Remote LANs

Information About Remote LANs

A Remote LAN (RLAN) is used for authenticating wired clients using the controller. Once the wired client successfully joins the controller, the LAN ports switch the traffic between central or local switching modes. The traffic from wired client is treated as wireless client traffic.

The RLAN in Access Point (AP) sends the authentication request to authenticate the wired client. The authentication of wired client in RLAN is similar to the central authenticated wireless client.

The supported AP models are:

  • Cisco Catalyst 9105AXW

  • Cisco Aironet OEAP 1810 series

  • Cisco Aironet 1815T series

  • Cisco Aironet 1810W series

  • Cisco Aironet 1815W

Information About Ethernet (AUX) Port

The second Ethernet port in Cisco Aironet 1850, 2800, and 3800 Series APs is used as a link aggregation (LAG) port, by default. It is possible to use this LAG port as an RLAN port when LAG is disabled.

The following APs use LAG port as an RLAN port:

  • 1852E

  • 1852I

  • 2802E

  • 2802I

  • 3802E

  • 3802I

  • 3802P

  • 4802

Limitation for RLAN

  • RLAN supports only a maximum of four wired clients regardless of the AP model.

  • RLAN support with Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) is not available.

  • In the Cisco Catalyst 9105 AXW AP operating in OEAP mode, only LAN1 and LAN2 are configured for RLAN, while LAN3 is set as a local-only port and is enabled by default. Consequently, even if LAN3 is disabled from the controller, the payload processing is skipped since LAN3 is designated as a local-only port in OEAP mode.

Limitations for Using AUX port in Cisco 2700 Access Points

  • RLAN supports AUX port and non-native VLAN for this port.

  • Local mode supports wired client traffic on central switch. Whereas, FlexConnect mode does not support central switch.

  • FlexConnect mode supports wired client traffic on local switch and not on central switch.

  • AUX port cannot be used as a trunk port. Even switches or bridges cannot be added behind the port.

  • AUX port does not support dot1x.

Role of Controller

  • The controller acts as an authenticator, and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) over LAN (EAPOL) messages from the wired client reaching the controller through an AP.

  • The controller communicates with the configured Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) server.

  • The controller configures the LAN ports for an AP and pushes them to the corresponding AP.


  • RLAN is supported in APs that have more than one Ethernet port.

  • In RLAN (local mode - local switching mode), if you want to use the AP native VLAN for client IP, the VLAN should be configured as either no vlan or vlan 1 in the RLAN policy profile. For example, if the native VLAN ID is 80, do not use the number 80 in the RLAN policy profile. Also, do not use VLAN name VLANxxxx to configure VLAN in the RLAN policy profile.

    When a new client is connected to an AP, the client's details are available in the controller initially. However, after the CAPWAP DOWN/UP state, the client details are no longer listed in the controller.

  • APs in local mode central switching do not support VLAN tagged traffic from RLAN clients, and the traffic gets dropped.

  • The VLAN name (without any numerals) configured in remote-lan-policy does not provide the mapped VLAN ID for central switching.

Configuring Remote LANs (RLANs)

Enabling or Disabling all RLANs


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

[no] ap remote-lan shutdown


Device(config)# [no] ap remote-lan shutdown

Enables or disables all RLANs.

Step 3



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Creating RLAN Profile (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Remote LAN.

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

Enter the Profile Name, RLAN ID and enable or disable the Status toggle button. The name can be ASCII characters from 32 to 126, without leading and trailing spaces.

Step 4

Click Apply to Device.

Creating RLAN Profile (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

ap remote-lan profile-name remote-lan-profile-name rlan-id


Device(config)# ap remote-lan profile-name rlan_profile_name 3

Configures remote LAN profile.

  • remote-lan-profile—Is the remote LAN profile name. Range is from 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters.

  • rlan-id—Is the remote LAN identifier. Range is from 1 to 128.



You can create a maximum of 128 RLANs. You cannot use the rlan-id of an existing RLAN while creating another RLAN.

Both RLAN and WLAN profile cannot have the same names. Similarly, RLAN and WLAN policy profile cannot have the same names.

Configuring RLAN Profile Parameters (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Remote LAN.

Step 2

On the RLAN Profile tab, click Add.

The Add RLAN Profile window is displayed.

Step 3

In the General tab:

  1. Enter a Name and RLAN ID for the RLAN profile. The name can be ASCII characters from 32 to 126, without leading and trailing spaces.

  2. Set the number of client connections per RLAN in the Client Association Limit field.

    The range depends on the maximum number of clients supported by the platform.

  3. To enable the profile, set the status as Enable.

Step 4

In the Security > Layer2 tab

  1. To enable 802.1x for an RLAN, set the 802.1x status as Enabled.


    You can activate either web or 802.1x authentication list at a time.
  2. Choose the authorization list name from the MAC Filtering drop-down list.

  3. Choose the 802.1x for an RLAN authentication list name from the Authentication List drop-down list.

Step 5

In the Security > Layer3 tab

  1. To enable web authentication for an RLAN, set the Web Auth status as Enabled.


    You can activate either web or 802.1x authentication list at a time.
  2. Choose the web authentication parameter map from the Webauth Parameter Map drop-down list.

  3. Choose the web authentication list name from the Authentication List drop-down list.

Step 6

In the Security > AAA tab

  1. Set the Local EAP Authentication to enabled. Also, choose the required EAP Profile Name from the drop-down list.

Step 7

Save the configuration.

Configuring RLAN Profile Parameters (CLI)

Before you begin

The configurations in this section are not mandatory for an RLAN profile.

In case of central switching mode, you need to configure both central switching and central DHCP.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

client association limit client-connections


Device(config-remote-lan)# client association limit 1

Configures client connections per RLAN.

client-connections—Is the maximum client connections per RLAN. Range is from 0 to 10000. 0 refers to unlimited.

Step 2

ip access-group web IPv4-acl-name


Device(config-remote-lan)# ip access-group web acl_name

Configures RLAN IP configuration commands.

IPv4-acl-name—Refers to the IPv4 ACL name or ID.

Step 3

local-auth profile name


Device(config-remote-lan)# local-auth profile_name

Sets EAP Profile on an RLAN.

profile name—Is the EAP profile on an RLAN.

Step 4

mac-filtering mac-filter-name


Device(config-remote-lan)# mac-filtering mac_filter

Sets MAC filtering support on an RLAN.

mac-filter-name—Is the authorization list name.

Step 5

security dot1x authentication-list list-name


Device(config-remote-lan)# security dot1x authentication-list dot1_auth_list

Configures 802.1X for an RLAN.

list-name—Is the authentication list name.

Step 6

security web-auth authentication-list list-name


Device(config-remote-lan)# security web-auth authentication-list web_auth_list

Configures web authentication for an RLAN.

list-name—Is the authentication list name.



You can activate either web or dot1x authentication list at a time.

Step 7

[no] shutdown


Device(config-remote-lan)# shutdown

Enables or disables RLAN profile.

Step 8



Device(config-remote-lan)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Creating RLAN Policy Profile (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Wireless > Remote LAN > RLAN Policy

Step 2

Click Add.

Step 3

In the General tab, enter the Policy Name.

Step 4

Click Apply to Device.

Creating RLAN Policy Profile (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

ap remote-lan-policy policy-name profile name


Device(config)# ap remote-lan-policy policy-name rlan_policy_prof_name

Configures RLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Configuring RLAN Policy Profile Parameters (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Wireless > Remote LAN.

Step 2

On the Remote LAN page, click RLAN Policy tab.

Step 3

On the RLAN Policy page, click the name of the Policy or click Add to create a new one.

The Add/Edit RLAN Policy window is displayed.

Step 4

In the General tab:

  1. Enter a Name and Description for the policy profile.

  2. Set Central Authentication to Enabled state.

  3. Set Central DHCP to Enabled state.

  4. Set the PoE check box to enable or disable state.

  5. To enable the policy, set the status as Enable.

Step 5

In the Access Policies Tab, choose the VLAN name or number from the VLAN drop-down list.


When central switching is disabled, the VLAN in the RLAN policy cannot be configured as the AP's native VLAN. To use the AP's native VLAN for client IP, the VLAN should be configured as either no vlan or vlan 1 in the RLAN policy profile.

Step 6

From the Host Mode drop-down list, choose the Host Mode for the remote-LAN802.1x from the following options:

  • Single-Host Mode—Is the default host mode. In this mode, the switch port allows only a single host to be authenticated and passes traffic one by one.

  • Multi-Host Mode—The first device to authenticate opens up to the switch port, so that all other devices can use the port. You need not authenticate other devices independently, if the authenticated device becomes authorized the switch port is closed.

  • Multi-Domain Mode—The authenticator allows one host from the data domain and another from the voice domain. This is a typical configuration on switch ports with IP phones connected.


  • For an RLAN profile with open-auth configuration, you must map the RLAN-policy with single host mode. Mapping RLAN-policy with multi-host or multi-domain mode is not supported.

  • The controller does not assign data versus voice VLAN, based on traffic. RLAN only supports multiple VLAN assignments through 802.1x AAA override. You must create data and voice VLANs and then assign these VLANs to respective clients, based on their authentication through the 802.1x AAA override.

Step 7

Configure IPv6 ACL or Flexible NetFlow.

  • Under the Access Policies > Remote LAN ACL section, choose the IPv6 ACL from the drop-down list.
  • Under the Access Policies > AVC > Flow Monitor IPv6 section, check the Egress Status and Ingress Status check boxes and choose the policies from the drop-down lists.

Step 8

Click the Advanced tab.

  1. Configure the violation mode for Remote-LAN 802.1x from the Violation Mode drop-down list, choose the violation mode type from the following options:

    • Shutdown—Disables the port

    • Replace—Removes the current session and initiates authentication for the new host. This is the default behavior.

    • Protect—Drops packets with unexpected MAC addresses without generating a system message.

  2. Enter the Session Timeout (sec) value to define the client's duration of a session.

    The range is between 20 and 86400 seconds.

  3. Under AAA Policy Params section, check the AAA Override check box to enable AAA override.

  4. Under the Exclusionlist Params section, check the Exclusionlist check box and enter the Exclusionlist Timeout value.

    This sets the exclusion time for a client. The range is between 0 and 2147483647 seconds. 0 refers to no timeout.

Step 9

Save the configuration.

Configuring RLAN Policy Profile Parameters (CLI)

Before you begin

RLAN does not support the following features:
  • Central Web Authentication (CWA)

  • Quality of Service (QoS)

  • Bi-Directional Rate Limiting (BDRL)

  • Identity PSK (iPSK)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

central switching


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# central switching

Configures central switching.

Step 2

central dhcp


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# central dhcp

Configures central DHCP.

Step 3

exclusionlist timeout timeout


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# exclusionlist timeout 200

Sets exclusion-listing on RLAN.

timeout—Sets the time, up to which the client will be in excluded state. Range is from 0 to 2147483647 seconds. 0 refers to no timeout.

Step 4

vlan vlan


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# vlan vlan1

Configures VLAN name or ID.

- vlan—Is the vlan name.

Step 5


                        Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# ipv6 acl ipv6_acl

Step 6



Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# aaa-override

Configures AAA policy override.

Step 7

session-timeout timeout in seconds


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# session-timeout 21

Configures client session timeout.

timeout in seconds—Defines the duration of a session. Range is from 20 to 86400 seconds.

Step 8

host-mode {multidomain voice domain | multihost |singlehost}


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# host-mode multidomain

Configures host mode for remote-LAN 802.1x.

voice domain—Is the RLAN voice domain VLAN ID. Range is from 0 to 65535.

You can configure the following IEEE 802.1X authentication modes:

  • Multi-Domain Mode—The authenticator allows one host from the data domain and another from the voice domain. This is a typical configuration on switch ports with IP phones connected.

  • Multi-Host Mode—The first device to authenticate opens up to the switch port, so that all other devices can use the port. You need not authenticate other devices independently, if the authenticated device becomes authorized the switch port is closed.

  • Single-Host Mode—Is the default host mode. In this mode, the switch port allows only a single host to be authenticated and passes traffic one by one.

Step 9

violation-mode {protect | replace | shutdown}


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# violation-mode protect

Configures violation mode for Remote-LAN 802.1x.

When a security violation occurs, a port is protected based on the following configured violation actions:

  • Shutdown—Disables the port.

  • Replace—Removes the current session and initiates authentication for the new host. This is the default behavior.

  • Protect—Drops packets with unexpected MAC addresses without generating a system message. In the single-host authentication mode, a violation is triggered when more than one device is detected in data VLAN. In a multi-host authentication mode, a violation is triggered when more than one device is detected in data VLAN or voice VLAN.

Step 10

[no] poe


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# poe

Enables or disables PoE.

Step 11

[no] shutdown


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# shutdown

Enables or disables an RLAN policy profile.

Step 12



Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring Policy Tag and Mapping an RLAN Policy Profile to an RLAN Profile (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless tag policy policy-tag-name


Device(config)# wireless tag policy remote-lan-policy-tag

Configures policy tag and enters policy tag configuration mode.

Step 3

remote-lan remote-lan-profile-name policy rlan-policy-profile-name port-id port-id


Device(config-policy-tag)# remote-lan rlan_profile_name policy rlan_policy_profile port-id 2

Maps an RLAN policy profile to an RLAN profile.

  • remote-lan-profile-name—Is the name of the RLAN profile.

  • rlan-policy-profile-name—Is the name of the policy profile.

  • port-id—Is the LAN port number on the access point. Range is from 1 to 4.

Step 4



Device(config-policy-tag)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring LAN Port (CLI)


Command or Action Purpose

ap name ap name lan port-id lan port id {disable | enable}


Device# ap name L2_1810w_2 lan port-id 1 enable

Configures a LAN port.

  • enable—Enables the LAN port.

  • disable—Disables the LAN port.

Attaching Policy Tag to an Access Point (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Wireless > Access Points.

Step 2

Select the AP to attach the Policy Tag.

Step 3

Under the Tags section, use the Policy drop-down to select a policy tag.

Step 4

Click Update & Apply to Device.

Attaching Policy Tag to an Access Point (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

ap ap-ethernet-mac


Device(config)# ap 00a2.891c.21e0

Configures MAP address for an AP and enters AP configuration mode.

Step 3

policy-tag policy-tag-name


Device(config-ap-tag)# policy-tag remote-lan-policy-tag

Attaches policy tag to the access point.

policy-tag-name—Is the name of the policy tag defined earlier.

Step 4



Device(config-ap-tag)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Verifying RLAN Configuration

To view the summary of all RLANs, use the following command:

Device# show remote-lan summary

Number of RLANs: 1

RLAN        Profile Name                      Status    
1            rlan_test_1                       Enabled   

To view the RLAN configuration by ID, use the following command:

Device# show remote-lan id <id>

Remote-LAN Profile Name     	        : rlan_test_1
Identifier                                 : 1
Status                                     : Enabled
Mac-filtering                              : Not Configured
Number of Active Clients                   : 1
Security_8021X                             : Disabled
8021.x Authentication list name            : Not Configured
Local Auth eap Profile Name                : Not Configured
Web Auth Security                          : Disabled
Webauth Authentication list name           : Not Configured
Web Auth Parameter Map                     : Not Configured
Client association limit                   : 0
Ipv4 Web Pre Auth Acl                      : Not Configured
Ipv6 Web Pre Auth Acl                      : Not Configured

To view the RLAN configuration by profile name, use the following command:

Device# show remote-lan name <profile-name>

Remote-LAN Profile Name                    : rlan_test_1
Identifier                                 : 1
Status                                     : Enabled
Mac-filtering                              : Not Configured
Number of Active Clients                   : 1
Security_8021X                             : Disabled
8021.x Authentication list name            : Not Configured
Local Auth eap Profile Name                : Not Configured
Web Auth Security                          : Disabled
Webauth Authentication list name           : Not Configured
Web Auth Parameter Map                     : Not Configured
Client association limit                   : 0
Ipv4 Web Pre Auth Acl                      : Not Configured
Ipv6 Web Pre Auth Acl                      : Not Configured

To view the detailed output of all RLANs, use the following command:

Device# show remote-lan all

Remote-LAN Profile Name            : rlan_test_1
Identifier                         : 1
Status                             : Enabled
Mac-filtering                      : Not Configured
Number of Active Clients           : 1
Security_8021X                     : Disabled
8021.x Authentication list name    : Not Configured
Local Auth eap Profile Name        : Not Configured
Web Auth Security                  : Disabled
Webauth Authentication list name   : Not Configured
Web Auth Parameter Map             : Not Configured
Client association limit           : 0
Ipv4 Web Pre Auth Acl              : Not Configured
Ipv6 Web Pre Auth Acl              : Not Configured

Remote-LAN Profile Name            : rlan_test_2
Identifier                         : 2
Status                             : Enabled
Mac-filtering                      : Not Configured
Number of Active Clients           : 1
Security_8021X                     : Disabled
8021.x Authentication list name    : Not Configured
Local Auth eap Profile Name        : Not Configured
Web Auth Security                  : Disabled
Webauth Authentication list name   : Not Configured
Web Auth Parameter Map             : Not Configured
Client association limit           : 0
Ipv4 Web Pre Auth Acl              : Not Configured
Ipv6 Web Pre Auth Acl              : Not Configured
Device# show remote-lan policy summary
Number of Policy Profiles: 1

Profile Name                      Description                           Status           
rlan_named_pp1                 Testing RLAN policy profile              Enabled          

To view the LAN port configuration of a Cisco AP, use the following command:

Device# show ap name <ap_name> lan port summary
LAN Port status for AP L2_1815w_1
Port ID      status       vlanId      poe
LAN1         Enabled       20          Disabled
LAN2         Enabled       20          NA
LAN3         Disabled      0           NA

To view the summary of all clients, use the following command:

Device# show wireless client summary
Number of Local Clients: 1

MAC Address       AP Name        WLAN         State    Protocol    Method     Role
d8eb.97b6.fcc6    L2_1815w_1      1           * Run     Ethernet    None      Local  

To view the client details with the specified username, use the following command:

Device# show wireless client username cisco
MAC Address        AP Name          Status      WLAN      Auth Protocol 
0014.d1da.a977    L2_1815w_1        Run 1 *      Yes        Ethernet 
d8eb.97b6.fcc6    L2_1815w_1        Run 1 *      Yes        Ethernet

To view the detailed information for a client by MAC address, use the following command:

Device# show wireless client mac-address d8eb.97b6.fcc6 detail
Client MAC Address : d8eb.97b6.fcc6
Client IPv4 Address :
Client IPv6 Addresses : fe80::1863:292f:feaa:2cf
Client Username: N/A
AP MAC Address : 707d.b99e.c2e0
AP Name: L2_1815w_1
AP slot : 2
Client State : Associated
Policy Profile : rlan_named_pp1
Flex Profile : rlan-flex-profile
Remote LAN Id : 1
Remote LAN Name: rlan_test_1
BSSID : 707d.b99e.c2e1
Connected For : 1159 seconds 
Protocol : Ethernet
Channel : 0
Port ID: 2
Client IIF-ID : 0xa0000001
Association Id : 1
Authentication Algorithm : Open System
Client CCX version : No CCX support
Session Timeout : 1800 sec (Remaining time: 641 sec)
Input Policy Name  : None
Input Policy State : None
Input Policy Source : None
Output Policy Name  : None
Output Policy State : None
Output Policy Source : None
WMM Support : Disabled
Fastlane Support : Disabled
Power Save : OFF
Current Rate : 0.0
  Move Count                  : 0
  Mobility Role               : Local
  Mobility Roam Type          : None
  Mobility Complete Timestamp : 07/06/2018 11:25:26 IST
Policy Manager State: Run
NPU Fast Fast Notified : No
Last Policy Manager State : IP Learn Complete
Client Entry Create Time : 1159 seconds 
Policy Type : N/A
Encryption Cipher : None
Encrypted Traffic Analytics : No
Management Frame Protection : No
Protected Management Frame - 802.11w : No
EAP Type : Not Applicable
VLAN : 20
Access VLAN : 20
Anchor VLAN : 0
WFD capable : No
Managed WFD capable : No
Cross Connection capable : No
Support Concurrent Operation : No
Session Manager:
  Interface        : capwap_90000008
  IIF ID           : 0x90000008
  Authorized       : TRUE
  Session timeout  : 1800
  Common Session ID: 32130209000000136C48A29D
  Acct Session ID  : 0x00000000
  Aaa Server Details
  Server IP        : 
  Auth Method Status List
  	Method : None
  Local Policies:
  	Service Template : wlan_svc_rlan_named_pp1_local (priority 254)
  		Absolute-Timer   : 1800
  		VLAN             : 20
  Server Policies:
  Resultant Policies:
  		VLAN             : 20
  		Absolute-Timer   : 1800
DNS Snooped IPv4 Addresses : None
DNS Snooped IPv6 Addresses : None
Client Capabilities
  CF Pollable : Not implemented
  CF Poll Request : Not implemented
  Short Preamble : Not implemented
  PBCC : Not implemented
  Channel Agility : Not implemented
  Listen Interval : 0
Fast BSS Transition Details :
  Reassociation Timeout : 0
11v BSS Transition : Not implemented
FlexConnect Data Switching : Central
FlexConnect Dhcp Status : Central
FlexConnect Authentication : Central
FlexConnect Central Association : No
Client Statistics:
  Number of Bytes Received : 6855
  Number of Bytes Sent : 1640
  Number of Packets Received : 105
  Number of Packets Sent : 27
  Number of Policy Errors : 0
  Radio Signal Strength Indicator : 0 dBm
  Signal to Noise Ratio : 0 dB
Fabric status : Disabled
Client Scan Reports 
Assisted Roaming Neighbor List

To view the summary of all AP tags, use the following command:

Device# show ap tag summary
Number of APs: 2
AP Name             AP Mac               Site Tag Name         Policy Tag Name         RF Tag Name               Misconfigured     Tag Source   
L2_1810d_1        0008.3296.24c0       default-site-tag        default-policy-tag        default-rf-tag             No               Default      
L2_1810w_2        00b0.e18c.5880       rlan-site-tag              rlan_pt_1              default-rf-tag             No               Static  

To view the summary of all policy tags, use the following command:

Device# show wireless tag policy summary
Number of Policy Tags: 2

Policy Tag Name                   Description                             
default-policy-tag                default policy-tag

To view details of a specific policy tag, use the following command:

Device# show wireless tag policy detailed <rlan_policy_tag_name>
Policy Tag Name : rlan_pt_1
Description     : 

Number of WLAN-POLICY maps: 0

Number of RLAN-POLICY maps: 2
REMOTE-LAN Profile Name           Policy Name                             Port Id             
rlan_test_1                       rlan_named_pp1                              1                   
rlan_test_1                       rlan_named_pp1                              2