AP Crash File Upload

AP Crash File Upload

When a converted access point unexpectedly reboots, the access point stores a crash file on its local flash memory at the time of the crash. After the unit reboots, it sends the reason for the reboot to the device. If the unit rebooted because of a crash, the device pulls up the crash file using the existing CAPWAP messages and stores it in the device flash memory. The crash information copy is removed from the access point's flash memory when the device pulls it from the access point:


The system does not generate reports in case of a reload.

During a process crash, the following are collected locally from the device:

  • Full process core

  • Trace logs

  • Cisco IOS syslogs (not guaranteed in case of nonactive crashes)

  • System process information

  • Bootup logs

  • Reload logs

  • Certain types of proc information

All this information is stored in separate files, which are then archived and compressed into one bundle. This makes it convenient to get a crash snapshot in one place, and can be then moved off the box for analysis. This report is generated before the device goes down to ROMMON/bootloader.


Except for the full core and tracelogs, everything else is a text file.

Configuring AP Crash File Upload (CLI)


Step 1


Enters privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2

ap name ap-name crash-file get-crash-data

Collects AP crash information. The crash file is uploaded automatically after the AP reloads to ready state. Therefore, this command does not have to be manually executed.

Step 3

ap name ap-name crash-file get-radio-core-dump slot {0 | 1}

Collects the AP core dump file for slot 0 or slot 1.

Step 4

ap name ap-name core-dump tftp-ip crash-file uncompress

Uploads the AP crash coredump file to the given TFTP location.

Step 5

show ap crash-file


Device(config)# show ap crash-file
Local Core Files:
lrad_AP1130.rdump0 (156)
The number in parentheses indicates the size of the file. The size should be greater than zero
if a core dump file is available.

Displays the AP crash file, as well as the radio crash file.

Step 6

dir bootflash

Displays the crash file in bootflash with .crash extension.