show subscribers

This chapter includes the show subscribers command output tables.

show subscribers aaa-configuration

Table 1. show subscribers aaa-configuration Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Specifies the name of the subscriber.


Indicates the status of the subscriber's session. The status can be Online or Offline and Active or Dormant.

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

Access Type

Indicates the type of access for this subscriber. See

Network Type

Displays the type of network connection for this subscribers session. See

Access Tech

Represents the Access Technology. See


Displays the subscriber's call identification number (callid).


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID).


Displays the subscriber's international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI).

AAA Information and Attributes

A list of AAA information attributes and their configuration for the specified session.

For additional information on these attributes, if you are using StarOS 12.3 or an earlier release, refer to the AAA and GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. If you are using StarOS 14.0 or a later release, refer to the AAA Interface Administration and Reference.

show subscribers access-flows

Table 2. show subscribers access-flows Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See


Indicates the access flow type as one of the following:

- Static

- Dynamic

- Pre-provisioned

- Accounting


Indicates the flow direction as Forward/Uplink or Reverse/Downlink.

Link Status

Indicates the status of the flow as one of the following:

- Online/Active

- Dormant/idle

- Not Applicable

Flow State

Indicates the state of the flow as Active or Inactive.

Flow Mapping

Indicates the mapping of the flow as one of the following:

- Mapped

- Unmapped

- Not Applicable

Network Type

Indicates the session Network Type. See


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID).


Indicates the unique identification number for the flow.


Indicates the service flow identifier for this subscriber.


Indicates the packet data flow identifier for this subscriber.


Indicates the QoS profile identifier for this subscriber.


Indicates the total number of packets processed for this flow.


Indicates the total number of bytes processed for this flow.


Indicates the name of the subscriber QoS policy applicable for this subscriber.

show subscribers access-flows full

Table 3. show subscribers access-flows full Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Specifies the name of the subscriber.


Displays the subscriber's call identification number (callid).


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID).

flow ID

Indicates the unique identification number for the flow.

Access Tech

Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See


Indicates the status of the session as Active or Dormant/Idle.

Policy Name

Indicates the name of the QoS/subscriber policy.


Indicates the flow direction as Forward/Uplink or Reverse/Downlink.


Indicates the status of the flow as Active or Inactive.

Mapping Status

Indicates the mapping status of the flow as one of the following:

- Mapped

- Unmapped

- Not Applicable

Flow Type

Indicates the access flow type as one of the following:

- Accounting

- Static

- Dynamic

- Pre-provisioned

Hdr Comp

Indicates the status of header compression.

QoS Traffic Policing

Indicates the status of the QoS traffic policing as Enabled or Disabled.

Data Statistics

Displays the data statistics.


Displays the total number of packets.


Displays the total number of bytes.

pkts dropped tp

Displays the number of packets dropped by the traffic policy.

pkts dropped access-ctrl

Displays the number of packets dropped by the access control.

Requested QoS

Displays the requested QoS.

Profile Ids

Displays the profile IDs for the requested QoS.


Displays the applicable QoS identifier.

Granted QoS

Displays the granted QoS.


Specifies the global service class name.


Specifies the local service class name.

Schedule Type

Displays the schedule type configured for the requested QoS. This group contains relevant parameters like, minimum reserved traffic rate, maximum latency allowed, polling interval, traffic priority, sustained traffic rate, and maximum traffic burst.


Displays the service classifier parameters like type of traffic, priority, matching protocol, source-destination IP address and ports, DSCP marking etc. It also shows the configured permit criteria for flows.

Data Path(s)

Displays the available information of data path(s).

Peer Address

Indicates the IP address of the trusted peer ASN GWs for inter ASN GW handovers in this service.


Indicates the Base station Id.

Tunnel Endpoint

Indicates the IP address of GRE tunnel endpoint.

Gre Key

Indicates the GRE key for this data tunnel.


Type of GRE data tunnel. It may be R4 or R6.


Indicates the status of access flow. Possible states are:

- I: Initializing

- F: Flow Added

- A: Active

- P: Pending


Indicates the total number of packets received.


Indicates the total number of packets sent.

Total access-flows matching specified criteria

Displays the total number of matching access-flows.

show subscribers access-flows wf1

Table 4. show subscribers access-flows wf1 Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Access Tech

Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See

Policy Name

Indicates the name of the QoS/subscriber policy.


Indicates the access flow type as one of the following:

- A: Accounting

- S: Static

- D: Dynamic

- P: Pre-provisioned


Indicates the flow direction as Forward/Uplink or Reverse/Downlink.

Link Status

Indicates the status of the link as one of the following:

- A: Online/Active

- D: Dormant

- . (period): Not Applicable

Flow Status

Indicates the status of the flow as Active or Inactive.

Flow Mapping

Indicates the mapping status of the flow as one of the following:

- M: Mapped

- U: Unmapped

- . (period): Not Applicable

Network Type

Indicates the network type. See


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


Indicates the unique identification number for the flow.


Indicates the service request identification number for the flow.


Indicates the profile identification number used by the flow.


Displays the service option for each flow.


Indicates the total number of packets.


Indicates the total number of bytes.


Indicates the policy name used for the flow.


Indicates the ROHC header compression feedback channel identification number carried by the link.

show subscribers activity all

The output of the show subscribers activity all command displays the following field:



Access Tech

Indicates the accessing technology. See Common Attributes in this chapter. For example, LTE-M.

show subscribers all

Table 5. show subscribers all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Displays service and session state information. This column provides a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using. See

The second character represents the Access Technology. See

The third character represents the Call State. See

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session.

- A: Attached

- C: Call (Unknown Type)

- N: Not Attached

- v: Voice Call

- . (period): Not Applicable

- V: Video Call

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session. The possible idle states are:

- A: Online/Active

- D: Dormant/Idle

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type. See


Displays the subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


Displays the subscriber's username.


Displays the IP address assigned to the subscriber.

(*) indicates the multiple hosts supported behind a primary node with primary IP address. Note that this is applicable to ASN GW session only.


Displays the amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

(N) - NB-IoT

Display the NB-IoT RAT type

show subscribers apn <apn_name> rulename <rule_name>

Table 6. show subscribers apn <apn_name> rulename <rule_name> Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Access Type

Indicates the type of access for this subscriber. See, Access Types.

Access Tech

Represents the Access Technology. See, Access Technologies.

Call State

The call state. See, Call States.

Access CSCF State

The access state of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Attached

- N: Not Attached

- . (period): Not Applicable

Link Status

Indicates the status of the flow. The possible states are:

- A: Online/Active (airlink connected)

- D: Dormant (airlink not connected

Network Type

Indicates the session Network Type. See, Network Types.


Displays service and session state information. This column displays a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using.

The second character represents the Access Technology.

The third character represents the Call State.

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session.

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type.


The subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


The subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


The subscriber's user name.


The IP address assigned to the subscriber.


The amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

show subscribers apn <apn_name> without-dynamic-rule

Table 7. show subscribers apn <apn_name> without-dynamic-rule Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Access Type

Indicates the type of access for this subscriber. See, Access Types.

Access Tech

Represents the Access Technology. See, Access Technologies.

Call State

The call state. See, Call States.

Access CSCF State

The access state of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Attached

- N: Not Attached

- . (period): Not Applicable

Link Status

Indicates the status of the flow. The possible states are:

- A: Online/Active (airlink connected)

- D: Dormant (airlink not connected

Network Type

Indicates the session Network Type. See, Network Types.


Displays service and session state information. This column displays a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using.

The second character represents the Access Technology.

The third character represents the Call State.

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session.

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type.


The subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


The subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


The subscriber's user name.


The IP address assigned to the subscriber.


The amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

show subscribers apn <apn_name> without-override-control

Table 8. show subscribers apn <apn_name> without-override-control Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Access Type

Indicates the type of access for this subscriber. See, Access Types.

Access Tech

Represents the Access Technology. See, Access Technologies.

Call State

The call state. See, Call States.

Access CSCF State

The access state of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Attached

- N: Not Attached

- . (period): Not Applicable

Link Status

Indicates the status of the flow. The possible states are:

- A: Online/Active (airlink connected)

- D: Dormant (airlink not connected

Network Type

Indicates the session Network Type. See, Network Types.


Displays service and session state information. This column displays a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using.

The second character represents the Access Technology.

The third character represents the Call State.

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session.

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type.


The subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


The subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


The subscriber's user name.


The IP address assigned to the subscriber.


The amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

show subscribers asngw-only all

Table 9. show subscribers asngw-only all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Displays service and session state information. This column displays a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using. See

The second character represents the Access Technology. See

The third character represents the Call State. See

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Attached

- N: Not Attached

- . (period): Not Applicable

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Online/Active (airlink connected)

- D: Dormant (airlink not connected)

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type. See


The subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


The subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


The subscriber's user name.


The IP address assigned to the subscriber.


The amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

The total number of subscribers using firewall.

show subscribers asngw-service

Table 10. show subscribers asngw-service Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Displays service and session state information. This column displays a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using. See

The second character represents the Access Technology. See

The third character represents the Call State. See

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Attached

- N: Not Attached

- . (period): Not Applicable

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session. The possible states are:

- A: Online/Active (airlink connected)

- D: Dormant (airlink not connected)

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type. See


The subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


The subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


The subscriber's user name.


The IP address assigned to the subscriber.


The amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

The total number of subscribers using firewall.

show subscribers callid

Table 11. show subscribers callid <callid>
Field Description

Access Tech:


Displays the Access Technology of the call as LTE-M.

show subscribers callid <callid> adc readdress statistics

Table 12. show subscribers callid <callid> adc readdress statistics Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Total Readdressed Flows

Total number of readdressed uplink and downlink flows.

Readdressed Upl Pkts

Total number of readdressed uplinked packets.

Readdressed Dnl Pkts

Total number of readdressed downlinked packets.

Total Readdressing Failures

Total number of packets with readdressing failures.

Non Syn Flow

Total number of readdressing packets with a non SYN flow failure.

Duplicate Key

Total number of readdressing packets with a duplicate key failure.

Dropped Pkts

Total number of packets discarded on readdressing failure.

show subscribers counters username

Table 13. show subscriber counters username Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Specifies the name of the subscriber.


Indicates the status of the subscriber's session. The status can be Online or Offline and Active or Dormant.

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

Access Type

Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See

Network Type

Indicates the network service used for the subscriber session. See


Displays the subscriber's call identification number (callid).


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID).

input pkts

Indicates the number of packets received.

output pkts

Indicates the number of packets transmitted.

input bytes

Indicates the number of bytes received.

output bytes

Indicates the number of bytes transmitted.

input bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

input pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

This field includes packets blocked by Access Control Lists (ACLs). Do not use this figure when computing the total number of output packets.

input pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

output pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

pk rate from user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate from user(pps)

The speed that packets are being received from the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(pps)

The speed that packets are being sent to the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(pps)

The average speed that packets are being received from the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(pps)

The average speed that packets are being sent to the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(pps)

The sustained speed that packets are being received from the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(pps)

The sustained speed that packets are being sent to the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

link online/active percent

The percentage of time that the data link was online and active during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ipv4 bad hdr

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets received with bad headers.

ipv4 ttl exceeded

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped because their time-to-live was exceeded for this subscriber session.

ipv4 fragments sent

Indicates the number of IPv4 packet fragments that were transmitted.

ipv4 could not fragment

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets that could not be fragmented.

ipv4 input acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an inbound access control list (ACL) violation.

Note: This counter may increment even if no ACL is configured.

ipv4 output acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an outbound access control list (ACL) violation.

ipv4 source violations

Indicates the number of IPv4 source validation violations.

ipv4 source violation no accounting

The IPv4 source validation violations that were detected but not included in the statistics.

ipv6 egress filtered

Enable IPv6 egress address filtering feature.

dormancy total

Indicates the total amount of time in seconds that the subscriber session was dormant over the duration of the session.

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

handoff total

The total number of subscriber sessions handed off.

ipv4 icmp packets dropped

When hide service address is enabled and a service in the system is sent ping packets or a traceroute is executed, the packets pertaining to the service address are dropped. This counter shows the number of those packets that have been dropped.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

Displays the number of subscribers currently accessing the system that matched the criteria that was specified during the execution of this command.

show subscribers cscf-only full

Displays per-subscriber information for active sessions.

Table 14. show subscribers cscf-only full Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The address of record of the CSCF subscriber.


The call ID of the active subscriber session.


The subscriber's contact information provided during registration.

Custom Features

If applicable, the custom feature tag set for the CSCF subscriber.


The slot and CPU number of the Processing Card through which the session is being processed.

Sessmgr Instance

The session manager instance the active subscriber session is using.

Active TCP Connections

(P-CSCF only) The total number of open TCP connections with subscribers.

Transport of Last Received Msg

The transport method used for the last received message. Possible transport methods used are TCP or UDP.

Last Registration Timestamp

Last registration received for the subscriber, displayed in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).

Registration expires after

The remaining duration of the subscriber registration.


The current state of the session.

Subscriber type

The subscriber type (home or visitor).

CSCF Service

The CSCF service the session is using.


The role of the CSCF service.

Collapsed with access service

The access service with which the CSCF service is collapsed.

Access service callid

The call ID number of the access gateway integrated with the SCM.

AAA context

The AAA service to which the subscriber belongs.

AAA domain

The AAA domain to which the subscriber belongs.


The AAA RADIUS group to which the subscriber belongs.

RADIUS Auth Server IP

The RADIUS authentication server's IP address.

RADIUS Acct Server IP

The RADIUS accounting server's IP address.

Note: When the RADIUS Accounting Mediation Device is configured, this field will NOT display the RADIUS accounting mediation server's IP address.

DIAMETER Policy Server

The IP address of the Diameter policy server.

DIAMETER Policy Session-Id

The ID of Diameter Policy External Control Application (DPECA) session created by P-CSCF for every subscriber to subscribe to registration path signaling with PCRF.

If the diameter subscription fails at PCRF, diameter Policy session ID will be displayed as N/A.

Note: This field is applicable only for P-CSCF.

DIAMETER Policy Subscription

The status of DPECA subscription.

Note: This field is applicable only for P-CSCF.

DIAMETER Acct Server

The IP address of the Diameter accounting server.

Charging Function Address

The IP address of the charging function server.


The node path to the registrar. A "Path" field is only used for REGISTER messages and 200OK responses to REGISTER messages. This field contains either IP-address:port or fully-qualified-domain-name:port.

SCSCF Service Route

The path to the service proxy as returned by the registrar upon successful registration. This field contains either IP-address:port or fully-qualified-domain-name:port.

Current CSCF sessions

The number of CSCF sessions the subscriber currently has running.

Registration Set

All public URIs registered by the subscriber. It includes a public URI that the user explicitly registers as well as associated URIs that get implicitly registered for the user by the S-CSCF node. In addition, call features that a public URI is subscribed to are also shown below each URI.


The address of record of the CSCF subscriber.

Display Name

The display name for the CSCF subscriber.

Unsupported VoLTE

Displays TRUE or FALSE, as per information obtained through Unsupported-VoLTE AVP in SAA from HSS.

Loose Route

The loose route information for the CSCF subscriber.

Alias GroupId

Populated if alias indication feature is enabled on S-CSCF. HSS reports alias group ID.

Total PubUids

The total number of implicit registered users for the CSCF subscriber.

Shared IFC

Populated if Shared Initial Filter Criteria (SiFC) functionality is enabled on the CSCF.

Call Features

Subscriber profile shows whether a subscriber has enabled local call features. Possible values are:
  • Disabled - Subscriber has disabled local call features; no associated local call features are displayed.

  • Enabled - Subscriber has enabled local call features; associated local call features are displayed.

CID VSC OverRide

Indicates whether Caller ID Display Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether Caller ID Display has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether Caller ID Display Blocked Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether Caller ID Display Blocked has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.

CW VSC OverRide

Indicates whether Call Waiting Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether Call Waiting has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.

CT VSC OverRide

Indicates whether Call Transfer Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether Call Transfer has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.

CFU VSC OverRide

Indicates whether Call Forward Unconditional Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether or not Call Forward Unconditional is enabled for the subscriber's session. If not, None will be displayed.


Indicates whether Call Forward No Answer Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether or not Call Forward No Answer is enabled for the subscriber's session. If not, None will be displayed.


Indicates whether Call Forward Busy Line Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether or not Call Forward Busy Line is enabled for the subscriber's session. If not, None will be displayed.


Indicates whether Call Forward Not Registered Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether or not Call Forward Not Registered is enabled for the subscriber's session. If not, None will be displayed.

FollowMe VSC OverRide

Indicates whether Follow Me/Find Me Vertical Service Code Over Ride has been enabled (1) or disabled (0) by this subscriber.


Indicates whether or not Follow Me/Find Me is enabled for the subscriber's session. If not, None will be displayed.

Current CSCF Subscriptions

Subscription id

The subscription ID.


The call identification number that uniquely identifies the subscriber.

Subscription Type

The subscription type.


The resource information.

Event Package

The associated event package. Possible event package types are: message-summary, presence, reg, and winfo.

Subscriber counters

Call Attempts Tx

The total number of call attempts made by the subscriber for this session.

Call Attempts Rx

The total number of call attempts received by the subscriber for this session.

Call Successes Tx

The total number of calls successfully made by the subscriber for this session.

Call Successes Rx

The total number of successful calls received by the subscriber for this session.

Call Failures Tx

The total number of failed calls made by the subscriber for this session.

Call Failures Rx

The total number of call failures received by the subscriber for this session.

Call Release Attempts Tx

The total number of call release attempts made by the subscriber for this session.

Call Release Attempts Rx

The total number of call release attempts received by the subscriber for this session.

Call Release Successes Tx

The total number of call releases successfully made by the subscriber for this session.

Call Release Successes Rx

The total number of successful call releases received by the subscriber for this session.

Call Release Failures Tx

The total number of failed call releases made by the subscriber for this session.

Call Release Failures Rx

The total number of call release failures received by the subscriber for this session.

Subscription Attempts Tx

The total number of subscription attempts made by the subscriber for this session.

Subscription Attempts Rx

The total number of subscription attempts received by the subscriber for this session.

Subscription Successes Tx

The total number of subscriptions successfully made by the subscriber for this session.

Subscription Successes Rx

The total number of successful subscriptions received by the subscriber for this session.

Subscription Failures Tx

The total number of failed subscriptions made by the subscriber for this session.

Subscription Failures Rx

The total number of subscription failures received by the subscriber for this session.

Publish Attempts Tx

The total number of publish attempts made by the subscriber for this session.

Publish Attempts Rx

The total number of publish attempts received by the subscriber for this session.

Publish Successes Tx

The total number of publishes successfully made by the subscriber for this session.

Publish Successes Rx

The total number of successful publishes received by the subscriber for this session.

Publish Failures Tx

The total number of failed publishes made by the subscriber for this session.

Publish Failures Rx

The total number of publish failures received by the subscriber for this session.

Notification Attempts Tx

The total number of notification attempts made by the subscriber for this session.

Notification Attempts Rx

The total number of notification attempts received by the subscriber for this session.

Notification Successes Tx

The total number of notifications successfully made by the subscriber for this session.

Notification Successes Rx

The total number of successful notifications received by the subscriber for this session.

Notification Failures Tx

The total number of failed notifications made by the subscriber for this session.

Notification Failures Rx

The total number of notification failures received by the subscriber for this session.

Message Attempts Tx

The total number of message attempts made by the subscriber for this session.

Message Attempts Rx

The total number of message attempts received by the subscriber for this session.

Message Successes Tx

The total number of messages successfully made by the subscriber for this session.

Message Successes Rx

The total number of successful messages received by the subscriber for this session.

Message Failures Tx

The total number of failed messages made by the subscriber for this session.

Message Failures Rx

The total number of message failures received by the subscriber for this session.

Response 403 Tx

The total number of Response 403 transmitted.

Response 403 Rx

The total number of Response 403 received.

Response 408 Tx

The total number of Response 408 transmitted.

Response 408 Rx

The total number of Response 408 received.

Response 480 Tx

The total number of Response 480 transmitted.

Response 480 Rx

The total number of Response 480 received.

Response 481 Tx

The total number of Response 481 transmitted.

Response 481 Rx

The total number of Response 481 received.

Response 487 Tx

The total number of Response 487 transmitted.

Response 487 Rx

The total number of Response 487 received.

Response 488 Tx

The total number of Response 488 transmitted.

Response 488 Rx

The total number of Response 488 received.

Response 500 Tx

The total number of Response 500 transmitted.

Response 500 Rx

The total number of Response 500 received.

PDF Call Rejects

The total number of times the subscriber initiated a call through the P-CSCF but the policy decision function (PDF) rejected it.

Local Call Rejects

The total number of local call rejects (by the P-CSCF) for this subscriber.

Emergency Calls

The total number of emergency calls made by this subscriber during this session.

Operator-assistance Calls

The total number of operator-assisted calls made by this subscriber during this session.

Tollfree Calls

The total number of toll-free calls made by this subscriber during this session.

Directory-assistance Calls

The total number of directory assisted calls made by this subscriber during this session.

Premium Calls

The total number of premium service calls made by this subscriber during this session.

International Calls

The total number of international calls made by this subscriber during this session.

LongDistance Calls

The total number of long distance calls made by this subscriber during this session.

Session Timer Expires

The total number of session timer expirations occurring during this session.

show subscribers data-rate

Use this command to view data rates for a subscriber.


Data rates are transient for some time (2 minutes) after the ICSR SRP switchover

peak rate from user(bps)

The peak data rate in bits per second is obtained for data that are sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

peak rate to user(bps)

The peak data rate in bits per second is obtained for data that are received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(bps)

The average data rate in bits per second that is obtained for data that are sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(bps)

The average data rate in bits per second is obtained for data that are received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(bps)

The mean data rate in bits per second is obtained for data that is sent from the subscriber to the network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(bps)

The mean data rate in bits per second is obtained for data that are received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

peak rate from user(pps) The speed that packets are received from the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.
peak rate to user(pps) The speed at which the packets are sent to the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(pps)

The average speed at which the packets are received from the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(pps)

The average speed that packets are being sent to the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(pps)

The sustained speed at which the packets are received from the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(pps)

The sustained speed at which the packets are sent to the user in packets per second. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

show subscribers enodeb-address

Table 15. show subscribers enodeb-address Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Displays service and session state information. This column provides a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using. See

The second character represents the Access Technology. See

The third character represents the Call State. See

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session. The possible network types are:

A - Attached

N - Not Attached

. (period) - Not Applicable

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session. The possible idle states are:

A - Online/Active

D - Dormant/Idle

The sixth character represents the session Network Type. See


Displays the subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


Displays the subscriber's username.


Displays the IP address assigned to the subscriber.


Displays the amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

show subscribers firewall required

Table 16. show subscribers firewall required Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Displays service and session state information. This column provides a code consisting of six characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Access Type that the subscriber is using. See

The second character represents the Access Technology. See

The third character represents the Call State. See

The fourth character represents the Access CSCF Status of the session. The possible network types are:

- A: Attached

- N: Not Attached

- . (period): Not Applicable

The fifth character represents the Link Status of the session. The possible idle states are:

- A: Online/Active

- D: Dormant/Idle

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

The sixth character represents the session Network Type. See


Displays the subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID) number.


Displays the subscriber's username.


Displays the IP address assigned to the subscriber.


Displays the amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

Total number of subscribers with firewall enabled.

show subscribers full all

Table 17. show subscribers full all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The subscriber name.


Indicates the session status.

Access Type

Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See Common Attributes in this chapter.

Network Type

Indicates the network service used for the subscriber session. See Common Attributes in this chapter.

Access Tech

Indicates the accessing technology. See Common Attributes in this chapter.


The subscriber's call identification number (callid).


The subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID).

WLAN UE Identifier

The UE identifier — MAC address in ASCII format (upper case only), with octet values separated by hyphens.

WLAN AP Identifier

The UE's access point identifier — Location Area Code Cell Identity (LAC_CI) that is, Location Area Code (LAC) and Cell Id (CI) separated by an underscore.


The Extensible Authentication Protocol type.


The card and CPU ID.

Sessmgr Instance

The session manager instances.


The session state. The possible values are:

- Connected

- Connecting

- Disconnecting

- Unknown

PCF address

IP address of the PCF.

Peer address

IP address of peer system in network.

BS/PA address

Indicates the IP address of base station or paging agent.

idle time

The time period that the subscriber session has been idle, either in an active or dormant state.

idle time left

The idle time period left before timeout.

session time left

The session time left for the subscriber.

long duration time left

Indicates how much time is left for the maximum duration of a specified subscriber session.

long duration action

The setting for the action to take when the long duration timer expires. The possible values are:

  • Detection - Detect and send SNMP trap and CORBA notification only.

  • Disconnection - Disconnect the session and send SNMP trap and CORBA notification.

context-retention timer running

Indicates whether context-retention timer is running.

context-retention time left

Indicates time remaining.

always on

Session Update message was sent to the PCF to notify the PCF that the subscriber has the Always On feature enabled.

ip address

Indicates the primary IP address of the subscriber interface in the session. In WiMAX session this is the primary IP address of WiMAX CPE, if multiple host support enabled.

ue mac

The UE's MAC.

Default Gateway

The default gateway IP address.

Multiple Hosts

Specifies the multiple IP host support enabled or disabled for a WiMAX session. It also indicates the connected hosts behind a WiMAX CPE and their allocated IP address with secondary IP pool name.


The name of the HA for this subscriber.


The name of the FA service for this subscriber.

ip pool name

The IP address pool or group to use for subscriber IP address allocation.

local ip addr

The local IP address of the interface in the session.

source context

The name of a configured source context from which the subscriber initiates a session.

destination context

The name of a configured destination context through which the subscriber is provided access to the packet data network.

ip header compression

The header compression method being used.

ROHC cid-mode (local/remote)

Robust Header Compression mode for the bidirectional channel: [ small | large | na ].

ROHC max-cid (local/remote)

For Robust Header Compression, indicates the maximum value of a context identifier.

ROHC mrru (local/remote)

For Robust Header Compression, indicates the maximum reconstructed reception unit.

ROHC max-hdr (local/remote)

For Robust Header Compression, the largest header size in octets that may be compressed.

ROHC profile

Robust Header Compression profile ID as per RFC3095 for the bidirectional channel.

AAA context

The context in which the AAA service is configured.

AAA domain

The domain in which the AAA service is configured.

AAA start count

The number of accounting start messages sent to the accounting server for the subscriber session.

AAA stop count

The number of accounting stop messages sent to the accounting server for the subscriber session.

AAA interim count

The number of accounting interim messages sent to the accounting server for the subscriber session.


Identifies a subscriber session or PDP context and sends the information to RADIUS server.

In Release 14.0 and later, this field will be displayed in both 3GPP and CDMA formats.


Identifies a subscriber session or PDP context and sends the information to mediation server.

This field will be displayed in both 3GPP and CDMA formats.


The AAA RADIUS server group assigned to specific subscriber for AAA functionality.

AAA RADIUS Secondary group

If the secondary Accounting group is configured in the Subscriber configuration, this field displays the corresponding group name. Otherwise, it displays n/a.

RADIUS Auth Server IP

The RADIUS authentication server's IP address.

RADIUS Acct Server IP

The RADIUS accounting server's IP address.

When the RADIUS Accounting Mediation Device is configured, this field will not display the RADIUS accounting mediation server's IP address.

NAS IP Address

The Network Access Server's (NAS) IP address.

Nexthop IP Address

The IP address of configured next-hop-forwarding-address in RADIUS attribute, subscriber configuration, or IP pool configuration.

GTPP Group

Displays all the configured GTPP server groups associated with this APN.

Note: This field only appears if the Accounting Mode is GTPP.

Acct Context

Specifies the name of all configured GTPP accounting contexts associated with this APN.

Note: This field only appears if the Accounting Mode is GTPP.

Authentication Mode

The authentication mode. Possible modes are:

- None

- User (Single EAP)

- Device (Single EAP)

- Device-User (Double EAP)

- Device-User (Single EAP)

Authentication Type

The authentication type.


The type of EAP authentication. Possible types are:

- EAP-Pre-shared Key (EAP-PSK)

- EAP-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)

- EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS)

- EAP-Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA)

Client Type

The type of client, which can be Regular or Data.

Identifies whether the client is a regular client, which includes voice, or a data client, which is data only.

active input acl

The active Access Control List (ACL) for input.

active output acl

The active Access Control List (ACL) for output.

active input ipv6 acl

The active IPv6 Access Control List (ACL) for input.

active output ipv6 acl

The active IPv6 Access Control List (ACL) for output.

ECS Rulebase

The rulebase applicable for this subscriber when Enhanced Charging Service/Active Charging Service is enabled.


The CBB policy associated with the subscriber.


The bandwidth policy associated with the subscriber.

Firewall-and-NAT Policy

Displays the Firewall-and-NAT policy name.

Firewall Policy IPv4

Indicates whether IPv4 firewall is enabled for the subscriber.

Firewall Policy IPv6

Indicates whether IPv6 firewall is enabled for the subscriber.

NAT Policy NAT44

Indicates whether NAT44 is enabled or disabled for the subscriber.

NAT Policy NAT64

Indicates whether NAT64 is enabled or disabled for the subscriber.

NAT Policy

Indicates whether NAT is enabled for the subscriber.

NAT Realm

The NAT realms associated with the subscriber.

Note: In 15.0 and later releases, the NAT Realm field will be displayed only when IP is assigned, and removed again when IP is released.

NAT IP address

The NAT IP address allocated from the NAT realm.


If the NAT realm type is "on-demand" (where NAT IP allocation happens when the very first packet is received from the subscriber for that realm) it is indicated.


If a NAT IP pool group is used, it indicates the NAT pool from which the IP is allocated.

Nat port chunks allocated[start - end]

The NAT port range allocated to the subscriber.

CF Policy ID

The Category-based Content Filtering Policy ID associated with the subscriber.

TPO Policy

Note: The Traffic Performance Optimization (TPO) in-line service is not supported in this release.

active input plcy grp

The active input policy group for traffic flow.

active output plcy grp

The active output policy group for traffic flow.

MIPFA Sessions

The status of Mobile IP FA sessions.

Layer 3 tunneling

Indicates if Layer 3 tunneling is enabled.

dhcp-service name

The DHCP service name.

dhcp-server address

The DHCP server address.

prepaid status

Indicates if prepaid status is on or off.

external inline srvr processing

Indicates if external inline server processing is on or off.

Proxy DNS Intercept List

The proxy DNS intercept list used for the subscriber.

access-link ip-frag

Configures IP fragmentation processing over the Access-link.

ignore DF-bit data-tunnel

Indicates if whether during Mobile IP tunneling, the DF bit is not ignored and packets are not fragmented.

MIP grat-ARP mode

Indicates if gratuitous ARPs are sent out for an HA session upon handoff and renewal requests.

Downlink traffic-policing

Indicates if traffic policing is enabled for the downlink direction.

Uplink traffic-policing

Indicates if traffic policing is enabled for the uplink direction.

Downlink traffic-shaping

Indicates if traffic shaping is enabled for downlink direction.

Uplink traffic-shaping

Indicates if traffic shaping is enabled for uplink direction.

Radius Accounting Mode

Indicates if the RADIUS accounting mode is either session-based or access-flow-based.

cscf-service name

The CSCF service name.

cscf registration AoR

The CSCF registered AoR.

3GPP User Location Info:


Displays the total number of Tracking Area Identity (TAI) for Mobile Country Code (MCC), Mobile Network Code (MNC) , and the Tracking Area Code (TAC).


Displays the total number of ECGI for Mobile Country Code (MCC), Mobile Network Code (MNC) , and the Tracking Area Code (TAC).


Displays the total number of 5GS TAI.


Displays the New Radio Cell Global Identity (NCGI) for MCC, MNC, and New Radio Cell Identity (NCI).


The Access Point Name associated with the subscriber.


The subscriber's Network Service Access Point Identifier (NSAPI).


The subscriber's International mobile Subscriber Identity.


The Mobile Station International ISDN Number (MSISDN) of the subscriber node.


The assigned remote IP address.


The UE's MAC address with FFFE appended at the end.


Displays the access point's identity.


The Mobile Country Code.


The Mobile Network Code.


The Location Area Code, which identifies a location area.


The Cell ID, which identifies a cell within a location area.

input pkts

Indicates the number of packets received.

output pkts

Indicates the number of packets transmitted.

input bytes

Indicates the number of bytes received.

output bytes

Indicates the number of bytes transmitted.

input bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

input pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

This field includes packets blocked by Access Control Lists (ACLs). Do not use this figure when computing the total number of output packets.

input pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

output pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

pk rate from user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate from user(pps)

The peak data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(pps)

The peak data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(pps)

The average data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(pps)

The average data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(pps)

The mean data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber tot he network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(pps)

The mean data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

link online/active percent

The percentage of time that the data link was online and active during the last sampling period.

ipv4 bad hdr

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets received with bad headers.

ipv4 ttl exceeded

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped because their time-to-live was exceeded for this subscriber session.

ipv4 fragments sent

Indicates the number of IPv4 packet fragments that were transmitted.

ipv4 could not fragment

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets that could not be fragmented.

ipv4 input acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an inbound access control list (ACL) violation.

This counter may increment even if no ACL is configured.

ipv4 output acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an outbound access control list (ACL) violation.

ipv4 input css down drop

Indicates the number of input packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 output css down drop

Indicates the number of output packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 output xoff pkts drop

Indicates the number of packets dropped because of flow control.

ipv4 output xoff bytes drop

Indicates the number of bytes dropped because of flow control.

input pkts dropped (0 mbr)

The total number of input packets dropped when a 0 MBR is received in a UPC (Update PDP Context Request) indicating that the UE is out of radio coverage.

output pkts dropped (0 mbr)

The total number of output packets dropped when a 0 MBR is received in a UPC (Update PDP Context Request) indicating that the UE is out of radio coverage.

output pkts dropped lorc

The total number of packets dropped due to a UE loss of radio coverage condition.

This counter is applicable when GGSN is enabled for overcharging protection for subscriber due to loss of radio coverage and SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with GTP-C extension for LORC.

ipv4 source violations

Indicates the number of IPv4 source validation violations.

ipv4 proxy-dns redirect

The number of foreign DNS request packets intercepted and redirected to the home DNS for the subscriber.

ipv4 proxy-dns pass-thru

The number of foreign DNS request packets allowed through the intercept filter for the subscriber.

ipv4 proxy-dns drop

The number of foreign DNS request packets not matching either redirect or pass-thru rules for the subscriber.

ip source violations no acct

The IP source validation violations that were detected but not included in the statistics.

ip source violations ignored

The IP source validation violations that were detected but then ignored.

ipv4 output no-flow drop

The number of IP packets not matching traffic classifier and dropped for the subscriber.

ip source violations active

The total number of IP source validation violations.

ipv6 source violations

The number of IPv6 source validation violations.

ipv6 source violations no acct

The IPv6 source validation violations that were detected but not included in the statistics.

ipv6 source violations ignored

The IPv6 source validation violations that were detected but then ignored.

ipv6 source violations active

The total number of active IPv6 source validation violations.

dormancy total

Indicates the total amount of time in seconds that the subscriber session was dormant over the duration of the session.

handoff total

The total number of subscriber sessions handed off.

ipv4 icmp packets dropped

When hide service address is enabled and a service in the system is sent ping packets or a traceroute is executed, the packets pertaining to the service address are dropped. This counter shows the number of those packets that have been dropped.


The total number of matching access-flows.

For flow-based service subscribers it provides information on access flow id, packet data flow id, service data flow id, type of access flow, QoS policy name, and direction of flow.

CAE Server Address

The IPv4 address of the CAE serving the subscriber.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

The total number of subscribers matching the specified criteria.

show subscribers full username

Table 18. show subscribers full username Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Specifies the name of the subscriber.


Indicates the status of the subscriber's session. The status can be Online/Active or Offline/Dormant/Idle.

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

Access Type

Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See

Network Type

Indicates the network service used for the subscriber session. See

Access Tech

Indicates Accessing Technology. See


Displays the ASN base station identifier (MAC address).


Displays the subscriber's call identification number (callid).


Displays the subscriber's mobile station identification (MSID).

3GPP2 Carrier ID

Unique identifier for the carrier.


Electronic Serial Number of the mobile handset.


Indicates the ID of Card and CPU.

Sessmgr Instances

Displays the session manager instances.


Indicates the status of session. The possible status are:

- Connected

- Connecting

- Disconnecting

- Unknown

PCF address

Specifies the IP address of PCF in decimal notation.

connect time

Displays the time of connection starts.

call duration

Specifies total duration of call session in hh:mm:ss format

idle time

Displays the amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

idle time left

Shows the amount of idle time left before timeout.

session time left

How much session time is left for the specified subscriber.

long duration time left

Shows how much time is left for the maximum duration of a specified subscriber session.

long duration action

Shows the setting for the action to take when the long duration timer expires.

The possible values for this are:
  • Detection - Detect and send SNMP trap and CORBA notification only.

  • Disconnection - Disconnect the session and send SNMP trap and CORBA notification.

always on

Session Update message was sent to the PCF to notify the PCF that the subscriber has the Always On feature enabled.

ip address

The IP address of the interface in the session.

Primary DNS Address

The primary DNS address of the interface in the session.

Secondary DNS Address

The secondary DNS address of the interface in the session.


The IP address of the mobile IP user's home agent.

pdsn-service name

The PDSN service that is running this session and the context name of the PDSN-service with the service-name.

fa-service name context

The FA service that is running this session and the context name of the FA-service with the service-name for a MIP call.

ggsn-service name

The GGSN service that is running this session and the context name of the GGSN-service with the service-name.

source context

Specifies the name of a configured source context from which the subscriber initiates a session.

destination context

Specifies the name of a configured destination context through which the subscriber is provided access to the packet data network.

ip header compression: (loc to rem) vj, (rem to loc) vj

This specifies what header compression method is being used.

ROHC max-cid (local/remote)

For Robust Header Compression, indicates the maximum value of a context identifier.

ROHC mrru (local/remote)

For Robust Header Compression, indicates the maximum reconstructed reception unit.

ROHC max-hdr (local/remote)

For Robust Header Compression, the largest header size in octets that may be compressed.

AAA context

The context in which the AAA service is configured.

AAA domain

The domain in which the AAA service is configured.

AAA start count

The number of accounting start messages sent to the accounting server for the subscriber session.

AAA stop count

The number of accounting stop messages sent to the accounting server for the subscriber session.

AAA interim count

The number of accounting interim messages sent to the accounting server for the subscriber session.


Identifies a subscriber session or PDP context.


Indicates the group of AAA RADIUS server assigned to specific subscriber for AAA functionality.

RADIUS Auth Server IP

The RADIUS authentication server's IP address.

RADIUS Acct Server IP

The RADIUS accounting server's IP address.

When the RADIUS Accounting Mediation Device is configured, this field will NOT display the RADIUS accounting mediation server's IP address.

NAS IP Address

IP address of Network Access Server (NAS).

Nexthop IP Address

IP address of configured next-hop-forwarding-address in RADIUS attribute, subscriber configuration, or IP pool configuration.

Authentication Mode

The authentication mode. Possible modes are:

- None

- User (Single EAP)

- Device (Single EAP)

- Device-User (Double EAP)

- Device-User (Single EAP)

Authentication Type

The authentication type.


The type of EAP authentication. Possible types are:

- EAP-Pre-shared Key (EAP-PSK)

EAP-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)

EAP-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS)

EAP-Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA)

Client Type

The type of client, which can be Regular or Data.

Identifies whether the client is a regular client, which includes voice, or a data client, which is data only.

active input acl

Specifies active Access Control List (ACL) for input.

active output acl

Specifies active Access Control List (ACL) for output.

ECS Rulebase

Specifies applicable Rulebase for this subscriber when ECS is enabled.

active input plcy grp

Specifies active input policy group for traffic flow.

active output plcy grp

Specifies active output policy group for traffic flow.

MIPHA Session


The IP address of the device terminating the tunnel to the mobile node. The address may belong to either a Foreign Agent that is facilitating the subscriber's Mobile IP session or another device that the mobile node is associated (co-located) with.


The IP address assigned to the subscriber's mobile node for the duration of the session.


The IP address of the Home Agent that is facilitating the subscriber's Mobile IP session.


The accepted lifetime interval for this session.

Remaining Life

The amount of time that remains after which the session expires and is torn down.

Reverse Tunneling On

Displays whether or not reverse tunneling is enabled for the subscriber's session.

Encapsulation Type

The encapsulation method used for the subscriber's session.


The key that uniquely identifies the subscriber session when the Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) protocol Encapsulation Type.

IPSec Required

Indicates whether or not IPSec is required for the subscriber Mobile IP session.

IPSec Ctrl Tunnel Estab.

If IPSec is required for the session, this field indicates whether or not the control tunnel has been established.

IPSec Data Tunnel Estab.

If IPSec is required for the session, this field indicates whether or not the data tunnel has been established.

Revocation Negotiated

Indicates whether or not MIP Registration Revocation was negotiated between the FA and the HA for this subscriber session. Possible values are: No or yes.

Revocation I bit Negotiated

Indicates whether or not the Revocation I bit was negotiated. Possible values are: No or Yes.

Collocated COA

Indicates whether or not the subscribers that registered a MIP collocated COA directly with the HA. Options are No or Yes.

NAT Detected

Indicates whether or not network address translation (NAT) is detected.Options are No or Yes.


The security parameter index (SPI) key is used to verify a trusted host environment and that communications are to be established between known hosts.

Checks for presence of mobile node (MN) - home agent (HA) key. Options are True or False.


Mobile node (MN) - home agent (HA) security parameter index (SPI).


The SPI key is used to verify a trusted host environment and that communications are to be established between known hosts.

Checks for presence of the FA - HA key. Options are True or False.


FA - HA security parameter index (SPI).


The SPI key is used to verify a trusted host environment and that communications are to be established between known hosts.

Checks for presence of the MN - FA key. Options are True or False.


MN - FA security parameter index (SPI).

Layer 3 tunneling

Indicates if Layer 3 tunneling is enabled.

prepaid status

Indicates if prepaid status is on or off.

external inline srvr processing

Indicates if external inline server processing is on or off.

IPv6 Egress address filtering

Enable IPv6 egress address filtering feature.

IPv6 DNS Proxy

Enables/Disables the domain name server proxy for the current session.

Proxy DNS Intercept List

Identifies the proxy DNS intercept list used for the subscriber.

access-link ip-frag

Configures IP fragmentation processing over the Access-link.

ignore DF-bit data tunnel

Use this command to configure a user so that during Mobile IP tunneling the DF bit is not ignored and packets are not fragmented.

MIP grat-ARP mode

Indicates if gratuitous ARPs are sent out for an HA session upon handoff and renewal requests.

Downlink traffic-policing

Shows if traffic policing is enabled for the downlink direction.

Uplink traffic-policing

Shows if traffic policing is enabled for the uplink direction.

input pkts

Indicates the number of packets received.

output pkts

Indicates the number of packets transmitted.

input bytes

Indicates the number of bytes received.

output bytes

Indicates the number of bytes transmitted.

input bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

input pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

This field includes packets blocked by Access Control Lists (ACLs). Do not use this figure when computing the total number of output packets.

input pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

output pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

pk rate from user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate from user(pps)

The peak data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(pps)

The peak data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(pps)

The average data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(pps)

The average data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(pps)

The mean data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

link online/active percent

The percentage of time that the data link was online and active during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ipv4 bad hdr

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets received with bad headers.

ipv4 ttl exceeded

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped because their time-to-live was exceeded for this subscriber session.

ipv4 fragments sent

Indicates the number of IPv4 packet fragments that were transmitted.

ipv4 could not fragment

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets that could not be fragmented.

ipv4 input acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an inbound access control list (ACL) violation.

Note: This counter may increment even if no ACL is configured.

ipv4 output acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an outbound access control list (ACL) violation.

ipv4 input css down drop

Indicates the number of input packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 output css down drop

Indicates the number of output packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 output xoff pkts drop

Indicates the number of packets dropped because of flow control.

ipv4 output xoff bytes drop

Indicates the number of bytes dropped because of flow control.

ip source violations

Indicates the number of IPv4 source validation violations.

ipv6 egress filtered

Enable IPv6 egress address filtering feature.

ipv4 proxy-dns redirect

The number of foreign DNS request packets intercepted and redirected to the home DNS for the subscriber.

ipv4 proxy-dns pass-thru

The number of foreign DNS request packets allowed through the intercept filter for the subscriber.

ipv4 proxy-dns drop

The number of foreign DNS request packets not matching either redirect or pass-thru rules for the subscriber.

ip source violations no accounting

The IP source validation violations that were detected but not included in the statistics.

ip source violations ignored

The IP source validation violations that were detected but then ignored.

dormancy total

Indicates the total amount of time in seconds that the subscriber session was dormant over the duration of the session.

Note: Sessions facilitated through PDSN Closed R-P services are always displayed as "Active" due to the fact that PDSN Closed R-P services do not receive dormancy information from the PCF.

handoff total

The total number of subscriber sessions handed off.

ipv4 icmp packets dropped

When hide service address is enabled and a service in the system is sent ping packets or a traceroute is executed, the packets pertaining to the service address are dropped. This counter shows the number of those packets that have been dropped.


The total number of matching access-flows.

show subscribers ggsn-only

Table 19. show subscribers ggsn-only Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Total Subscribers

Total number of subscribers registered on system for GGSN service session.

TotalPDP contexts

Total number of PDP contexts registered on the system for GGSN service session.

Total MBMS-UE contexts

Total number of MBMS-UE contexts registered on the system for GGSN service session.


Total number of PDP contexts of IPv4 type registered on the system for GGSN service session.


Total number of PDP contexts of PPP type registered on the system for GGSN service session.


Total number of PDP contexts of IPv6 type registered on the system for GGSN service session.


Total number of MBMS-UE contexts of IPv4 type registered on the system for GGSN service session.


Total number of MS, having static IP allocation, registered with GGSN service session on this system.


Total number of MS, having IP allocation from local IP pool, are registered with GGSN service session on this system.


Total number of MS, having IP allocation from AAA server, are registered with GGSN service session on this system.


Total number of MS, having IP allocation through DHCP-proxy, are registered with GGSN service session on this system.


Total number of MS, having IP allocation through DHCP-relay, are registered with GGSN service session on this system.


Total number of MS, having IP allocation through unknown method, are registered with GGSN service session on this system.


Total number of MS, having no IP allocation, are registered with GGSN service session on this system. Generally IP allocation for a Multicast session of this type.


Total number of MS, having static IP allocation through network requested PDP context activation, are registered with GGSN service session on this system.

in bytes dropped

Total number of bytes dropped in downlink (from PDN) direction for GGSN service session on the system.

out bytes dropped

Total number of bytes dropped in uplink (to PDN) direction for GGSN service session on the system.

in packet dropped

Total number of packets dropped in downlink (from PDN) direction for GGSN service session on the system.

out packet dropped

Total number of packets dropped in uplink (to PDN) direction for GGSN service session on the system.

in packet dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

out packet dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

out packet dropped due to lorc

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while UE was out of coverage area or radio coverage was lost for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when GGSN is enabled for overcharging protection for subscriber due to loss of radio coverage and SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with GTP-C extension for LORC.

ipv4 ttl exceeded

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped because their time-to-live was exceeded for this subscriber session.

ipv4 bad hdr

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets received with bad headers.

ipv4 bad length trim

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets received with bad trimming of packet length.

ipv4 frag failure

Indicates the number of IPv4 packet fragments that were transmitted.

ipv4 frag sent

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets that could not be fragmented.

ipv4 in-acl dropped

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an inbound access control list (ACL) violation.

This counter may increment even if no ACL is configured.

ipv4 out-acl dropped

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an outbound access control list (ACL) violation.

ipv6 bad hdr

Indicates the number of IPv6 packets received with bad headers.

ipv6 bad length trim

Indicates the number of IPv6 packets received with bad trimming of packet length.

ipv6 in-acl dropped

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an inbound access control list (ACL) violation.

This counter may increment even if no ACL is configured.

ipv6 out-acl dropped

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an outbound access control list (ACL) violation.

ipv4 in-css-down dropped

Indicates the number of input packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 out-css-down dropped

Indicates the number of output packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 early pdu rcvd

The current total number of early IP packet data units (PDUs) received.

ipv4 icmp packets dropped

Indicates the total number of IPv4 ICMP packets dropped for GGSN service on this system.

When hide service address is enabled and a service in the system is sent ping packets or a traceroute is executed, the packets pertaining to the service address are dropped. This counter shows the number of those packets that have been dropped.

dormancy count

Indicates the total amount of time in seconds that the subscriber session was dormant over the duration of the GGSN session on this system.

handoff count

The total number of subscriber sessions handed off for GGSN service on this system.

Bearer not ready

Indicates the total number of instances when bearer was not ready and data received for session.

output bytes dropped

Indicates the cumulative number of bytes dropped for all GGSN subscriber session on this system.

output pkts dropped

Indicates the cumulative number of bytes dropped for all GGSN subscriber session on this system.

ggsn preservation mode

Indicates whether "Preservation-Mode" is enabled or not.

Note that this is a customer-specific feature and may not be available for other users.

Direct Tunnel Bearers

Indicates total number of bearer contexts active for direct tunnel support for SGSN with this GGSN service on system.

ggsn LORC state

Indicates the number of session where overcharging protection is enabled due to loss of radio coverage.

This counter is applicable when GGSN is enabled for overcharging protection for subscriber due to loss of radio coverage and SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with GTP-C extension for LORC.

show subscribers ggsn-only all

Table 20. show subscribers ggsn-only all Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


Displays service and session state information. This column provides a code consisting of seven characters.

From left-to-right, the first character represents the Network Type that the subscriber is using. See

The second character represents the network Access Tech that the subscriber is using. See

The third character represents the Call State. See

The fourth character (ggsn-only output) represents the Traffic Class. The possible traffic classes are:

- C: Conversational

- S: Streaming

- B: Background

- 1: Interactive 1

- 2: Interactive 2

- 3: Interactive 3

- x: Not Applicable

The fifth character represents the Network Type of the session. See

The sixth character (ggsn-only output) represents the PLMN of the session. The possible network types are:

- H: Home

- V: Visiting

- R: Roaming

- u: Unknown

The seventh character (ggsn-only output) represents the Emergency Bearer Type of the session. The possible emergency bearer types are:

- A: Authentic IMSI

- U: Un-Authentic IMSI

- O: Only IMEI

- N: Non-Emergency


Displays the subscriber's call identification (callid) number.


Displays the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) number (ggsn-only output) if the Emergency Bearer Type is Authentic IMSI and/or Non-Emergency. If the Emergency Bearer Type is Un-Authentic IMSI and/or Only IMEI, the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is displayed.


Displays the Network Service Access Point Identifier (ggsn-only output).

Address type

Displays the Address type (ggsn-only output) for the subscriber's session. The possible address types are:

- S: Static (Subscriber Supplied)

- L: Local pool

- RA: RADIUSAAA - assigned

- d: via DHCP proxy

- D: via DHCP relay

- u: Unknown


Displays the IP address assigned to the subscriber.


Displays the Access Point Name for the session (ggsn-only output).


Displays the APN that comes in CPC.

If there is no virtual-apn resolution, both Gi & Gn APN are the same.


Displays the APN finally selected by the GGSN based on the virtual-apn configuration.

If there is no virtual-apn resolution, both Gi & Gn APN are the same.


Displays the amount of time that the subscriber session has been idle either in an active or dormant state.

show subscribers ggsn-only full

Table 21. show subscribers ggsn-only full Command Output Descriptions
Field Description


The name of the subscribers using GGSN service.


Indicates the session status. Possible status are:

- Online/Active

- Offline/Inactive

Access Type

Indicates the session type for this subscriber. See Access Types.

Network Type

Indicates the network service used for the subscriber session. See Network Types.

Access Tech

Indicates the accessing technology. See Access Technologies.

Access Network Peer ID

Indicates the identifier of the peer in access network.


The subscriber's call identification number (callid).


The subscriber's International mobile station identification (IMSI).


The session state. The possible values are:

- Connected

- Connecting

- Disconnecting

- Unknown

SGSN cntl address

IP address of SGSN system in network for control messages.

SGSN data address

IP address of SGSN system in network for data traffic messages.

Protocol User Name

User name of protocol.


The Mobile Station International ISDN Number of subscriber node.

Emergency Bearer Type

Bearer type set as emergency. Possible values are:

- Only IMEI

- Authentic IMSI

- Un-Authentic IMSI

In case of the non-emergency bearer type, the value displayed is N/A.

connect time

The time of connection of this subscriber.

call duration

Duration of call session.

idle time

Duration of idle status of call session, when no activity detected for this session.


International mobile equipment identification- software version of connected subscriber.


Mobile country code (MCC) and mobile network code (MNC) of SGSN connected for this call.


Indicates the user location information. The possible values are:

  • MCC: Mobile Country Code

  • MNC: Mobile Network Code

  • LAC: Location Area Code

  • CI: Cell Identity



Indicates the Routing Area Identity (RAI) of the SGSN connected to this call. The possible values are:



- Unknown


Access point name used for this session on Gi interface, towards PDN.


Identifier for Network Service Access Point (NSAP) index.


Access point name used for this session on Gn interface, in network side between GSNs.

S6b Returned Virtual APN

Displays the S6b returned full virtual APN name, if the Virtual APN Truncation feature is enabled. Otherwise, it displays 'n/a’.

For more information on this feature, see the Rf Interface Support chapter in the administration guide of the product you are deploying.

Restoration priority level

Identifies the restoration priority value associated with the PND connection.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

Identifies the total number of subscribers matching criteria for restoration priority value associated with the PND connection.

IMS Auth Service

Indicates whether IMS authorization (Gx) interface support is enabled or not.

S6b Auth Status

Indicates whether S6b interface authorization is enabled or not.

GGSN Preservation Mode

Indicates whether preservation-mode support for GGSN is enabled or not.

Note: This is a customer-specific counter that requires a customer-specific license.

Vendor Id

Indicates the identification of vendor who uses GGSN preservation mode feature.


Indicates the state of the overcharging protection feature for specific subscriber.

Possible status are:

- Yes (overcharging protection is enabled)

- No (overcharging protection is enabled)

- N/A (overcharging protection is not applicable)

This counter is applicable when GGSN is enabled for overcharging protection for subscriber due to loss of radio coverage and SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with GTP-C extension for LORC.

GGSN Bearer Control Mode

Indicates whether network controlled QoS negotiation enabled or not and also the mode applicable for bearer control for this. Possible values are:

- MS-Only

- Mixed (MS and Network)


Indicates whether free of charge service is enabled or not.

Note: This is a customer-specific service that requires a customer-specific license.


Indicates whether Operator Determined Barring is enabled or not.

Note: This is a customer-specific service that requires a customer-specific license.

ip address

Indicates the primary IP address of the subscriber interface in the session.


The name of the GGSN service for this subscriber.

GTPU Address

GTP-U/data address of the subscriber, which can be either of the IPv4/IPv6 address.


The name of the GTP-U service associated with the 'ggsn-service-name', which can be bound with one or more addresses.

initiated by

Indicates whether QoS initiated by MS or network.

Subscriber Type

Indicates the type of subscriber. Possible values are Visiting or Home.

Accounting mode

Indicates the accounting mode applicable for this subscriber: Possible modes are:

- gtpp

- none

- radius-diameter

APN Selection mode

Indicates the APN selection mode applicable for this subscriber: Possible modes are:

- Chosen by SGSN

- Sent by MS

- Subscribed

ip allocation type

Indicates the IP allocation type applicable for this subscriber: Possible types are:

- DHCP proxy

- DHCP relay

- local pool


gtp version

Indicates the GTPP version used for this subscriber: Possible versions are 0 and 1.

ipv6 allocation type

Indicates the allocation method by which the IPv6 address has been allocated. The possible values are:

- local pool (allocated from local pool)

- dhcpv6-proxy (allocated by DHCP server)

- aaa (S6b or AAA returned IP address)

- no-dynamic (Static IP address)

- unknown

- N/A

ggsn c-teid

Indicates the GGSN Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID) for GTP-C messages.

ggsn u-teid

Indicates the GGSN Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID) for GTP-U messages.

sgsn c-teid

Indicates the SGSN Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID) for GTP-C messages.

sgsn u-teid

Indicates the SGSN Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID) for GTP-U messages.

charging id

Indicates the charging identifier for this subscriber.

charging chars

Specifies the charging characteristics behavior applicable for this subscriber session.

access-link ip-frag

Configures IP fragmentation processing over the Access-link.

ignore DF-bit data-tunnel

Indicates if whether during Mobile IP tunneling, the DF bit is not ignored and packets are not fragmented.

traffic flow template

The name of the traffic flow template (TFT) applicable for this subscriber session.

Source context

The name of a configured source context from which the subscriber initiates a session.

Destination context

The name of a configured destination context through which the subscriber is provided access to the packet data network.

Authentication context

The name of a configured authentication context from which the subscriber gets authentication.

Accounting context

The name of a configured accounting context through which the subscriber is provided accounting of data session.

Mediation context

The name of a configured mediation context to use for communicating with the mediation device. If this context is not specified in APN configuration mode, the destination context will be used.

Mediation no early PDUs

Specifies whether or not the no-early-pdu option is configured for this subscriber.

If no-early-PDUs is enabled, the chassis does not send uplink/downlink data from/to a MS till it receives the Acct-Rsp Start for the same from the mediation device. On receiving the Acct-Rsp, pending PDUs are sent out.

Mediation No Interims

Specifies whether or not the no-interims option configured for this subscriber.

If no-interims is enabled, the chassis does not send any interim message to the mediation device.

Mediation Delay GTP Response

Specifies whether or not the delay-GTP-response option is configured for this subscriber.

When enabled, this option delays the Create PDP Context response until an Accounting Start response is received from the mediation device.

active input acl

The active IPv4 access control list (ACL) for inward traffic.

active output acl

The active IPv4 access control list (ACL) for outward traffic.

active input IPv6 acl

The active IPv6 access control list (ACL) for inward traffic.

active output IPv6 acl

The active IPv6 access control list (ACL) for outward traffic.

ECS Rulebase

The rulebase applicable for this subscriber when ECS is enabled.


The CBB policy associated with the subscriber.

Firewall Policy

Indicates whether firewall processing for this subscriber is enabled.

CF Policy ID

The identifier of content filtering policy ID.

active input plcy grp

The active input policy group for inward traffic flow.

active output plcy grp

The active output policy group for outward traffic flow.

Layer 3 tunneling

Indicates if Layer 3 tunneling is enabled.

alloc/retention priority

Indicates the traffic handling priority for quality of service (QOS) differentiated service code point (DSCP) if the allocation priority is present in the QOS profile. Possible priorities are 1, 2 or 3.

traffic class

Indicates the class of traffic applied for quality of service (QOS) in this subscriber session. Possible classes are:

- background

- conversational

- interactive

- streaming

traffic priority

Indicates the priority for interactive class of traffic for this subscriber session. Possible priorities are 1, 2 or 3.

delivery order

Specifies the delivery order included in service data unit (SDU) for packets to this subscriber.

Negotiated MBR for up (bps)

Indicates the maximum bit rate in bits per seconds negotiated for this subscriber in uplink direction.

Negotiated MBR for down (bps)

Indicates the maximum bit rate in bits per seconds negotiated for this subscriber in downlink direction.

Negotiated GBR for up (bps)

Indicates the guaranteed bit rate in bits per seconds negotiated for this subscriber in uplink direction.

Negotiated GBR for down (bps)

Indicates the guaranteed bit rate in bits per seconds negotiated for this subscriber in downlink direction.

Negotiated GBR for down (bps)

Indicates the guaranteed bit rate in bits per seconds negotiated for this subscriber in downlink direction.

Downlink APN AMBR (bps)

Indicates the aggregate maximum bit rate in bits per second set in downlink direction for APN.

Uplink APN AMBR (bps)

Indicates the aggregate maximum bit rate in bits per second set in uplink direction for APN.

PCRF Authorized Bearer

This group displays the PCRF authorized QoS attributes for GGSN service.


Indicates the QoS Class Identifier (QCI) received through authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service. Possible values are between 1 through 9.


Indicates the Allocation and Retention Priority (ARP) set in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service. Possible values are between 1 through 3.


Indicates the Preemption Capability Indicator (PCI) value in ARP in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service.

Possible values are:

0 - disabled

1 - enabled


Indicates the Priority level (PL) value in ARP in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service. Possible values are between 1 through 15.


Indicates the Preemption Vulnerability Indicator (PVI) value in ARP in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service.

Possible values are:

0 - disabled

1 - enabled

MBR uplink (bps)

Indicates the maximum bit reate (MBR) value in bit per second for uplink direction in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service.

MBR downlink (bps)

Indicates the maximum bit rate (MBR) value in bit per second for downlink direction in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service.

GBR uplink (bps)

Indicates the guaranteed bit rate (GBR) value in bit per second for uplink direction in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service.

GBR downlink (bps)

Indicates the guaranteed bit rate (GBR) value in bit per second for downlink direction in authorized bearer QoS for GGSN service.

APN AMBR uplink (bps)

Indicates the aggregate maximum bit rate (AMBR) in bits per second set in uplink direction for APN.

APN AMBR downlink (bps)

Indicates the aggregate maximum bit rate (AMBR) in bits per second set in downing direction for APN.

Ran procedure pkts buffered

Indicates the total number of packets buffered in sub-system waiting for RAB setup ready flag. This is enabled for RAN Procedure Ready delay buffering feature for GGSN service used by this subscriber. Buffer limit is 1024 packets.

Ran procedure buffer overflow pkts drop

Indicates the total number of packets dropped after sub-system buffer was full (buffer limit is 1024 packets) and GGSN is still waiting for RAB setup ready flag. This is enabled for RAN Procedure Ready delay buffering feature for GGSN service used by this subscriber.

Downlink traffic-negotiate-limit

Indicates whether traffic flow negotiate limit is configured for this subscriber under traffic policing feature in downlink direction.

Downlink traffic-rate-limit

Indicates whether traffic flow rate limit is configured for this subscriber under traffic shaping feature in downlink direction.

Uplink traffic-negotiate-limit

Indicates whether traffic flow negotiate limit is configured for this subscriber under traffic policing feature in uplink direction.

Uplink traffic-rate-limit

Indicates whether traffic flow rate limit is configured for this subscriber under traffic shaping feature in uplink direction.

Downlink traffic-shaping

Indicates whether traffic shaping is enabled or not for this subscriber under traffic shaping feature in downlink direction.

Possible states are Enabled or Disabled.

Uplink traffic-shaping

Indicates whether traffic shaping is enabled or not for this subscriber under traffic shaping feature in uplink direction.

Possible states are Enabled or Disabled.

Peak data rate(bps)

Indicates the peak data rate allowed in downlink/uplink direction through traffic rate limiting.

Guaranteed data rate(bps)

Indicates the guaranteed data rate allowed in downlink/uplink direction through traffic rate limiting.

Burst Size

This group indicates the static/dynamic burst size in bytes for peak and guaranteed rate limiting for this class of QoS in this APN.

Auto Readjust

Indicates whether auto readjustment of burst size is enabled or not.

Possible states are Enabled or Disabled.

Auto Readjust Duration

Indicates the configured auto readjust duration in a seconds.

If auto readjust is enabled and no readjust duration is specified the default value is 1 second.

Peak Burst Size(bytes)

Indicates the peak burst size in bytes calculated dynamically by auto readjust duration and rate limit value.

Guaranteed Burst Size(bytes)

Indicates the guaranteed burst size in bytes calculated dynamically by auto readjust duration (seconds) and rate limit value (bytes).

This counter is applicable only when auto readjustment is enabled.

Peak data rate(bps)

Indicates the peak data rate configured for this subscriber in bits per seconds.

Guaranteed data rate(bps)

Indicates the guaranteed data rate configured for this subscriber in bits per seconds.

Downlink CSS Information

This group provides the information regarding content steering service for downlink traffic.

Service Name

Name of the content steering service applicable for downlink traffic.

downlink pkts to svc

Total number of packets from subscriber node (downlink direction) sent to CSS service.

downlink pkts from svc

Total number of packets from CSS service sent to subscriber node (downlink direction).

Uplink CSS Information

This group provides the information regarding content steering service for uplink traffic.

Service Name

Name of the content steering service applicable for uplink traffic.

uplink pkts to svc

Total number of packets from PDN/Internet (uplink direction) sent to CSS service.

uplink pkts from svc

Total number of packets from CSS service sent to PDN/Internet (uplink direction).

Bearer Establishment

Indicates the status of bearer establishment.

Bearer not ready

This group indicates the number of bytes dropped when bearer was ready.

IM-CN Signaling Context

Specifies the name of the signaling context used for IM-CN (IP Multimedia-Core Network) for interoperability with IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) service.

input pkts

Indicates the number of packets received.

output pkts

Indicates the number of packets transmitted.

input bytes

Indicates the number of bytes received.

output bytes

Indicates the number of bytes transmitted.

input bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output bytes dropped

Indicates the number of bytes that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

input pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data for this subscriber session.

output pkts dropped

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data for this subscriber session.

This field includes packets blocked by Access Control Lists (ACLs). Do not use this figure when computing the total number of output packets.

input pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while receiving data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

output pkts dropped due to zero mbr

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while transmitting data due to configured maximum bit rate (MBR) was set to zero for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when system drops uplink/downlink packets when SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with bandwidth rate as zero for conversation/streaming class of services.

out packet dropped due to lorc

Indicates the number of packets that were dropped while UE was out of coverage area or radio coverage was lost for a subscriber.

This counter is applicable when GGSN is enabled for overcharging protection for subscriber due to loss of radio coverage and SGSN notifies Update PDP Contexts for QOS change with GTP-C extension for LORC.

pk rate from user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(bps)

The peak data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(bps)

The average data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(bps)

The mean data rate, in bits per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate from user(pps)

The peak data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

pk rate to user(pps)

The peak data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate from user(pps)

The average data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber to the network during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ave rate to user(pps)

The average data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate from user(pps)

The mean data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data sent from the subscriber tot he network during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

sust rate to user(pps)

The mean data rate, in packets per second, obtained for data received from the network by the subscriber during the last three sampling periods. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

link online/active percent

The percentage of time that the data link was online and active during the last sampling period. The sampling period is 30 seconds.

ipv4 bad hdr

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets received with bad headers.

ipv4 ttl exceeded

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped because their time-to-live was exceeded for this subscriber session.

ipv4 fragments sent

Indicates the number of IPv4 packet fragments that were transmitted.

ipv4 could not fragment

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets that could not be fragmented.

ipv4 input acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an inbound access control list (ACL) violation.

This counter may increment even if no ACL is configured.

ipv4 output acl drop

Indicates the number of IPv4 packets dropped due to an outbound access control list (ACL) violation.

ipv4 input css down drop

Indicates the number of input packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 output css down drop

Indicates the number of output packets dropped because the CSS service is yet not up or the service went down.

ipv4 output xoff pkts drop

Indicates the number of packets dropped because of flow control.

ipv4 output xoff bytes drop

Indicates the number of bytes dropped because of flow control.

ipv4 source violations

Indicates the number of IPv4 source validation violations.

ipv4 proxy-dns redirect

The number of foreign DNS request packets intercepted and redirected to the home DNS for the subscriber.

ipv4 proxy-dns pass-thru

The number of foreign DNS request packets allowed through the intercept filter for the subscriber.

ipv4 proxy-dns drop

The number of foreign DNS request packets not matching either redirect or pass-thru rules for the subscriber.

ip source violations no acct

The IP source validation violations that were detected but not included in the statistics.

ip source violations ignored

The IP source validation violations that were detected but then ignored.

ipv4 output no-flow drop

The number of IP packets not matching traffic classifier and dropped for the subscriber.

dormancy total

Indicates the total amount of time in seconds that the subscriber session was dormant over the duration of the session.

handoff total

The total number of subscriber sessions handed off.

ipv4 icmp packets dropped

When hide service address is enabled and a service in the system is sent ping packets or a traceroute is executed, the packets pertaining to the service address are dropped. This counter shows the number of those packets that have been dropped.

DHCP context

Name of the system context in which DHCP service is configured.

DHCP service

Name of the DHCP service configured for this subscriber.

DHCP server

Name of the DHCP servers configured for this subscriber for DHCP function.

DHCP lease expiry policy

Specifies the DHCP address lease expiry policy. Possible actions are autoconnect or disconnect

DHCP lease obtained

Specifies the whether lease obtained after lease expiry or not.

DHCP lease remaining

Specifies the status of lease obtained for DHCP allocated IP address.

Total subscribers matching specified criteria

The total number of subscribers matching the specified criteria.

show subscribers gprs-only full

Table 22. Show subscribers gprs-only full Command Output Descriptions
Field Description

Access Type

Number of GPRS access type, for the subscriber. Possible categories are: SGSN or GGSN.

Access Tech

Number of access technologies associated with the PLMN that is being accessed by the Mobile Station (MS). The Access Tech can be:





Network Type

Network type associated with the PLMN or HPLMN on the PLMN selector. The MS uses this information to select the type of radio carrier for searching, while attempting to select a specific PLMN. Network Type can be:

- IP

- IP Sec

- Mobile IP


Displays the Mobile Station Identification (MSID) associated with the subscriber.


Displays the subscriber's call identification number.


Displays the state of GPRS session in the Mobile Station. Data transfer between MS and network depends on this state. The state can be:

- Idle

- Stand by

- Active

- Ready

RFSP Id in Use

Displays the value of the RFSD Id. used.

Connect Time

The date and time when the call was connected to the GPRS network in Day MM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY format.

Call Duration

Total time lapsed after call connection, for this subscriber. Displayed in format hhmmss.

Idle Time

Time period for which the subscriber session has been idle either in standby or dormant state. Displayed in format hhmmss.

User Location (RAI)

This is the Routing Area Indicator (RAI). It indicates user location in GPRS network.

Cell Global Identity

Cell Global Identity (CGI) indicates a category of user location information that can be used to geographically locate the connected MS.


International Mobile Identity (IMEI) Software Version (SV) associated with MS.

Equipment Status

Equipment status of the mobile equipment, queried from Equipment Identity Registry (EIR).

Source Context

Name of configured source context that was used for session initiation.

Destination Context

Name of configured destination context that was used by the subscriber to access the network.

Accounting Context

The context name where accounting information is configured or where an accounting interface is configured. It can be used to provide accounting of the data session to the subscriber.

Charging Characteristics

Displays associated charging characteristics. It can be:

- Hot Billing

- Flat Rate Billing

- Prepaid Billing

- Normal Billing

Characteristics Selection Mode

The selection mode of charging characteristics that is applicable to this session. For example selection mode can be Home or Roaming.

Subscriber Plmn Type

Category of subscriber's Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN). Possible values are:

- H: home Networks

- F: Foreign Networks

- U: Unknown Networks


The Page Proceed Flag (PPF) indicates whether paging for PS and CS services can be initiated. Possible values are True or False.


The Non Gprs Alert Flag (NGAF), indicates whether the MS activity is being reported to MCSC or VLR. Possible values for this flag are True or False.


This flag is set to False when SGSN has received a reset indication from the VLR. The SGSN, upon reception of next Routing Area Update (RAU), may request the MS a procedure to re-attach to non-GPRS services provided that the MS is IMISI attached to such non-GPRS request.

Alternately, the SGSN, upon reception of a combined RAU and Location Area Update (LAU) request from an MS that is still attached to non-GPRS service, performs location update procedure for such non-GPRS service.

VLR – Association

States associated with the Gs interface in the VLR. Possible states are:




NRI Assigned

Assigned Network Resource Indicator (NRI). The NRI is utilized when either Iu-flex or Gb-flex or MOCN configuration is used for network sharing.

ISR – Activated

The activation status of Idle mode Signaling Reduction (ISR). This status can either be True or False.

MME Ctrl Teid

S4-SGSN only: If the ISR-Activated field reads True, this field provides the MME Control Tunnel Endpoint Identifier. The Ctrl TEID identifies the specific S3 tunnel on the MME being used for this ISR-activated subscriber.

MME IP Address

S4-SGSN only: If the ISR-Activated field reads True, this field provides the IP address of the MME associated with this ISR-activated subscriber.

Nego Ready Timer

This value is sent from SGSN to MS. It indicates timeout ready timer value. Its range is from 0 to 11160 seconds the default value is 44 seconds.

MS Network Capacity

The MS network capacity elements provide MS information related to GPRS network. These elements indicate general Mobile Station (MS) characteristics, hence are independent of the frequency band of the channel for which this capability is set.

The MS network capacity specifies parameters such as:

- Revision level indicator

- SoLSA capacity

- SS screening indicator

- Whether UCS2 character set is enabled

- SMS via GPRS Channel

- Whether or not GPRS Encryption Algorithm - GEA1 to GEA 7 are supported


Revision Level Indicator (MS Network Capability)

The 3GPP released version that is supported by the MS network capability.

SoLSA Capability (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether the Support of Localized Service Area (SoLSA) is included in the MS network capability.

SS Screening Indicator (MS Network Capability)

Category of Supplemental Services (SS) screening indicator that is being sent by MS to the network to assess the capabilities of the MS. This indictor is sent by the MS at the beginning of the radio connection.

UCS2 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether the Universal Character Set 2 (UCS-2) encoding for the character is supported or whether the use of default alphabet is supported.

SMS via GPRS CH (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether the MS support for mobile terminated point to point SMS via GPRS channel is included in the MS network capability.

SMS via Dedicated CH (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether the MS support for mobile terminated point to point SMS via a dedicated GPRS channel is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/1 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA1 is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/2 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA2 is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/3 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA3 is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/4 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA4 is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/5 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA5 is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/6 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA6 is included in the MS network capability.

GEA/7 (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether support for GEA7 is included in the MS network capability.

Negotiated ciphering algorithm

The ciphering algorithm negotiated by the SGSN and MS during Authentication and Ciphering Request.

LCS VA Capability (MS Network Capability)

Specifies whether the LoCation Services Value Add (LCS VA) capability is included or not in the MS network capacity.

DRX Parameter

Discontinuous Reception (DRX) is used when the MS is in the packet idle mode. If MS is using the discontinuous reception, then the DRX parameters indicate whether the MS is in no-sleep mode and is able to receive paging requests and channel assignments. GPRS uses two DRX modes namely, normal DRX and split paging DRX.

Following are the DRX parameters:

- Split PG cycle code

- Split on CCCH

- Non-DRX timer

- CN Specific DRX cycle length coefficient.

SPLIT PG Cycle Code (DRX Parameter)

displays the cycle code for the split paging mode.

SPLIT on CCCH (DRX Parameter)

Specifies whether split on Common Control Channel (CCCH) is supported or not.

Non-DRX timer (DRX Parameter)

Value of non-DRX timer transfer state, displayed in seconds.

CN Specific DRX cycle length coefficient (DRX Parameter)

Specifies the Core Network (CN) specific DRX cycle length coefficient support by MS.

An MS can be attached to either circuit or packet domain of CN. For the circuit domain the MS uses the circuit domain CN- domain specific cycle length coefficient broadcast in system information.

Uplink Coverage Class

Specifies the uplink coverage class value of the subscriber.

Downlink Coverage Class

Specifies the downlink coverage class value of the subscriber.

Current PTMSI

Current value of Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (P-TMSI). P-TMSI gets attached to the MS when GPRS attach procedure is performed. P-TMSI is used to avoid transmitting the IMSI over air interface. P-TMSI is only applicable in the geographical area served by the SGSN. When the MS move to another geographical area, a new P_TMSI gets attached to the MS.

Current PTMSI Acked by MS

Acknowledgement status of current P_TMSI by the MS. Possible values are yes and no.

Any Previous PTMSI

Specifies whether any previous P-TMSI value is available for this MS.


Current value of Mobile station Not Reachable in GPRS (MNRG) flag. This flag is found in Home Location Register (HLR) and it indicates whether SGSN can reach this MS. Possible values for this flag are