AP Support Bundle

Access Point Support Bundle

An access point (AP) support bundle contains core files, crash files, show run-configuration , configuration commands, msglogs, and traplogs.

This topic describes how you can retrieve the support bundle information of an AP and export it to the controller or to an external server. (Until Cisco IOS XE, Release 17.2.1, you had to log in to the AP console to retrieve the AP support-bundle information.)

The Access Point Support Bundle feature is supported only on Cisco Wave2 APs and Cisco Catalyst APs.

Exporting an AP Support Bundle (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Wireless > Access Points.

Step 2

Click the corresponding AP name.

The Edit AP window is displayed.

Step 3

Click the Support Bundle tab.

Step 4

From the Destination drop-down list, choose one of the following:

  • This Device: If you choose this, enter the values for the Server IP, Destination File Path, Username, and Password fields.



    When you choose This Device, a bundle is sent through Secure Copy (SCP) to the controller (if you have configured the ip scp server enable command globally on the controller). You can easily retrieve the bundle later from your browser, using the controller file manager.

  • External Server: If you choose this, from the Transfer Mode drop-down list, choose either scp or tftp.

    If you choose the scp transfer mode, enter the values for the Server IP, Destination File Path, Username, and Password fields.

    If you choose the tftp transfer mode, enter the values for the Server IP, and Destination File Path fields.


Information about the Last Export Status, such as State, Transfer Mode, Server IP, File Path, and Time of Export, is displayed on the right-hand side of the window.

Step 5

Click Start Transfer.

Exporting an AP Support Bundle (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

ap name Cisco-AP-name export support-bundle mode { scp | tftp} target ip-address { A.B.C.D | X:X:X:X::X} path file-path


Device> ap name Cisco-AP-name export support-bundle mode scp target ip-address path file-path

Exports the AP support bundle through the SCP or TFTP transfer modes.

If you select the scp , you will be prompted to provide your username and password.

For tftp , username and password is not required.

Monitoring the Status of Support Bundle Export

To monitor the status of a support bundle export, run the following command:

Device# show ap support-bundle summary
AP Name    Server-IP   Status        Last Successful Time      Path File-name
AP_28XXX   Copy Success  04/24/2020 07:27:38 UTC   AP_28XXX_support.