Add CDL Utility to PCF Software Image

Table 1. Feature History

Feature Name

Release Information


Addition of CDL Utility to PCF Software Image


PCF supports the pcf-utilities pod to retain the CDL utility scripts on master nodes post force VM redeploy from Cluster Manager.

Default Setting: Enable – Always on

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 2. Summary Data

Applicable Products or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)


Feature Default Setting

Enabled - Always-on

Related Documentation

Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 3. Revision Details

Revision Details


First Introduced.


Feature Description

PCF supports the pcf-utilities pod to retain the CDL utility scripts on master nodes post force VM redeploy from Cluster Manager. Only the CDL utility scripts are productized through PCF software image.

The scripts is available on following master node persistent volume path:

/data/<pcf-namepsace>/ data-pcf-utilities-0/cdl/

There is high availability during master node failure where scripts are available. The ouput generated from the utility are available in the same location where scripts are executed.


The following configuration confirms the status of volume-claims to ensure if the volume is enabled:

# show running-config k8s 
Tue Oct 3 17:48:44.943 UTC+00:00 
k8s name unknown 
k8s namespace pcf 
k8s nf-name pcf 
k8s registry 
k8s single-node false 
k8s use-volume-claims true 
k8s image-pull-secrets regcred 
k8s ingress-host-name 

Volume storage class is to be local in the DB configuration.

[unknown] pcf# show running-config db 
Tue Oct 3 18:59:36.348 UTC+00:00 
db global-settings db-replica 1 
db global-settings volume-storage-class local 
db spr shard-count 1 
[unknown] pcf# 


By default, the volume configurations are enabled.


Following are the troubleshooting scenarios:

1. To show persistent volume and volume claims.

Following is an output for the persistent volume and volume claims:

luser@rid5704583-aneeluru-1-master1:~$ kubectl get pvc -A | grep utilities 
pcf data-pcf-utilities-0 Bound data-pcf-utilities-0-pcf 5Gi RWO local-storage 18h 
luser@rid5704583-aneeluru-1-master1:~$ kubectl get pvc -A | grep utilities 
pcf data-pcf-utilities-0 Bound data-pcf-utilities-0-pcf 5Gi RWO local-storage 18h 

2. To display pcf-utilities pod.

Following is an output to show pcf-utilities pod:

luser@rid5704583-aneeluru-1-master1:~$ kubectl get pod -A | grep utilities                                                                                 
pcf         pcf-utilities-0              1/1     Running 0            18h rid5704583-anneeluru-1-master1        <none>   <none> 

3.To display the pcf-utilities volume path and output.

Following example displays the pcf-utilities volume path and output:

luser@rid5704583-aneeluru-1-master1:~$ getpvs                                                                                                              
NAMESPACE   NAME                              STATUS   VOLUME                                CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS    AGE                 
pcf         data-pcf-utilities-0              Bound    data-pcf-utilities-0-pcf              5Gi        RWO            local-storage   18h                 
pcf         db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-0        Bound    db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-0-pcf        10Gi       RWO            local-storage   18h                 
pcf         db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-1        Bound    db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-1-pcf        10Gi       RWO            local-storage   18h                 
pcf         db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-2        Bound    db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-2-pcf        10Gi       RWO            local-storage   18h                 
pcf         db-local-data-db-admin-0          Bound    db-local-data-db-admin-0-pcf          5Gi        RWO            local-storage   18h                 
pcf         db-local-data-db-admin-config-0   Bound    db-local-data-db-admin-config-0-pcf   5Gi        RWO            local-storage   18h                 
NAME                                  CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                 STORAGECLASS    REASON   AGE                                                                                                                                                          
data-pcf-utilities-0-pcf              5Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    pcf/data-pcf-utilities-0              local-storage            18h                                                                                                                                                          
db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-0-pcf        10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound    pcf/db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-0        local-storage            18h                                                                                                                                                          
db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-1-pcf        10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound    pcf/db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-1        local-storage            18h                                                                                                                                                          
db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-2-pcf        10Gi       RWO            Retain           Bound    pcf/db-etcd-pcf-etcd-cluster-2        local-storage            18h                                                                                                                                                          
db-local-data-db-admin-0-pcf          5Gi        RWO            Retain           Bound    pcf/db-local-data-db-admin-0          local-storage            18h