Configure Mobility Anchors using the CLI
Mobility Anchor, also referred to as Guest tunneling or Auto Anchor Mobility, is a feature where all the client traffic that belongs to a WLAN (specially Guest WLAN) is tunneled to a predefined controller or set of controllers that are configured as Anchor for that specific WLAN. This feature helps to restrict clients to a specific subnet and have more control over the user traffic.
Using a mobility anchor forces clients to be anchored to a controller other than the one they first associate with. This forces their traffic to be tunneled to the DMZ. Then it must pass through the firewall and its associated policies before getting anywhere. This is done on a per-WLAN basis.
Anchor Controller - Refers to one or more controllers deployed in the enterprise DMZ that are used to perform guest mobility secure/EoIP tunnel termination, web redirection, and user authentication.
Foreign Controller - Refers to one or more controllers deployed in the enterprise that are used to perform guest mobility secure tunnel termination, web redirection, and user authentication.
Configure a Catalyst 9800 as Anchor with another Catalyst 9800 as Foreign Controller
This task is required when you designate the Catalyst 9800 in the DMZ as Guest Anchor and the Catalyst 9800 in the enterprise as the Foreign Controller.
Before you begin
Create a WLAN Profile for guests that defines the SSID name and profile and all the security settings on both the Catalyst 9800 controllers.
Create a policy profile.
Ensure that the above configurations match on the peer controllers.
Build a mobility tunnel between the Foreign Catalyst 9800 controller and Anchor Catalyst 9800 controller.
First, log in to the foreign 9800 controller and define the anchor 9800 controller's ip address under the policy profile.
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. |
Step 2 |
configure terminal Example:
Enters global configuration mode. |
Step 3 |
wireless profile policy name of anchor-policy Example:
Configures WLAN policy profile and enters the wireless policy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
mobility anchor anchor-ip-address priority number Example:
Defines anchor 9800 ip address on the foreign controller. |
Step 5 |
central switching Example:
Enables Central switching. |
Step 6 |
vlanvlan-id Example:
Configures a VLAN name or VLAN ID. |
Step 7 |
no shutdown Example:
Enables the policy profile. |
Step 8 |
exit Example:
Exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
What to do next
Link the Policy Profile with the WLAN inside the Policy Tag
This task is required after you have created an anchor policy profile. Link the Policy Profile with the WLAN inside the Policy Tag assigned to the APs associated to the foreign controller that service this WLAN.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have created a anchor policy profile.
On the 9800 controller:
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. |
Step 2 |
configure terminal Example:
Enters global configuration mode. |
Step 3 |
wireless tag policy name of policy tag Example:
Configures the policy tag and enters the wireless policy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
wlan name of WLAN profile policy name of policy profile Example:
Creates a new policy tag or edits an existing one to link the Policy Profile with the WLAN inside the Policy Tag. This tag is assigned to the APs associated with the foreign controller that service this WLAN. |
Step 5 |
exit Exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
What to do next
Configure the AireOS controller as the guest anchor controller .
Configure settings on the 9800 Anchor Controller
This task is required after you have configured the anchor controller settings on the foreign 9800 controller. Now, log in to the 9800 anchor controller and configure the settings to match the 9800 foreign controller settings.
Create the anchor policy profile - this name must match the name on the 9800 foreign controller.
Enable the export anchor on the anchor controller. This instruct this 9800 controller that it is the anchor 9800 WLC for any WLAN that uses that Policy Profile. When the foreign 9800 controller sends the clients to the anchor 9800 WLC, it informs about the WLAN and the Policy Profile that the client is assigned to, so the anchor 9800 WLC knows which local Policy Profile to use.
Before you begin
Create a WLAN Profile for guests that define the SSID name and profile and all the security settings on both the Catalyst 9800 controllers.
Create a policy profile.
Ensure that the above configurations match on the peer controllers.
Build a mobility tunnel between the Foreign Catalyst 9800 controller and Anchor Catalyst 9800 controller.
Follow the steps below:
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. |
Step 2 |
configure terminal Example:
Enters global configuration mode. |
Step 3 |
wireless profile policyname of anchor-policy Example:
Configures WLAN policy profile and enters the wireless policy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
mobility anchor Example:
Configures this 9800 controller as the anchor controller. |
Step 5 |
vlanvlan-id Example:
Configures a VLAN name or VLAN ID. |
Step 6 |
no shutdown Example:
Enables the policy profile. |
Step 7 |
exit Example:
Exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
Step 8 |
show wireless mobility summary Need sample output |
Step 9 |
show wireless client mac <> detail Need sample output |
What to do next
On 9800 controllers, you can use the following commands to verify the configuration and the state of the wireless clients using a foreign/anchor SSID.
Device#show wireless client summary
Configure Catalyst 9800 Controller as Anchor and AireOS Controller (IRCM image) as Foreign Controller
This task is required when you are setting up the Catalyst 9800 controller as the guest anchor in the DMZ and the AireOS controller (IRCM image) as the foreign controller in the campus/enterprise.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have set up the Mobility Tunnel between the peer controllers.
On the Catalyst 9800 anchor controller do the following:
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. |
Step 2 |
configure terminal Example:
Enters global configuration mode. |
Step 3 |
wireless profile policy name of anchor-policy Example:
Configures WLAN policy profile and enters the wireless policy configuration mode. Creates the anchor policy profile on the 9800 anchor controller. This instructs this Catalyst 9800 controller that it is the anchor 9800 controller for any WLAN that uses that Policy Profile. When the foreign AireOS controller sends the clients to the anchor 9800 controller, it informs about the WLAN name that the client is assigned to, so the anchor 9800 controller knows which local WLAN configuration to use and it also uses this name to know which local Policy Profile to use. |
Step 4 |
mobility anchor Example:
Configures this 9800 controller as the anchor controller. |
Step 5 |
vlanvlan-id Example:
Configures a VLAN name or VLAN ID. |
Step 6 |
no shutdown Example:
Enables the policy profile. |
Step 7 |
exit Example:
Exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
What to do next
Configure AireOS Controller (IRCM image) as Foreign Controller
Configure AireOS Controller (IRCM image) as Foreign Controller
This task is required after you have configured the 9800 anchor controller. Now, log in to the AireOS foreign controller and configure the settings, so that when the foreign AireOS controller sends the clients to the anchor 9800 controller, it can inform about the WLAN name that the client is assigned to, for the anchor controller to know which local WLAN configuration to use.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have set up the Mobility Tunnel between the peer controllers.
On the AireOS (IRCM image) controller,configure the following:
Step 1 |
config wlan disable wlan-id Example:
Disables the SSID on the foreign AireOS controller. This clears up any associated configurations for this SSID/WLAN. |
Step 2 |
config wlan mobility anchor add wlan-id9800 controller's management interface Example:
Adds the 9800 controller as the anchor for this SSID/WLAN. |
Step 3 |
config wlan enable wlan-id Example:
Enables the WLAN ID to receive clients. |
What to do next
On 9800 controllers, you can use the following commands to verify the configuration and the state of the wireless clients using a foreign/anchor SSID.
Device#show run wlan
wlan wlan1 1 wlan1
dot11ax target-waketime
dot11ax twt-broadcast-support
wlan wlan2 2 wlan2
dot11ax target-waketime
dot11ax twt-broadcast-support
To display a summary of all WLANs configured on the controller:
Device#show wlan summary
Number of WLANs: 2
ID Profile Name SSID Status Security
1 wlan1 wlan1 DOWN [WPA2][802.1x][AES]
2 wlan2 wlan2 DOWN [WPA2][802.1x][AES]
Verify the client state on the controller:
Device#show wireless client summary
Number of Clients: 1
MAC Address AP Name Type ID State Protocol Method Role
6038.e00b.011a AP687D.B45C.1300 WLAN 1 Run 11n(5) None Foreign
Number of Excluded Clients: 0
8520: {'Number of Clients': '1', 'Number of Excluded Clients': '0'}
8521: +++ eWLC-IRCM-C1 with alias 'a': executing command 'show wireless client summary' +++
show wireless client summary
Number of Clients: 1
MAC Address AP Name Type ID State Protocol Method Role
6038.e00b.011a AP687D.B45C.1300 WLAN 1 Run 11n(5) None Foreign
Number of Excluded Clients: 0
Device#show wireless mobility summary
Device#show ap tag summary
show ap summary
Number of APs.................................... 2
Global AP User Name.............................. Cisco123
Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured
Global AP Dot1x EAP Method....................... EAP-FAST
AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Country IP Address Clients DSE Location
------------------------------ ----- -------------------- ----------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------- ------- --------------
APA0B4.3969.ADA6 3 AIR-AP3802I-B-K9 a0:b4:39:69:ad:a6 default location US 0 [0 ,0 ,0 ]
AP00A2.8900.3660 3 AIR-AP1852I-B-K9 00:a2:89:00:36:60 default location US 0 [0 ,0 ,0 ]
Device#show ap <ap-name> tag detail
Device#show wlan { summary | id | name | all }
Device#show wireless tag policy detailed <policy-tag-name>
Device#show wireless profile policy detailed <policy-profile-name>
On AireOS controllers, you can use the following commands to verify the configuration and the state of the wireless clients using a foreign/anchor SSID.
To see the wlans and the details, configured on this controller:
Device >show wlan summary
Number of WLANs.................................. 4
WLAN ID WLAN Profile Name / SSID Status Interface Name PMIPv6 Mobility
------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------- ---------------
1 testlab1-mob / testlab1-mob Enabled management none
2 testlab1-anchor-108 / testlab1-anchor-108 Disabled management none
3 testlab1-anchor-109 / testlab1-anchor-109 Disabled management none
4 testlab1-mob-psk / testlab1-mob-psk Enabled management none
To see more details of a particular wlan configured on this controller:
Device >show wlan 1
WLAN Identifier.................................. 1
Profile Name..................................... testlab1
Network Name (SSID).............................. testlab1
Status........................................... Enabled
MAC Filtering.................................... Disabled
Broadcast SSID................................... Enabled
AAA Policy Override.............................. Disabled
Network Admission Control
Client Profiling Status
Radius Profiling ............................ Disabled
DHCP ....................................... Disabled
HTTP ....................................... Disabled
Local Profiling ............................. Disabled
DHCP ....................................... Disabled
HTTP ....................................... Disabled
Radius-NAC State............................... Disabled
SNMP-NAC State................................. Disabled
Quarantine VLAN................................ 0
Maximum Clients Allowed.......................... Unlimited
Security Group Tag............................... Unknown(0)
Maximum number of Clients per AP Radio........... 200
ATF Policy....................................... 0
Number of Active Clients......................... 0
Exclusionlist Timeout............................ 180 seconds
Session Timeout.................................. 86400 seconds
User Idle Timeout................................ Disabled
Sleep Client..................................... disable
Sleep Client Timeout............................. 720 minutes
Web Auth Captive Bypass Mode..................... None
User Idle Threshold.............................. 0 Bytes
NAS-identifier................................... none
CHD per WLAN..................................... Enabled
Webauth DHCP exclusion........................... Disabled
Interface........................................ management
Multicast Interface.............................. Not Configured
WLAN IPv4 ACL.................................... unconfigured
WLAN IPv6 ACL.................................... unconfigured
WLAN Layer2 ACL.................................. unconfigured
WLAN URL ACL..................................... unconfigured
mDNS Status...................................... Disabled
mDNS Profile Name................................ default-mdns-profile
DHCP Server...................................... Default
Central NAT Peer-Peer Blocking................... Unknown
DHCP Address Assignment Required................. Disabled
Static IP client tunneling....................... Disabled
Tunnel Profile................................... Unconfigured
PMIPv6 Mobility Type............................. none
PMIPv6 MAG Profile........................... Unconfigured
PMIPv6 Default Realm......................... Unconfigured
PMIPv6 NAI Type.............................. Hexadecimal
PMIPv6 MAG location.......................... WLC
Quality of Service............................... Silver
Per-SSID Rate Limits............................. Upstream Downstream
Average Data Rate................................ 0 0
Average Realtime Data Rate....................... 0 0
Burst Data Rate.................................. 0 0
Burst Realtime Data Rate......................... 0 0
Per-Client Rate Limits........................... Upstream Downstream
Average Data Rate................................ 0 0
Average Realtime Data Rate....................... 0 0
Burst Data Rate.................................. 0 0
Burst Realtime Data Rate......................... 0 0
Scan Defer Priority.............................. 4,5,6
Scan Defer Time.................................. 100 milliseconds
WMM.............................................. Allowed
WMM UAPSD Compliant Client Support............... Disabled
Media Stream Multicast-direct.................... Disabled
CCX - AironetIe Support.......................... Enabled
CCX - Gratuitous ProbeResponse (GPR)............. Disabled
CCX - Diagnostics Channel Capability............. Disabled
Dot11-Phone Mode (7920).......................... Disabled
Wired Protocol................................... 802.1P (Tag=0)
Passive Client Feature........................... Disabled
Peer-to-Peer Blocking Action..................... Disabled
Radio Policy..................................... All
DTIM period for 802.11a radio.................... 1
DTIM period for 802.11b radio.................... 1
Radius Servers
Authentication................................ Global Servers
Accounting.................................... Global Servers
Interim Update............................. Enabled
Interim Update Interval.................... 0
Framed IPv6 Acct AVP ...................... Prefix
Dynamic Interface............................. Disabled
Dynamic Interface Priority.................... wlan
Local EAP Authentication......................... Disabled
Radius NAI-Realm................................. Disabled
Mu-Mimo.......................................... Enabled
802.11 Authentication:........................ Open System
FT Support.................................... Disabled
Static WEP Keys............................... Disabled
802.1X........................................ Disabled
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2)............. Disabled
Wi-Fi Direct policy configured................ Disabled
EAP-Passthrough............................... Disabled
CKIP ......................................... Disabled
Web Based Authentication...................... Disabled
Web Authentication Timeout.................... 300
Web-Passthrough............................... Disabled
Conditional Web Redirect...................... Disabled
Splash-Page Web Redirect...................... Disabled
Auto Anchor................................... Enabled
FlexConnect Local Switching................... Disabled
FlexConnect Central Association............... Disabled
flexconnect Central Dhcp Flag................. Disabled
flexconnect nat-pat Flag...................... Disabled
flexconnect Dns Override Flag................. Disabled
flexconnect PPPoE pass-through................ Disabled
flexconnect local-switching IP-source-guar.... Disabled
FlexConnect Vlan based Central Switching ..... Disabled
FlexConnect Local Authentication.............. Disabled
FlexConnect Learn IP Address.................. Enabled
Client MFP.................................... Optional but inactive (WPA2 not configured)
PMF........................................... Disabled
PMF Association Comeback Time................. 1
PMF SA Query RetryTimeout..................... 200
Tkip MIC Countermeasure Hold-down Timer....... 60
Eap-params.................................... Not Applicable
AVC Visibilty.................................... Disabled
AVC Profile Name................................. None
OpenDns Profile Name............................. None
OpenDns Wlan Mode................................ ignore
Flow Monitor Name................................ None
Split Tunnel Configuration
Split Tunnel................................. Disabled
Call Snooping.................................... Disabled
Roamed Call Re-Anchor Policy..................... Disabled
SIP CAC Fail Send-486-Busy Policy................ Enabled
SIP CAC Fail Send Dis-Association Policy......... Disabled
KTS based CAC Policy............................. Disabled
Assisted Roaming Prediction Optimization......... Disabled
802.11k Neighbor List............................ Enabled
802.11k Neighbor List Dual Band.................. Disabled
802.11v Directed Multicast Service............... Enabled
802.11v BSS Max Idle Service..................... Enabled
802.11v BSS Transition Service................... Enabled
802.11v BSS Transition Disassoc Imminent......... Disabled
802.11v BSS Transition Disassoc Timer............ 200
802.11v BSS Transition OpRoam Disassoc Timer..... 40
DMS DB is empty
Band Select...................................... Disabled
Load Balancing................................... Disabled
Multicast Buffer................................. Disabled
Universal Ap Admin............................... Disabled
Broadcast Tagging................................ Disabled
PRP.............................................. Disabled
Mobility Anchor List
WLAN ID IP Address Status Priority
------- --------------- ------ --------
1 Up 3
802.11u........................................ Disabled
MSAP Services.................................. Disabled
Local Policy
Priority Policy Name
-------- ---------------
Lync State ...................................... Disabled
Audio QoS Policy................................. Silver
Video QoS Policy................................. Silver
App-Share QoS Policy............................. Silver
File Transfer QoS Policy......................... Silver
Lync State ...................................... Disabled
Audio QoS Policy................................. Silver
Video QoS Policy................................. Silver
App-Share QoS Policy............................. Silver
File Transfer QoS Policy......................... Silver
File Transfer QoS Policy......................... Silver
QoS Fastlane Status.............................. Disable
Selective Reanchoring Status..................... Disable
Lobby Admin Access............................... Disabled
Fabric Status
Fabric status.................................... Disable
Vnid Name........................................
Vnid............................................. 0
Applied SGT Tag.................................. 0
Peer Ip Address..................................
Flex Acl Name....................................
Flex Avc Policy Name.............................
U3-Interface................................... Disable
U3-Reporting Interval.......................... 30
Configure AireOS(withIRCM Image)Controller as Anchor with Catalyst 9800 as Foreign Controller
This task is required when you are setting up the AireOS controller as the guest anchor in the DMZ and the Catalyst 9800 as the foreign controller in the campus/enterprise. On the 9800 controller:
Before you begin
Ensure that you have set up the Mobility Tunnel between the peer controllers.
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. |
Step 2 |
configure terminal Example:
Enters global configuration mode. |
Step 3 |
wireless profile policy name of anchor-policy Example:
Creates the anchor policy profile and enters the wireless policy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
mobility anchor anchor-ip-address priority number Example:
Defines AireOS ip address as anchor on the foreign controller. Now, the 9800 controller forwards the traffic of the SSID associated with this Policy Profile to the selected AireOS anchor. |
Step 5 |
no shutdown Enables the interface. |
Step 6 |
exit Exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
What to do next
Link the Policy Profile with the WLAN inside the Policy Tag
This task is required after you have created an anchor policy profile. Link the Policy Profile with the WLAN inside the Policy Tag assigned to the APs associated to the foreign controller that service this WLAN. On the 9800 controller:
Before you begin
Ensure that you have created a anchor policy profile.
Step 1 |
enable Example:
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password, if prompted. |
Step 2 |
configure terminal Example:
Enters global configuration mode. |
Step 3 |
wireless tag policy name of policy tag Example:
Configures the policy tag and enters the wireless policy configuration mode. |
Step 4 |
wlan name of WLAN profile policy name of policy profile Example:
Creates a new policy tag or edits an existing one to link the Policy Profile with the WLAN inside the Policy Tag. This tag is assigned to the APs associated with the foreign controller that service this WLAN. |
Step 5 |
exit Exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
What to do next
Configure AireOS Controller (with IRCM image) as Guest Anchor Controller
Configure AireOS Controller (with IRCM image) as Guest Anchor Controller
This task is required when you are setting up the AireOS controller controller as the guest anchor in the DMZ and the Catalyst 9800 as the foreign controller in the campus/enterprise. After you have configured the anchor policy profile on 9800, on the AireOS controller:
Before you begin
Ensure that you have set up the Mobility Tunnel between the peer controllers.
Step 1 |
config wlan mobility anchor add wlan_id aireos anchor_controller_ip_address priority priority-number Example:
Configures the AireOS controller as anchor controller and assigns it a priority number for load balancing. |
Step 2 |
save config Example:
Step 3 |
show mobility anchor {wlan | guest-lan} {wlan_id | guest_lan_id} Example:
What to do next
Verify the configuration on the 9800 controller.
# show run wlan # show wlan summary # show wireless client summary # show wireless mobility summary # show ap tag summary # show ap <ap-name> tag detail # show wlan { summary | id | name | all } # show wireless tag policy detailed <policy-tag-name> # show wireless profile policy detailed <policy-profile-name>
The client summary status on the 9800 foreign controller
Device#sh wireless client summary Load for five secs: 1%/0%; one minute: 0%; five minutes: 0% Time source is NTP, 10:53:13.762 CET Fri Dec 3 2021 Number of Clients: 3 MAC Address AP Name Type ID State Protocol Method Role ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08cc.68bc.15ae AP9120-2-r3-sw2-Gi1-0-39 WLAN 1 Run 11n(5) None Local 6c40.0899.0466 AP9120-2-r3-sw2-Gi1-0-39 WLAN 27 Run 11ac None Export Foreign 6c41.6a0d.2e90 AP9120-2-r3-sw2-Gi1-0-39 WLAN 1 IP Learn 11n(5) None Local
The client summary status on the AireOS anchor controller
Device >show client summary
Number of Clients................................ 1
Number of PMIPV6 Clients......................... 0
Number of EoGRE Clients.......................... 0
MAC Address AP Name Slot Status WLAN Auth Protocol Port Wired Tunnel Role
----------------- ------------------------------ ---- ------------- ----- ---- ---------------- ---- ----- ------- ----------------
6c:40:08:99:04:66 N/A Associated 27 Yes Mobile 13 No No Export Anchor
The client details for a particular client on the Catalyst 9800 controller
Device#sh wi cli mac 6c40.0899.0466 detail
Load for five secs: 0%/0%; one minute: 0%; five minutes: 0%
Time source is NTP, 10:53:59.778 CET Fri Dec 3 2021
Client MAC Address : 6c40.0899.0466
Client MAC Type : Universally Administered Address
Client IPv4 Address :
Client IPv6 Addresses : fe80::6e40:8ff:fe99:466
Client Username: N/A
AP MAC Address : d4e8.8019.f140
AP Name: AP9120-2-r3-sw2-Gi1-0-39
AP slot : 1
Client State : Associated
Policy Profile : policy_anchored_t6
Flex Profile : N/A
Wireless LAN Id: 27
Wireless LAN Network Name (SSID): ANCHOR_IRCM
BSSID : d4e8.8019.f14d
Connected For : 58 seconds
Protocol : 802.11ac
Channel : 60
Client IIF-ID : 0xa0000002
Association Id : 1
Authentication Algorithm : Open System
Idle state timeout : N/A
Session Timeout : 1800 sec (Remaining time: 1747 sec)
Session Warning Time : Timer not running
Input Policy Name : None
Input Policy State : None
Input Policy Source : None
Output Policy Name : None
Output Policy State : None
Output Policy Source : None
WMM Support : Enabled
U-APSD Support : Enabled
U-APSD value : 0
Fastlane Support : Disabled
Client Active State : Active
Power Save : ON
Current Rate : m9 ss3
Supported Rates : 18.0,36.0,48.0,54.0
AAA QoS Rate Limit Parameters:
QoS Average Data Rate Upstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Realtime Average Data Rate Upstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Burst Data Rate Upstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Realtime Burst Data Rate Upstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Average Data Rate Downstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Realtime Average Data Rate Downstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Burst Data Rate Downstream : 0 (kbps)
QoS Realtime Burst Data Rate Downstream : 0 (kbps)
Anchor IP Address :
Point of Attachment : 0x9000000F
Point of Presence : 0xA0000001
AuthC status : False
Move Count : 0
Mobility Role : Export Foreign
Mobility Roam Type : L3 Requested
Mobility Complete Timestamp : 12/03/2021 10:53:05 CET
Client Join Time:
Join Time Of Client : 12/03/2021 10:53:02 CET
Client State Servers : None
Client ACLs : None
Policy Manager State: Run
Last Policy Manager State : IP Learn Complete
Client Entry Create Time : 55 seconds
Policy Type : WPA2
Encryption Cipher : CCMP (AES)
Authentication Key Management : PSK
AAA override passphrase : No
User Defined (Private) Network : Disabled
User Defined (Private) Network Drop Unicast : Disabled
Encrypted Traffic Analytics : No
Protected Management Frame - 802.11w : No
EAP Type : Not Applicable
VLAN Override after Webauth : No
VLAN : 169
Multicast VLAN : 0
Anchor VLAN : 504
WiFi Direct Capabilities:
WiFi Direct Capable : No
Session Manager:
Point of Attachment : capwap_9000000f
IIF ID : 0x9000000F
Authorized : TRUE
Session timeout : 1800
Common Session ID: 2919A8C00000000B7FB6204E
Acct Session ID : 0x00000000
Auth Method Status List
Method : None
Local Policies:
Service Template : wlan_svc_policy_anchored_t6_local (priority 254)
VLAN : 169
Absolute-Timer : 1800
Server Policies:
Resultant Policies:
VLAN Name : VLAN0169
VLAN : 169
Absolute-Timer : 1800
DNS Snooped IPv4 Addresses : None
DNS Snooped IPv6 Addresses : None
Client Capabilities
CF Pollable : Not implemented
CF Poll Request : Not implemented
Short Preamble : Not implemented
PBCC : Not implemented
Channel Agility : Not implemented
Listen Interval : 0
Fast BSS Transition Details :
Reassociation Timeout : 20
11v BSS Transition : Not implemented
11v DMS Capable : No
QoS Map Capable : No
FlexConnect Data Switching : N/A
FlexConnect Dhcp Status : N/A
FlexConnect Authentication : N/A
FlexConnect Central Association : N/A
Client Statistics:
Number of Bytes Received : 24115
Number of Bytes Sent : 8301
Number of Packets Received : 102
Number of Packets Sent : 33
Number of Policy Errors : 0
Radio Signal Strength Indicator : -40 dBm
Signal to Noise Ratio : 49 dB
Fabric status : Disabled
Radio Measurement Enabled Capabilities
Capabilities: None
Client Scan Report Time : Timer not running
Client Scan Reports
Assisted Roaming Neighbor List
Nearby AP Statistics:
EoGRE : Pending Classification
Device Type : Apple-Device
Device Name : APPLE, INC.
Protocol Map : 0x000001 (OUI)
Max Client Protocol Capability: 802.11ac Wave 2
Cellular Capability : N/A
The client details for a particular client on the AireOS controller after the L3 roam.
Device >show client detail 6c:40:08:99:04:66
Client MAC Address............................... 6c:40:08:99:04:66
Client Username ................................. N/A
AP MAC Address................................... d4:e8:80:19:f1:40
AP Name.......................................... N/A
AP radio slot Id................................. N/A
Client State..................................... Associated
Client User Group................................
Client NAC OOB State............................. Access
Wireless LAN Id.................................. 27
Wireless LAN Network Name (SSID)................. ANCHOR_IRCM
Wireless LAN Profile Name........................ ANCHOR_IRCM
Hotspot (802.11u)................................ Not Supported
BSSID............................................ 00:00:00:00:00:ff
Connected For ................................... 73 secs
Channel.......................................... N/A
IP Address.......................................
Gateway Address..................................
IPv6 Address..................................... fe80::6e40:8ff:fe99:466
IPv6 Address..................................... 2001:4:4:4:cc8:ce83:d5e6:12f6
IPv6 Address..................................... 2001:4:4:4:6e40:8ff:fe99:466
Association Id................................... 0
Authentication Algorithm......................... Open System
Reason Code...................................... 1
Status Code...................................... 0
Session Timeout.................................. 1800
Client CCX version............................... No CCX support
QoS Level........................................ Silver
Avg data Rate.................................... 0
Burst data Rate.................................. 0
Avg Real time data Rate.......................... 0
Burst Real Time data Rate........................ 0
Avg Uplink data Rate............................. 0
Burst Uplink data Rate........................... 0
Avg Uplink Real time data Rate................... 0
Burst Uplink Real Time data Rate................. 0
802.1P Priority Tag.............................. disabled
Security Group Tag............................... Unknown(0)
KTS CAC Capability............................... No
Qos Map Capability............................... No
WMM Support...................................... Disabled
Supported Rates..................................
Mobility State................................... Export Anchor
Mobility Foreign IP Address......................
Mobility Move Count.............................. 1
Security Policy Completed........................ Yes
Policy Manager State............................. RUN
Audit Session ID................................. 2919A8C00000000B7FB6204E
AAA Role Type.................................... none
Acct Interim Interval............................ 0
Local Policy Applied............................. none
IPv4 ACL Name.................................... none
AAA FlexConnect ACL Applied Status............... Unavailable
IPv4 ACL Applied Status.......................... Unavailable
IPv6 ACL Name.................................... none
IPv6 ACL Applied Status.......................... Unavailable
Layer2 ACL Name.................................. none
Layer2 ACL Applied Status........................ Unavailable
Client Type...................................... SimpleIP
mDNS Status...................................... Disabled
mDNS Profile Name................................ none
No. of mDNS Services Advertised.................. 0
Policy Type...................................... N/A
Encryption Cipher................................ None
Protected Management Frame ...................... No
Management Frame Protection...................... No
EAP Type......................................... Unknown
Interface........................................ vlan4
VLAN............................................. 504
Quarantine VLAN.................................. 0
Access VLAN...................................... 504
Local Bridging VLAN.............................. 504
Client Capabilities:
CF Pollable................................ Not implemented
CF Poll Request............................ Not implemented
Short Preamble............................. Not implemented
PBCC....................................... Not implemented
Channel Agility............................ Not implemented
Listen Interval............................ 0
Fast BSS Transition........................ Not implemented
11v BSS Transition......................... Not implemented
Client Wifi Direct Capabilities:
WFD capable................................ No
Manged WFD capable......................... No
Cross Connection Capable................... No
Support Concurrent Operation............... No
Fast BSS Transition Details:
DNS Server details:
DNS server IP .............................
DNS server IP .............................
Assisted Roaming Prediction List details:
Client Dhcp Required: True
Allowed (URL)IP Addresses
AVC Profile Name: ............................... none
OpenDns Profile Name: ........................... none
Fastlane Client: ................................ No
Max DSCP: ....................................... 0
Client Statistics:
Number of Bytes Received................... 0
Number of Bytes Sent....................... 0
Total Number of Bytes Sent................. 0
Total Number of Bytes Recv................. 0
Number of Bytes Sent (last 90s)............ 0
Number of Bytes Recv (last 90s)............ 0
Number of Packets Received................. 0
Number of Packets Sent..................... 0
Number of Interim-Update Sent.............. 0
Number of EAP Id Request Msg Timeouts...... 0
Number of EAP Id Request Msg Failures...... 0
Number of EAP Request Msg Timeouts......... 0
Number of EAP Request Msg Failures......... 0
Number of EAP Key Msg Timeouts............. 0
Number of EAP Key Msg Failures............. 0
Number of Policy Errors.................... 0
Radio Signal Strength Indicator............ 0 dBm
Signal to Noise Ratio...................... 0 dB
Client RBACL Statistics:
Number of RBACL Allowed Packets............ 0
Number of RBACL Denied Packets............. 0
Nearby AP Statistics: