Backing Up Deployment Information

This chapter provides information on the following topics:

Identify Component IP Addresses

To collect the HA-VIP, and floating IP addresses for UAS, ESC, UEM, and CF:

  1. Log on to the server on which OSP-D is running.

  2. Source the “stack_namerc-core” file.

    source ~/<stack_name>rc-core 
  3. Obtain the floating IP for CF and UEM VMs.

    neutron floatingip-list 

    Example command output:

    | id                                   | fixed_ip_address | floating_ip_address | port_id                              |
    | 22936d62-d086-4658-acfc-51b3d8952df6 |    |      | a9489513-9bec-449b-a1f8-02487b9fb175 |
    | 2fc42615-5254-44ec-af5a-a14440a36812 |     |      | 6a170e76-bb05-4cb9-b09e-e94b8e1ae99c |
    | 38a53400-346e-4e12-96b6-989fcad75ab3 |                  |      |                                      |
    | 70be87df-97db-4d53-b603-2efb7cfd4a6c |                  |      |                                      |
    | 72205ae8-c905-4705-a67f-a99cf9078246 |   |      | a088cc88-3e95-4751-a092-e2f6063d3886 |
    | 780e652c-3ee7-47c3-ad25-f1cf17d0c9f6 |     |      | f186730b-be55-4404-9a5a-84741a8d8032 |
    | 871825f2-5d30-4a34-baec-3ba09cf93559 |    |      | c416552e-5f41-4dbe-bbd1-6a9ef0a39e94 |
    | 89c1784d-a8a5-4e91-835c-d4dbff47172e |    |      | 78afdd69-5f86-48c7-84c0-a10dbf25ea57 |
    | 89d6c6ac-bf12-45b9-ae52-7fd2a20a2838 |                  |      |                                      |
    | a501bec3-d87f-47de-8e11-f5ce903ea1fe |                  |      |                                      |
    | f6ff9566-1514-4d55-b09d-800c19906d9e |     |      | dde1fe31-e278-443f-bd5e-f434edefe14e |
    | f8c131b5-a5d6-400e-8936-c407504208da |    |      | aff0efca-cef0-4852-bdb4-9b1fa5ca373f |
    | f963b405-3586-4ab2-8815-b76332832e64 |   |      | 2a3ab817-9939-45a9-8774-e062ea74387f |
  4. Obtain the AutoDeploy address.

    nova list | grep auto-deploy 
  5. Log on to the AutoDeploy VM as the default user, ubuntu.

    ssh ubuntu@<ad_vm_address> 
  6. Switch to the root user.

    sudo su 
  7. Enter the ConfD CLI.

    confd_cli -C -u admin  
  8. Find the deployment details from AutoDeploy:

    show service-deployment  <deployment_name>  siter autovnfr  

    Example command output:

    siter LBUCS002
     autovnfr LBPCF100-UAS
      endpoint-info ip-address
      endpoint-info port 2022
      status alive
      vnfmr LBPCF100-ESC
       endpoint-info ip-address
       endpoint-info port 830
       status alive
      vnfr LBPCF100-VNF
       status alive
       vnf-deploymentr LBPCF100-DEPLOYMENT
        em-endpoint-info ip-address
        em-endpoint-info port 2022
     autovnfr LBPGW100-UAS
      endpoint-info ip-address
      endpoint-info port 2022
      status alive
      vnfmr LBPGW100-ESC
       endpoint-info ip-address
       endpoint-info port 830
       status alive
      vnfr LBPGW100-VNF
       status alive
       vnf-deploymentr LBPGW100-DEPLOYMENT
        em-endpoint-info ip-address

    Record the UAS IP address for each VNF as highlighted in the command output example.

  9. Log on to the master AutoVNF VM as the default user, ubuntu.

    ssh ubuntu@<ad_vm_address> 
  10. Switch to the root user.

    sudo su 
  11. Enter the ConfD CLI.

    confd_cli -C -u admin 
  12. Collect the VIP address for ESC.

    In releases prior to 6.0:
    show autovnf-oper:vnfm 

    Example output:

    autovnf-oper:vnfm vnfmd 
    state alive 
    transaction-id 1507961257-916914 
    vnfc-instance vnfmd-ESC 
    compute-host tb1ano-compute-7.localdomain 
    interfaces autovnfd-uas-management 
    mac-address fa:16:3e:3d:be:31 
    interfaces autovnfd-uas-orchestration 
    mac-address fa:16:3e:68:8e:15 
    In 6.0 and later releases:
    show vnfr 

    For an example output, see the Example show vnfr Command Output.

  13. Collect the VIP address for the UEM and CF.

    show autovnf-oper:vip-port 

    Example output:

    vip-port vnfd-deployment vnf-deployment 
    transaction-id 1508009048-329005 
    port autovnfd-uas-management- 
    network autovnfd-uas-management 
    vdu-ref element-manager 
    port autovnfd-uas-management- 
    network autovnfd-uas-management 
    vdu-ref control-function 
    vip-port vnfmd vnfm-deployment 
    transaction-id 1507961257-916914 
    port vnfmd-ESC-vip 
    network autovnfd-uas-management 
    vdu-ref esc 
    In 6.0 and later releases:
    show vnfr 

    For an example output, see the Example show vnfr Command Output.

  14. Repeat 13 for each VNF-UAS.

Backup Configuration Files

Backing up configuration files involves using SFTP to download copies of these files to a backup directory on a remote server.


If SFTP to any of the VMs fails, then remove the respective entry from the known_hosts file under .ssh directory and retry.

To backup the configuration files:

  1. Create a backup directory, if one does not already exist.

  2. SFTP the Day 0 configuration called system.cfg from each UGP-based VNF to the backup directory.

  3. SFTP the latest Day N configuration file from each UGP-based VNF to the backup directory.

    The Day N configuration file specifies the configuration of the various gateway and services deployed on the UGP.


    UGP-based VNF Day N configuration can also be obtained by logging in to the CF and logging the output of the show configuration command. In addition, password information saved in this file is encrypted. Prior to re-applying this configuration to the upgraded/redeployed VNF, you’ll need to manually reconfigure the unencrypted passwords in the configuration file.
  4. Collect the output of the show support details command for each VNF.

  5. SFTP the latest AutoDeploy configuration file from the AutoDeploy VM to the backup directory.


    You’ll need to log in to the AutoDeploy VM using the credentials for the user unbuntu.
  6. SFTP the latest AutoVNF configuration file from the master AutoVNF VM to the backup directory.


    You’ll need to log in to the AutoVNF VM using the credentials for the user unbuntu.

  7. SFTP the latest VIM Orchestrator configuration file from the AutoDeploy VM to the backup directory.

  8. SFTP the latest VIM configuration file from the AutoDeploy VM to the backup directory.

Backup UAS ConfD Databases

Backing up ConfD databases (CDBs) is done on the UAS software role VMs and involves copying the databased files to a secure location.

AutoDeploy CDB:

Copy the contents of the /opt/cisco/usp/uas/confd-6.3.1/var/confd/cdb directory.

Example directory contents:

total 1100 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Sep 27 22:27 ./ 
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root    4096 Sep 27 18:48 ../ 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   10332 Sep 27 22:10 aaa_init.xml 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   10261 Oct  2 20:20 A.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1086629 Sep 27 22:10 C.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     804 Sep 27 22:27 O.cdb 


Copy the contents of the /opt/cisco/usp/uas/confd-6.3.1/var/confd/cdb directory.

Example directory contents:

total 884 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 14 18:55 ./ 
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep 11 21:56 ../ 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10234 Sep 12 18:34 aaa_init.xml 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7092 Sep 14 18:56 A.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 857637 Sep 12 18:34 C.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16363 Sep 14 18:56 O.cdb 


Copy the contents of the /opt/cisco/usp/uas/confd-6.3.1/var/confd/cdb directory.

Example directory contents:

total 1232 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Oct  4 05:39 ./ 
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root    4096 Sep 27 18:48 ../ 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   10218 Sep 27 22:22 aaa_init.xml 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    3789 Sep 27 22:22 A.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1223594 Sep 27 22:22 C.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     277 Sep 27 18:48 gilan.xml 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    2216 Oct  4 05:39 O.cdb 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     271 Sep 27 18:48 vpc.xml 

Collect Logs

Prior to deactivating any part of the deployment, it is recommended that you collect logs from the different components that comprise the USP-based VNF and transfer them to a remote backup server.

  • AutoDeploy Logs: Refer to Viewing AutoDeploy Logs for information on the logs to collect and their locations.

    It is recommended that you copy autodeploy.log to autodeply_beforedeactivation.log and then collect logs during de-activation.

  • AutoIT Logs: Refer to Viewing AutoIT Logs for information on the logs to collect and their locations.

    It is recommended that you copy autoit.log to autoit_beforedeactivation.log and then collect logs during de-activation.

  • AutoVNF Logs: Refer to Viewing AutoVNF Logs for information on the logs to collect and their locations.

    It is recommended that you copy autovnf.log to autovnf_beforedeactivation.log and then collect logs during de-activation.

  • VNFM (ESC) Logs: Refer to Viewing ESC Logs for information on the logs to collect and their locations.

  • UEM Logs: Refer to Viewing UEM Logs for information on the logs to collect and their locations.

Collect Charging Detail Records

Prior to performing an upgrade or redeployment, it is strongly recommended that you collect or backup copies of all charging detail records (CDRs).

The UGP-based VNF supports the ability to push locally-stored CDRs to a configured collection server based on user-defined intervals or criteria. Refer to the “Configuring CDR Push” section within the “HDD Storage” chapter of the GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. Select the document pertaining to your software version from those available here:

Prior to initiating the VNF upgrade or redeployment, collect or backup copies of all CDRs using one of these two methods:

  • Initiate a manual push of specified CDR files to the configured collection server, OR

  • Retrieve CDRs via SFTP

Instructions for using these methods is provided in the GTPP Interface Administration and Reference. Note that additional configuration may be required in order to use these methods.