Software-Defined Access Wireless

Information about Software-Defined Access Wireless

The Enterprise Fabric provides end-to-end enterprise-wide segmentation, flexible subnet addressing, and controller-based networking with uniform enterprise-wide policy and mobility. It moves the enterprise network from current VLAN-centric architecture to a user group-based enterprise architecture, with flexible Layer 2 extensions within and across sites.

Enterprise fabric is a network topology where traffic is passed through inter-connected switches, while providing the abstraction of a single Layer 2 or Layer 3 device. This provides seamless connectivity, with policy application and enforcement at the edge of the fabric. Fabric uses IP overlay, which makes the network appear as a single virtual entity without using clustering technologies.

The following definitions are used for fabric nodes:

  • Enterprise Fabric: A network topology where traffic is passed through inter-connected switches, while providing the abstraction of a single Layer 2 or Layer 3 device.

  • Fabric Domain: An independent operation part of the network. It is administered independent of other fabric domains.

  • End Points: Hosts or devices that connect to the fabric edge node are known as end points (EPs). They directly connect to the fabric edge node or through a Layer 2 network.

The SD-Access solution combines the Cisco Catalyst Center software and fabric wireless controller funtionality. In an SD-Access solution, a fabric site is composed of an independent set of fabric control plane nodes, edge nodes, intermediate (transport only) nodes, and border nodes.

The following figure shows the components of a typical SD-Access Wireless. It consists of Fabric Border Nodes (BN), Fabric Intermediate Nodes (IN), Fabric Edge Nodes (EN), Wireless Controller, Cisco Catalyst Center, and Host Tracking Database (HDB).

This figure covers the following concepts:

  • Cisco Catalyst Center: Is an open, software-driven architecture built on a set of design principles with the objective of configuring and managing Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controllers.

  • Wireless Controller (WLCs): The controller provides AP image and configuration management, client session management and mobility. Additionally, it registers the mac address of wireless clients in the host tracking database at the time of client join, as well as updates the location at the time of client roam.

  • Shared Services Distribution (VSS): WLCs typically connect to a shared services distribution block that is part of the underlay. The preferred distribution block has chassis redundancy and also the capability to support L2 multichassis EtherChannel connections for link and platform redundancy to the WLCs.

  • Underlay Network: The underlay network is defined by the physical switches used to deploy the SD-Access network. The underlay implementation for SD-Access uses a well-designed Layer 3 foundation inclusive of the campus edge switches to ensure performance, scalability, and high availability of the network.

  • Overlay Network: An overlay network is created on top of the underlay to create a virtualized network. Multiple overlay networks can run across the same underlay network to support multitenancy through virtualization. Each overlay network appears as a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance for connectivity to external networks.

  • Border Node: These nodes connect traditional Layer 3 networks or different fabric domains to the enterprise fabric domain. If there are multiple fabric domains, these nodes connect a fabric domain to one or more fabric domains, which could be of the same or different type. These nodes are responsible for translation of context from one fabric domain to another. When the encapsulation is the same across different fabric domains, the translation of fabric context is generally 1:1. The fabric control planes of two domains exchange reachability and policy information through this device.

  • Control Plane Node: This allows the network to determine the location of a device or user. When the EP ID of a host is learnt, other end points can query the database about the location of the host. The flexibility of tracking subnets helps in summarization across domains and improves the scalability of the database.

  • Intermediate Node: Are part of the Layer 3 network used to interconnect the edge nodes to the border nodes. Intermediate nodes route and transport IP traffic in fabric.

  • Edge Node: These nodes are responsible for admitting, encapsulating or decapsulating, and forwarding of traffic from the EPs. They lie at the perimeter of the fabric and are the first points of attachment of the policy. EPs could be directly or indirectly attached to a fabric edge node using an intermediate Layer 2 network that lies outside the fabric domain. Traditional Layer 2 networks, wireless access points, or end hosts are connected to fabric edge nodes.

  • Access Points: AP applies all the wireless media specific features. For example, radio and SSID policies, webauth punt, peer-to-peer blocking, and so on. It establishes CAPWAP control and data tunnel to controller. It converts 802.11 data traffic from wireless clients to 802.3 and sends it to the access switch with VXLAN encapsulation.

In this deployment scenario, the wireless controllers are connected to the border nodes using the Shared Services Distribution (VSS). Here, VSS refers to the modular configuration switch. The fabric deployment covers border nodes, intermediate nodes, and edge nodes. All the nodes are interconnected to each other using Layer 3 connections. The laptops and access points receive the data traffic (IP connectivity) using Layer 2 connections.


The RED lines are all Layer 3 connections.

The BLUE lines connected to laptops and access points are Layer 2 connections.

Figure 1. SD-Access Wireless

The SDA allows to simplify:

  • Addressing in wireless networks

  • Mobility in wireless networks

  • Guest access and move towards multi-tenancy

  • Leverage Sub-net extension (stretched subnet) in wireless network

  • Provide consistent wireless policies

Platform Support

Table 1. Supported Platforms for Software-Defined Access Wireless



Catalyst 9300


Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller for Cloud


Cisco Catalyst 9800-40 Series Wireless Controller


Cisco Catalyst 9800-80 Series Wireless Controller


Table 2. Multi-Instance Support



Multiple LISP sessions


Emulated database support


Client roaming between WNCd instances


Table 3. Feature Support



Inter-WLC roam for IRCM

Only L2 mobility is supported as VLAN is stretched across the fabric.


  • ACLs are enforced at AP.

  • Controller needs to push the DNS-ACL information to AP.

IPv6 ACL for clients

Yes. Open, 802.11x, WebAuth, PSK WLANs, IPv6 address visibility are also supported.

Location tracking/Hyperlocation


Multicast Video-Stream (IPv4)


Smart Licensing


Table 4. Outdoor Access Points Support







Configuring SD-Access Wireless

  • To enable SD-Access wireless globally, you need to run the wireless fabric configuration command.

  • During SD-Access Wireless provisioning, ensure that L2-VNID value is unique.

Configuring Default Map Server (GUI)


Step 1

Click Configuration > Wireless Plus > Fabric > Fabric Configuration.

Step 2

In the Map Server section, specify the IP address and preshared key details for Server 1.

Step 3

Optionally, you can specify the IP address and preshared key details for Server 2.

Step 4

Click Apply.

Configuring Default Map Server (CLI)

Follow the procedure given below to configure default map server:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters the global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless fabric control-plane map-server-name


Device(config)# wireless fabric control-plane map-server-name

Configures the default map server.

Here, map-server-name defines a pair of map servers.

Step 3

ip address ip-address key user_password reenter_password


Device(config-wireless-cp)# ip address key user-password user-password

Configures IP address for the default map server.

Step 4



Device(config-wireless-cp)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring SD-Access Wireless Profile (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Wireless > Fabric.

Step 2

On the Fabric page, click the Profiles tab and click Add.

Step 3

In the Add New Profile window that is displayed, specify the following parameters:

  • Profile name

  • Description

  • L2 VNID; valid range is between 0 and 16777215

  • SGT tag; valid range is between 2 and 65519

Step 4

Click Save & Apply to Device.

Configuring SD-Access Wireless Profile (CLI)

Follow the procedure given below to configure SD-Access wireless profile:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters the global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile fabric fabric-profile-name


Device(config)# wireless profile fabric fabric-profile-name

Configures the SD-Access wireless profile parameters.

Step 3

sgt-tag sgt


Device(config-wireless-fabric)# sgt-tag 2

Configures SGT tag.

Here, sgt refers to the sgt tag value. The valid range is from 2-65519. The default value is 0.

Step 4

client-l2-vnid client-l2-vnid


Device(config-wireless-fabric)# client-l2-vnid client-l2-vnid

Configures client L2-VNID.

Here, client-l2-vnid refers to the client L2-VNID value. The valid range is from 0-16777215.

Step 5



Device(config-wireless-fabric)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring Map Server in Site Tag (GUI)

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured a control plane at the time of configuring Wireless Fabric.


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Tags.

Step 2

On the Manage Tags page, click the Site tab.

Step 3

Click the name of the site tag.

Step 4

In the Edit Site Tag window, choose the Fabric control plane name from the Control Plane Name drop-down list.

Step 5

Save the configuration.

Configuring Map Server in Site Tag (CLI)

Follow the procedure given below to configure map server in site tag:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters the global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless tag site site-tag


Device(config)# wireless tag site default-site-tag

Configures site tag.

Here, site-tag refers to the site tag name.

Step 3

fabric control-plane map-server-name


Device(config-site-tag)# fabric control-plane map-server-name

Configures fabric control plane details.

Here, map-server-name refers to the fabric control plane name associated with the site tag.

Step 4



Device(config-site-tag)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode. Alternatively, you can also press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.

Configuring Map Server per L2-VNID (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Wireless > Fabric.

Step 2

On the Fabric Configuration page in the Fabric VNID Mapping section, click Add.

Step 3

In the Add Client and AP VNID window, specify a name for the Fabric, L2 VNID value (valid range is from 0 to 4294967295), control plane name.

Step 4

Save the configuration.

Configuring Map Server per L2-VNID (CLI)

Follow the procedure given below to configure map server in site tag:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters the global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless fabric name name l2-vnid l2-vnid-value l3-vnid l3-vnid-value ip network-ip subnet-mask control-plane-name control-plane-name


Device(config)# wireless fabric name fabric_name l2-vnid 2 l3-vnid 2 ip control-plane-name sample-control-plane

Configures the map server to the VNID map table.

  • name refers to the fabric name.

  • l2-vnid-value refers to the L2 VNID value. The valid range is from 0 to 16777215.

  • L3-vnid-value refers to the L3 VNID value. The valid range is from 0 to 16777215.

  • control-plane-name refers to the control plane name.

Step 3



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Verifying SD-Access Wireless

You can verify the SD-Access wireless configurations using the following commands:

Table 5. Commands for Verifying SD-Access Wireless
Commands Description
show wireless fabric summary

Displays the fabric status.

show wireless fabric vnid mapping

Displays all the VNID mapping details.

show wireless profile fabric detailed fabric_profile_name

Displays the details of a given fabric profile name.

show ap name AP_name config general

Displays the general details of the Cisco AP.

show wireless client mac MAC_addr detail

Displays the detailed information for a client by MAC address.

show wireless tag site detailed site_tag

Displays the detailed parameters for a site tag.