Configuring Local Area Bonjour for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

Overview of Local Area Bonjour for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

The Cisco Catalyst 9800 series controller introduces unicast mode function in Local Area Bonjour network domain. The enhanced gateway function at the first hop of Wired and Wireless networks communicates directly with any industry standard RFC 6762 compliant Multicast DNS (mDNS) end point in Layer 2 Unicast mode. The controller also introduces new service-peer mode expanding single-gateway to end-to-end service-routing with upstream SDG-Agent switch to enable unicast-mode, increased scale, performance and resiliency in the network.

Restrictions for Local Area Bonjour for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

  • In FlexConnect mode network deployments, the mDNS gateway and service-peer mode on the controller must not be configured and must be in disabled state.

Prerequisites for Local Area Bonjour for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

The Cisco Catalyst 9800 series controller must be successfully configured and operational before implementing Cisco Local Area Bonjour for FlexConnect mode wireless networks.

The following list provides the prerequisites for the controller that is to be deployed to enable successful mDNS gateway solution for Wireless FlexConnect:

  • Ensure that the targeted Layer 2 Catalyst 9000 Series Ethernet switch is configured in service-peer role and running the required Cisco IOS-XE software version.

  • Ensure that the Catalyst 9000 Series Ethernet switch runs a valid Cisco DNA-Advantage license.

  • Ensure that the upstream distribution-layer Cisco Catalyst switch for Wired and FlexConnect Local Switching Wireless networks is configured in SDG-Agent mode and runs a valid Cisco DNA-Advantage license.

Understanding mDNS Gateway Alternatives for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

The controller continues to innovate mDNS gateway function to address evolving business and technical requirements in the Enterprise networks. The FlexConnect Local Switching based wireless networks implement mDNS gateway using the following two methods depicted in the figure:

Figure 1. mDNS Gateway Alternatives for FlexConnect Mode

Based on the operating network environment, the mDNS gateway for FlexConnect mode wireless network can be implemented in one of the following modes to address service discovery and distribution:

  • Switch Based mDNS Gateway—In Layer 2 access, the Cisco Catalyst 9000 series Ethernet switch must be implemented as mDNS gateway in Service-Peer role. The following are the key benefits:

    • Replaces flood-n-learn with the new enhanced Unicast-based mDNS communication with FlexConnect mode wireless users.

    • Eliminates mDNS flood with Unicast service-routing to LAN distribution. The Unicast service-routing between LAN distribution and Layer 2 access layer switches forms Local Area Bonjour domain to enable policy and location-based service discovery and distribution. The Unicast based service-routing over Layer 2 trunk eliminates mDNS flood-free and enables service-oriented wireless networks.

    • Eliminates the requirement to forward wired network traffic to wireless Access Points improving wireless scale, performance, and network reliability.

  • AP Based mDNS Gateway—The Cisco FlexConnect mode wireless access points can alternatively be implemented as mDNS gateway when connected to unsupported LAN access switch. In this method, the mDNS service discovery and distribution follows flood-n-learn mechanism over the Layer 2 wireless network. To implement AP based mDNS gateway, see the Multicast Domain Name System chapter.

Understanding Local Area Bonjour for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

The controller supports mDNS gateway function with various advancements for broad range of wireless networks. As the enterprise requirements expands it drives IT organization to introduce new network deployment models, supporting mobile devices and distributed zero-configuration services following increased scale, granular security control and resiliency for mission critical networks. The common unified Cisco IOS-XE operating system across Cisco Catalyst 9000 series LAN switches and Cisco Catalyst 9800 series controller enables distributed Bonjour gateway function at network edge. With end-to-end Wide Area Bonjour service-routing, the new solution enables service-oriented enterprise networks with intuitive user-experience.

The following figure illustrates how the controller connected to wireless access points support mDNS gateway function to wireless users in FlexConnect Local Switching mode.

Figure 2. Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Controller Local Area Bonjour for Wireless - FlexConnect Mode

The Cisco Catalyst 9000 series switches in the Layer 2 access layer and Layer 3 distribution layer must be configured in the following mDNS gateway mode to enable Unicast-based mDNS service-routing between wired and FlexConnect Local Switching mode wireless users within the same Layer 2 network block:

  • Service-Peer - The Layer 2 access switch connecting wireless access point in FlexConnect Local Switching mode must be configured with mDNS gateway in Service-Peer mode. Each Layer 2 access switch provides mDNS gateway function between locally attached wired and FlexConnect mode wireless users. The Unicast-based mDNS service discovery and distribution within same or different VLANs is supported with bi-directional mDNS policies on single Layer 2 access switch.

  • SDG Agent - The mDNS flood-n-learn based method in Layer 2 network is replaced with simple Unicast based service-routing between Layer 2 access switch in Service-Peer mode and upstream distribution-layer in mDNS gateway SDG Agent mode. The Unicast based mDNS service-routing eliminates mDNS flood over Layer 2 trunk ports providing increased bandwidth, enhanced security, location-based services, and flood control management in wired and FlexConnect wireless network.

Configuring Local Area Bonjour for Wireless FlexConnect Mode

This section provides configuration guidelines to implement Cisco Catalyst 9000 series Ethernet switch as mDNS gateway and enable service-peer and SDG Agent mode to enable service-routing with upstream distribution-layer Cisco Catalyst 9000 series switch in SDG Agent mode to build Local Area Bonjour.

Configuring mDNS Gateway Mode (CLI)

To enable mDNS gateway and Service-Peer mode on Layer 2 access switch and SDG Agent mode on Layer 3 distribution layer switch, perform the following:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device# enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS on the Layer 2 Catalyst switch and enters the mDNS gateway configuration mode.

(Optional) You can configure the following additional parameters:

  • air-print-helper: Enables communication between Apple iOS devices like iPhone or iPad to discover and use older printers that does not support driverless AirPrint function.

  • cache-memory-max: Configures the percentage memory for cache.

  • ingress-client: Configures Ingress client packet tuners.

  • rate-limit: Enables rate limiting of incoming mDNS packets.

  • service-announcement-count: Configures maximum advertisements.

  • service-announcement-timer: Configures advertisements announcement timer periodicity.

  • service-query-count: Configures maximum queries.

  • service-query-timer: Configures query forward timer periodicity.

  • service-type-enumeration: Configures service enumeration.



For cache-memory-max, ingress-client, rate-limit, service-announcement-count, service-announcement-timer, service-query-count, service-query-timer, and service-type-enumeration commands, you can retain the default value of the respective parameter for general deployments. Configure a different value, if required, for a specific deployment.

Step 4

mode {service-peer | sdg-agent}


Device(config-mdns-sd)# mode service-peer
Device(config-mdns-sd)# mode sdg-agent

Configure mDNS gateway in one of the following modes based on the system settings:

  • service-peer– Enables Layer 2 Catalyst access switch in mDNS Service-Peer mode.

  • sdg-agent– Default. Enables Layer 3 distribution layer Catalyst switch in SDG Agent mode to peer with central Cisco Catalyst Center controller for Wide Area Bonjour service routing.

Step 5



Device(config-mdns-sd)# exit

Exits mDNS gateway configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS Service Policy (CLI)

You need to perform the following to configure an mDNS service policy:

  1. Create service-list to permit built-in or user-defined custom service types.

  2. Associate service-list to a service-policy to enforce ingress or egress direction.

  3. Apply the service policy to the new VLAN configuration mode.


You will need this configuration in Service-Peer mode for Layer 2 Catalyst switch and SDG agent mode for Layer 3 Catalyst switch.

The following figure shows how to configure mDNS policies on Catalyst switch in Service-Peer and SDG agent modes.

Figure 3. mDNS Service Policy Configuration on Catalyst Switch in Service-Peer and SDG Agent Modes

This procedure builds and applies service-policies on target VLAN in service-peer and SDG agent modes.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device# enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-list service-list-name {in | out}


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list VLAN100-LIST-IN in
Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list VLAN100-LIST-OUT out

Configure mDNS service-list to classify one or more service types. Unique service-list is required to process incoming mDNS message and outbound response to request locally connected wired or FlexConnect wireless end points.

Step 4

match service-definition-name [message-type {any | announcement | query}]


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list VLAN100-LIST-IN in
Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# match APPLE-TV
Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# match PRINTER-IPPS message-type announcement

Matches inbound service-list.

The Catalyst switch validates to accept or drop incoming mDNS service-type (such as, Apple TV) advertisement or query matching message type from locally connected wired or FlexConnect wireless end points. The service-list contains implicit deny at the end.

The default message-type used is any.

Step 5

match service-definition-name [message-type {any | announcement | query}]


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list VLAN100-LIST-OUT out
Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# match APPLE-TV
Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# match PRINTER-IPPS

Matches outbound service-list.

The Catalyst switch provides local service proxy function by responding matching service-type to the requesting end point(s). For example, the Apple-TV and Printer learnt from VLAN 100 will be distributed to FlexConnect wireless receiver in same VLAN 100. The service-list contains implicit deny at the end.

The message-type for outbound service-list is not required.

Step 6

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy VLAN100-POLICY

Creates unique mDNS service-policy in global configuration mode.

Step 7

service-list service-list-name {in | out}


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy VLAN100-POLICY
Device(config-mdns-ser-policy)# service-list VLAN100-LIST-IN in
Device(config-mdns-ser-policy)# service-list VLAN100-LIST-OUT out

Configures mDNS service-policy to associate service-list for each direction.

Step 8

vlan configuration ID


Device(config)# vlan configuration 100

Enables wired or wireless FlexConnect user VLAN configuration for advanced service parameters. One or more VLANs can be created for the same settings.

Here, ID refers to the VLAN configuration ID. The range is from 101 to 110 and 200. This range allows to configure consecutive and non-consecutive VLAN ID(s).

Step 9

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-vlan)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on configured wired or FlexConnect wireless user VLAN ID(s).

Step 10

service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config-vlan-mdns)# service-policy VLAN100-POLICY

Associates mDNS service-policy to the configured wired or FlexConnect wireless user VLAN ID(s).

Step 11



Device(config-vlan-mdns)# exit

Exits mDNS gateway configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS Location-Filter (CLI)

Optionally, you can configure mDNS location-filter to allow service discovery and distribution between locally configured VLAN IDs associated to FlexConnect wireless user networks.

The following figure illustrates and references location-filter policy on Catalyst switch in Service-Peer mode permitting to discover and distribute mDNS services between wired and FlexConnect wireless user VLANs.

Figure 4. Catalyst Service-Peer mDNS Location-Filter Configuration

To enable local service proxy on Cisco Catalyst switch in Service-Peer mode and discover mDNS services between local wired and wireless FlexConnect user VLANs, perform the following:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device# enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd location-filter location-filter-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd location-filter LOCAL-PROXY

Configures a unique location-filter in global configuration mode.

Step 4

match location-group {all | default | ID} vlan [ID]


Device(config-mdns-loc-filter)# match location-group default vlan 100
Device(config-mdns-loc-filter)# match location-group default vlan 101

Configures the match criteria to mutually distribute the permitted services between grouped VLANs. For example, mDNS services can be discovered and distributed using the Unicast mode between wireless FlexConnect user VLAN ID 100 and wired user VLAN ID 101.

Step 5

mdns-sd service-list service-list-name {in | out}


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list VLAN100-LIST-OUT out

Configures the mDNS service-list to classify one or more service types.

The service-list configuration is required to process any incoming or outgoing mDNS messages.

Step 6

match service-definition-name [message-type {any | announcement | query}]


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list VLAN100-LIST-OUT out
Device(config-mdns-sl-out)# match APPLE-TV location-filter LOCAL-PROXY

Associates location-filter to one or more service types to enable local proxy between local VLANs. For example, the Apple-TV learnt from VLAN 100 and VLAN 101 will be distributed to receiver in VLAN 100.



You do not require a message-type for the outbound service-list.

Step 7

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy VLAN100-POLICY

Creates unique mDNS service-policy in global configuration mode.

Step 8

service-list service-list-name {in | out}


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy VLAN100-POLICY
Device(config-mdns-ser-policy)# service-list VLAN100-LIST-OUT out

Configures mDNS service-policy to associate service-list for each direction.

Step 9

vlan configuration ID


Device(config)# vlan configuration 100

Enables VLAN configuration for advanced service parameters. You can create one or more VLANs with the same settings.

Here, ID refers to the VLAN configuration ID. The range is from 101 to 110 and 200. This range allows to configure consecutive and non-consecutive VLAN ID(s).

Step 10

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-vlan-config)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on configured VLAN ID(s).

Step 11

service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config-vlan-mdns-sd)# service-policy VLAN100-POLICY

Associates mDNS service-policy to the configured VLAN ID(s).

Step 12



Device(config-vlan-mdns-sd)# exit

Exits mDNS gateway configuration mode.

Configuring Custom Service Definition (CLI)

The Cisco IOS-XE supports mapping of various built-in well-known mDNS service-definition types to key mDNS PTR records and user-friendly names. For example, built-in Apple-TV service-type is associated with _airplay. _tcp.local and _raop. _tcp.local PTR records to successfully enable service in the network. Network administrators create custom service-definition with matching mDNS PTR records to enable end mDNS service-routing in the network.

The custom service-definition can be associated to the service-list as described in the following steps:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device# enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-definition service-definition-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-definition APPLE-CLASSROOM

Creates a unique service-definition name for custom service-types.

Step 4

service-type custom-mDNS-PTR


Device(config-mdns-ser-def)# service-type _classroom. _tcp.local

Configures a regular-expression string for custom mDNS PoinTeR(PTR) record.

Step 5



Device(config-mdns-ser-def)# exit

Exits mDNS gateway configuration mode.

Configuring Service-Routing on Service-Peer (CLI)

The Layer 2 Cisco Catalyst switch in Service-Peer mode builds a service-routing with an upstream distribution-layer switch in the SDG Agent mode. To build service-routing, the Layer 2 Cisco Catalyst switch requires at least one interface with valid IP address to reach the upstream SDG Agent Catalyst switch. The switch management port is unsupported.

The following figure illustrates the topology to enable unicast-based service-routing over Layer 2 trunk between access-layer Catalyst switch in the Service-Peer mode and distribution-layer Catalyst switch in SDG Agent mode.

Figure 5. Catalyst Service-Peer Service-Routing Configuration

To enable service-routing on Cisco Catalyst switch in Service-Peer mode and setup mDNS trust interface settings, follow the procedure given below:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device# enable

Enables Privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters the global configuration mode.

Step 3

vlan configuration ID


Device(config)# vlan configuration 100

Enables Wired and FlexConnect user VLAN configuration for advanced service parameters. One or more VLANs can be created for the same settings.

Here, ID refers to the VLAN configuration ID. For example, vlan configuration 101-110, 200 range, allows to configure consecutive and non-consecutive VLAN ID(s).

Step 4

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-vlan-config)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on configured VLAN ID(s).

To enable the respective functionalities, enter the following commands in the mDNS gateway configuration mode:

  • active-query timer [sec]: Configure to enable refresh discovered services and their records with periodic mDNS Query message for permitted service types. The valid range is from 60 to 3600 seconds. The recommended value is 3600 seconds.

  • service-mdns-query {ptr | srv | txt}: Permits processing specific Query type. The default query type is PTR.

  • transport {ipv4 | ipv6 | both}: Permits processing for IPv4, IPv6, or both. It is recommended to use one network type to reduce redundant processing and respond with the same information over two network types. The default network type is IPv4.

Step 5

source-interface ID


Device(config-vlan-mdns-sd)# source-interface vlan 4094 

Selects the interface with a valid IP address to source service-routing session with the upstream Cisco Catalyst SDG Agent switch. Typically, the management VLAN interface can be used.

Step 6

sdg-agent [IPv4_address]


Device(config-vlan-mdns-sd)# sdg-agent

Configures the SDG Agent IPv4 address, typically, the management VLAN gateway address. If FHRP mode, then use the FHRP virtual IP address of the management VLAN.

Step 7



Device(config-vlan-mdns-sd)# exit

Exits the mDNS gateway configuration mode.

Configuring Location-Based mDNS

By default, the Layer 2 Catalyst switch in the Service-Peer mode enables per-switch mDNS discovery and distribution in FlexConnect wireless users attached locally to the switch. This default per-switch location-based mDNS is supported even when the FlexConnect user VLANs may be extended between multiple Layer 2 Catalyst switches for user mobility purpose. The mDNS service-policy configuration SDG Agent is required to accept policy-based mDNS service provider and receiver information from downstream Service-Peer access-layer switch.

Figure 6. Per-Switch Location-Based FlexConnect Configuration


Configure the mDNS service policy on the distribution layer SDG Agent switch before proceeding to the next configuration step. For more information, see the Configuring mDNS Service Policy section.

Configuring Service-Routing on SDG Agent (CLI)

The Cisco Catalyst 9000 series switches support SDG Agent mode automatically at the distribution layer and enables Unicast mode Bonjour service-routing with the downstream Layer 2 access-layer Ethernet switches connected to the FlexConnect wireless users. The SDG Agent must be configured with mDNS service-policy on wireless FlexConnect user VLAN to accept mDNS service cache from downstream Service-Peer switches.

This section provides step-by-step configuration guidelines to enable policy-based service discovery and distribution between locally paired Layer 2 access network switches in the Service-Peer mode.

The following figure illustrates unicast service-routing on SDG Agent and downstream Layer 2 access network switches in the Service-Peer mode.

Figure 7. Catalyst SDG Agent Service-Routing Configuration


Configure the mDNS service policy on the distribution layer SDG Agent switch before proceeding to the next configuration step. For more information, see the Configuring mDNS Service Policy section.

To enable the mDNS service policy and peer-group on SDG Agent switch, and enable Unicast mode service-routing with Layer 2 access network switches in Service-Peer mode, perform the following:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device# enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-peer group service-peer-group-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-peer group group_1

Configures a unique Service-Peer group.

Step 4

peer-group [ID]


Device(config-mdns-svc-peer)# peer-group 1

Assigns a unique peer-group ID to the Service-Peers pair permitting mDNS service discovery and distribution within the assigned group list.

The valid peer-group range is from 1 to 1000 for each SDG Agent switch.

Step 5

service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config-mdns-svc-peer-grp)# service-policy VLAN100-POLICY

Associates an mDNS service policy to accept service advertisements and query from the paired Service-Peers.

Step 6

service-peer [IPv4_address] location-group {all | default | id}


Device(config-mdns-svc-peer-grp)# service-peer location-group default
Device(config-mdns-svc-peer-grp)# service-peer location-group default

Configures at least one Service-Peer to accept the mDNS service advertisement or query message. When a group has more than one Service-Peers, the SDG Agent provides Layer 2 Unicast mode routing between the configured peers.

For example, the SDG Agent provides Unicast based service gateway function between three ( and Layer 2 Service-Peer switches matching the associated service-policy.

The mDNS service information from the unpaired Layer 2 Service-Peer ( cannot announce or receive mDNS services with the other grouped Service-Peers ( and

Step 7



Device(config-mdns-svc-peer-grp)# exit

Exits mDNS gateway configuration mode.

Verifying Local Area Bonjour in Service-Peer Mode

This section provides guidelines to verify various Local Area Bonjour domain mDNS service configuration parameters, cache records, statistics and more on the controller in service-peer mode

Table 1.

Command or Action


show mdns-sd cache {all | interface | mac | name | service-peer | static | type | vlan}

Displays available mDNS cache records supporting multiple variables providing granular source details received from wired or wireless FlexConnect user VLANs. The variables are as follows:

  • all – Displays all available cache records discovered from multiple source connections of a system.

  • interface – Displays available cache records discovered from the specified Layer 3 interface.

  • mac - Displays available cache records discovered from the specified MAC address.

  • name - Displays available cache records based on the service provider announced name.

  • service-peer - Displays available cache records discovered from the specified Layer 2 Service-Peer.

  • static – Displays locally configured static mDNS cache entry.

  • type – Displays available cache records based on the specific mDNS record type, such as, PTR, SRV, TXT, A or AAAA.

  • vlan - Displays available cache records discovered from the specified Layer 2 VLAN ID in the Unicast mode.

show mdns-sd service-definition {name | type}

Displays built-in and user-defined custom service-definition that maps service name to the mDNS PTR records. The service-definition can be filtered by name or type.

show mdns-sd service-list {direction | name}

Displays inbound or outbound direction list of configured service-list to classify matching service-types for service-policy. The list can be filtered by name or specific direction.

show mdns-sd service-policy {interface | name}

Displays list of mDNS service-policy mapped with inbound or outbound service-list. The service-policy list can be filtered by an associated specified interface or name.

show mdns-sd statistics {all | cache | debug | interface | service-list | service-policy | services | vlan}

Displays detailed mDNS statistics processed bi-directionally by the system on each mDNS gateway enabled VLAN configured mDNS in Unicast mode. The expanded keyword for mDNS statistics can provide detailed view on interface, policy, service-list, and services.



This command displays all mDNS packets received from directly connected (Local Mode) or Flex clients in WLAN.

show mdns-sd summary {interface | vlan}

Displays brief information about mDNS gateway and key configuration status on all wired and wireless FlexConnect user VLANs, and interfaces of the system.

Verifying Local Area Bonjour in SDG Agent Mode

This section provides guidelines to verify various Local Area Bonjour domain mDNS service configuration parameters, cache records, statistics and more on the controller in SDG Agent mode

Table 2.

Command or Action


show mdns-sd cache {all | interface | mac | name | service-peer | static | type | vlan | vrf}

Displays available mDNS cache records supporting multiple variables providing granular source details. The variables are as follows:

  • all – Displays all available cache records discovered from multiple source connections of a system.

  • interface – Displays available cache records discovered from the specified Layer 3 interface.

  • mac - Displays available cache records discovered from the specified MAC address.

  • name - Displays available cache records based on the service provider announced name.

  • service-peer - Displays available cache records discovered from the specified Layer 2 Service-Peer.

  • static – Displays locally configured static mDNS cache entry.

  • type – Displays available cache records based on the specific mDNS record type, such as, PTR, SRV, TXT, A or AAAA.

  • vlan - Displays available cache records discovered from the specified Layer 2 VLAN ID in the Unicast mode.

  • vrf - Displays per-VRF available cache records based on specific mDNS record type, i.e., PTR, SRV, TXT, A or AAAA.

show mdns-sd service-definition {name | type}

Displays built-in and user-defined custom service-definition that maps service name to the mDNS PTR records. The service-definition can be filtered by name or type.

show mdns-sd service-list {direction | name}

Displays inbound or outbound direction list of the configured service-list to classify matching service-types for service-policy. The list can be filtered by name or specific direction.

show mdns-sd service-policy {interface | name}

Displays list of mDNS service-policy mapped with inbound or outbound service-list. The service-policy list can be filtered by an associated specified interface or name.

show mdns-sd statistics {all | cache | debug | interface | service-list | service-policy | services | vlan}

Displays detailed mDNS statistics processed bi-directionally by the system on each mDNS gateway enabled VLAN configured mDNS in Unicast mode. The expanded keyword for mDNS statistics can provide detailed view on interface, policy, service-list, and services.

show mdns-sd summary {interface | vlan}

Displays brief information about mDNS gateway and key configuration status on all VLANs and interfaces of the system.


Table 3.

Related Topic

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