Subscriber Screens

Subscriber Screens Overview

This section provides discussion and examples for an administrator with view only privileges. As a view only admin, you can see subscriber and session information, monitoring and configuration data, but will not be able to make any changes.

After you log in, the default page of the Quantum Control Center interface displays the Subscribers tab > Find Subscriber screen.

The Subscribers tab lets you look at details for a subscriber, any subaccounts under a subscriber, and any sessions a subscriber may have.

From the menu tree on the left, you have access to session information screens at the subscriber level and the network level.

Find a Subscriber

Finding a subscriber is often the first step in performing other tasks for a subscriber.


To list all subscribers, leave the Credential Name field blank. The maximum number of records returned is 1000.

Enter search criteria into either the Credential or Name field. You can use any portion of a subscriber’s name, but when searching on a credential ID, you must use the full credential. No wild cards are permitted.


Step 1

Click Subscribers tab > Subscribers node > Find Subscriber item in the menu tree.

Step 2

Enter your search criteria in the Credential or Name field and click Search.

Step 3

Matches to your search criteria appear in the Results table.

Use the open link on the right to display more information about the subscriber



As you find and use subscriber screens, the menu tree keeps track of the most recent finds. Dismiss these items from the tree with the X icon.

Subscriber Screens Definitions

This section describes the screens used to support subscribers. After you find a subscriber you can access these screens.

Overview Screen

When you find a subscriber and open their record, the Overview screen opens.

The menu tree on the left displays the subscriber name and four submenus (Overview, Details, Sessions, Balance).

The Overview screen, with its six subsections, appears on the right.

Click any of the view links in the sub areas, for example Credentials or Notifications, to see information for that specific aspect of the subscriber.

Details Screens

The Details item in the menu lets you view five other screens that contain even more specific information about a subscriber or a subaccount:

  • General information

  • Credentials or passwords

  • Services the subscriber pays for

  • Notification preferences

  • Subaccount users under the subscriber

General Screen

  1. Click Subscribers tab > Subscribers node > Find Subscriber item in the menu tree.

  2. Find the subscriber as described in Find a Subscriber.

  3. Click Details > General > view link.




This single field is shows both the first and last name of the subscriber.


This drop-down list displays the domain to which the subscriber is assigned. Domains themselves are created in the Policy Builder interface.


The Status field shows these three states for a subscriber:
  • Active and able to use services

  • Deleted and no longer part of your system

  • Suspended and in the system, but not able to use services

By default, the status for a new subscriber is always ACTIVE.

Start Date

End Date

Both these fields show the start and stop date and time of service to the subscriber.


When the subscriber logs in to your subscriber portal, this field shows the read-write privilege granted to them.

As a default, the primary subscriber is always granted the Write All role, permitting editing of all subaccounts underneath.

For example, the primary subscriber might be:

An adult, and responsible for other family members

A team leader, responsible for team member accounts

See Subaccount Screen.

If a user is not a primary subscriber, they are created as a subaccount user under a primary subscriber.

A subaccount user can have these levels of privileges:
  • Write all—can read and write all information for themselves and any subaccounts

  • Read all—can view all portal information

  • Write self—can read and write only their own information

  • Read self—can view only their own information

External ID

Occasionally, a subscriber may need to connect with or relate to an external third-party system. This field identifies the subscriber to that external service.

Rate Plan

Shows predefined rate plan codes, such as prepaid or postpaid.

Charging ID

A subscriber might have a unique charging ID. Usage by members of a subaccount, or ’children’ of the subscriber can be billed to their ’parent’ if this is set.

Custom Data Area

This area lets you view a look up list, or key-value pairs that track other variables that concern your subscriber


The key portion of a key-value pair.


The definition or value of the key-value pair.

Credentials Screen

The Credentials screen lets you view more than one credential or password for a subscriber. More than one credential may be necessary for the subscriber to log in from different devices or locations.

The rows in this screen are populated by the Credential Detail screen shown below.

Click the open link to display the Credential Detail screen.



Credential ID

A credential is a unique identifier that subscribers and subaccount customers use to log in. A credential is defined when the subscriber is created. from usum 1.0 if guide


Useful for sorting and reporting, this field indicates if the credential is for a subscriber or a subaccount, or for a permanent or guest use.


Shows more information about this particular credential.

Expiration Date

Shows the end date of the credential.


In addition to a credential ID, a subscriber can log in with a password. A password is optional because MAC addresses, for example, do not have a password.

New Password

Not available to view only administrators.

Confirm Password

Not available to view only administrators.

Services Screen

The Services link lets you administer what services or service plans a subscriber may access.

Click Subscribers tab find a subscriber > Details in the menu tree > Services to the left.

This screen is a point of intersection between Policy Builder and Control Center. That is, services and service plans are developed in Policy Builder and are reflected here for you to choose from.

A read only administrator may not add services to a subscriber.

Notifications Screen

The Notifications screen lets you view how to contact your subscriber for system messages or for special promotions, for example. You can notify with these methods.us599
  • XML

  • Email

  • SMS

  • Apple iPhone push


Notifications must be set up in Policy Builder prior to using this screen.

To view a notification, click the open link on the right to display the Notification Detail screen.

The Notification Detail screen shows you the specific details about subscriber emails, SMS, or iPhone push, but you may not make changes.




Contact your subscriber with one of these methods in the drop-down menu:

  • Real time / XML

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Apple iPhone push


Specify the address for the notification.

For an XML message, provide URLs.

For an SMS message, provide the destination number, perhaps 555544444.

For an email notification, provide an email address.

For an Apple iPhone push, provide the server gateway, server port, and certificate and certificate password.


Click this check box to allow notifications to go through, or uncheck it if you are still developing the message.

Custom Data Area

This area lets you use a look up list, or key-value pairs and so keep track of other variables that concern your subscriber.


This is the key portion of a key-value pair.


This is the definition or value of the key.

Subaccount Screen

A subaccount user can occur under a primary subscriber so that the primary subscriber has authority over others, perhaps team members or family members. This construct makes subaccount activity logins, debit, credit, and bill to the primary subscriber.

For example, if the primary subscriber has a Charging ID of 123456, assign the subaccount users the same charging ID.

  1. Click Subscribers tab > Subscribers node > Find Subscriber.

  2. Find the subscriber who is the primary subscriber and is responsible for the subaccount.

  3. Click Details > Subaccountsand click the view link in the corner.

Sessions Screen

The Sessions item in the menu tree under a subscriber lets you see the sessions the subscriber has running. That is, find the subscriber first, and then check their sessions. A subscriber may have several sessions up, perhaps from different devices.

You can display a Sessions screen two ways:

  • Find the subscriber and then view all their sessions:

    Subscribers tab > Subscriber node > Subscriber item > Overview screen > Sessions area > manage

    See Viewing a Subscriber Session.

  • Find all sessions on the network and then look for a subscriber:

    Subscribers tab > Subscriber node > Subscriber Sessions item > Current Sessions table > open

    See Finding Network Sessions.


If you would like a utility to start artificial sessions, contact your Cisco technical representative.

Session Details Table

The Session Detail table contains information about the session, including a Remove Session link.

An example of a Session Detail is shown below.



Session Tabs

At the top, a tab exists for each session the subscriber has running. The example has one tab, the subscriber has one session up.

Query Devices

This check box lets you filter the session information below to one or more devices.

Network Query

This drop-down list lets you show details for only the devices you can provide IP addresses and secrets for, and so limits the data returned by the detail table.

The Policy Server folder has several subfolders to organize the session data.

Balance Screen

The Balance item in the tree under a subscriber name provides a way to set balance amounts and quota amounts for the subscriber.

A subscriber can have several balance codes in place, and under each one, the subscriber can have several quota codes.

Balance codes and quota codes are developed and maintained in the Policy Builder interface. Control Center reflects that configuration.


Balances are of these types:

  • Recurring—recurring balances automatically replenish on a configured cycle, for example daily, weekly, monthly, or per billing cycle. Any remaining balance is not carried over when the balance is reset.
    • Roll Over—a type of recurring balance. Roll over balances, which are additive, are similar to recurring balances, but any remaining balance is kept when the balance replenishes.

  • One-time—one-time balances do not automatically replenish. One-time balances may be configured with an expiration date.
    • Top Up—a type of One-time balance. Top ups add to a subscriber’s balance and may be applied to any of the above balance types. Top ups are differentiated from the balance to which they are applied, enabling the service provider to define the order in which top ups, and the underlying balance, is consumed. Top ups may be assigned an expiration date.

Balances can be configured to be automatically allocated in the Quantum Unified MsBM for a subscriber during a balance reserve if a balance does not already exist. The fair use balances for new subscribers is an example. Auto-provisioned balances are created based on rules configured by the service provider, which may refer to parameters such as subscriber class, rate plan, and so on, when provisioning the balance.


Quota may be either of two types, one-time or recurring.

One-time quotas are amounts of time use or data use that occur only one time and are not renewed. For example:

  • If an ISP provider gives free introductory minutes

  • If data bandwidth is provided on a tiered system, with the first 100 KB free, and then payment begins

  • For a prepaid card use case

Recurring quota are those services the account subscriber signs up for and gets refreshed at some recurring period.

View Quotas and Balances


In the data hierarchy, Balances contain Quota.


Step 1

Click Subscribers tab > Subscribers node > Find Subscriber item in the menu tree.

Find the subscriber as described on Finding a Subscriber.

Step 2

Select the Balance item in the menu tree under the subscriber.

Step 3

Open the full view to the balances. Click the Plus sign by Data.

The Balance Codee in our example is DATA.



Balance codes and quota codes are developed and maintained in the Policy Builder interface for these drop-down lists.

Check the History of Balances

On the Balance screen, you can review the credit transactions against a quota type, but not the debit history.


Step 1

Click the history link associated with the quota.

The History screen shows you the Start and Expiration dates, original amount, transacted amount and any reserved quota.

Step 2

Click on a column heading to sort that column.

Step 3

Click on the down arrow in a column to change the sort columns from the display.