Protocol Packs


Protocol Pack

Pack and AVC Engine Details

Working with Protocol Packs

NBAR2 Protocol Pack Overview

NBAR2 Protocol Pack 14.0.0 contains the Enhanced Web Classification feature that supports multi-transactions export of URLs. For more information on this feature, see Classifying Network Traffic Using NBAR

Bittorrent blocking capability has been improved with the newly supported uTorrent and transmission clients.

Protocol Pack Compatibility

NBAR2 Protocol packs are released for specific NBAR engine versions. You can load an NBAR2 protocol pack only if the NBAR engine version used in the wireless LAN controller (WLC) software platform is the same as or higher than the engine version that the protocol pack is released for. However, you are strongly recommended to use the protocol pack that is the exact match for the engine.

Table 1 Compatibility Table

WLC Software Release

NBAR Engine Used

Protocol packs released for the NBAR engine used


NBAR engine 13

  • 4.1.1

  • 6.3.0

  • 6.4.0



NBAR engine 16

  • Protocol packs compatible with NBAR engine 13

  • 9.0.0 (comes only built-in, in 8.0)

  • 11.0.0

  • 12.0.0



NBAR engine 23

  • 14.0.0


Consider a WLC running a 7.6 or older software release, loaded with a compatible protocol pack. If this controller is upgraded to software release 8.0 , then it will start using protocol pack 9.0.0, which comes in-built in 8.0 release. Additionally you can choose to download protocol pack 11.0.0, which in turn will be loaded instead of 9.0.0. However, if you revert back to the older software release, then the older protocol pack loaded for that release will be loaded again.


If you try to load an incompatible protocol pack on a controller, it will be rejected with an error message stating that the protocol pack is incompatible with the underlying NBAR software version. Any existing protocol pack on the controller, will remain active.

Downloading NBAR2 Protocol Packs

Use only the tested and certified protocol packs which are released on You can download these protocol packs from this location:


A protocol pack is numbered in a format that is similar to this:

pp-AIR-8.2-(NBAR Engine Number)-(Protocol Pack Version).pack

For example, the Wireless LAN Controller Release 8.2 uses NBAR engine version 23. Hence, protocol packs released for Release 8.2 will have a numbering that is similar to this:


Loading an NBAR2 Protocol Pack

Using FTP or TFTP, you can download newer versions of protocol packs into the controller.


You are recommended to download protocol packs into the controller only during maintenance. This is because during download the CPU usage will be quite high, which may cause disruptions in the network. It takes no more than three minutes for the download to complete and for the protocol pack to become operational. You do not need to reboot the controller after the download.

    Step 1   Enter this command to download a protocol pack:

    transfer download datatype avc-protocol-pack

    Information that is similar to the following is displayed:

    Mode............................................. FTP
    Data Type........................................ AVC Protocol Pack
    FTP Server IP....................................
    FTP Server Port.................................. 21
    FTP Path......................................... <directory path>
    FTP Filename..................................... pp-AIR-8.2-23-14.0.0.pack
    FTP Username..................................... cisco
    FTP Password..................................... *********
    Starting transfer of AVC Protocol Pack
    This may take some time.
    Are you sure you want to start? (y/N)

    Step 2   Answer y at the prompt to start the download.

    Viewing the Protocol Pack and AVC Engine Details

    Protocol Pack Details

    To view the name and version of the loaded protocol pack, enter this command:

    show avc protocol-pack version

    Information that is similar to the following is displayed:

    AVC Protocol Pack Name: Advanced Protocol Pack
    AVC Protocol Pack Version: 14.0

    AVC Engine Details


    An NBAR2 protocol pack can be installed on a device only if the NBAR engine version on the platform is the same as or later than the version required by the NBAR2 protocol pack.

    To view the AVC engine version which the controller is using, enter this command:

    show avc engine version

    Information that is similar to the following is displayed:

    AVC Engine Version: 23