Multicast Domain Name System

Introduction to mDNS Gateway

Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS) is an Apple service discovery protocol which locates devices and services on a local network with the use of mDNS service records.

The Bonjour protocol operates on service announcements and queries. Each query or advertisement is sent to the Bonjour multicast address ipv4 (ipv6 FF02::FB). This protocol uses mDNS on UDP port 5353.

The address used by the Bonjour protocol is link-local multicast address and therefore is only forwarded to the local L2 network. As, multicast DNS is limited to an L2 domain for a client to discover a service it has to be part of the same L2 domain, This is not always possible in any large scale deployment or enterprise.

In order to address this issue, the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller acts as a Bonjour Gateway. The controller then listens for Bonjour services, caches these Bonjour advertisements (AirPlay, AirPrint, and so on) from the source or host. For example, Apple TV responds back to Bonjour clients when asked or requested for a service. This way you can have sources and clients in different subnets.

By default, the mDNS gateway is disabled on the controller. To enable mDNS gateway functionality, you must explicitly configure mDNS gateway using CLI or Web UI.


Since the Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller will respond and advertise for services cached when acting as a Bonjour Gateway, it must have an SVI interface with a valid IP address on every VLAN where mDNS is allowed or used. This will be the source IP address of those mDNS packets that are coming out from the controller acting as mDNS Gateway.

Guidelines and Restrictions for Configuring mDNS AP

  • Cisco recommends deploying scalable Wide Area Bonjour to route mDNS service between Wired and Wireless networks. Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) introduces a new mDNS gateway called Service-Peer mode to replace the classic mDNS flood-n-learn to support Enterprise-grade scalable, stateful, and reliable complete unicast-based mDNS service-routing with upstream gateway Cisco Catalyst 9000 Series Switches. For more information, see Part: Cisco DNA Service for Bonjour.

  • The mDNS AP (classic flood-n-learn based feature) is enhanced with complete unicast-based service-routing using Cisco Wide Area Bonjour supporting flood-free Wired and Wireless networks to overcome several operational, scalable, and service resiliency challenges.

  • The mDNS AP extends the mDNS flood from Wired VLANs to AP and further extends over the CAPWAP tunnel to WLC for central processing across Core network. Cisco recommends that the mDNS AP must be considered only for small network environments.

  • The mDNS AP is supported only in Local and Monitor modes. If Cisco Wireless AP is in FlexConnect mode, the Fabric mode AP does not support mDNS AP feature. For more information on how to enable the mDNS service-routing for various distributed Wireless modes, see Part: Cisco DNA Service for Bonjour.

  • Wireless users connected to mDNS AP may not be able to browse the Wired mDNS services across flooded Wired VLAN to mDNS AP.

  • The Wired mDNS service-provider VLANs must be extended to flood the mDNS traffic up to mDNS AP ethernet port in trunk mode settings. The Wired VLAN extension to mDNS AP may include other Wired flood traffic, such as Broadcast, Unknown Unicast, and Layer 2 Multicast that impacts the mDNS AP scale and performance.

  • It is recommended to have minimum one mDNS AP for each Layer 3 Access switch. All Wired mDNS traffic is flooded using alternate L2 methods, if single mDNS AP is shared between multiple Layer 3 Access switch.

  • The maximum mDNS AP scale limit for each Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) is limited.

  • The maximum mDNS Wired VLAN count for each WLC is limited.

  • The old Wired mDNS service entry continues to be advertised to all Wireless users up to 4500 seconds based on the mDNS cache timers on WLC. The stale entries require manual clearing from local cache in WLC.

  • The mDNS AP does not support mDNS Query packet suppression or rate-limiter in AP. The Wired mDNS flood from all Wired VLAN is extended to WLC for central processing of policy enforcement.

  • The maximum number of flooded packets for each second processing from Wired VLANs to mDNS AP is limited. The mDNS AP performance and reliability may get compromised in large network environments.

  • A maximum of 10 Wired VLANs’ mDNS flood can be extended to mDNS AP. Combined large Wired VLAN and mDNS AP scale may impact scale and performance in AP and WLC.

  • Only one mDNS AP is supported for each Wired VLAN. Multiple mDNS APs cannot be configured to map the same Wired VLAN ID as it causes service instability and duplicate processing.

  • High Availability is not supported in multiple mDNS AP. The mDNS services across Wired and Wireless network gets disrupted when connectivity to mDNS AP is lost due to any kinds of failures.

  • Only one Wired mDNS service-policy is supported for all network-wide mDNS AP.

  • All WLAN users can discover all flooded Wired mDNS services without granular Location-Based service. The mDNS AP in large and flooded network impacts user-experience on mobile devices.

  • The mDNS AP do not support IPv6 for Wired mDNS service-provider or service-receiver. Only IPv4 is supported.

  • The mDNS AP do not support role-based mDNS service filtering between Wired and Wireless networks.

  • The mDNS AP do not detect and auto-resolve duplicate mDNS service-instance names across Wired VLANs. The Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) discovers and records the first service instance with unique name in its local cache database. If a duplicate service instance name is discovered, the WLC rejects the duplicate name and does not distribute it to the Wireless clients.

  • Wireless multicast link-local is enabled by default. When wireless link-local is enabled, only mDNS Bridging mode is supported. If you require mDNS Gateway for wired services, disable wireless link-local.

  • If you have a FlexConnect AP as an mDNS gateway, ensure that you do not use "." in the service provider name, as it is not supported.

Enabling mDNS Gateway (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > mDNS.

Step 2

In the Global section, toggle the slider to enable or disable the mDNS Gateway.

Step 3

From the Transport drop-down list, choose one of the following types:

  • ipv4

  • ipv6

  • both

Step 4

Enter an appropriate timer value in Active-Query Timer. The valid range is between 1 to 120 minutes. The default is 30 minutes.

Step 5

From the mDNS-AP Service Policy drop-down list, choose an mDNS service policy.



Service policy is optional only if mDNS-AP is configured. If mDNS-AP is not configured, the system uses default-service-policy.

Step 6

Click Apply.

Enabling or Disabling mDNS Gateway (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > mDNS > Global.

Step 2

Enable or disable the mDNS Gateway toggle button.

Step 3

Choose ipv4 or ipv6 or both from the Transport drop-down list.

Step 4

Enter the Active-Query Timer.

Step 5

Click Apply.

Enabling or Disabling mDNS Gateway (CLI)


  • mDNS gateway is disabled by default globally on the controller.

  • You need both global and WLAN configurations to enable mDNS gateway.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway.

Step 4

transport {ipv4 | ipv6 | both}


Device(config-mdns-sd)# transport ipv4

Processes mDNS message on a specific transport.


ipv4 signifies that the IPv4 mDNS message processing is enabled. This is the default value.

ipv6 signifies that the IPv6 mDNS message processing is enabled.

both signifies that the IPv4 and IPv6 mDNS message is enabled for each network.

Step 5

active-query timer active-query-periodicity


Device(config-mdns-sd)# active-query timer 15

Changes the periodicity of mDNS multicast active query.



An active query is a periodic mDNS query to refresh dynamic cache.


active-query-periodicity refers to the active query periodicity in Minutes. The valid range is from 1 to 120 minutes. Active query runs with a default periodicity of 30 minutes.

Step 6



Device(config-mdns-sd)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Creating Default Service Policy

When the mdns gateway is enabled on any of the WLANs by default, mdns-default-service-policy is associated with it. Default service policy consists of default-service-list and their details are explained in this section. You can override the default service policy with a custom service policy.


Step 1

Create a service-definition if the service is not listed in the preconfigured services.

Step 2

Create a service list for IN and OUT by using the service-definitions.

Step 3

Use the existing service list to create a new service. For more information, refer to Creating Service Policy section.

Step 4

Attach the mdns-service-policy to the profile or VLAN that needs to be enforced.

Step 5

To check the default-mdns-service list, use the following command:

show mdns-sd default-service-list

Creating Custom Service Definition (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > mDNS.

Step 2

In the Service Definition section, click Add.

Step 3

In the Quick Setup: Service Definition page that is displayed, enter a name and description for the service definition.

Step 4

Enter a service type and click + to add the service type.

Step 5

Click Apply to Device.

Creating Custom Service Definition

Service definition is a construct that provides an admin friendly name to one or more mDNS service types or A pointer (PTR) Resource Record Name.

By default, few built-in service definitions are already predefined and available for admin to use.

In addition to built-in service definitions, admin can also define custom service definitions.

You can execute the following command to view the list of all the service definitions (built-in and custom):

Device# show mdns-sd master-service-list


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-definition service-definition-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-definition CUSTOM1

Configures mDNS service definition.


  • All the created custom service definitions are added to the primary service list.

  • Primary service list comprises of a list of custom and built-in service definitions.

Step 4

service-type string


Device(config-mdns-ser-def)# service-type _custom1._tcp.local

Configures mDNS service type.

Step 5



Device(config-mdns-ser-def)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Creating Service List (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > mDNS.

Step 2

In the Service List section, click Add.

Step 3

In the Quick Setup: Service List page that is displayed, enter a name for the service list.

Step 4

From the Direction drop-down list, choose IN for inbound filtering or OUT for outbound filtering.

Step 5

From the Available Services drop-down list, choose a service type to match the service list.



To allow all services, choose the all option.

Step 6

Click Add Services.

Step 7

From the Message Type drop-down list, choose the message type to match from the following options:

  • any—To allow all messages.

  • announcement—To allow only service advertisements or announcements for the device.

  • query—To allow only a query from the client for a service in the network.

Step 8

Click Save to add services.

Step 9

Click Apply to Device.

Creating Service List

mDNS service list is a collection of service definitions.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-list service-list-name {IN | OUT}


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list Basic-In IN
Device(config)# mdns-sd service-list Basic-Out OUT

Configures mDNS service list.

  • IN: Provides inbound filtering.

  • Out: Provides outbound filtering.

Step 4

match service-definition-name message-type {announcement | any | query}


Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# match CUSTOM1 message-type query

Matches the service to the message type.

Here, service-definition-name refers to the names of services, such as, airplay, airserver, airtunes, and so on.



To add a service, the service name must be part of the primary service list.

If the mDNS service list is set to IN, you get to view the following command: match service-definition-name message-type {announcement | any | query}.

If the mDNS service list is set to Out, you get to view the following command: match service-definition-name.


Step 5

match all message-type {announcement | any | query}


Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# match all message-type query

Matches all services to the message type.



To add a service, the service name must be part of the primary service list.

If the mDNS service list is set to IN, you get to view the following command: match all message-type {announcement | any | query}.

If the mDNS service list is set to OUT, you get to view the following command: match all.

In case of IN or OUT filter, if any of the service contains the same or subset of the message type (query or announcement), the match all is not allowed unless the existing services are removed.

Step 6

show mdns-sd service-list {direction | name }

Displays inbound or outbound direction list of the configured service-list to classify matching service-types for service-policy. The list can be filtered by name or specific direction.

Step 7



Device(config-mdns-sl-in)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Creating Service Policy (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > mDNS.

Step 2

In the Service Policy section, click Add.

Step 3

In the Quick Setup: Service Policy page that is displayed, enter a name for the service policy.

Step 4

From the Service List Input drop-down list, choose one of the types.

Step 5

From the Service List Output drop-down list, choose one of the types.

Step 6

From the Location drop-down list, choose the location you want to associate with the service list.

Step 7

Click Apply to Device.

Creating Service Policy

mDNS service policy is used for service filtering while learning services or responding to queries.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password, if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy mdns-policy1

Enables mDNS service policy.

Step 4

location {lss | site-tag}


Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# location lss

Filters mDNS service types based on LSS or site-tag.



In Location Specific Services (LSS) based filtering, the mDNS gateway responds with the service instances learnt from the neighboring APs of the querying client AP. Other service instances for the rest of APs are filtered.

In Site tag based filtering, the mDNS gateway responds with the service instances that belong to the same site-tag as that of querying client.

The mDNS gateway responds back with wired services even if the location based filtering is configured.

Step 5

service-list service-list-name {IN | OUT}


Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# service-list VLAN100-list IN

Configures various service-list names for IN and OUT directions.



If an administrator decides to create or use a custom service policy, then the custom service policy must be configured with service-lists for both directions (IN and OUT); otherwise, the mDNS Gateway will not work (will not learn services if there is no IN service-list, or will not reply or announce services learned if there is no OUT service-list).

Step 6



Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Configuring a Local or Native Profile for an mDNS Policy

When an administrator configures local authentication and authorization and does not expect to get any mDNS policy from the AAA server, the administrator can configure a local or native profile to select a mDNS policy based on user, role, or device type. When this local or native profile is mapped to the wireless profile policy, mDNS service policy is applied on the mDNS packets that are processed on that WLAN.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

service-template template-name


Device(config)# service-template mdns

Configures the service-template or identity policy.

Step 3

mdns-service-policy mdns-policy-name


Device(config-service-template)# mdns-service-policy mdnsTV

Configures the mDNS policy.

Step 4



Device(config-service-template)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Configuring an mDNS Flex Profile (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > mDNS.

Step 2

In the mDNS Flex Profile section, click Add.

The Add mDNS Flex Profile window is displayed.

Step 3

In the Profile Name field, enter the flex mDNS profile name.

Step 4

In the Service Cache Update Timer field, specify the service cache update time. The default value is 1 minute. The valid range is from 1 to 100 minutes.

Step 5

In the Statistics Update Timer field, specify the statistics update timer. The default value is 1 minute. The valid range is from 1 to 100 minutes.

Step 6

In the VLANs field, specify the VLAN ID. You can enter multiple VLAN IDs separated by commas, or enter a range of VLAN IDs. Maximum number of VLANs allowed is 16.

Step 7

Click Apply to Device.

Configuring an mDNS Flex Profile (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

mdns-sd flex-profile mdns-flex-profile-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd flex-profile mdns-flex-profile-name

Enters the mDNS Flex Profile mode.

Step 3

update-timer service-cache service-cache timer-value <1-100>


Device(config-mdns-flex-profile)# update-timer service-cache 60

Configures the mDNS update service cache timer for the flex profile.

The default value is 1 minute. Value range is between 1 minute and 100 minutes.

Step 4

update-timer statistics statistics timer-value <1-100>


Device(config-mdns-flex-profile)# update-timer statistics 65

Configures the mDNS update statistics timer for the flex profile.

The default value is 1 minute. The valid range is from 1 to 100 minutes.

Step 5

wired-vlan-range wired-vlan-range value


Device(config-mdns-flex-profile)# wired-vlan-range 10 - 20

Configures the mDNS wired VLAN range for the flex profile.

The default value is 1 minute. The valid range is from 1 minute to 100 minutes.

Applying an mDNS Flex Profile to a Wireless Flex Connect Profile (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Flex.

Step 2

Click Add.

The Add Flex Profile window is displayed.

Step 3

Under the General tab, from the mDNS Flex Profile drop-down list, choose a flex profile name from the list.

Step 4

Click Apply to Device.

Applying an mDNS Flex Profile to a Wireless Flex Connect Profile (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile flex wireless-flex-profile-name


Device# wireless profile flex wireless-flex-profile-name

Enters wireless flex profile configuration mode.

Step 3

mdns-sd mdns-flex-profile


Device(config-wireless-flex-profile)# mdns-sd mdns-flex-profile-name

Enables the mDNS features for all the APs in the profile

Enabling the mDNS Gateway on the VLAN Interface

This procedure configures the mDNS service policy for a specific VLAN. This allows the administrator to configure different settings to the mDNS packets on per VLAN interface basis and not on per WLAN basis.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

interface vlan vlan-interface-number


Device(config)# interface vlan 200

Configures a VLAN ID and enters interface configuration mode.

Step 3

ip address ip-address subnet-mask


Device(config-if)# ip address

Configures the IP address for the interface.

Step 4

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-if)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS configuration on a VLAN interface.

Step 5

service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config-if-mdns-sd)# service-policy test-mDNS-service-policy

Configures the service policy.



If specific service-policy-name is not defined, the VLAN will use the default-mdns-service-policy by default.

By default, default-mDNS-service-policy gets created in the system and it will use default-mDNS-service-list configuration for filtering mDNS service announcement and queries.

Step 6



Device(config-if-mdns-sd)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Location-Based Service Filtering

Prerequisite for Location-Based Service Filtering

You need to create the Service Definition and Service Policy. For more information, see Creating Custom Service Definition section and Creating Service Policy section.

Configuring mDNS Location-Based Filtering Using SSID

When a service policy is configured with the SSID as the location name, the response to the query will be the services that were learnt on that SSID.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy mdns-policy1

Configures the service policy.

Step 3

location ssid


Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# location ssid

Configures location-based filtering using SSID.

Step 4



Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS Location-Based Filtering Using AP Name

When a service policy is configured with the AP name as the location, the response to the query will be the services that were learnt on that AP.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy mdns-policy1

Configures the service policy.

Step 3

location ap-name


Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# location ap-name

Configures location-based filtering using an AP name.

Step 4



Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS Location-Based Filtering Using AP Location

When a service policy is configured with location as the AP-location, the response to the query will be the services that were learnt on all the APs using the same AP "location" name (not to be confused with "site-tag").


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy mdns-policy1

Configures the service policy.

Step 3

location ap-location


Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# location ap-location

Configures location-based filtering using the AP location.

Step 4



Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS Location-Based Filtering Using Regular Expression

  • When a service policy is configured with the location as a regular expression that matches the corresponding AP name, the response to the query will be the services that were learnt on a group of APs based on the AP name.

  • When a service policy is configured with the location as a regular expression that matches the corresponding AP location, the response to the query will be the services that were learnt on a group of APs based on the AP location.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config)# mdns-sd service-policy mdns-policy1

Configures the service policy.

Step 3

location regex {ap-location regular-expression | ap-name regular-expression}


Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# location regex ap-location dns_location
Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# location regex ap-name dns_name

Configures location-based filtering using regular expression.

Step 4



Device(config-mdns-ser-pol)# end



To filter the services for which AP names have the specific keyword such as AP-2FLR-SJC-123, you can use the regex AP name as AP-2FLR- to match the services that are learnt from the set of access points.

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS AP

In most of the deployments, the services may be available in VLANs that the APs can hear in the wired side (allowed in the switchport where the AP is directly connected: its own VLAN, or even more VLANs if switchport is a trunk).

The following procedure shows how to configure mDNS AP:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config)# mdns-sd gateway

Configures the mDNS gateway.

Step 3

ap name ap-name mdns-ap enable vlan vlan-id


Device# ap name ap1 mdns-ap enable vlan 22

Enables mDNS on the AP, and configures a VLAN for the mDNS AP.

Step 4

ap name ap-name mdns-ap vlan add vlan-id


Device# ap name ap1 mdns-ap vlan add 200

Adds a VLAN to the mDNS AP. vlan-id ranges from 1 to 4096.

Step 5

ap name ap-name mdns-ap vlan del vlan-id


Device# ap name ap1 mdns-ap vlan del 2

Deletes a VLAN from the mDNS AP.

Step 6

ap name ap-name mdns-ap disable


Device# ap name ap1 mdns-ap disable

(Optional) Disables the mDNS AP.

Step 7



Device# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.



You can configure a maximum of 10 VLANs per AP.

Enabling mDNS Gateway on the RLAN Interface

By configuring the mDNS gateway mode on the RLAN interface, you can configure the mDNS service policy for a specific RLAN.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

ap remote-lan profile-name remote-lan-profile-name rlan-id


Device(config)# ap remote-lan profile-name rlan_test_1 1

Configures a remote LAN profile.

  • remote-lan-profile : Remote LAN profile name. Range is from 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters.

  • rlan-id : Remote LAN identifier. Range is from 1 to 128.



You can create a maximum of 128 RLANs. Also, you cannot use the rlan-id of an existing RLAN while creating another RLAN.

Step 3

mdns-sd-interface {gateway | drop}



Device(config-remote-lan)# mdns-sd-interface gateway

Enables mDNS configuration on an RLAN interface.

Step 4

no shutdown


Device(config-remote-lan)# no shutdown

Restarts the RLAN profile.

Step 5



Device(config-remote-lan)# exit

Exits remote LAN configuration mode.

Step 6

ap remote-lan-policy policy-name profile name


Device(config)# ap remote-lan-policy policy-name rlan_named_pp1

Configures the RLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 7

mdns-sd service-policy service-policy-name


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# mdns-sd service-policy mdnsTV6

Enables an mDNS service policy.

Step 8

central switching


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# central switching

Configures the RLAN for central switching.

Step 9

central dhcp


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# central dhcp

Configures the central DHCP for centrally switched clients.

Step 10

vlan vlan-name


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# vlan 141

Assigns the profile policy to a VLAN.

Step 11

no shutdown


Device(config-remote-lan-policy)# no shutdown

Restarts the RLAN profile.

Step 12

wireless tag policy policy-tag-name


Device(config)# wireless tag policy rlan_pt_1

Configures a policy tag.

Step 13

remote-lan remote-lan-profile-name policy rlan-policy-profile-name port-id port-id


Device(config-policy-tag)# remote-lan rlan_test_1 policy rlan_named_pp1 port-id 1
Device(config-policy-tag)# remote-lan rlan_test_1 policy rlan_named_pp1 port-id 2
Device(config-policy-tag)# remote-lan rlan_test_1 policy rlan_named_pp1 port-id 3
Device(config-policy-tag)# remote-lan rlan_test_1 policy rlan_named_pp1 port-id 4

Maps the RLAN policy profile to the RLAN profile.

  • remote-lan-profile-name : Name of the RLAN profile.

  • rlan-policy-profile-name : Name of the policy profile.

  • port-id : LAN port number on the access point. Range is from 1 to 4.

Step 14



Device(config-policy-tag)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Step 15

ap mac-address


Device (config)# ap 0042.5AB6.0EF0

Configures the AP and enters the AP tag configuration mode.



Use the Ethernet MAC address.

Step 16

policy-tag policy-tag-name


Device (config-ap-tag)# policy-tag rlan_pt_1

Maps a policy tag to the AP.

Step 17



Device(config-guest-lan)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Enabling mDNS Gateway on Guest LAN Interface

By configuring the mDNS gateway mode on a Guest LAN interface, you can configure the mDNS service policy for a specific Guest LAN interface.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

guest-lan profile-name guest_lan_profile_name num wired-vlan wired_vlan_num


Device(config)# guest-lan profile-name open 1 wired-vlan 666

Configures guest LAN profile with a wired VLAN.



Configures the wired VLAN only for the Guest Foreign controller.

  • num : Guest LAN identifier. The valid range is from 1 to 5.

  • wired_vlan_num : Wired VLAN number. The valid range is from 1 to 4094.

Step 3

guest-lan profile-name guest_lan_profile_name num


Device(config)# guest-lan profile-name open 1

Configures the guest LAN profile without a VLAN for the Guest Anchor controller.

Step 4

mdns-sd-interface {gateway | drop}


Device(config-guest-lan)# mdns-sd gateway

Configures the mDNS gateway for a Guest LAN.



You need to enable mDNS gateway globally for the Guest LAN to work.

Step 5



Device(config-guest-lan)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Associating mDNS Service Policy with Wireless Profile Policy (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Policy.

Step 2

Click the policy profile name.

Step 3

In the Advanced tab, choose the mDNS service policy from the mDNS Service Policy drop-down list.

Step 4

Click Update & Apply to Device.

Associating mDNS Service Policy with Wireless Profile Policy


You must globally configure the mDNS service policy before associating it with the wireless profile policy.

A default mDNS service policy is already attached once the wireless profile policy is created. You can use the following commands to override the default mDNS service policy with any of your service policy:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy profile-policy


Device(config)# wireless profile policy default-policy-profile

Configures wireless profile policy.

Here, profile-policy refers to the name of the WLAN policy profile.

Step 3

mdns-sd service-policy custom-mdns-service-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# mdns-sd service-policy custom-mdns-service-policy

Associates an mDNS service policy with the wireless profile policy.

The default mDNS service policy name is default-mdns-service-policy.



The default-mdns-profile-policy uses default-mdns-service-list configuration for filtering mDNS service announcement and queries.

In wireless network, the mDNS packets are consumed by the mDNS gateway and clients or device is deprived of learning this service. To share the service with the device and provide ease of configuration to the administrator, a list of few standard service types are shared by default on the wireless network. The list of such standard service types is termed as default service policy that comprises a set of service types.

The table covers a sample service list in the default service policy.

Table 1. Default Name and mDNS Service Type

Default Name

mDNS Service Type

Apple TV



Apple HomeSharing

























  • Location would be disabled on mDNS default service policy.

  • You cannot change the contents of the mDNS default service policy. However, you can create separate mDNS service policies and associate them under the wireless policy profile.

Step 4



Device(config-wireless-policy)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Enabling or Disabling mDNS Gateway for WLAN (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > WLANs.

Step 2

Click on the WLAN.

Step 3

In the Advanced tab, choose the mode in mDNS Mode drop-down list.

Step 4

Click Update & Apply to Device.

Enabling or Disabling mDNS Gateway for WLAN


Bridging is the default behaviour. This means that the mDNS packets are always bridged.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wlan profile-name wlan-id ssid-name


Device(config)# wlan test 24 ssid1

Specifies the WLAN name and ID.

  • profile-name is the WLAN name which can contain 32 alphanumeric characters

  • wlan-id is the wireless LAN identifier. The valid range is from 1 to 4096.

  • ssid-name is the SSID which can contain 32 alphanumeric characters.



Global configuration must be in place for mDNS gateway to work.

Step 3

mdns-sd-interface {gateway | drop}


Device(config-wlan)# mdns-sd gateway
Device(config-wlan)# mdns-sd drop

Enables or disables mDNS gateway and bridge functions on WLAN.

Step 4



Device(config-wlan)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Step 5

show wlan name wlan-name | show wlan all


Device# show wlan name test | show wlan all

Verifies the status of mDNS on WLAN.

Step 6

show wireless profile policy


Device# show wireless profile policy

Verifies the service policy configured in WLAN.

mDNS Gateway with Guest Anchor Support and mDNS Bridging

When mDNS Gateway is enabled on both Anchor and Foreign controller, the mDNS gateway functionality is supported in guest anchor deployment where clients on guest LAN or WLAN with guest anchor enabled will be responded with any services or cache from export foreign controller itself. All advertisements received on Guest LAN or WLAN on export foreign are learnt on the export foreign itself. All queries received on guest LAN or WLAN are responded by the export foreign itself.

When mDNS Gateway is enabled on Anchor and Disabled on Foreign controller [Bridging Mode], the mDNS gateway functionality is supported in guest anchor deployment where clients on guest LAN or WLAN with guest anchor enabled will be responded with any services or cache from export Anchor even though the clients are connected on Foreign. All advertisements received on guest LAN or WLAN on export foreign is forwarded to Anchor and the cache is stored on the Anchor itself. All queries received on guest LAN or WLAN are responded by the export Anchor itself.


  • You must configure the guest-LAN to a wireless profile policy which is configured with the required mDNS service-policy.

  • To configure non guest LAN mDNS gateway, see the mDNS Gateway chapter.

Configuring mDNS Gateway on Guest Anchor


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

guest-lan profile-name guest-lan-profile-name guest-lan-id


Device(config)# guest-lan profile-name g-lanpro 2

Configures the guest LAN profile with a wired VLAN.

Step 3

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-guest-lan)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on the guest LAN.

Configuring mDNS Gateway on Guest Foreign (Guest LAN)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

guest-lan profile-name guest-lan-profile-name guest-lan-id wired-vlan vlan-id


Device(config)# guest-lan profile-name g-lanpro 2 wired-vlan 230

Configures guest LAN profile with a wired VLAN.


Configure the wired VLAN only for the Guest Foreign controller.

Step 3

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-guest-lan)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on the guest LAN.

Step 4



Device(config-wireless-policy)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Configuring mDNS Gateway on Guest Anchor


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

guest-wlan profile-name guest-lan-profile-name guest-wlan-id


Device(config)# guest-wlan profile-name g-lanpro 2

Configures the guest WLAN profile with a wired VLAN.

Step 3

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-guest-wlan)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on the guest WLAN.

Configuring mDNS Gateway on Guest Foreign (Guest WLAN)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

guest-wlan profile-name guest-lan-profile-name guest-wlan-id wired-vlan vlan-id


Device(config)# guest-wlan profile-name g-lanpro 2 wired-vlan 230

Configures guest WLAN profile with a wired VLAN.


Configure the wired VLAN only for the Guest Foreign controller.

Step 3

mdns-sd gateway


Device(config-guest-wlan)# mdns-sd gateway

Enables mDNS gateway on the guest WLAN.

Step 4



Device(config-wireless-policy)# exit

Returns to global configuration mode.

Verifying mDNS Gateway Configurations

To verify the mDNS summary, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd summary
mDNS Gateway: Enabled
Active Query: Enabled
  Periodicity (in minutes): 30
Transport Type: IPv4

To verify the mDNS cache, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache
----------------------------------------------------------- PTR Records ---------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                     TTL      WLAN   CLIENT-MAC       RR-RECORD-DATA                                
_airplay._tcp.local             4500     30     07c5.a4f2.dc01   CUST1._airplay._tcp.local                    
_ipp._tcp.local                 4500     30     04c5.a4f2.dc01   CUST3._ipp._tcp.local2                       
_ipp._tcp.local                 4500     15     04c5.a4f2.dc01   CUST3._ipp._tcp.local4                       
_ipp._tcp.local                 4500     10     04c5.a4f2.dc01   CUST3._ipp._tcp.local6                        
_veer_custom._tcp.local         4500     10     05c5.a4f2.dc01   CUST2._veer_custom._tcp.local8

To verify the mDNS cache from wired service provider, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache wired
----------------------------------------------------------- PTR Records ---------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                TTL      VLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-RECORD-DATA                  
_airplay._tcp.local                        4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   wiredapple._airplay._tcp.local   
_raop._tcp.local                           4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   086698EC97AF@wiredapple._raop._tcp.local 

---------------------------------------------------------- SRV Records -----------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                TTL      VLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-RECORD-DATA                   
wiredapple._airplay._tcp.local             4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   0 0 7000 wiredapple.local          
086698EC97AF@wiredapple._raop._tcp.local   4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   0 0 7000 wiredapple.local          

---------------------------------------------------------- A/AAAA Records ----------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                TTL      VLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-RECORD-DATA                     
wiredapple.local                           4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   2001:8:16:16:e5:c446:3218:7437     

----------------------------------------------------------- TXT Records -------------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                TTL      VLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-RECORD-DATA                                      
wiredapple._airplay._tcp.local             4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   [343]'acl=0''deviceid=08:66:98:EC:97:AF''features=  
086698EC97AF@wiredapple._raop._tcp.local   4500     16        0866.98ec.97af   [193]'cn=0,1,2,3''da=true''et=0,3,5''ft=0x5A7FFFF7

To verify the mdns-sd type PTR, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache type {PTR | SRV | A-AAA | TXT}
RECORD-NAME                                    TTL      WLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-Record-Data                                     
_custom1._tcp.local                            4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   service_t1._custom1._tcp.local                      
_custom1._tcp.local                            4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   vk11._custom1._tcp.local                       
_ipp._tcp.local                                4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   service-4._ipp._tcp.local

To verify the mdns-sd cache for a client MAC, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache {ap-mac <ap-mac> | client-mac <client-mac> | glan-id <glan-id> | mdns-ap <mac-address> | rlan-id <rlan-id> | wlan-id <wlan-id> | wired}
RECORD-NAME                                    TTL      WLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-Record-Data                                     
_custom1._tcp.local                            4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   service_t1._custom1._tcp.local                      
_custom1._tcp.local                            4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   vk11._custom1._tcp.local                       
_ipp._tcp.local                                4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   service-4._ipp._tcp.local                           

----------------------------------------------------------- SRV Records -------------------------------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                    TTL      WLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-Record-Data                                  
service-4._ipp._tcp.local                      4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   0 0 1212 mDNS-Client1s-275.local                    
vk11._custom1._tcp.local                       4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   0 0 987 mDNS-Client1s-275.local                     
service_t1._custom1._tcp.local                 4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   0 0 197 mDNS-Client1s-275.local                     

---------------------------------------------------------- A/AAAA Records -----------------------------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                    TTL      WLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-Record-Data                                   
mDNS-Client1s-275.local                        4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6                                          

----------------------------------------------------------- TXT Records -------------------------------------------------------------
RECORD-NAME                                    TTL      WLAN      CLIENT-MAC       RR-Record-Data                                    
service-4._ipp._tcp.local                      4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   'CLient1'                                           
vk11._custom1._tcp.local                       4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   'txtvers=11'                                        
service_t1._custom1._tcp.local                 4500     2         c869.cda8.77d6   'txtvers=12'       

To verify the mdns-sd cache with respect to the RLAN ID, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache rlan-id 1 detail

Name: _printer._tcp.local

  Type: PTR
  TTL: 4500
  RLAN: 1
  RLAN Name: rlan_test_1
  VLAN: 141
  Client MAC: 000e.c688.3942                  
  AP Ethernet MAC: 0042.5ab6.0ef0                  
  Remaining-Time: 4485
  Site-Tag: default-site-tag
  mDNS Service Policy: mdnsTV6
  Overriding mDNS Service Policy: NO
  UPN-Status: Disabled
  Rdata: printer._printer._tcp.local

Name: lab-47-187.local
  Type: A/AAAA
  TTL: 4500
  RLAN: 1
  RLAN Name: rlan_test_1
  VLAN: 141
  Client MAC: 000e.c688.3942                  
  AP Ethernet MAC: 0042.5ab6.0ef0                  
  Remaining-Time: 4485
  Site-Tag: default-site-tag
  mDNS Service Policy: mdnsTV6
  Overriding mDNS Service Policy: NO
  UPN-Status: Disabled

To verify the mdns-sd cache with respect to mDNS-AP, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache mdns-ap 706b.b97d.b060 detail
Name: _printer._tcp.local

  Type: PTR
  TTL: 4500
  VLAN: 145
  Client MAC: 0050.b626.5bfa                  
  mDNS AP Radio MAC: 706b.b97d.b060                  
  mDNS AP Ethernet MAC: 706b.b97c.5208                  
  Remaining-Time: 4480
  mDNS Service Policy: mdnsTV
  Rdata: printer._printer._tcp.local

Name: Client-46-153.local
  Type: A/AAAA
  TTL: 4500
  VLAN: 145
  Client MAC: 0050.b626.5bfa                  
  mDNS AP Radio MAC: 706b.b97d.b060                  
  mDNS AP Ethernet MAC: 706b.b97c.5208                  
  Remaining-Time: 4480
  mDNS Service Policy: mdnsTV

To verify the mdns-sd cache in detail, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache detail

Name: _custom1._tcp.local
  Type: PTR
  TTL: 4500
  WLAN: 2
  WLAN Name: mdns120
  VLAN: 120
  Client MAC: c869.cda8.77d6                  
  AP Ethernet MAC: 7069.5ab8.33d0                  
  Expiry-Time: 09/09/18 21:50:47
  Site-Tag: default-site-tag
  Rdata: service_t1._custom1._tcp.local

To verify the mdns-sd cache statistics, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd cache statistics

mDNS Cache Stats
Total number of Services: 4191

To verify the mdns-sd statistics, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd statistics

Consolidated mDNS Packet Statistics
mDNS stats last reset time: 03/11/19 04:17:35
mDNS packets sent: 61045
  IPv4 sent: 30790
    IPv4 advertisements sent: 234
    IPv4 queries sent: 30556
  IPv6 sent: 30255
    IPv6 advertisements sent: 17
    IPv6 queries sent: 30238
  Multicast sent: 57558
    IPv4 sent: 28938
    IPv6 sent: 28620
mDNS packets received: 72796
  advertisements received: 13604
  queries received: 59192
  IPv4 received: 40600
    IPv4 advertisements received: 6542
    IPv4 queries received: 34058
  IPv6 received: 32196
    IPv6 advertisements received: 7062
    IPv6 queries received: 25134
mDNS packets dropped: 87
Wired mDNS Packet Statistics
mDNS stats last reset time: 03/11/19 04:17:35
mDNS packets sent: 61033
  IPv4 sent: 30778
    IPv4 advertisements sent: 222
    IPv4 queries sent: 30556
  IPv6 sent: 30255
    IPv6 advertisements sent: 17
    IPv6 queries sent: 30238
  Multicast sent: 57558
    IPv4 sent: 28938
    IPv6 sent: 28620
mDNS packets received: 52623
  advertisements received: 1247
  queries received: 51376
  IPv4 received: 32276
    IPv4 advertisements received: 727
    IPv4 queries received: 31549
  IPv6 received: 20347
    IPv6 advertisements received: 520
    IPv6 queries received: 19827
mDNS packets dropped: 63
mDNS Packet Statistics, for WLAN: 2
mDNS stats last reset time: 03/11/19 04:17:35
mDNS packets sent: 12
  IPv4 sent: 12
    IPv4 advertisements sent: 12
    IPv4 queries sent: 0
  IPv6 sent: 0
    IPv6 advertisements sent: 0
    IPv6 queries sent: 0
  Multicast sent: 0
    IPv4 sent: 0
    IPv6 sent: 0
mDNS packets received: 20173
  advertisements received: 12357
  queries received: 7816
  IPv4 received: 8324
    IPv4 advertisements received: 5815
    IPv4 queries received: 2509
  IPv6 received: 11849
    IPv6 advertisements received: 6542
    IPv6 queries received: 5307
mDNS packets dropped: 24

To verify the default service list details, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd default-service-list
mDNS Default Service List
Service Definition: apple-tv
Service Names: _airplay._tcp.local
Service Definition: homesharing
Service Names: _home-sharing._tcp.local
Service Definition: printer-ipps
Service Names: _ipps._tcp.local
Service Definition: apple-airprint
Service Names: _ipp._tcp.local
Service Definition: google-chromecast
Service Names: _googlecast._tcp.local
Service Definition: apple-remote-login
Service Names: _sftp-ssh._tcp.local
Service Definition: apple-screen-share
Service Names: _rfb._tcp.local
Service Definition: google-expeditions
Service Names: _googexpeditions._tcp.local
Service Definition: multifunction-printer
Service Names: _fax-ipp._tcp.local
Service Definition: apple-windows-fileshare
Service Names: _smb._tcp.local

To verify the primary service list details, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd master-service-list

        mDNS Master Service List
Service Definition: fax
Service Names: _fax-ipp._tcp.local
Service Definition: roku
Service Names: _rsp._tcp.local
Service Definition: airplay
Service Names: _airplay._tcp.local
Service Definition: scanner
Service Names: _scanner._tcp.local
Service Definition: spotify
Service Names: _spotify-connect._tcp.local
Service Definition: airtunes
Service Names: _raop._tcp.local
Service Definition: airserver
Service Names: _airplay._tcp.local
Service Definition: itune-wireless-devicesharing2
Service Names: _apple-mobdev2._tcp.local

To verify the mdns-sd service statistics on the controller, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd service statistics

Service Name                                                 Service Count    
_atc._tcp.local                                               137              
_hap._tcp.local                                               149              
_ipp._tcp.local                                               149              
_rfb._tcp.local                                               141              
_smb._tcp.local                                               133              
_ssh._tcp.local                                               142              
_daap._tcp.local                                              149              
_dpap._tcp.local                                              149              
_eppc._tcp.local                                              138              
_adisk._tcp.local                                             149           

To verify the mDNS-AP configured on the controller and VLAN(s) associated with it, use the following command:

Device# show mdns-sd ap

Number of mDNS APs.................................. 1

AP Name 		Ethernet MAC 		Number of Vlans			Vlanidentifiers
AP3600-1 		7069.5ab8.33d0	         1					 300

Further Debug

To debug mDNS further, use the following procedure:

  1. Run this command at the controller:

    set platform software trace wncd <0-7> chassis active R0 mdns debug
  2. Reproduce the issue.

  3. Run this command to gather the traces enabled:

show wireless loadbalance ap affinity wncd 0 

AP MAC 		Discovery Timestamp 	Join Timestamp                Tag				Vlanidentifiers
0cd0.f894.0600      06/30/21 12:39:48	   06/30/21 12:40:021	default-site-tag				 300