TACACS+ Configuration Mode Commands


TACACS Configuration Mode is available in releases 11.0 and later.


This chapter describes all commands available in the TACACS+ Configuration Mode. TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus) is a secure, encrypted protocol. By remotely accessing TACACS+ servers that are provisioned with the administrative user account database, the ASR 5500 support TACACS+ accounting and authentication services for system administrative users.

Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).


Enables the recording of the start and the stop time each command issued during a TACACS+-authenticated CLI session.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] accounting { command | start-stop }  


Disables a speicifed TACACS+ accounting setting.


Enables accounting on a command-by-command basis. The TACACS+ server is contacted prior to the execution of the command and the command which is about to be executed is recorded. Only commands which are valid for the user privilege and context (mode) in which they are about to be executed will be recorded. StarOS does not record whether the command itself succeeded or failed. For security reasons, some secure or restricted commands are not recorded. In such cases, the accounting record will record the command as three asterisks ("***").


Records the time at which the session starts (the time at which the user passes authentication) and the time at which the user exits. If a user exits before passing authentication, only a stop time is recorded.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the accounting method for TACACS+-based CLI sessions.


For releases after 15.0 MR4, TACACS+ accounting (CLI event logging) will not be generated for Lawful Intercept users with privilege level set to 15 and 13.


The following command enables TACACS+ accounting for commands:
accounting command 


Enables the authorization of TACACS+ CLI users on a command-by-command, command + command argument, or command prompt basis. If the user is not authorized to execute the command, the command will fail.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ no ] authorization { arguments | command | prompt }  


Disables a specified TACACS+ authorization type.


Enables per-command and command + argument authorization. The TACACS+ server authorizes each command and its arguments for the user. If the user is not authorized to execute the command and the corresponding arguments, the command fails. If the command does not contain any arguments, then the command only is passed to the authorization server.


Enables per-command authorization. The TACACS+ server is contacted for each command and each command is authorized for the user. If the user is not authorized to execute the command, then the command fails. If the user is authorized for the command, the command is executed.


Enables per-command authorization, as described for the command option above. However, since commands may be duplicated in different CLI modes, this version of the command authorization also passes the command prompt string to the server. The TACACS+ server is contacted for each prompt and command and must have a matching string for the prompt/command combination. Enabling prompt authorization supersedes command authorization, since the prompt and command must be authorized together.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the authorization method for TACACS+-based CLI sessions.


The following command requires per-command TACACS+ authorization:
authorization command 

do show

Executes all show commands while in Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


do show 

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to run all Exec mode show commands while in Configuration mode. It is not necessary to exit the Config mode to run a show command.

The pipe character | is only available if the command is valid in the Exec mode.


There are some Exec mode show commands which are too resource intensive to run from Config mode. These include: do show support collection , do show support details , do show support record and do show support summary . If there is a restriction on a specific show command, the following error message is displayed:

Failure: Cannot execute 'do	show support' command from Config mode.


Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the Exec mode.


Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.

idle-session threshold

Configures the idle session threshold available for TACACS+ sessions.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



idle-session threshold number user-id tacacs_userid 
default idle-session threshold user-id tacacs_userid 

threshold number

Configures the idle sessions threshold value in minutes. If a session is idle, the CLI flags it as being in an idle state when it has been inactive for a specific amount of time. number specifies the idle-session threshold number in minutes. This setting must be an alphanumeric integer from 0 to 10 minutes. The default value is 5 minutes. 0 indicates that there is no idle session threshold for the user. When a CLI session has reached the threshold, then the session is in the idle state but it will not be in the idle state indefinitely.

user-id tacacs_userid

Identifies a valid TACACS+ user as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 144 characters.

default tacacs_userid

Configures the default number for idle sessions to 5 minutes.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the idle session threshold in minutes for a specific TACACS+ user.

The default value of 5 minutes is used if the idle-session threshold is not configured for a user.

After upgrading to 21.2.0, the default maximum sessions number is assigned to all users. After downgrading to a previous release, the maximum sessions configuration is lost.

While using the user-id TACACS+ Configuration Mode command without the idle session threshold command, the system will keep the existing configured value or the default value if nothing is configured.


The following command configures the threshold for this user to be 5 minutes:
idle-session threshold 5 user-id admin 


Configures the maximum number of sessions available for a TACACS+ user.


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Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



max-sessions number user-id tacacs_userid  
default max-sessions user-id tacacs_userid 


Specifics the maximum number of simultaneous CLI sessions. It must be alphanumeric integer from 0 to 100. The default number is 100.

user-id tacacs_userid

Identifies a valid TACACS+ user as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 144 characters.


Configures the default number of simultaneous CLI sessions to 100.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the maximum number of sessions available for a TACACS+ user.

After upgrading to 21.2.0, the default maximum sessions number is assigned to all users. After downgrading to a previous release, the maximum sessions configuration is lost.


The following command configures 50 CLI sessions for a specific TACACS user:
max-sessions 50 user-id admin 
The following command configures 100 CLI sessions for a specific TACACS user:
default max-sessions user-id admin 


Defines system behavior when an administrative login fails due to a TACACS+ authentication failure. This command also can be used to configure system behavior separately for TACACS+ authentication failures for administrative users accessing the system via the StarOS Console port.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



on-authen-fail { continue | stop } [ tty console ] 


After a TACACS+ authentication failure, the system will continue with authentication using non-TACACS+ authentication services.


After a TACACS+ authentication failure, the system forces the failed TACACS+ user to exit.

tty console

Release 12 and later systems only: Used after the stop or continue parameters to specify system behavior for users being authenticated via the StarOS Console port:
  • stop tty console : Forces the failed TACACS+ user to exit.
  • continue tty console : The system will continue with authentication using non-TACACS+ authentication services.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure system behavior for users that fail TACACS+ authentication.


The following command instructs the system to stop upon TACACS+ authentication failure:
on-authen-fail stop 


Configures StarOS behavior when a TACACS+ login fails due to a network error. This command also can be used to configure system behavior separately for TACACS+ network error login failures for administrative users accessing the system via the Console port.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



on-network-error { continue | stop } [ tty console ] 


The system will continue with authentication using non-TACACS+ authentication services.


The system forces the failed TACACS+ user to exit.

tty console

Release 12 and later systems only: Can be used after the continue or stop options to specify system behavior for TACACS+ CLI users being authenticated via the StarOS Console port:
  • stop tty console : Forces the failed user to exit when authentication fails.
  • continue tty console : The system will continue with authentication using non-TACACS+ authentication services.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure system behavior for users who fail TACACS+ authentication due to a network error.


The following command conifgures the system to stop when a TACACS+ login fails due to a network error:
on-network-error stop 


Configures StarOS behavior when a TACACS+ server cannot authenticate a given user name. This command also can be used to configure system behavior separately for TACACS+ unknown user login failures for administrative users accessing the system via the StarOS console port.


Some TACACS+ server implementations will not send a Reply message indicating that the user name is invalid. Instead, these types of implementations will accept the username, whether valid or not, and then examine the username and password in combination before sending a Reply message indicating a failed TACACS+ login. In these cases, specifying on-unknown-user will continue the login process. To avoid this scenario, determine the method the configured TACACS+ servers will use to validate user names before deciding whether specifying the on-unknown-user command will provide the desired result.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



on-unknown-user { continue | stop } [ tty console ] 


The system will continue with authentication using non-TACACS+ authentication services.


The system forces the failed TACACS+ user to exit.

tty console

Release 12 and later systems only: Can be used after the continue or stop options to specify the behavior of the system for TACACS+ CLI users being authenticated via the StarOS console port.
  • stop tty console : The system forces the failed user to exit when authentication fails.
  • continue tty console : The system will continue with authentication using non-TACACS+ authentication services.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure StarOS behavior for users who fail TACACS+ user name authentication.

TACACS+ authentication is also performed on non-local VPN context logins, if TACACS+ is configured and enabled. If TACACS+ is enabled with the on-unknown-user stop option, the VPN context name into which the user is attempting a login must match the VPN name specified in the username string. If the context name does not match, the login fails and exits out.


The following command forces users who fail TACACS+ user name authentication to exit StarOS:
on-unknown-user stop 


Configures authorized StarOS privileges for a specified TACACS+ privilege level.


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Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



priv-lvl lvl_number authorization-level { administrator | inspector | operator | security-admin } [ cli | ecs | ftp | li-administration | nocli | noecs | noftp | nocli-administration ] 


Specifies the TACACS+ privilege level with which StarOS authorizations will be associated. as an integer from 1 through 15.

authorization-level { administrator | inspector | operator | security-admin }

Specifies the StarOS administrative authorization level for this privilege level.
  • administrator – Allows user to execute Administrator level configuration commands.
  • inspector – Allows user to execute Inspector commands.
  • operator – Allows user to execute Operator commands.
  • security-admin – Allows user to execute Security Administrator commands

For detailed information about StarOS administration levels, refer to the System Settings chapter of the System Administration Guide.

[ cli | ecs | ftp | li-administration | nocli | noecs | noftp | nocli-administration ]

Specifies a set of access privileges or restrictions for this TACACS+ privilege level. Multiple options may be specified.
  • cli – Permits access to the StarOS command line interface.
  • ecs – Permits access to Enhanced Charging Services (ECS) commands.
  • ftp – Permits of File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
  • li-administration – Permits access to Lawful Intercept (LI) administrative commands.
  • nocli – Denies access to the StarOS CLI.
  • noecs – Denies access to ECS commands
  • noftp – Denies use of FTP.
  • nocli-administration – Denies access to StarOS Administrator and Security Administrator commands.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to customize StarOS access authorization for users at various TACACS+ privilege levels.


The following command sequence authorizes a TACACS+ priv-level 13 user to execute StarOS Administrator commands but denies access to LI administrative commands and FTP.
priv-lvl 13 authorization-level administrator cli noftp 

rem_addr client-ip

Sends a remote client IPv4 address field in the TACACS+ protocol for use by a Cisco Secure ACS server.


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Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



[ default | no ] rem_addr client-ip 


Disables the sending of a remote client IP address field to a Cisco Secure ACS server for a TACACS+ login request.


Disables the sending of a remote client IP address field to a Cisco Secure ACS server for a TACACS+ login request.

Usage Guidelines

A Cisco Secure ACS server can be configured to explicitly check the NAS source address for TACACS+ connections. StarOS may not properly set the rem_addr field in the TACACS+ protocol packet when initiating a connection with the Cisco Secure ACS server. This may cause the Cisco Secure ACS server to reject the TACACS+ login request.


The default behavior is to not fill in the rem_addr field.

This CLI command enables the setting and sending of the remote address to the IPv4 address associated with the local context management interface for customers who require this field to be verified via the Cisco Secure ACS server.

When enabled the rem_addr field contains the ssh client IP address in ASCII form. If the IP address cannot be retrieved, the length is set to zero.


The following command enables the sending of the rem_addr field to a Cisco Secure ACS server for a TACACS+ login request:

rem_addr client-ip arg1


Configures TACACS+ AAA service-related parameters for use in authenticating StarOS administrative users via a TACACS+ server.


Once a TACACS+ server is configured with the server command, TACACS+ AAA services for StarOS must be enabled using the aaa tacacs+ command in Global Configuration mode.




Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



server priority priority_number ip-address ip_address [ { encrypted password shared_secret ] [ key text_password ] [ nas-source-address ip_address ] [ password text_password ] [ port port_number ] [ retries num_retries ] [ service { accounting |authentication | authorization } ] ] [ timeout seconds ] 
no server priority priority_number 


Removes a specified server (by priority number) from the TACACS+ server list.

priority priority_number

Specifies the order in which TACACS+ servers are to be tried. The priority number corresponds to a configured TACACS+ server.

For releases prior to 18.2, priority_number can be an integer from 1 (highest priority) to 3 (lowest priority).

For releases 18.2+, priority_number can be an integer from 1 (highest priority) to 4 (lowest priority).

If no server with priority 1 is specified, the next highest priority is used. If the specified priority matches that of a TACACS+ server already configured, any previously defined server configuration parameter(s) for that priority are returned to the default setting(s).


Specifies the IP address of the TACACS+ server in IPv4 or IPv6 dotted-decimal notation. Only one IP address can be defined for a given server priority

encrypted password shared_secret

Specifies the encrypted value of the shared secret key. The server-side configuration must match the decrypted value for the protocol to work correctly. If encrypted password is specified, specifying password is invalid. No encryption is used if this value is null (""). The encrypted password can be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 100 characters. If neither an encrypted password or password is specified, StarOS will not use encryption

key text_password

Release 11.0 systems only. Instead of using an encrypted password value, the user can specify a plain-text key value for the password. If the key keyword is specified, then specifying encrypted password is invalid. A null string represents no encryption. The password can be from 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters in length. If neither an encrypted password or key is specified, then StarOS will not use encryption.

nas-source-address ip_address

Release 12 and later systems only: Sets the IPv4 or IPv6 address to be specified in the Source Address of the IP header in the TACACS+ protocol packet sent from the NAS to the TACACS+ server. ip_address is entered using IPv4 dotted-decimal notation and must be valid for the interface.

password text_password

Release 12.0 and later systems. Instead of using an encrypted password value, the user can specify a plain-text value for the password. If the password keyword is specified, specifying encrypted password is invalid. A null string ("") represents no encryption. The password can be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 32 characters. If neither an encrypted password or password is specified, then StarOS will not use encryption.

port port_number

Specifies the TCP port number to use for communication with the TACACS+ server. port_number can be an integer from 1 through 65535. If a port is not specified, StarOS will use port 49.

retries number

Release 12 and later systems only: Specifies the number of retry attempts at establishing a connection to the TACACS+ server if the initial attempt fails. retries number can be an integer from 0 through 100. The default is 3. Specifying 0 (zero) retries results in StarOS trying only once to establish a connection. No further retries will be attempted.

service { accounting | authentication | authorization }

Release 12 and later systems only: Specifies one or more of the AAA services that the specified TACACS+ server will provide. Use of the service keyword requires that at lease one of the available services be specified. If the service keyword is not used, StarOS will use the TACACS+ server for all AAA service types. The default is to use authentication, authorization and accounting. Available service types are:

  • accounting : The specified TACACS+ server should be used for accounting. If TACACS+ authentication is not used, TACACS+ accounting will not be used. If no accounting server is specified and the user is authenticated, no accounting will be performed for the user.

  • authentication : The specified TACACS+ server should be used for authentication. If a TACACS+ authentication server is not available, TACACS+ will not be used for authorization or accounting.

  • authorization : The specified TACACS+ server should be used for authorization. If TACACS+ authentication is not used, TACACS+ authorization will not be used. If no authorization server is specified and the user is authenticated, the user will remain logged in with minimum privileges (Inspector level).

timeout seconds

Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a connection timeout from the TACACS+ server. seconds can be an integer from 1 through 1000. If no timeout is specified, StarOS0 will use the default value of 10 seconds.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify TACACS+ service parameters for a specified TACACS+ server.


The following command configures a priority 2, TACACS+ authetication server at IP address
server priority 2 ip-address authentication 


Configures additional profile attributes for a specific TACACS+ user identifier.


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Security Administrator, Administrator


Exec > Global Configuration > TACACS+ Configuration

configure > tacacs mode

Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:



user-id tacacs_userid [ li-admin | noli-admin ] 
[ default ] user-id tacacs_userid 

user-id tacacs_userid

Identifies a valid TACACS+ user as an alphanumeric string of 1 through 144 characters.

[ li-admin | noli-admin ]

Grants or denies access to Lawful Intercept (LI) configuration commands.


Configures default profile attributes for a specific TACACS+ user identifier.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to grant LI access to a specified TACACS+ user identifier.

After upgrading to 21.2.0, the default maximum sessions number is assigned to all users. After downgrading to a previous release, the maximum sessions configuration is lost.


The following command sequence grants TACACS+ user victor134 access to LI administration commands:
user-id victor134 li-admin