- About this Guide
- Ultra Services Platform (USP) Introduction
- USP Installation Prerequisites
- Deploying Hyper-Converged Ultra M Models Using UAS
- Deploying VNFs Using AutoVNF
- VNF Upgrade/Redeployment Automation
- UAS Upgrade and Redeployment Operations
- Post Deployment Operations
- boot_uas.py Help
- Sample VIM Orchestrator and VIM Configuration File
- Sample Tenant Configuration File
- Sample VNF Rack and VNF Descriptor Configuration File
- Sample system.cfg File
- Sample ESC VIM Connector Configuration
- Sample AutoVNF VNFM Configuration File
- Sample AutoVNF VNF Configuration File
- USP KPI Descriptions
- Backing Up Deployment Information
- Example RedHat Network Interface and Bridge Configuration Files
Sample ESC VIM Connector Configuration
<esc_system_config xmlns="http://www.cisco.com/esc/esc">
<!--represents a vim-->
<!--unique id for each vim-->
<!-- The project name for openstack authentication and authorization -->
<!-- The project domain name is only needed for openstack v3 identity api -->
<!-- The user domain name is only needed for openstack v3 identity api -->