This command enables the setting of event rules. An event is something that occurs in the system which would trigger a set of actions to take place, such as new-call or rat-change.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Exec > Global Configuration > Local Policy Service Configuration > Local Policy Eventbase Configuration
configure > local-policy-service service_name > eventbase eventbase_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
rule priority priority [ event list_of_events ] ruledef ruledef_name actiondef actiondef_name [ continue ]
no rule priority priority
priority priority
Specifies a priority for the specified rule.
priority must be unique and an integer from 1 to 2048.
event list_of_events
apn-ambr-mod-failure : This event is triggered as a result of a APN AMBR Modification failure.
def-eps-bearer-qos-mod-failure : This event is triggered as a result of a Default EPS bearer QoS Modification failure.
default-qos-change : This event is triggered as a result of a default QoS change.
ecgi-change : This event is triggered as a result of any change relating to ECGI. This event trigger is added as part of Location Based Local-Policy Rule Enforcement feature. For more information on this feature, see the Gx Interface Support chapter in the administration guide for the product you are deploying.
fallback : This event is triggered as a result of fallback from PCRF.
location-change : This event is triggered as a result of any change relating to location.
new-call : This event is initiated when a new call is established.
out-of-credit : This event is initiated on out of OCS credit.
realloc-of-credit : This event is initiated on OCS reallocation of credit.
request-qos : This event is initiated as the result of UE requested QoS.
rule-report-status : This event is initiated as the result of rule report status provided to PCRF.
service-flow : This event is triggered as a result of a new service flow being detected for the subscriber.
tai-change : This event is triggered as a result of any change relating to TAI. This event trigger is added as part of Location Based QoS Override feature. For more information on this feature, see the ECS Administration Guide.
timer-expiry : This event is triggered as a result of the expiry of Local Policy Timer.
ruledef ruledef_name
Associates the rule with a specific ruledef.
ruledef_name must be an existing ruledef within this local QoS policy service.
actiondef actiondef_name
Associates the rule with a specific actiondef.
actiondef_name must be an existing actiondef within this local QoS policy service expressed as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 63 characters.
Subsequent rules are also matched; otherwise, rule evaluation is terminated on first match.
no rule priority priority
Deletes the specified rule.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to create, configure, or delete event rules.
The rules are executed in priority order, and if the rule is matched the action specified in the actiondef is executed. If an event qualifier is associated with a rule, the rule is matched only for that specific event. If a qualifier of continue is present at the end of the rule, the subsequent rules are also matched; otherwise, rule evaluation is terminated on first match.
This command can be entered multiple times to configure multiple rules for an eventbase.
![]() Important |
It is recommended to use a maximum number of 20 rule priorities in an event base for performance reasons. |
rule priority 2 ruledef rule5 actiondef action7