This command configures the action priority for an actiondef.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Exec > Global Configuration > Local Policy Service Configuration > Local Policy Actiondef Configuration
configure > local-policy-service service_name > actiondef actiondef_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
action priority priority action_name arguments
no action priority priority
priority priority
Specifies a priority for the specified action.
priority must be a unique integer from 1 to 2048.
action_name arguments
activate-ambr uplink bandwidth downlink bandwidth
Sets the aggregated maximum bit rate (AMBR) for the APN.
Configures uplink and downlink bandwidth. bandwidth must be an integer from 1 to 1000000000.
activate-flow-detection { initiation | termination } ruledef ruledef_name
Detects a flow and takes action.
initiation ruledef : Checks for flow initiation and adds a rule definition.
termination ruledef : Checks for flow termination and adds a rule definition.
ruledef_name must be an existing ruledef.
activate-lp-rule name lprule_name
Activates a local-policy rule within service scheme when a subscriber is in the configured RAI or TAI range.
lprule_name must be an existing local-policy rule within the service scheme expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.
Local-Policy can support up to 7 lp-rules to be activated for a given session.
When the subscriber moves out of the configured RAI or TAI range, the local-policy rule is deactivated. This option is added as part of Location Based QoS Override feature. For more information on this feature, see the ECS Administration Guide.
activate-rule name rule_name
Activates a rule within ECS rulebase for a subscriber.
rule_name must be an existing rule within this local QoS policy service expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.
activate-rulebase name rulebase_name
Associates the session with a specific rulebase.
rulebase_name must be an existing rulebase within this local QoS policy service expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.
Allow a specific UE initiated QoS request.
Allows the session to continue.
deactivate-flow-detection { initiation | termination } ruledef ruledef_name
Deactivates detection of flow and takes action.
initiation ruledef : Checks for flow initiation and adds a rule definition.
termination ruledef : Checks for flow termination and adds a rule definition.
ruledef_name must be an existing ruledef.
deactivate-rule name rule_name
Deactivates a rule within ECS.
rule_name must be an existing rule within this local QoS policy service expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.
deactivate-rulebase name rulebase_name
Disassociates the rulebase from a session.
rulebase_name must be an existing rulebase within this local QoS policy service expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.
default-qos qci value arp value
Sets the default QoS parameters for the session
qci value must be an integer from 1 through 254.
arp value must be an integer from 1 through 15 (StarOS v12.1 and earlier) or 1 through 127 (StarOS v12.2 and later).
event-triggers { default-bearer-qos-change | ecgi-change | qos-change | tai-change | uli-change }
This action specifies to enable the event triggers – Default EPS bearer QoS change event trigger, ECGI-Change event trigger and QoS change event trigger.
The ECGI-Change event trigger is added as part of Location Based Local-Policy Rule Enforcement feature. For more information on this feature, see the Gx Interface Support chapter in the administration guide for the product you are deploying.
The TAI-Change and ULI-Change event triggers are added as part of Location Based QoS Override feature. For more information on this feature, see the ECS Administration Guide.
reconnect-to-server [ send-usage-report ] [ fetch-usage-from-up ]
Reconnects to the PCRF server to handle fallback scenario. That is, when the session falls back to local policy, this action specifies to retry connecting to the PCRF server.
send-usage-report : Triggers CCR-U with volume report immediately. The default behavior is that the CCR-U will not be triggered immediately.
fetch-usage-from-up : This action specifies the fetching of usage report from UP by sending Sx-modify request to UP and uses that usage report values in the CCR-U.
On timer-expiry, if the initial failure is due to CCR-U failure, and if send-ccru-immediate is configured, then CCR-U will be sent with the usage report immediately.
Rejects UE QoS resource request.
retry-count value
Retry action. This applies to start-timer/activate-rule/activate-ruledef.
value must be an integer from 0 through 65535.
start-timer name duration value retry-count value
Starts a named timer. On expiry of this timer, the local policy engine is contacted to initiate the appropriate action, such as termination of a session.
duration value : Enter a timer duration from 0 through 28800 seconds. A value of 0 can be used to leave the local policy until the subscriber disconnects. Default timer value is 14400 (seconds).
retry-count specifies the maximum number of times the server will be retried before terminating the call.
retry-count value must be an integer from 0 through 65535. Default retry count is 3.
stop-timer name
Stops the designated timer.
Terminates the session.
![]() Note |
It is recommended to use a maximum number of 45 action priorities in an actiondef for performance reasons. |
no action priority priority
Deletes the specified action.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to enable the setting of parameters to be used when invoking actions. Actions are a series of operations that are triggered by activated rules.
This command can be entered multiple times to configure multiple actions for an actiondef. The actions are examined in priority order until a match is found and the corresponding action is applied.
action priority 125 allow-session