
Checking the Health of the Network

This chapter describes how to check the health of a mesh network and contains the following sections:

Show Mesh Commands

The show mesh commands are grouped under the following sections:

Viewing General Mesh Network Details

To view general mesh network details, enter these commands:

  • show mesh env {summary | AP_name}—Shows the temperature, heater status, and Ethernet status for either all access points (summary) or a specific access point (AP_name). The access point name, role (RootAP or MeshAP), and model are also shown.
    • The temperature is shown in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.
    • The heater status is ON or OFF.
    • The Ethernet status is UP or DOWN.


      The battery status appears as N/A (not applicable) in the show mesh env AP_name status display because it is not provided for access points.

      (Cisco Controller) > show mesh env summary
      AP Name             Temperature(C/F)  Heater  Ethernet  Battery
      ------------------  ----------------  ------  --------  -------
      SB_RAP1              39/102           OFF     UpDnNANA  N/A
      SB_MAP1              37/98            OFF     DnDnNANA  N/A
      SB_MAP2              42/107           OFF     DnDnNANA  N/A
      SB_MAP3              36/96            OFF     DnDnNANA  N/A
      (Cisco Controller > show mesh env SB_RAP1
      AP Name.......................................... SB_RAP1
      AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1522AG-A-K9
      AP Role.......................................... RootAP
      Temperature...................................... 39 C, 102 F
      Heater........................................... OFF
      Backhaul......................................... GigabitEthernet0
      GigabitEthernet0 Status.......................... UP
          Duplex....................................... FULL
          Speed........................................ 100
          Rx Unicast Packets........................... 988175
          Rx Non-Unicast Packets....................... 8563
          Tx Unicast Packets........................... 106420
          Tx Non-Unicast Packets....................... 17122
      GigabitEthernet1 Status.......................... DOWN
      POE Out........................................ OFF
      Battery.......................................... N/A

  • show mesh ap summary—Revised to show the CERT MAC field that shows a MAC address within an AP certificate that can be used to assign a username for external authentication.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh ap summary
    AP Name AP Model           BVI MAC            CERT MAC          Hop Bridge Group Name
    ------- ---------------    -----------------  ---------------- ---- -----------------
    R1      LAP1520            00:0b:85:63:8a:10  00:0b:85:63:8a:10 0    y1
    R2      LAP1520            00:0b:85:7b:c1:e0  00:0b:85:7b:c1:e0 1    y1
    H2      AIR-LAP1522AG-A-K9 00:1a:a2:ff:f9:00  00:1b:d4:a6:f4:60 1
    Number of Mesh APs............................... 3
    Number of RAP................................... 2
    Number of MAP................................... 1
  • show mesh path—Displays MAC addresses, access point roles, SNR ratios (dBs) for uplink and downlink (SNRUp, SNRDown) and link SNR for a particular path.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh path mesh-45-rap1
    AP Name/Radio Mac Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags State
    ----------------- ------- ------ -------- -------- ------ -------
    mesh-45-rap1      165     15     18       16       0x86b UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
    mesh-45-rap1 is a Root AP.
  • show mesh neighbor summary—Displays summary information about mesh neighbors. Neighbor information includes MAC addresses, parent-child relationships, and uplink and downlink (SNRUp, SNRDown).
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh neighbor summary ap1500:62:39:70
    AP Name/Radio Mac Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags  State
    mesh-45-rap1      165     15     18       16       0x86b  UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
    00:0B:85:80:ED:D0 149     5      6        5        0x1a60 NEED UPDATE BEACON DEFAULT
    00:17:94:FE:C3:5F 149     7      0        0        0x860  BEACON


    After review of the show mesh commands above, you should be able to see the relationships between the nodes of your network and verify the RF connectivity by seeing the SNR values for every link.

  • show mesh ap tree—Displays mesh access points within a tree structure (hierarchy).
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh ap tree
    Number of Mesh APs............................... 4
    Number of RAP................................... 1
    Number of MAP................................... 3

Viewing Mesh Access Point Details

To view a mesh access point’s configuration, enter these commands:

  • show ap config general Cisco_AP—Displays system specifications for a mesh access point.
    (Cisco Controller) > show ap config general aps
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 1
    Cisco AP Name.................................... AP5
    Country code..................................... US  - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-AB    802.11a:-AB
    AP Country code.................................. US  - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. 802.11bg:-A    802.11a:-N
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:13:80:60:48:3e
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ 1-4404
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address..................
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name...................... 1-4404
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name....................... 2-4404
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address.................
  • show mesh astools stats [Cisco_AP]—Displays anti-stranding statistics for all outdoor mesh access points or a specific mesh access point.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh astools stats
    Total No of Aps stranded : 0
    > (Cisco Controller) > show mesh astools stats sb_map1
    Total No of Aps stranded : 0
  • show advanced backup-controller—Displays configured primary and secondary backup controllers.
    (Cisco Controller) > show advanced backup-controller
    AP primary Backup Controller .................... controller1
    AP secondary Backup Controller ...............
  • show advanced timer—Displays settings for system timers.
    (Cisco Controller) > show advanced timer
    Authentication Response Timeout (seconds)........ 10
    Rogue Entry Timeout (seconds).................... 1300
    AP Heart Beat Timeout (seconds).................. 30
    AP Discovery Timeout (seconds)................... 10
    AP Primary Discovery Timeout (seconds)........... 120
  • show ap slots—Displays slot information for mesh access points.
    (Cisco Controller) > show ap slots
    Number of APs.................................... 3
    AP Name Slots AP Model            Slot0    Slot1   Slot2    Slot3
    --------------------------------  ------  -------  ------   ------
    R1       2    LAP1520            802.11A  802.11BG
    H1       3    AIR-LAP1521AG-A-K9 802.11BG 802.11A  802.11A
    H2       4    AIR-LAP1521AG-A-K9 802.11BG 802.11A  802.11A 802.11BG

Viewing Global Mesh Parameter Settings

Use this command to obtain information on global mesh settings:

  • show mesh config—Displays global mesh configuration settings.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh config
    Mesh Range....................................... 12000
    Backhaul with client access status............... disabled
    Background Scanning State........................ enabled
    Mesh Security
    Security Mode................................. EAP
    External-Auth................................. disabled
    Use MAC Filter in External AAA server......... disabled
    Force External Authentication................. disabled
    Mesh Alarm Criteria
    Max Hop Count................................. 4
    Recommended Max Children for MAP.............. 10
    Recommended Max Children for RAP.............. 20
    Low Link SNR.................................. 12
    High Link SNR................................. 60
    Max Association Number........................ 10
    Association Interval.......................... 60 minutes
    Parent Change Numbers......................... 3
    Parent Change Interval........................ 60 minutes
    Mesh Multicast Mode.............................. In-Out
    Mesh Full Sector DFS............................. enabled
    Mesh Ethernet Bridging VLAN Transparent Mode..... enabled

Viewing Bridge Group Settings

Use these commands to view bridge group settings:

  • show mesh forwarding table—Shows all configured bridges and their MAC table entries.
  • show mesh forwarding interfaces—Displays bridge groups and the interfaces within each bridge group. This command is useful for troubleshooting bridge group membership.

Viewing VLAN Tagging Settings

Use these commands to view VLAN tagging settings:

  • show mesh forwarding VLAN mode—Shows the configured VLAN Transparent mode (enabled or disabled).
  • show mesh forwarding VLAN statistics—Displays statistics for the VLAN and the path.
  • show mesh forwarding vlans—Displays supported VLANs.
  • show mesh ethernet VLAN statistics—Displays statistics for the Ethernet interface.

Viewing DFS Details

Use this command to view DFS details:

  • show mesh dfs history—Displays a history of radar detections by channels and resulting outages.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh dfs history
    ap1520#show mesh dfs history
    Channel 100 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 10 minute(s), 24 second(s)).
    Channel is set to 136 (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 10 minute(s), 24 second(s)).
    Channel 136 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 14 second(s)).
    Channel is set to 161 (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 14 second(s)).
    Channel 100 becomes usable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 21 hour(s), 40 minute(s), 24 second(s)).
    Channel 136 becomes usable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 21 hour(s), 39 minute(s), 14 second(s)).
    Channel 64 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 0 day(s), 1 hour(s), 20 minute(s), 52 second(s)).
    Channel 104 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 47 minute(s), 6 second(s)).
    Channel is set to 120 (Time Elapsed: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 47 minute(s), 6 second(s)).
  • show mesh dfs channel channel number—Displays a history of radar detections and outages for a specified channel.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh dfs channel 104
    ap1520#show mesh dfs channel 104
    Channel 104 is available
    Time elapsed since radar last detected: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 48 minute(s), 11 second(s).

Viewing Public Safety Setting

Use this command to view public safety setting:

  • show mesh public-safety—Verifies that the 4.8-GHz public safety band is enabled.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh public-safety
    Global Public Safety status: enabled

Viewing Security Settings and Statistics

Use this command to view security settings and statistics:

  • show mesh security-stats AP_name—Shows packet error statistics and a count of failures, timeouts, and successes with respect to associations and authentications as well as reassociations and reauthentications for the specified access point and its child.
    (Cisco Controller) > show mesh security-stats ap417
    AP MAC : 00:0B:85:5F:FA:F0
    Packet/Error Statistics:
    Tx Packets 14, Rx Packets 19, Rx Error Packets 0
    Parent-Side Statistics:
    Unknown Association Requests 0
    Invalid Association Requests 0
    Unknown Re-Authentication Requests 0
    Invalid Re-Authentication Requests 0
    Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
    Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
    Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
    Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
    Child-Side Statistics:
    Association Failures 0
    Association Timeouts 0
    Association Successes 0
    Authentication Failures 0
    Authentication Timeouts 0
    Authentication Successes 0
    Re-Association Failures 0
    Re-Association Timeouts 0
    Re-Association Successes 0
    Re-Authentication Failures 0
    Re-Authentication Timeouts 0
    Re-Authentication Successes 0

Viewing GPS Status

  • See a location summary of all mesh APs by entering this command:

    show mesh gps location summary

  • See the location information for a particular mesh AP by entering this command:

    show mesh gps location ap-name

Viewing Mesh Statistics for a Mesh Access Point

This section describes how to use the controller GUI or CLI to view mesh statistics for specific mesh access points.


You can modify the Statistics Timer interval setting on the All APs > Details page of the controller GUI.

Viewing Mesh Statistics for a Mesh Access Point (GUI)

    Step 1   Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page.
    Step 2   To view statistics for a specific mesh access point, hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Statistics. The All APs > AP Name > Statistics page for the selected mesh access point appears.

    This page shows the role of the mesh access point in the mesh network, the name of the bridge group to which the mesh access point belongs, the backhaul interface on which the access point operates, and the number of the physical switch port. It also displays a variety of mesh statistics for this mesh access point.

    Table 1 Mesh Access Point Statistics




    Mesh Node Stats

    Malformed Neighbor Packets

    The number of malformed packets received from the neighbor. Examples of malformed packets include malicious floods of traffic such as malformed or short DNS packets and malformed DNS replies.

    Poor Neighbor SNR Reporting

    The number of times the signal-to-noise ratio falls below 12 dB on the backhaul link.

    Excluded Packets

    The number of packets received from excluded neighbor mesh access points.

    Insufficient Memory Reporting

    The number of insufficient memory conditions.

    Rx Neighbor Requests

    The number of broadcast and unicast requests received from the neighbor mesh access points.

    Rx Neighbor Responses

    The number of responses received from the neighbor mesh access points.

    Tx Neighbor Requests

    The number of unicast and broadcast requests sent to the neighbor mesh access points.

    Tx Neighbor Responses

    The number of responses sent to the neighbor mesh access points.

    Parent Changes Count

    The number of times a mesh access point (child) moves to another parent.

    Neighbor Timeouts Count

    The number of neighbor timeouts.

    Queue Stats

    Gold Queue

    The average and peak number of packets waiting in the gold (video) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

    Silver Queue

    The average and peak number of packets waiting in the silver (best effort) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

    Platinum Queue

    The average and peak number of packets waiting in the platinum (voice) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

    Bronze Queue

    The average and peak number of packets waiting in the bronze (background) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

    Management Queue

    The average and peak number of packets waiting in the management queue during the defined statistics time interval.

    Mesh Node Security Stats

    Transmitted Packets

    The number of packets transmitted during security negotiations by the selected mesh access point.

    Received Packets

    The number of packets received during security negotiations by the selected mesh access point.

    Association Request Failures

    The number of association request failures that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Association Request Timeouts

    The number of association request timeouts that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Association Requests Successful

    The number of successful association requests that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Authentication Request Failures

    The number of failed authentication requests that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Authentication Request Timeouts

    The number of authentication request timeouts that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Authentication Requests Successful

    The number of successful authentication requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Reassociation Request Failures

    The number of failed reassociation requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Reassociation Request Timeouts

    The number of reassociation request timeouts between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Reassociation Requests Successful

    The number of successful reassociation requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Reauthentication Request Failures

    The number of failed reauthentication requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Reauthentication Request Timeouts

    The number of reauthentication request timeouts that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Reauthentication Requests Successful

    The number of successful reauthentication requests that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Unknown Association Requests

    The number of unknown association requests received by the parent mesh access point from its child. The unknown association requests often occur when a child is an unknown neighbor mesh access point.

    Invalid Association Requests

    The number of invalid association requests received by the parent mesh access point from the selected child mesh access point. This state may occur when the selected child is a valid neighbor but is not in a state that allows association.

    Mesh Node Security Stats (continued)

    Unknown Reauthentication Requests

    The number of unknown reauthentication requests received by the parent mesh access point node from its child. This state may occur when a child mesh access point is an unknown neighbor.

    Invalid Reauthentication Requests

    The number of invalid reauthentication requests received by the parent mesh access point from a child. This state may occur when a child is a valid neighbor but is not in a proper state for reauthentication.

    Unknown Reassociation Requests

    The number of unknown reassociation requests received by the parent mesh access point from a child. This state may occur when a child mesh access point is an unknown neighbor.

    Invalid Reassociation Requests

    The number of invalid reassociation requests received by the parent mesh access point from a child. This state may occur when a child is a valid neighbor but is not in a proper state for reassociation.

    Viewing Mesh Statistics for an Mesh Access Point (CLI)

    Use these commands to view mesh statistics for a specific mesh access point using the controller CLI:

    • To view packet error statistics, a count of failures, timeouts, and successes with respect to associations and authentications, and reassociations and reauthentications for a specific mesh access point, enter this command: show mesh security-stats AP_name Information similar to the following appears:
      AP MAC : 00:0B:85:5F:FA:F0
      Packet/Error Statistics:
      x Packets 14, Rx Packets 19, Rx Error Packets 0
      Parent-Side Statistics:
      Unknown Association Requests 0
      Invalid Association Requests 0
      Unknown Re-Authentication Requests 0
      Invalid Re-Authentication Requests 0
      Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
      Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
      Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
      Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
      Child-Side Statistics:
      Association Failures 0
      Association Timeouts 0
      Association Successes 0
      Authentication Failures 0
      Authentication Timeouts 0
      Authentication Successes 0
      Re-Association Failures 0
      Re-Association Timeouts 0
      Re-Association Successes 0
      Re-Authentication Failures 0
      Re-Authentication Timeouts 0
      Re-Authentication Successes 0
    • To view the number of packets in the queue by type, enter this command: show mesh queue-stats AP_name Information similar to the following appears:
      Queue Type  Overflows  Peak length  Average length
       ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------
       Silver      0          1            0.000
       Gold        0          4            0.004
       Platinum    0          4            0.001
       Bronze      0          0            0.000
       Management  0          0            0.000
      Overflows—The total number of packets dropped due to queue overflow. Peak Length—The peak number of packets waiting in the queue during the defined statistics time interval. Average Length—The average number of packets waiting in the queue during the defined statistics time interval.

    Viewing Neighbor Statistics for a Mesh Access Point

    This section describes how to use the controller GUI or CLI to view neighbor statistics for a selected mesh access point. It also describes how to run a link test between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

    Viewing Neighbor Statistics for a Mesh Access Point (GUI)

      Step 1   Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page.
      Step 2   To view neighbor statistics for a specific mesh access point, hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Neighbor Information. The All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page for the selected mesh access point appears.

      This page lists the parent, children, and neighbors of the mesh access point. It provides each mesh access point’s name and radio MAC address.

      Step 3   To perform a link test between the mesh access point and its parent or children, follow these steps:
      1. Hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow of the parent or desired child and choose LinkTest. A pop-up window appears.
      2. Click Submit to start the link test. The link test results appear on the Mesh > LinkTest Results page.
      3. Click Back to return to the All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page.
      Step 4   To view the details for any of the mesh access points on this page, follow these steps:
      1. Hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Details. The All APs > Access Point Name > Link Details > Neighbor Name page appears.
      2. Click Back to return to the All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page.
      Step 5   To view statistics for any of the mesh access points on this page, follow these steps:
      1. Hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Stats. The All APs > Access Point Name > Mesh Neighbor Stats page appears.
      2. Click Back to return to the All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page.

      Viewing the Neighbor Statistics for a Mesh Access Point (CLI)

      Use these commands to view neighbor statistics for a specific mesh access point using the controller CLI.

      • To view the mesh neighbors for a specific mesh access point, enter this command: show mesh neigh {detail | summary} AP_Name Information similar to the following appears when you request a summary display:
        AP Name/Radio Mac   Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags 	State
        -----------------  ------- ------ -------- -------- ------ 	-------
        mesh-45-rap1       165     15     18       16       0x86b 	UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
        00:0B:85:80:ED:D0  149      5      6        5       0x1a60 	NEED UPDATE BEACON DEFAULT
        00:17:94:FE:C3:5F  149 	  7      0        0 	 	  0x860    	 BEACON
      • To view the channel and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) details for a link between a mesh access point and its neighbor, enter this command: show mesh path AP_Name Information similar to the following appears:
        AP Name/Radio Mac  Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags 	State
        -----------------  ------- ------ -------- -------- ------ 	-------
        mesh-45-rap1       165     15     18       16       0x86b 	UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
        mesh-45-rap1 is a Root AP.
      • To view the percentage of packet errors for packets transmitted by the neighbor mesh access point, enter this command: show mesh per-stats AP_Name Information similar to the following appears:
        Neighbor MAC Address 00:0B:85:5F:FA:F0
        Total Packets transmitted: 104833
        Total Packets transmitted successfully: 104833
        Total Packets retried for transmission: 33028
        Neighbor MAC Address 00:0B:85:80:ED:D0
        Total Packets transmitted: 0
        Total Packets transmitted successfully: 0
        Total Packets retried for transmission: 0
        Neighbor MAC Address 00:17:94:FE:C3:5F
        Total Packets transmitted: 0
        Total Packets transmitted successfully: 0
        Total Packets retried for transmission: 0


        Packet error rate percentage = 1 – (number of successfully transmitted packets/number of total packets transmitted).

      Checking the Health of the Network

      Checking the Health of the Network

      This chapter describes how to check the health of a mesh network and contains the following sections:

      Show Mesh Commands

      Viewing General Mesh Network Details

      To view general mesh network details, enter these commands:

      • show mesh env {summary | AP_name}—Shows the temperature, heater status, and Ethernet status for either all access points (summary) or a specific access point (AP_name). The access point name, role (RootAP or MeshAP), and model are also shown.
        • The temperature is shown in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.
        • The heater status is ON or OFF.
        • The Ethernet status is UP or DOWN.


          The battery status appears as N/A (not applicable) in the show mesh env AP_name status display because it is not provided for access points.

          (Cisco Controller) > show mesh env summary
          AP Name             Temperature(C/F)  Heater  Ethernet  Battery
          ------------------  ----------------  ------  --------  -------
          SB_RAP1              39/102           OFF     UpDnNANA  N/A
          SB_MAP1              37/98            OFF     DnDnNANA  N/A
          SB_MAP2              42/107           OFF     DnDnNANA  N/A
          SB_MAP3              36/96            OFF     DnDnNANA  N/A
          (Cisco Controller > show mesh env SB_RAP1
          AP Name.......................................... SB_RAP1
          AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1522AG-A-K9
          AP Role.......................................... RootAP
          Temperature...................................... 39 C, 102 F
          Heater........................................... OFF
          Backhaul......................................... GigabitEthernet0
          GigabitEthernet0 Status.......................... UP
              Duplex....................................... FULL
              Speed........................................ 100
              Rx Unicast Packets........................... 988175
              Rx Non-Unicast Packets....................... 8563
              Tx Unicast Packets........................... 106420
              Tx Non-Unicast Packets....................... 17122
          GigabitEthernet1 Status.......................... DOWN
          POE Out........................................ OFF
          Battery.......................................... N/A

      • show mesh ap summary—Revised to show the CERT MAC field that shows a MAC address within an AP certificate that can be used to assign a username for external authentication.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh ap summary
        AP Name AP Model           BVI MAC            CERT MAC          Hop Bridge Group Name
        ------- ---------------    -----------------  ---------------- ---- -----------------
        R1      LAP1520            00:0b:85:63:8a:10  00:0b:85:63:8a:10 0    y1
        R2      LAP1520            00:0b:85:7b:c1:e0  00:0b:85:7b:c1:e0 1    y1
        H2      AIR-LAP1522AG-A-K9 00:1a:a2:ff:f9:00  00:1b:d4:a6:f4:60 1
        Number of Mesh APs............................... 3
        Number of RAP................................... 2
        Number of MAP................................... 1
      • show mesh path—Displays MAC addresses, access point roles, SNR ratios (dBs) for uplink and downlink (SNRUp, SNRDown) and link SNR for a particular path.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh path mesh-45-rap1
        AP Name/Radio Mac Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags State
        ----------------- ------- ------ -------- -------- ------ -------
        mesh-45-rap1      165     15     18       16       0x86b UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
        mesh-45-rap1 is a Root AP.
      • show mesh neighbor summary—Displays summary information about mesh neighbors. Neighbor information includes MAC addresses, parent-child relationships, and uplink and downlink (SNRUp, SNRDown).
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh neighbor summary ap1500:62:39:70
        AP Name/Radio Mac Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags  State
        mesh-45-rap1      165     15     18       16       0x86b  UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
        00:0B:85:80:ED:D0 149     5      6        5        0x1a60 NEED UPDATE BEACON DEFAULT
        00:17:94:FE:C3:5F 149     7      0        0        0x860  BEACON


        After review of the show mesh commands above, you should be able to see the relationships between the nodes of your network and verify the RF connectivity by seeing the SNR values for every link.

      • show mesh ap tree—Displays mesh access points within a tree structure (hierarchy).
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh ap tree
        Number of Mesh APs............................... 4
        Number of RAP................................... 1
        Number of MAP................................... 3

      Viewing Mesh Access Point Details

      To view a mesh access point’s configuration, enter these commands:

      • show ap config general Cisco_AP—Displays system specifications for a mesh access point.
        (Cisco Controller) > show ap config general aps
        Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 1
        Cisco AP Name.................................... AP5
        Country code..................................... US  - United States
        Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-AB    802.11a:-AB
        AP Country code.................................. US  - United States
        AP Regulatory Domain............................. 802.11bg:-A    802.11a:-N
        Switch Port Number .............................. 1
        MAC Address...................................... 00:13:80:60:48:3e
        IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
        IP Address.......................................
        Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ 1-4404
        Primary Cisco Switch IP Address..................
        Secondary Cisco Switch Name...................... 1-4404
        Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................
        Tertiary Cisco Switch Name....................... 2-4404
        Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address.................
      • show mesh astools stats [Cisco_AP]—Displays anti-stranding statistics for all outdoor mesh access points or a specific mesh access point.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh astools stats
        Total No of Aps stranded : 0
        > (Cisco Controller) > show mesh astools stats sb_map1
        Total No of Aps stranded : 0
      • show advanced backup-controller—Displays configured primary and secondary backup controllers.
        (Cisco Controller) > show advanced backup-controller
        AP primary Backup Controller .................... controller1
        AP secondary Backup Controller ...............
      • show advanced timer—Displays settings for system timers.
        (Cisco Controller) > show advanced timer
        Authentication Response Timeout (seconds)........ 10
        Rogue Entry Timeout (seconds).................... 1300
        AP Heart Beat Timeout (seconds).................. 30
        AP Discovery Timeout (seconds)................... 10
        AP Primary Discovery Timeout (seconds)........... 120
      • show ap slots—Displays slot information for mesh access points.
        (Cisco Controller) > show ap slots
        Number of APs.................................... 3
        AP Name Slots AP Model            Slot0    Slot1   Slot2    Slot3
        --------------------------------  ------  -------  ------   ------
        R1       2    LAP1520            802.11A  802.11BG
        H1       3    AIR-LAP1521AG-A-K9 802.11BG 802.11A  802.11A
        H2       4    AIR-LAP1521AG-A-K9 802.11BG 802.11A  802.11A 802.11BG

      Viewing Global Mesh Parameter Settings

      Use this command to obtain information on global mesh settings:

      • show mesh config—Displays global mesh configuration settings.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh config
        Mesh Range....................................... 12000
        Backhaul with client access status............... disabled
        Background Scanning State........................ enabled
        Mesh Security
        Security Mode................................. EAP
        External-Auth................................. disabled
        Use MAC Filter in External AAA server......... disabled
        Force External Authentication................. disabled
        Mesh Alarm Criteria
        Max Hop Count................................. 4
        Recommended Max Children for MAP.............. 10
        Recommended Max Children for RAP.............. 20
        Low Link SNR.................................. 12
        High Link SNR................................. 60
        Max Association Number........................ 10
        Association Interval.......................... 60 minutes
        Parent Change Numbers......................... 3
        Parent Change Interval........................ 60 minutes
        Mesh Multicast Mode.............................. In-Out
        Mesh Full Sector DFS............................. enabled
        Mesh Ethernet Bridging VLAN Transparent Mode..... enabled

      Viewing Bridge Group Settings

      Use these commands to view bridge group settings:

      • show mesh forwarding table—Shows all configured bridges and their MAC table entries.
      • show mesh forwarding interfaces—Displays bridge groups and the interfaces within each bridge group. This command is useful for troubleshooting bridge group membership.

      Viewing VLAN Tagging Settings

      Use these commands to view VLAN tagging settings:

      • show mesh forwarding VLAN mode—Shows the configured VLAN Transparent mode (enabled or disabled).
      • show mesh forwarding VLAN statistics—Displays statistics for the VLAN and the path.
      • show mesh forwarding vlans—Displays supported VLANs.
      • show mesh ethernet VLAN statistics—Displays statistics for the Ethernet interface.

      Viewing DFS Details

      Use this command to view DFS details:

      • show mesh dfs history—Displays a history of radar detections by channels and resulting outages.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh dfs history
        ap1520#show mesh dfs history
        Channel 100 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 10 minute(s), 24 second(s)).
        Channel is set to 136 (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 10 minute(s), 24 second(s)).
        Channel 136 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 14 second(s)).
        Channel is set to 161 (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 22 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 14 second(s)).
        Channel 100 becomes usable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 21 hour(s), 40 minute(s), 24 second(s)).
        Channel 136 becomes usable (Time Elapsed: 18 day(s), 21 hour(s), 39 minute(s), 14 second(s)).
        Channel 64 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 0 day(s), 1 hour(s), 20 minute(s), 52 second(s)).
        Channel 104 detects radar and is unusable (Time Elapsed: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 47 minute(s), 6 second(s)).
        Channel is set to 120 (Time Elapsed: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 47 minute(s), 6 second(s)).
      • show mesh dfs channel channel number—Displays a history of radar detections and outages for a specified channel.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh dfs channel 104
        ap1520#show mesh dfs channel 104
        Channel 104 is available
        Time elapsed since radar last detected: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 48 minute(s), 11 second(s).

      Viewing Public Safety Setting

      Use this command to view public safety setting:

      • show mesh public-safety—Verifies that the 4.8-GHz public safety band is enabled.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh public-safety
        Global Public Safety status: enabled

      Viewing Security Settings and Statistics

      Use this command to view security settings and statistics:

      • show mesh security-stats AP_name—Shows packet error statistics and a count of failures, timeouts, and successes with respect to associations and authentications as well as reassociations and reauthentications for the specified access point and its child.
        (Cisco Controller) > show mesh security-stats ap417
        AP MAC : 00:0B:85:5F:FA:F0
        Packet/Error Statistics:
        Tx Packets 14, Rx Packets 19, Rx Error Packets 0
        Parent-Side Statistics:
        Unknown Association Requests 0
        Invalid Association Requests 0
        Unknown Re-Authentication Requests 0
        Invalid Re-Authentication Requests 0
        Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
        Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
        Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
        Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
        Child-Side Statistics:
        Association Failures 0
        Association Timeouts 0
        Association Successes 0
        Authentication Failures 0
        Authentication Timeouts 0
        Authentication Successes 0
        Re-Association Failures 0
        Re-Association Timeouts 0
        Re-Association Successes 0
        Re-Authentication Failures 0
        Re-Authentication Timeouts 0
        Re-Authentication Successes 0

      Viewing GPS Status

      • See a location summary of all mesh APs by entering this command:

        show mesh gps location summary

      • See the location information for a particular mesh AP by entering this command:

        show mesh gps location ap-name

      Viewing Mesh Statistics for a Mesh Access Point

      This section describes how to use the controller GUI or CLI to view mesh statistics for specific mesh access points.


      You can modify the Statistics Timer interval setting on the All APs > Details page of the controller GUI.

      Viewing Mesh Statistics for a Mesh Access Point (GUI)

        Step 1   Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page.
        Step 2   To view statistics for a specific mesh access point, hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Statistics. The All APs > AP Name > Statistics page for the selected mesh access point appears.

        This page shows the role of the mesh access point in the mesh network, the name of the bridge group to which the mesh access point belongs, the backhaul interface on which the access point operates, and the number of the physical switch port. It also displays a variety of mesh statistics for this mesh access point.

        Table 1 Mesh Access Point Statistics




        Mesh Node Stats

        Malformed Neighbor Packets

        The number of malformed packets received from the neighbor. Examples of malformed packets include malicious floods of traffic such as malformed or short DNS packets and malformed DNS replies.

        Poor Neighbor SNR Reporting

        The number of times the signal-to-noise ratio falls below 12 dB on the backhaul link.

        Excluded Packets

        The number of packets received from excluded neighbor mesh access points.

        Insufficient Memory Reporting

        The number of insufficient memory conditions.

        Rx Neighbor Requests

        The number of broadcast and unicast requests received from the neighbor mesh access points.

        Rx Neighbor Responses

        The number of responses received from the neighbor mesh access points.

        Tx Neighbor Requests

        The number of unicast and broadcast requests sent to the neighbor mesh access points.

        Tx Neighbor Responses

        The number of responses sent to the neighbor mesh access points.

        Parent Changes Count

        The number of times a mesh access point (child) moves to another parent.

        Neighbor Timeouts Count

        The number of neighbor timeouts.

        Queue Stats

        Gold Queue

        The average and peak number of packets waiting in the gold (video) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

        Silver Queue

        The average and peak number of packets waiting in the silver (best effort) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

        Platinum Queue

        The average and peak number of packets waiting in the platinum (voice) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

        Bronze Queue

        The average and peak number of packets waiting in the bronze (background) queue during the defined statistics time interval.

        Management Queue

        The average and peak number of packets waiting in the management queue during the defined statistics time interval.

        Mesh Node Security Stats

        Transmitted Packets

        The number of packets transmitted during security negotiations by the selected mesh access point.

        Received Packets

        The number of packets received during security negotiations by the selected mesh access point.

        Association Request Failures

        The number of association request failures that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Association Request Timeouts

        The number of association request timeouts that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Association Requests Successful

        The number of successful association requests that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Authentication Request Failures

        The number of failed authentication requests that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Authentication Request Timeouts

        The number of authentication request timeouts that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Authentication Requests Successful

        The number of successful authentication requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Reassociation Request Failures

        The number of failed reassociation requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Reassociation Request Timeouts

        The number of reassociation request timeouts between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Reassociation Requests Successful

        The number of successful reassociation requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Reauthentication Request Failures

        The number of failed reauthentication requests between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Reauthentication Request Timeouts

        The number of reauthentication request timeouts that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Reauthentication Requests Successful

        The number of successful reauthentication requests that occur between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Unknown Association Requests

        The number of unknown association requests received by the parent mesh access point from its child. The unknown association requests often occur when a child is an unknown neighbor mesh access point.

        Invalid Association Requests

        The number of invalid association requests received by the parent mesh access point from the selected child mesh access point. This state may occur when the selected child is a valid neighbor but is not in a state that allows association.

        Mesh Node Security Stats (continued)

        Unknown Reauthentication Requests

        The number of unknown reauthentication requests received by the parent mesh access point node from its child. This state may occur when a child mesh access point is an unknown neighbor.

        Invalid Reauthentication Requests

        The number of invalid reauthentication requests received by the parent mesh access point from a child. This state may occur when a child is a valid neighbor but is not in a proper state for reauthentication.

        Unknown Reassociation Requests

        The number of unknown reassociation requests received by the parent mesh access point from a child. This state may occur when a child mesh access point is an unknown neighbor.

        Invalid Reassociation Requests

        The number of invalid reassociation requests received by the parent mesh access point from a child. This state may occur when a child is a valid neighbor but is not in a proper state for reassociation.

        Viewing Mesh Statistics for an Mesh Access Point (CLI)

        Use these commands to view mesh statistics for a specific mesh access point using the controller CLI:

        • To view packet error statistics, a count of failures, timeouts, and successes with respect to associations and authentications, and reassociations and reauthentications for a specific mesh access point, enter this command: show mesh security-stats AP_name Information similar to the following appears:
          AP MAC : 00:0B:85:5F:FA:F0
          Packet/Error Statistics:
          x Packets 14, Rx Packets 19, Rx Error Packets 0
          Parent-Side Statistics:
          Unknown Association Requests 0
          Invalid Association Requests 0
          Unknown Re-Authentication Requests 0
          Invalid Re-Authentication Requests 0
          Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
          Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
          Unknown Re-Association Requests 0
          Invalid Re-Association Requests 0
          Child-Side Statistics:
          Association Failures 0
          Association Timeouts 0
          Association Successes 0
          Authentication Failures 0
          Authentication Timeouts 0
          Authentication Successes 0
          Re-Association Failures 0
          Re-Association Timeouts 0
          Re-Association Successes 0
          Re-Authentication Failures 0
          Re-Authentication Timeouts 0
          Re-Authentication Successes 0
        • To view the number of packets in the queue by type, enter this command: show mesh queue-stats AP_name Information similar to the following appears:
          Queue Type  Overflows  Peak length  Average length
           ----------  ---------  -----------  --------------
           Silver      0          1            0.000
           Gold        0          4            0.004
           Platinum    0          4            0.001
           Bronze      0          0            0.000
           Management  0          0            0.000
          Overflows—The total number of packets dropped due to queue overflow. Peak Length—The peak number of packets waiting in the queue during the defined statistics time interval. Average Length—The average number of packets waiting in the queue during the defined statistics time interval.

        Viewing Neighbor Statistics for a Mesh Access Point

        This section describes how to use the controller GUI or CLI to view neighbor statistics for a selected mesh access point. It also describes how to run a link test between the selected mesh access point and its parent.

        Viewing Neighbor Statistics for a Mesh Access Point (GUI)

          Step 1   Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page.
          Step 2   To view neighbor statistics for a specific mesh access point, hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Neighbor Information. The All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page for the selected mesh access point appears.

          This page lists the parent, children, and neighbors of the mesh access point. It provides each mesh access point’s name and radio MAC address.

          Step 3   To perform a link test between the mesh access point and its parent or children, follow these steps:
          1. Hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow of the parent or desired child and choose LinkTest. A pop-up window appears.
          2. Click Submit to start the link test. The link test results appear on the Mesh > LinkTest Results page.
          3. Click Back to return to the All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page.
          Step 4   To view the details for any of the mesh access points on this page, follow these steps:
          1. Hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Details. The All APs > Access Point Name > Link Details > Neighbor Name page appears.
          2. Click Back to return to the All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page.
          Step 5   To view statistics for any of the mesh access points on this page, follow these steps:
          1. Hover the mouse over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired mesh access point and choose Stats. The All APs > Access Point Name > Mesh Neighbor Stats page appears.
          2. Click Back to return to the All APs > Access Point Name > Neighbor Info page.

          Viewing the Neighbor Statistics for a Mesh Access Point (CLI)

          Use these commands to view neighbor statistics for a specific mesh access point using the controller CLI.

          • To view the mesh neighbors for a specific mesh access point, enter this command: show mesh neigh {detail | summary} AP_Name Information similar to the following appears when you request a summary display:
            AP Name/Radio Mac   Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags 	State
            -----------------  ------- ------ -------- -------- ------ 	-------
            mesh-45-rap1       165     15     18       16       0x86b 	UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
            00:0B:85:80:ED:D0  149      5      6        5       0x1a60 	NEED UPDATE BEACON DEFAULT
            00:17:94:FE:C3:5F  149 	  7      0        0 	 	  0x860    	 BEACON
          • To view the channel and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) details for a link between a mesh access point and its neighbor, enter this command: show mesh path AP_Name Information similar to the following appears:
            AP Name/Radio Mac  Channel Snr-Up Snr-Down Link-Snr Flags 	State
            -----------------  ------- ------ -------- -------- ------ 	-------
            mesh-45-rap1       165     15     18       16       0x86b 	UPDATED NEIGH PARENT BEACON
            mesh-45-rap1 is a Root AP.
          • To view the percentage of packet errors for packets transmitted by the neighbor mesh access point, enter this command: show mesh per-stats AP_Name Information similar to the following appears:
            Neighbor MAC Address 00:0B:85:5F:FA:F0
            Total Packets transmitted: 104833
            Total Packets transmitted successfully: 104833
            Total Packets retried for transmission: 33028
            Neighbor MAC Address 00:0B:85:80:ED:D0
            Total Packets transmitted: 0
            Total Packets transmitted successfully: 0
            Total Packets retried for transmission: 0
            Neighbor MAC Address 00:17:94:FE:C3:5F
            Total Packets transmitted: 0
            Total Packets transmitted successfully: 0
            Total Packets retried for transmission: 0


            Packet error rate percentage = 1 – (number of successfully transmitted packets/number of total packets transmitted).