Getting Started

This chapter describes information on system requirements and starting the Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE) on Prime Infrastructure and CMX Dashboard.

Note For information on set up see Cisco Prime Infrastructure Quick Start Guide.

Adding a Mobility Services Engine to the Prime Infrastructure

You can add MSE using the Add Mobility Services Engine dialog box in the Mobility Service page. In this dialog box, you can add licensing files, tracking parameters, and assign maps to MSE. If you launch the wizard with an existing MSE for configuration, the Add MSE option appears as Edit MSE Details.

Tip To learn more about Cisco Adaptive wIPS features and functionality, go to to watch a multimedia presentation.

Note The Prime Infrastructure Release 1.4 recognizes and supports MSE 3355 appropriately.

To add a mobility services engine to the Prime Infrastructure, log in to the Prime Infrastructure and complete these steps:

Note The Services >Mobility Services Engine page is available only in the virtual domain in Release

If you have not specified the username and password during the setup process, use the defaults.

The default username and password are both admin.

Step 1 Verify that you can ping the mobility services engine.

Step 2 Choose Services > Mobility Services to display the Mobility Services page.

Step 3 From the Select a command drop-down list, choose Add Mobility Services Engine and click Go.

Step 4 In the Device Name text box, enter a name for the mobility services engine.

Step 5 In the IP Address text box, enter the IP address of the mobility services engine.

Step 6 (Optional) In the Contact Name text box, enter the name of the mobility services engine administrator.

Step 7 In the User Name and Password text boxes, enter the username and password for the mobility services engine. This refers to the Prime Infrastructure communication username and password created during the setup process.

Note If you changed the username and password during the automatic installation script, enter those values here. If you did not change the default passwords, we recommend that you rerun the automatic installation script and change the username and password.

Step 8 Select the HTTP check box to allow communication between the mobility services engine and third-party applications. By default, the Prime Infrastructure uses HTTPs to communicate with the MSE.

Step 9 Select the Delete synchronized service assignments check box if you want to permanently remove all service assignments from the MSE.This option is applicable for network designs, wired switches, controllers and event definitions. The existing location history data is retained, however, you must use manual service assignments to perform any future location calculations.

Step 10 Click Next. The Prime Infrastructure automatically synchronizes the selected elements with the MSE.

Step 11 After the synchronization, the MSE License Summary page appears. You can use the MSE License Summary page to install a license, add a license, remove a license, install an activation license, and install service license. The Select Mobility Service page appears.

Step 12 To enable a service on the MSE, select the check box next to the service. Services include Context-Aware Service and wIPS.

Select the CMX Dashboard Service and HTTP Proxy Service to enable the services.

You can choose CAS to track clients, rogues, interferers, wired clients, and tags.

Choose Partner Tag Engine to track tags.

Step 13 Click Save.

After adding a new mobility services engine, you can synchronize network designs (campus, building, and outdoor maps), controllers, switches (Catalyst Series 3000 only), and event groups on the local mobility services engine using the Prime Infrastructure. You can perform this synchronization immediately after adding a new mobility services engine or at a later time. To synchronize the local and the Prime Infrastructure databases, see Synchronizing Mobility Services Engines.

Enabling CMX Dashboard Service on the Mobility Services Engine

To enable CMX Browser Engage and Dashboard, complete these steps:

Step 1 Choose Services > Mobility Services Engine. The Mobility Services Engines page appears.

Step 2 In the Mobility Services page, click the Device Name to configure its properties.

Step 3 Select the check box next to the CMX Dashboard service.

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click Done to save the settings.

Enabling Proxy Server on the Mobility Services Engine

To enable proxy server, complete these steps:

Step 1 Choose Services > Mobility Services Engine. The Mobility Services Engines page appears.

Step 2 In the Mobility Services page, click the Device Name to configure its properties.

Step 3 Select the check box next to the Proxy Service.

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 Click Done to save this settings.

Logging into CMX Dashboard User Interface

To configure the CMX Dashboard and Proxy services, do the following in the Prime Infrastructure:

Step 1 Choose Mobile Concierge Service > CMX Dashboard Configuration. Choose the Location MSE that the CMX Dashboard MSE gets the maps and location data from. It can be the same MSE or a different MSE.

Step 2 Choose Mobile Concierge Service > Proxy Configuration. Choose the CMX Dashboard MSE that provides the information of the banners to the end device. The CMX Dashboard MSE is served from this Proxy MSE.

To log into CMX Dashboard user interface through a web browser, complete these steps:

Step 1 Type https://mseip/dashboard/ in the web browser.

Step 2 Enter the default username as admin.

Step 3 Enter the default password as admin.

Note To change the default password click My Account on the top right corner. Enter and re-enter the new password of choice, and click Submit.