performance Optimization (TPO) in-line service is not supported in this release.

clear active-charging tpo profile statistics

The Traffic Performance Optimization (TPO) in-line service is not supported in this release.

clear active-charging url-blacklisting statistics

Clears URL Blacklisting feature related statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging url-blacklisting statistics [ rulebase name rulebase_name ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

rulebase name rulebase_name

Clears URL Blacklisting information for the specified rulebase.

rulebase_name must be the name of a rulebase, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear URL Blacklisting feature related statistics, optionally for a specific rulebase.


The following command clears URL Blacklisting feature related statistics for rulebase12 :
clear active-charging url-blacklisting statistics rulebase name rulebase12 

clear active-charging video detailed-statistics

Resets the detailed statistics for TCP video flows.


In release 20.0, MVG is not supported. This command must not be used in release 20.0. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear active-charging video detailed-statistics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the detailed statistics for TCP video flows.


The following command resets the detailed statistics for TCP video flows:
clear active-charging video detailed-statistics 

clear administrator

Ends the session of an administrative user specified by either user name or session ID.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear administrator { name user_name | session id id_num } 

name user_name

Identifies the user name of the administrative user.

session id id_num

Identifies the ID number of the administrative user session as displayed in the output of the show administrators session id command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to terminate command line interface sessions for other administrative users.


The following command ends the session of the administrative user identified as user1 :
clear administrator name user1 
The following command ends the session of the administrative user with the session ID of 3 :
clear administrator session id 3  

clear alarm

Clears outstanding alarm conditions




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear alarm { all | chassis | id num | port slot/port | slot slot } 


Clear all outstanding alarms.


Clears chassis-wide and fan tray alarms.

id num

Clears a specific alarm by its internal alarm ID. num is the internal alarm identification number.

port slot/port

Clears alarms for the specified port. slot/port is the card slot and port on the card for which to clear alarms.

slot slot

Clears alarms for the specified slot. slot is the card slot for which to clear alarms.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear outstanding alarm conditions.


To clear all outstanding alarms, use the following command:
clear alarm all 
To clear all alarms for slot 7 , enter the following command:
clear alarm slot 7 

clear alcap

Clears the Access Link Control Application Part (ALCAP) session statistics of an ALCAP service associated with a Home-NodeB Gateway (HNB-GW) service instance configured and running on a system.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear alcap statistics [ alcap-service alcap_svc_name [ aal2-node aal2_node_name [ aal2-path aal2_path_id ] ] ] 

alcap-service alcap_svc_name

Specifies the name of the ALCAP service for which statistics are to be cleared.

aal2-node aal2-node

Specifies the name of the ATM Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) node for which ALCAP service statistics will be cleared.

aal2-path aal2_path_id

Specifies the identity number of the AAL2 path on a specific ATM Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2) node for which ALCAP service statistics will be cleared.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to clear the sessions statistics and counters for ALCAP service.


The following command clears the service session statistics of ALCAP service named as alcap_hnb_svc1 :
clear alcap statistics alcap-service alcap_hnb_svc1 

clear asngw-service

Clears the service session statistics for an Access Service Network Gateway (ASN-GW) service specified by either service name or trusted peer address.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear asngw-service statistics [ name svc_name | peer-address ip_address ] 

name svc_name

Identifies the name of the ASN-GW service for which statistics will be cleared. svc_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

peer-address ip_address

Identifies the IP address of the ASN-GW peer for which service statistics will be cleared. ip_address must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to terminate command line interface sessions for ASN GW services.


The following command clears the service session statistics of the ASN-GW service named aasn_svc1 :
clear asngw-service statistics name asn_svc1 

clear asnpc-service

Clears the service session statistics of an ASN paging controller service specified by either ASN PC service name or trusted paging controller peer address.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear asnpc-service statistics [ name svc_name | peer-address ip_address ] 

name svc_name

Identifies the name of the ASN PC service for which session statistics will be cleared. svc_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

peer-address ip_address

Identifies the IP address of the ASN PC peer for which all service statistics will be cleared. ip_address must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to terminate command line interface sessions for ASN PC services.


The following command clears the service session statistics of ASN PC service named as asnpc_svc1 :
clear asnpc-service statistics name asnpc_svc1 

clear apn statistics

Deletes all previously gathered statistics for either a specific Access Point Name (APN) or all APNs configured with the given context.






Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear apn statistics [ name apn_name | smgr-instance instance ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

name apn_name

Specifies the name of a specific APN configured in the context for which to clear statistics. apn_name is the name of the APN expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

smgr-instance instance

Specifies a particular Sessmgr instance in the context for which to clear APN statistics. instance must be an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Statistics for a single APN can be cleared using the name keyword. Statistics for all APNs in the context can be deleted by entering the command with no keywords.

If this command is executed from within the local context with no keywords, statistics will be cleared for every APN configured on the system regardless of context. In addition, if the name keyword is used when executing from within the local context, statistics for all APNs configured with the specified name will be cleared regardless of context.


The following command clears statistics for an APN called isp1 :
clear apn statistics name isp1  

clear bcmcs statistics

Clears Broadcast Multicast Service (BCMCS) statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear bcmcs statistics [ pdsn-service service_name ] 

pdsn-service service_name

Specifies a specific PDSN service for which to clear BCMCS-specific statistics. This value must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear accumulated BCMCS statistics. You may specify an individual PDSN or peer to selectively clear statistics.


clear bcmcs statistics 
clear bcmcs statistics pdsn-service service_name 

clear blacklisted-gtpu-bind-address

Clears the GTP-U loopback address blacklisted by a specific radio network controller (RNC) as defined for a specific IuPS Service configuration.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear blacklisted-gtpu-bind-address ip_address rnc-id rnc_id mcc mcc_num mnc mnc_num iups-service name 


Specifies the IP loopback address that has been blacklisted in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation. This loopback address was originally defined with the associate-gtpu-bind-addfress command in the Radio-Network-Controller Configuration mode of the IuPS Service.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables this loopback address to be used for future RAB-assignment requests.


clear blacklisted-gtpu-bind-address rnc-id 2 mcc 123 mnc 321 iups-service iups1 

clear bssap+ statistics

Clears the BSSAP+ protocol (base station subsystem GPRS protocol) statistics collected for the Gs interface between the SGSN and the MSC/VLR.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear bssap+ statistics [ gs-service gs_svc_name ] [ vlr { isdn-number ISDN_Num| name vlr_name } ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

gs-service gs_svc_name

Specifies the name of a preconfigured Gs service handling BSSAP+ information as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

vlr { isdn-number ISDN_Num| name vlr_name }

Specifies a VLR (by ISDN number or name) handling BSSAP+ information.

isdn-number ISDN_num is the configured E.164-type ISDN number for the VLR. Enter a numerical string of 1 to 15 digits.

name vlr_name is the configured name of the VLR entered as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to delete or clear collected BSSAP+ protocol statistics for the entire SGSN or for a specified Gs interface. Using the keywords of this command, the interface can be identified by defining a specific VLR connected to the SGSN or by identifying the Gs service to which the interface has been configured.


The following command clears the BSSAP+ statistics collected for the Gs interface configured for the Gs service named gssvc1 .
clear bssap+ statistics gs-service gssvc1 

clear bssgp statistics

Clears collected BSSGP protocol (base station subsystem GPRS protocol) statistics for traffic between the base station subsystem (BSS) and the SGSN.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear bssgp statistics [ gprs-service gprs_svc_name  | nse nse_id [ bvc bvc_id ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ]  

gprs-service gprs_svc_name

Specifies the name of a preconfigured GPRS service for which the BSSGP statistics have been collected as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

nse nse_ID

Clears the BSSGP statistics collected for the network service entity (NSE) specified as an integer from 0 through 65535.

bvc bvc_ID

Enter this keyword to clear the BSSGP statistics collected for the identified BSSGP virtual connection (BVC) specified as n integer from 0 through 65000.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the BBSGP statistics for a particular GPRS service or NSEI.


The following command deletes the collected BSSGP statistics for the GPRS service named gprs1 .
clear bssgp statistics gprs-service gprs1 

clear bulkstats

Clears counters and accumulated bulk statistics related information.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear bulkstats { counters | data } 


Clears the counters maintained by the system's "bulkstats" facility.


Clears any accumulated data that has not been transferred. This includes any "completed" files that have not been successfully transferred.

Usage Guidelines

Once bulk statistics collection is enabled, the system stores the information until the specified transfer criteria is met or until a manual transfer is initiated. The system maintains counters for the "bulkstats" software facility. (Refer to the data keyword for the show bulkstats command for information on viewing the counters.)

This command can be used to delete bulk statistics information that has been collected but not transferred and/or to clear the counters that have been maintained.


The following command clears bulk statistics-related counters:
clear bulkstats counters 

clear ca-certificate-list statistics

This command clears CA-Certificate-List with matched count.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear ca-certificate-list statistics  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clears CA-Certificate-List with matched count.


The following command clears CA-Certificate-List with matched count:
clear ca-certificate-list statistics  

clear cae-group statistics server

This command resets the discardable statistics, which are the Hit Count, Timeout Consecutive (Cumulative), and Last Failure statistics, for all CAEs or for a specific CAE. The CAE (Content Adaptation Engine) is an optional component of the Mobile Videoscape.


In release 20.0, MVG is not supported. This command must not be used in release 20.0. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear cae-group statistics server { all | name cae_name } 


Resets the discardable statistics for all CAEs.

name cae_name

Specifies the name of a CAE.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the discardable statistics for all CAEs or for a specific CAE. This command must be issued in the same context in which the associated CAE group is defined.


The following command clears the discardable statistics for the CAE named server_1 :
clear cae-group statistics server name server_1 

clear call-home statistics

Clears Cisco Call Home feature statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear call-home statistics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the statistics for all Call Home events.


The following command clears the discardable statistics for the Call Home feature:
clear call-home statistics 

clear cdr statistics

Clears statistics related to charging data records (CDRMOD).




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear cdr statistics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to reset the statistics for charging data records.


The following command clears the discardable statistics related to CDRs:
clear cdr statistics 

clear cli history

Clears the tracking history of command line interface (CLI) command usage.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear cli history 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the tracking history of CLI command usage.


The following command clears the CLI history:
clear cli history 

clear cmp cert-name

Clears information stored for the specified IPSec Certificate Management Protocol v2 (CMPv2) certificate.


All products supporting IPSec CMPv2 features


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear cmp cert-name cert_name 

cert-name cert_name

Specifies the CMP certificate name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 129 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the information for the specified CMP certificate.


The following command clears information for the specified CMP certificate:
clear cmp cert-name certificate01 

clear cmp statistics

Clears statistics for IPSec Certificate Management Protocol v2 (CMPv2) certificates.


All products supporting IPSec CMPv2 features


This command appears in the CLI for this release. However, it has not been qualified for use with any current Cisco StarOS gateway products.


Security Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear cmp statistics  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear statistics for IPSec CMPv2 certificates.


The following command clears CMPv2 certificates:
clear cmp statistics 

clear confdmgr confd cdb

Erases the configuration in the ConfD Database (CDB) which is an XML database used by ConfD to store configuration objects. StarOS accesses the database via ConfD-supplied APIs.


Clearing the CDB is a terminal operation. The CDB must be repopulated afterwards.


The CDB cannot be erased unless the Context Configuration mode no server confd command is run in the local context to disable ConfD and NETCONF protocol support.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear confdmgr confd cdb [ -noconfirm ] 


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

This command clears the CDB of all existing entries. Before the command executers you are prompted as follows:
 About to delete the ConfD configuration database 
 The running configuration is NOT affected. 
 Are you sure? [Yes|No]: 


If you re-enable server confd after running clear confd , there will be no default CDB to support NETCONF protocol and associated API exchanges.


The following command erases the entries in the CDB:

clear confdmgr confd cdb 

clear confdmgr statistics

Clears everything listed in the "Statistics" section of the output of the show confdmgr command.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear confdmgr statistics 


Clears everything listed in the "Statistics" section of the output of the show confdmgr command, including:
  • Triggers

  • Notifications

  • Successful notifications

  • Failed notifications

  • Unexpected

Usage Guidelines

This command clears operational statistics associated with the ConfD engine and NETCONF protocol.


The following command clears confdmgr statistics:

clear cnfdmgr statistics 

clear config

Replaces the active configuration source file with an empty configuration where possible.




Security Administrator, Administrator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear config [ -noconfirm ] 


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.

Usage Guidelines

This command clears the current configuration when a complete overwrite is desired or if it is necessary to start from an empty configuration.


Clearing the configuration will cause the active configuration source file to be empty and of no use in configuring the system to an active state providing service.


This command should only be performed on configurations that have been previously backed up for easy restoration.


The following command clears the active configuration after the user provides confirmation of the request.
clear config 
The following command clears the active configuration source file immediately with no user confirmation.
clear config -noconfirm 

clear congestion-control statistics

Clears the congestion control statistics for all instances of the specified manager type.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear congestion-control statistics { a11mgr | asngwmgr | asnpcmgr | bindmux | gtpcmgr | hamgr | hnbmgr | imsimgr | ipsecmgr | ipsgmgr | imsimgr | l2tpmgr } 


Clears the statistics for all A11 Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all ASN GW Manager instances


Clears the statistics for all ASN PC-LR Manager instances


Clears the statistics for all IPCF BindMux-Demux Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all GTPC Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all HA Manager instances.



In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This keyword must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Clears the statistics for all HNB Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all IMSI Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all IPSEC Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all IPSG Manager instances.


Clears the statistics for all L2TP Manager instances.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to statistics for all instances of the specified manager.


When this command is issued in any context other than the local context, only instances of the specified manager for the current context have the statistics cleared. When the current context is the local context, all instances of the specified manager type in all contexts have the statistics cleared.


The following command clears the statistics for all instances of the A11 manger:
clear congestion-control statistics a11mgr 

clear content-filtering category statistics

Clears the Category-based Content Filtering application statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear content-filtering category statistics [ facility srdbmgr instance instance_value ] 

facility srdbmgr instance instance_value

Clears logged events for the specified SRDB Manager instance.

instance_value must be an integer from 1 through 8.

In release 9.0 and later, instance_value must be an integer from 1 through 10000.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear all Category-based Content Filtering application statistics, or statistics for a specific SRDB Manager instance.


The following command clears all Category-based Content Filtering application statistics:
clear content-filtering category statistics 

clear crash

Removes a specific crash file or all crash files.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear crash [ list | number crash_num ] 

list | number crash_num

list : removes all crash files.

number crash_num : removes only the crash file specified as an integer from 1 through 30.

Usage Guidelines

Clear crashes for general maintenance activities in cleaning out old, unused, or files which are of no importance.


The following will remove all crash files.
clear crash list 
The following command will remove only crash file 27 .
clear crash numer 27 

clear credit-control statistics

Clears credit control statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear credit-control statistics cc-service cc_service_name 

cc-service cc_service_name

Specifies an existing Credit Control service name as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear active credit control statistics.


The following command clears the configured credit control statistics for a service named service1 :
clear credit-control statistics cc-service service1 

clear crypto

Clears crypto associations or crypto statistics.










Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear crypto { isakmp [ tag map_name | peer peer_ip ] | security-association { counters tag map_name [ tx | rx ] | tag map_name | peer peer_ip[ sa-index numbr ] } | statistics { ikev2 } [service-ip-address ip-address | service-name name ] } 

isakmp [ tag map_name | peer peer_ip ]

When no keywords are specified, this command clears all of the ISAKMP security associations for the current context.

tag map_name : Clears the ISAKMP SAs for the specified crypto map. map_name is the name of an existing crypto map.

peer peer_ip : Deletes the ISAKMP SAs for the specified peer. peer_ip must be entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

security-association { counters map map_name [ tx | rx ] | tag map_name | peer peer_ip [ sa-index numbr ] }

counters tag map_name [ tx | rx ] : Resets the counters for the specified crypto map. map_name is the name of an existing crypto map. tx specifies that only the transmit SA counters are reset. rx specifies that only the receive SA counters are reset. If neither tx or rx are specified, both transmit and receive SA counters are reset.

tag map_name : Tears down a Security Association (SA) for the specified crypto map. map_name is the name of an existing crypto map.

peer peer_ip : Clears the SAs for all tunnels who have the peer at the specified IP address. peer_ip must be entered in Pv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

[ sa-index numbr : Clears a specified security association. numbr is an integer from 1 to 4 for releases prior to 15.0, or 1 to 5 for release 15.0 and higher.


Modification(s) to an existing crypto map and/or ISAKMP policy configuration will not take effect until the related security association has been cleared.

statistics ikev2 [ service-ip-address ip-address | service-name name ]

ikev2 : Clears global IKEv2 statistics for the current context.

service-ip-address ip-address : Clears statistics for the specified service-ip address. service-name name : Clears statistics for the specified service name.

Usage Guidelines

Clear SAs and apply changes to the crypto map or clear the crypto statistics for this context.


The following clears all IKEv2 crypto statistics for the current context:
clear crypto statistics ikev2 

clear cs-network statistics


In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Clears the HNB-Circuit Switched (CS) network service associated for an HNB-GW service instance.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear cs-network statistics [ name cs_svc_name | ranap-only | rtp-only | sccp-only ] 

name cs_svc_name

Clears the session statistics for an HNB-CS Network service name configured and running on this system. cs_svc_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Clears the session statistics limited to Radio Access Network Application Protocol (RANAP) traffic only for the specified HNB-CS Network service.


Clears the session statistics limited to Real Time Protocol (RTP) traffic only for the specified HNB-CS Network service.


Clears the session statistics limited to Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) traffic only for the specified HNB-CS Network service.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the session statistics for overall session or in selected part of user session for HNB-CS Network services configured and running on a system.


The following command clears the session statistics for RANAP part of session for the HNB-CS Network service hnb_CS_1 :
clear cs-network statistics name hnb_CS_1 ranap-only 

clear dhcp statistics

Deletes all previously gathered statistics for either a specific or all DHCP IPv4 servers configured within the given context.







Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear dhcp statistics [ dhcp-service svc_name | server ip_address ]  

dhcp-service svc_name

Specifies the name of a specific DHCP service for which to clear statistics as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

server ip_address

Specifies the IP address of a DHCP server in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation as configured in the context for which to clear statistics.

Usage Guidelines

Statistics for a single server can be cleared using the server keyword. Statistics for all DHCP servers in the context can be deleted by entering the command with no keywords.

This command can be executed from any context configured on the system.

If this command is executed from within the local context with no keywords, statistics will be cleared for every DHCP server configured on the system regardless of context. In addition, if the server keyword is used when executing from within the local context, statistics for all DHCP servers configured with the specified name will be cleared regardless of context.


The following command clears statistics for all configured DHCP servers within the context:
clear dhcp statistics 

clear dhcpv6 statistics

Deletes all previously gathered statistics for either a specific or all DHCP IPv6 (DHCPv6) servers configured within the given context.







Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear dhcpv6 statistics [ server ipv6_address | service svc_name ]  

server ipv6_address

Specifies the IP address of a DHCP server in IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation as configured in the context for which to clear statistics.

service svc_name

Specifies the name of a specific DHCPv6 service for which to clear statistics as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

Usage Guidelines

Statistics for a single server can be cleared using the server keyword. Statistics for all DHCPv6 servers in the context can be deleted by entering the command with no keywords.

This command can be executed from any context configured on the system.

If this command is executed from within the local context with no keywords, statistics will be cleared for every DHCPv6 server configured on the system regardless of context. In addition, if the server keyword is used when executing from within the local context, statistics for all DHCPv6 servers configured with the specified name will be cleared regardless of context.


The following command clears statistics for all configured DHCPv6 servers within the context:
clear dhcpv6 statistics 

clear diameter aaa-statistics

Clears Diameter AAA statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Inspector, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear diameter aaa-statistics [ all | debug-info | group aaa_group | server diameter_server ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Clears all Diameter server statistics.


Clears Diameter debug statistics.

group aaa_group

Clears Diameter server statistics for the specified AAA group.

aaa_group must be the name of a AAA server group, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

server diameter_server

Clears Diameter server statistics for the specified Diameter server.

diameter_server must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 64 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear Diameter AAA statistics.


The following command clears Diameter server statistics for the specified AAA group:
clear diameter aaa-statistics group aaagroup3 

clear diameter route

Clears the Diameter routes in the Diabase.
















Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear diameter route dynamic [ endpoint endpoint_name | peer peer_name | facility { aaamgr | sessmgr } [ instance instance_number ] ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Clears all dynamic routes under all the Diameter endpoints.

endpoint endpoint_name

Clears the dynamic routes for the specified endpoint.

endpoint_name must be the name of a Diameter endpoint, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

peer peer_name

Clears the dynamic routes for the specified peer.

peer_name must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

facility { aaamgr | sessmgr } [ instance instance_number ]

Clears the dynamic routes for the specified facility – AAA Manager or Session Manager.

Specify the instance number to clear the dynamic routes for a particular facility's instance. The instance_number must be an integer from 1 through 99999.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the Diameter routing tables that gets added in the system whenever messages are routed through the Diameter proxy/Diabase. These message remain in the system for a long period.

The user has the flexibility to clear the route based on any combination of these keyword options. Running the command clear diameter route dynamic endpoint endpoint-name peer peer-name will result in flushing of the routes that match both endpoint and peer value. Similarly, with this CLI command "clear diameter route dynamic endpoint endpoint-name peer peer-name facility { aaamgr | sessmgr } instance instance_number , the routes in a particular facility with the specified endpoint and peer name can be deleted.


The following command clears all dynamic Diameter routes for the specified peer:
clear diameter route dynamic peer p1 

clear diameter statistics

Clears the Diameter statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear diameter statistics [ [ proxy ] endpoint endpoint_name [ peer-host host_id [ peer-realm realm_id ] ] ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

endpoint endpoint_name

Clears statistics for the specified endpoint.

endpoint_name must be the name of a diameter endpoint, and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


Clears proxy related statistics.

peer-host host_id

Clears statistics for the specified Diameter peer host ID.

host_id must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 255 characters.

peer-realm realm_id

Clears statistics for the specified Diameter peer realm.

realm_id must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear Diameter statistics.


The following command clears all Diameter statistics for the specified endpoint:
clear diameter statistics endpoint endpt345 

clear diameter-service

Clears information pertaining to configured Diameter services.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear diameter-service { eap { all | session-id session_id } | lte-s6b { all | session-id session_id } | lte-sta { all | session-id session_id } | mbms { bearer-contexts { all | bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } | ue-context { all | bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } } | statistics name service_name [ vpn-name vpn context_name ] } 

eap { all | session-id session_id }

Clears subscribers from the EAP interface.

all : Clears all subscribers.

session-id session_id : Clears a call for the session ID specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

lte-s6b { all | session-id session_id }

Clears subscribers from the S6b interface.

all : Clears all subscribers.

session-id session_id : Clears a call for the session ID specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

lte-sta { all | session-id session_id }

Clears subscribers from STa interface.

all : Clears all subscribers.

session-id session_id : Clears a call for the session ID specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

mbms { bearer-contexts { all | bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } | ue-context { all | bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } }

Clears information from the SGSN-APP interface.

bearer-contexts { all | bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } : Clears information from the bearer-context gmb-interface.

all : Clears all subscribers.

bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } : Specifies the name of a bmsc-bearer-service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

ue-context { all | bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } : Clear information UE context for gmb-interface.

all : Clears all subscribers.

bmsc-bearer-service name service_name } : Specifies the name of a bmsc-bearer-service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.


service_name must be a name of a Diameter service expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

statistics name service_name [ vpn-name vpn context_name ]

Clears the Diameter service associated with the specified statistics.

name service_name : Specifies the name of a Diameter service as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

vpn-name vpn context_name : Clears statistics for the vpn-context name specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear information pertaining to configured Diameter services.


The following command clears Diameter service information for all subscribers associated with EAP interface:
clear diameter-service eap all  

clear diameter tps-statistics

Clears Diameter Transactions Per Second (TPS) statistics information.







Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator, Inspector



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear diameter tps-statistics application { auth-eap | e2 | gmb | gx |  gy | rf | s6a |  s6b | sgmb | sta |  swm } | endpoint endpoint_name [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

endpoint endpoint_name

Clears the TPS KPI information only for the endpoint specified as a string of size ranging from 1 through 255 characters.


The Diameter Endpoints configured on ASR 5500 platform are not shared between various Diameter applications. For example, Gx and Gy should have separate Diameter endpoints configured.

application { auth-eap | e2 | gmb | gx | gy | rf | s6a | s6b | sgmb | sta | swm }

Clears the TPS KPI information only for the specified Diameter application.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear both historical as well as cumulative KPIs for Session and Network Initiated Setup/Teardown events. For example, if this clear CLI command is invoked at time 2:31:20, then all KPI information pegged till time "2:31:20" is cleared.


The following command clears Diameter TPS statistics for the endpoint named edp1 :
clear diameter tps-statistics endpoint edp1 

clear dns-client

Clears DNS cache and/or statistics for a specified DNS client.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear dns-client name { cache [ query-name name | query-type { A | AAAA | NAPTR | SRV } ] | statistics } 

dns-client name

Specifies the name of an existing DNS client whose cache and/or statistics are being cleared as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 255 characters.

cache [ query-name name | query-type { A | AAAA | NAPTR | SRV } ]

Specifies that the cache for the defined DNS client is to be cleared.

query-name name : Filters DNS results based on the domain name. The name is an alphanumeric string of 1 through 255 characters. that is the domain name used to perform the DNS query. This name is different from the actual domain name which is resolved. For example, to resolve the SIP server for service.com , the query name is _sip._udp.service.com and the query type is SRV .

query-type :
  • A : Filters DNS results based on domain IP address records (A records).

  • AAAA : Filters DNS results based on AAAA records (AAAA resource records).

  • NAPTR : Filters DNS results based on Name Authority Pointer records.

  • SRV : Filters DNS results based on service host records (SRV records).


Specifies that statistics for the defined DNS client are to be cleared.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear DNS cache and/or statistics for a specified DNS client.


The following command clears statistics for a DNS client named domain1.com :
clear dns-client domain1.com statistics 

clear dns-proxy statistics

Clears all DNS proxy statistics.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear dns-proxy statistics  

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear all DNS proxy statistics.


The following command clears DNS proxy statistics:
clear dns-proxy statistics 

clear dynamic-policy statistics

Clears policy control and charging (PCC) statistics from the interface communicating with the Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) via Gx(x).










The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear dynamic-policy statistics { hsgw-service name | pdsn-service name | sgw-service name } 

hsgw-service name

Clears policy control and charging statistics from the Gxa interface communicating with the PCRF. name must be an existing HSGW service name and be from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters.

pdsn-service name

Clears policy control and charging statistics from the Gx interface communicating with the PCRF. name must be an existing PDSN service name and be from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters.

sgw-service name

Clears policy control and charging statistics from the Gxc interface communicating with the PCRF. name must be an existing S-GW service name and be from 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear PCC statistics for the specified service and its Gx interface communicating with the PCRF.


The following command clears HSGW statistics for an HSGW service named hsgw4 :
clear dynamic-policy statistics hsgw-service hsgw4 
The following command clears PCC statistics for a PDSN service named cdma4 :
clear dynamic-policy statistics pdsn-service cdma4 
The following command clears S-GW statistics for an S-GW service named sgw4 :
clear dynamic-policy statistics sgw-service sgw4 

clear egtpc

Clears enhanced GPRS Tunneling Protocol control plane (eGTP-C) statistics and counters found in show command outputs and bulk statistics associated with all eGTP-C-related services or those defined by the parameters in this command.










The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear egtpc statistics [ egtp-service name [ interface { s2a | s2b | s5s8 } ] | interface-type { interface-mme | interface-pgw-ingress [ interface { s2a | s2b | s5s8 } ] | interface-sgsn | interface-sgw-egress | interface-sgw-ingress } | mme-address ip_address | pgw-address ip_address | sgsn-address ip_address | sgw-address ip_address ] 

egtp-service name [ interface { s2a | s2b | s5s8 } ]

Clears all statistics and counters associated with an existing eGTP service name specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

interface : Clears the eGTP-C sub-interface statistics only for the specified eGTP-C service. Possible interfaces are:

  • s2a : Interface type Sa
  • s2b : Interface type Sb
  • s5s8 : Interface type S5/S8


The keywords s2a and s2b are only visible if WiFi Integration functionality is enabled. WiFi Integration requires that a valid license key be installed. Contact your local Sales or Support representative for information on how to obtain a license.

interface-type { interface-mme | interface-pgw-ingress [ interface { s2a | s2b | s5s8 } ] | interface-sgsn | interface-sgw-egress | interface-sgw-ingress }

interface-mme : Clears statistics and counters derived from all MME interface types associated with this system.

interface-pgw-ingress : Clears statistics and counters derived from all P-GW ingress interface types associated with this system.

interface : Clears the eGTP-C interface statistics of a particular sub-interface of P-GW ingress. Possible interfaces are:

  • s2a : Interface type Sa
  • s2b : Interface type Sb
  • s5s8 : Interface type S5/S8


The keywords s2a and s2b are only visible if WiFi Integration functionality is enabled. WiFi Integration requires that a valid license key be installed. Contact your local Sales or Support representative for information on how to obtain a license.

interface-sgw-egress : Clears statistics and counters derived from all S-GW egress interface types associated with this system.

interface-sgsn : Clears statistics and counters derived from all SGSN S4 interface types associated with this system.

interface-sgw-ingress : Clears statistics and counters derived from all S-GW ingress interface types associated with this system.

mme-address ip_address

Clears all statistics and counters derived from an existing MME IP address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

pgw-address ip_address

Clears all statistics and counters derived from an existing P-GW IP address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

sgw-address ip_address

Clears all statistics and counters derived from an existing S-GW IP address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

sgsn-address ip_address

Clears all statistics and counters derived from an existing SGSN S4 IP address specified in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear running statistics and counters found in show command and bulk statistics outputs for all eGTP-C-related services or for specific interfaces, services, or IP addresses as specified by parameters in this command.


The following command clears eGTP-C statistics and counter associated with all P-GW ingress interfaces configured on this system:
clear egtpc statistics interface-type interface-pgw-ingress 
The following command clears eGTP-C statistics and counter associated with all MME interfaces configured on this system:
clear egtpc statistics interface-type interface-mme 

clear event-notif statistics

Clears the statistical information collected over a configured Event Notification (SNMP) interface based on specific criteria.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear event-notif statistics 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the statistical information collected over configured Event Notification interface based on specific criteria.


The following command clears the counter information for all Event Notification collection servers configured in a context:
clear event-notif server all  

clear event-record

Clears event record statistics for a P-GW node.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear event-record statistics pgw [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to a specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on using the grep and more commands, refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear event record statistics for a P-GW node.


The following command clears all P-GW event level statistics:
clear event-record statistics pgw 

clear firewall

This command is obsolete.

clear fng-service statistics

Deletes all previously gathered statistics for a specific Femto Network Gateway (FNG) service or all FNG services configured within a context.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear fng-service statistics { name service_name } 

name service_name

Specifies the name of a specific FNG service configured in the context for which to clear statistics as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

Usage Guidelines

Statistics for a single FNG service can be cleared using the name keyword. Statistics for all FNG services in the context can be deleted by entering the command with no keywords.

If this command is executed from within the local context with no keywords, statistics will be cleared for every FNG service configured on the system regardless of context. In addition, if the name keyword is used when executing from within the local context, statistics for all FNG services configured with the specified name will be cleared regardless of context.


The following command clears statistics for an FNG service named fng1:
clear fng-service statistics name fng1 

clear gmb statistics

Deletes the collected statistics for the Gmb reference point. Gmb handles broadcast multicast service center (BM-SC) related signaling, which includes the user specific and bearer service messages for Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) service.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator, Inspector



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gmb statistics [ apn name | bmsc-profile profile_name 

apn name

Deletes only the Gmb information for the specified Access Point Name (APN) specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 62 characters.

bmsc-profile profile_name

Deletes only the Gmb information for the specified BM-SC profile specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 79 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to delete usage statistics for the Gmb reference point.


The following command deletes all Gmb statistics:
clear gmb statistics  

clear gmm-sm statistics

Deletes the collected statistics for the GPRS Mobility Management and Session Management (GMM/SM) configurations for various SGSN services.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator, Inspector



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gmm-sm statistics [ gmm-only | gprs-service service_name |  iups-service service_name | plmn-id mcc mcc mnc mnc | recovered-values | sgsn-service service_name | sm-only ]  


Deletes only GPRS mobility management (GMM) information for the specified filter. Filter options include:
  • gprs-service service_name
  • iups-service service_name
  • plmn-id
  • recovered values
  • sgsn-service service_name

gprs-service srvc_name

Deletes the statistics for a 2.5G GPRS service specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that uniquely identifies a preconfigured GPRS service. The delete request can be narrowed by adding either the nsei or routing-area keywords.

iups-service srvc_name

Deletes the statistics for a IuPS service specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that uniquely identifies a preconfigured IuPS service. The delete request can be narrowed by adding either the rnc or routing-area keywords.

plmn-id mcc mcc mnc mnc [ access-type { gprs | umts } ]

Deletes the statistics for services within a specified PLMN.

mcc Specifies the mobile country code (MCC) as part of the identification of the RNC or RA. mcc_id must be an integer from 100 to 999.

mnc Specifies the mobile network code (MNC) as part of the identification of the RNC or RA. mnc_id must be a 2- or 3-digit integer from 00 to 999.

access-type keyword fine-tunes the delete procedure and only deletes GMM/SM statistics for the IuPS (access-type UMTS) and/or the GPRS (access-type GPRS) services belonging to the PLMN.


Deletes only the recovered values for the backed-up key KPI counters. The delete request can be narrowed by adding one of three filters:

  • gprs-service service_name
  • iups-service service_name
  • sgsn-service service_name

sgsn-service srvc_name

Deletes the statistics for a 3G SGSN service specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 to 63 characters that uniquely identifies the SGSN service. The delete request can be narrowed by adding either the rnc or routing-area keywords.


Deletes only session management (SM) information for the specified keyword parameters.


mcc Specifies the mobile country code (MCC) as part of the identification of the RNC or RA. mcc_id must be an integer from 100 to 999.


mnc Specifies the mobile network code (MNC) as part of the identification of the RNC or RA. mnc_id must be a 2- or 3-digit integer from 00 to 999.

lac lac_id

Specifies the location area code (LAC) as part of the identification of the RNC or RA. lac_id must be an integer from 1 to 65535.

nsei nse_id

Deletes the GMM/SM session statistics for the identified network service entity (NSEI). nse_id must be an integer from 0 to 65535 that uniquely identifies a configured NSEI.

rnc rnc_id

Fine-tunes the deletion of GMM/SM session statistics just for the specified radio network controller (RNC). rnc_id must be an integer from 0 to 4095.

rac rac_id

Specifies the routing area code (RAC) as part of the identification of the RNC or RA. rac_id must be an integer from 1 to 255.

routing-area mcc mcc_id mnc mnc_id lac lac_id rac rac_id

Enter the routing-area keyword to fine-tune the clearing of the GMM/SM statistics for a specified routing area (RA) identified by the MCC, MNC, LAC and RAC.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to delete usage statistics for the GMM/SM session configurations for SGSN services, including BSC attaches, activations, and throughput.


The following command deletes GMM/SM statistics for a specific routing area defined for the SGSN's GPRS service:
clear gmm-sm statistics gprs-service gprs1 routing-area mcc 123 mcc 131 lac 24 rac 11 
The following command displays all possible information for GMM/SM statistics:
show gmm-sm statistics verbose 


Output descriptions for show commands are available in the Statistics and Counters Reference.

clear gprsns statistics

Deletes collected statistics for the 2.5G SGSN's General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Network Service (NS) layer (link level).







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gprsns statistics { msg-stats nse nse_id | sns-msg-stats }[ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Deletes collected transmit (tx) and receive (rx) message statistics for the NS layer.

consolidated nse nse_id

nse_id : Enter an integer from 0 to 65535.

nse nse_id

Deletes statistics for an NSE specified as an integer from 0 to 65535.


Deletes subnetwork service (SNS) sublayer message statistics.

grep grep_options | more

You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to display Frame Relay statistics configured for the NSE/NSVC with the commands documented in the Network Service Entity - Peer NSEI Configuration Mode chapter.

Collected statistics are cleared (deleted) with the clear gprsns statistics described in the Exec Mode Commands (A-C) chapter.


The following command displays the collected message statistics for NSEI 1422 :
show gprsns statistics msg-stats nse 1422 


Output descriptions for show commands are available in the Statistics and Counters Reference.

clear gprsssf statistics

Deletes all Customized Applications for Mobile networks Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) service gprsSSF (GPRS Service Switching Function) statistics collected since the last reset or clear command.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gprsssf statistics [ camel-service srvc_name | gprs [ 2g-sgsn-app | 3g-sgsn-app ] | gsmscf-address { address | all } | sms ] [ | { grep | more } ]  

camel-service srvc_name

Clears only CAMEL service statistics for the configured CAMEL service specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

gprs [ 2g-sgsn-app | 3g-sgsn-app ]

Clears only CAMEL service statistics for either a 2.5G or 3G SGSN.

gsmscf-address { address | all }

Filters the command to only clear CAMEL service statistics for specified GSM service control function (gsmSCF) addresses. address is a standard ISDN E.164 address of 1 to 15 digits.


Filters the command to only clear CAMEL service statistics for SMS protocol information.

grep grep_options | more

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

This command instructs the SGSN to delete collected CAMEL service statistics for either specified CAMEL services, or for SMS or GPRS applications in all contexts.


The following command will delete gprsSSF statistics collected for the CAMEL service residing at SCP identified by the gsmSCF address:
clear gprsssf statistics gsmscf-address 412211411151 

clear gtpc statistics

Deletes all previously gathered GTPC (GTPv0, GTPv1-C, GTPv1-U) statistics within the given context based on the specified criteria.




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gtpc statistics [ [ custom1 | gtpcmgr-instance gtpcmgr_instance_number | smgr-instance sessmgr_instance_number ] [ apn apn_name | ggsn-service ggsn_service_name | mseg-service mseg_service_name | sgsn-address sgsn_ipv4_address ] ] 


Clears the statistics of GTP-C messages for preservation mode and free of charge service.

This keyword is a customer-specific function used for Preservation-Mode and Free-of-Charge Service that is enabled under customer-specific license. For more information on this support, contact your Cisco account representative.

gtpcmgr-instance gtpcmgr_instance_number

Clears GTP-C statistics for a GTPC Manager instance specified as an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

smgr-instance sessmgr_instance_number

Clears GTP-C statistics for a Session Manager instance specified as an integer from 1 through 4294967295.

apn apn_name

Clears GTP-C statistics for an existing APN specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

ggsn-service ggsn_service_name

Clears GTP-C statistics for an existing GGSN service specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters that is case sensitive.

mseg-service mseg_service_name


This keyword is not supported in this release.

sgsn-address sgsn_ipv4_address

Clears GTP-C statistics for an existing SGSN specified by IP address in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

Usage Guidelines

GTPC statistics can be cleared for a single APN, GGSN service, or SGSN. All GTPC statistics in the context can be deleted by entering the command with no keywords.

This command can be executed from any context configured on the system.

If this command is executed from within the local context with no keywords, all GTPC statistics will be cleared regardless of context.

GTPP statistics are not affected by this command.


The following command clears all GTPC statistics context:
clear gtpc statistics 

clear gtpp statistics

Deletes all previously gathered GTPP statistics within the given context for either single or all Charging Gateway Functions (CGFs).








Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gtpp statistics [ cgf-address ipv4/ipv6_address [ port port_num ] ] 

cgf-address ipv4/ipv6_address [ port port_num ]

Deletes statistics for a CGF identified by its IP address entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.

port port_num : Specifies the port number of CGF server. The port number must be an integer ranging from 1 to 65535.

This optional keyword is introduced to ease the identification of product specific CDRs. This configuration provides the flexibility to send ePDG, SaMOG and P-GW LBO CDRs to the same CGF server on different ports.

When the port is specified, this command clears the GTPP statistics for specified CGF server IP address and port. If port is not provided then it will clear the statistics for all CGF servers with the specified IP address.

Usage Guidelines

Statistics for a single CGF can be cleared using the cgf-address keyword. Statistics for all CGFs in the context can be deleted by entering the command with no keywords.

This command can be executed from any context configured on the system.

If this command is executed from within the local context with no keywords, statistics will be cleared for every CGF configured on the system regardless of context. In addition, if the cgf-address keyword is used when executing from within the local context, statistics for all CGFs configured with the specified name will be cleared regardless of context.


The following command deletes all GTPP statistics for a CGF server with an IP address of
clear gtpp statistics cgf-address 

clear gtpp storage-server local file statistics

Clears AAA proxy GTPP group level statistics for CDRs stored on the local hard disk.





Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gtpp storage-server local file statistics [ group name name ] 

Usage Guidelines

If executed from the local context, this command clears statistics for all GTPP groups configured on the system. If executed from the context within which the storage servers (hard disk) is configured, statistics are deleted for only that context.

clear gtpp storage-server statistics

Clears statistics for configured GTPP storage servers (GSS).




Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gtpp storage-server statistics 

Usage Guidelines

If executed from the local context, this command clears statistics for all GTPP storage servers configured on the system. If executed from the context within which the servers are configured, statistics are deleted for only those servers.

clear gtpu statistics

Clears enhanced GPRS Tunneling Protocol user plane statistics and counters found in show command outputs and bulk statistics associated with all GTP-U-related services or those defined by the parameters in this command.










The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear gtpu statistics [ gtpu-service gtpu_service_name | mseg-service mseg_service_name | peer-address { ipv4/ipv6_address | all] } 

gtpu-service gtpu_service_name

Clears GTP-U statistics for an existing GTP-U service specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

mseg-service mseg_service_name


This keyword is not supported in this release.

peer-address { [ ipv4/ipv6_address | all ] }

Clears GTP-U statistics for an existing peer IP address entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal or IPv6 colon-separated-hexadecimal notation.


Clears GTP-U statistics for all existing peers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear running statistics and counters found in show command and bulk statistics outputs for all GTP-U-related services or for specific services or IP addresses as specified by parameters in this command.


The following command clears GTP-U statistics and counter associated with a GTP-U service name gtpu-12 configured on this system:
clear gtpu statistics gtpu-service gtpu-12 

clear hd-storage-policy

Clears statistic information for HD storage policies configured on the system.










The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear hd-storage-policy statistics { all | name name } 

statistics { all | name name }

all : Clears ACR statistical information for all HD storage policies configured on the system.

name name : Clears ACR statistical information for an existing HD storage policy specified as an alphanumeric string of 0 through 63 characters.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear statistics for HD storage policies configured on the system.


The following command clears statistics for an HD storage policy named pgwsgw :
clear hd-storage-policy statistics name pgwsgw 

clear henbgw-access-service statistics


In Release 20, 21.0 and 21.1, HeNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HeNBGW in these releases. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Clears HENBGW ACCESS service statistics.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear henbgw-access-service statistics [ henbgw-access-service henbgw_acc_svc_name | miscellaneous |  peer-id peer_id_value  | s1ap | sctp ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

henbgw-access-service henbgw_acc_svc_name

Clear statistics per specified HENBGW ACCESS service.

henbgw_acc_svc_name is a string of size 1 to 63.


Clears Miscellaneous statistics.


Clears information about HENB associations for the specified peer.

peer_id_value is an integer value ranging from 0 to 4294967295.


Clears S1AP statistics.


Clears SCTP statistics.

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear HENBGW ACCESS service statistics


The following command clears S1AP statistics :
clear henbgw-access-service statistics s1ap 

clear henbgw-network-service statistics


In Release 20, 21.0 and 21.1, HeNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HeNBGW in these releases. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Clears HENBGW NETWORK service statistics.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear henbgw-network-service statistics [ henbgw-network-service henbgw_net_svc_name |  peer-id peer_id_value  | s1ap | sctp ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

henbgw-network-service henbgw_net_svc_name

Clear statistics per specified HENBGW NETWORK service.

henbgw_net_svc_name is a string of size 1 to 63.


Clears information about MME associations for the specified peer.

peer_id_value is an integer value ranging from 0 to 4294967295.


Clears S1AP statistics.


Clears SCTP statistics.

| { grep grep_options | more }

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

For details on the usage of grep and more , refer to the Regulating a Command's Output section of the Command Line Interface Overview chapter.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear HENBGW NETWORK service statistics


The following command clears S1AP statistics :
clear henbgw-network-service statistics s1ap 

clear hexdump-module statistics

Clears and resets all information related to hexdump-module statistics.





Security Administrator, Administrator, Operator



The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear hexdump-module statistics [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 

grep grep_options | more

Pipes (sends) the output of this command to the specified command. You must specify a command to which the output of this command will be sent.

Please refer to the Regulating the Command Output section in this reference for details on the usage of grep and more.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clears and reset all information related to hexdump-module statistics.


The following command resets hexdump-module statistics.
clear hexdump-module statistics 

clear hnbgw sessions


In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Clears the active/dormant session information about registered Nabs) on Home-NodeB Gateway (HNB-GW) service instances configured and running on this system based on different filter criteria.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear hnbgw sessions { all | cell-id cell_id | hnb-address hnb_ip_address | hnb-local-id hnb_id | hnbgw-service hnbgw_svc_name | hnbid hnb_glbl_id | mcc mcc mnc mnc [ -noconfirm ] [ lac lac | rac rac ] } 


Clears the summarized or full information for all registered HNB sessions on an HNB-GW service instance running on system. Clearing the statistics can be filtered based on given filtering.

cell-id cell_id

Clears HNB session statistics for a registered cell ID on an HNB-GW service instance. cell_id is the identification number of the Femto cell where the user/subscriber is geographically located expressed as an integer from 0 through 268435455.

hnb-address hnb_ip_address

Clears the session statistics for HNB session(s) based on a registered HNB IP address entered in IPv4 dotted-decimal notation.

hnb-local-id hnb_id

Clears the session statistics of HNB session(s) for a registered local id of HNB specified as as an integer from 1 through 255.

hnbgw-service hnbgw_svc_name

Clears the session statistics for registered HNB session(s) on an existing HNB-GW service name specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

hnbid hnb_glbl_id

Clears the statistics for HNB session(s) based on the registered HNB global id specified as an integer from 1 through 255

mcc mcc

Clears statistics for HNB session(s) based on the registered Mobile Country Code (MCC) identification number of the UE. mcc must be an integer from 101 through 999.

mnc mnc

Clears the statistics for HNB session(s) based on the registered Mobile Network Code (MNC) identification number of the UE. mnc must be a 2- or 3-digit integer from 00 through 999

lac lac

Clears the statistics for HNB session(s) based on the registered Location Area Code (LAC) identification number of the UE. lac must be an integer from 1 through 65535.

rac rac

Clears the statistics for HNB session(s) based on the registered Radio Access Code (RAC) identification number of the UE. rac must be an integer from 1 through 255.

rnc rnc

Clears the statistics for HNB session(s) based on the registered Radio Network Code (RAC) identification number of the HNB. rnc must be an integer from 1 through 65535.


Executes the command without any additional prompt and confirmation from the user.


The Operator privilege does not have access to this keyword.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the session statistics of all or specific registered HNB session(s) or in selected part of user session for HNB-GW services configured and running on this system.


The following command clears the session statistics for all registered HNBs on the HNB-GW service named hnbgw1 :
clear hnbgw sessions hnbgw-service hnbgw1 

clear hnbgw statistics


In Release 20 and later, HNBGW is not supported. This command must not be used for HNBGW in Release 20 and later. For more information, contact your Cisco account representative.

Clears the HNB-GW service and HNB related statistics from an HNB-GW node.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear hnbgw statistics [ gtpu-only ] [ hnb-access-mode { closed | hybrid | open } ] [ hnbap-only ] [ hnbgw-service hnbgw_svc_name [ gtpu-only | hnb-access-mode { closed | hybrid | open } | hnbap-only | ipne-only | ranap-only | rtp-only | rua-only | sabp-only | sctp-only ] ] [ hnbid hnb_identifier] [ hnbap-only | ranap-only | rtp-only | rua-only ] ]  [ hnbid | ipne-only | ranap-only | rtp-only | rua -only | sabp-only | sctp-only ]  


Clears the statistics for GTP-U traffic only for the selected HNB/HNB-GW service.

hnb-access-mode { closed | hybrid | open }

Clears the session statistics of an existing HNB-GW service based on access mode filters.

  • closed : clears the statistics of only those UEs which are connected through Closed HNBs to the HNB-GW services on a chassis. This command applies to all Closed HNB sessions on a chassis. If any other criteria specified it will filter the statistics based on given criteria.
  • hybrid : clears the statistics of only those UEs which are connected through Hybrid HNBs to the HNB-GW services on a chassis. This command applies to all Hybrid HNB sessions on a chassis. If any other criteria specified it will filter the statistics based on given criteria.
  • open : clears the statistics of only those UEs which are connected through Open HNBs to the HNB-GW services on a chassis. This command applies to all Open HNB sessions on a chassis. If any other criteria specified it will filter the statistics based on given criteria.


Clears the statistics for Home NodeB Application Part (HNBAP) traffic only for the selected HNB/HNB-GW service.

hnbgw-service hnbgw_svc_name

Clears the session statistics for an existing \HNB-GW service name specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.

hnbid hnb_identifier

Clears the session statistics for an existing Home-NodeB identifier specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 255 characters.


Clears IPNE statistics for selected HNBGW Service.


Clears the session statistics for Radio Access Network Application Protocol (RANAP) traffic only for the selected HNB/HNB-GW service.


Clears the session statistics for Real Time Protocol (RTP) traffic only for the selected HNB/HNB-GW service.


Clears the session statistics for RANAP User Adaptation (RUA) traffic only for the selected HNB/HNB-GW service.


Clears the session statistics for Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) traffic only for the selected HNB-GW service.


Filters the session statistics to display only Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) traffic for the selected HNB-GW service.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the session statistics for an overall session or in a selected part of a user session for HNB-GW services and/or HNBs configured and running on this system.


The following command clear the session statistics for the HNBAP portion of session details for the HNB-GW service named hnbgw1 :
clear hnbgw statistics hnbgw-service hnbgw1 hnbap-only 
The following command clears the session statistics for the RANAP portion of session details for the HNB identified as 102 :
clear hnbgw statistics hnbid 102 ranap-only  

clear hsgw-service

Clears HRPD Serving Gateway (HSGW) statistics and counters found in show command outputs and bulk statistics associated with all HSGW services or a specific service defined by the parameter in this command.







The following prompt is displayed in the Exec mode:



clear hsgw-service statistics [ dns-stats | name service_name [ dns-stats ] ] [ | { grep grep_options | more } ] 


Clears DNS-related statistics.

name name

Clears statistics and counters for a an existing HSGW service name specified as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.