NRF Registration Enhancement

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data
Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area PCF
Applicable Platform(s) SMI
Feature Default Setting Disabled – Configuration required to Enable
Related Documentation Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 2. Revision History
Revision Details Release

First introduced.


Feature Description

If the PCF is unable to register with the configured NRFs and encounters IO exceptions, then the PCF changes the leadership control to the next Rest-ep.

The other Rest-ep takes up the leadership control and starts sending the subscription, registration, and heartbeat requests to the configured NRFs.

This improvement reduces the problems that arise during NRF registration when the leader-ep is unavailable because of a network failure.

How It Works

This section describes how this feature works.

Feature Configuration

To configure this feature, use the following configuration:

Configuring the Rest-ep Stop Leading on Failure Count

To configure the stop leading on failure count for the NRF, use the following configuration:

   rest-endpoint interface nnrf stop-leading-on-failure-count 


  • config —Enters the configuration mode.

  • rest-endpoint interface nnrf stop-leading-on-failure-count —Specifies the stop leading on failure count for the rest-ep. For example, the specific default value is zero and the minimum value for this count is 100. If the count exceeds this value and the rest-ep is unable to register with any of the present NRFs, change the rest-ep leadership.

Configuring the Rest-ep Restart on Leader Change Count

To configure the restart restep on leadership change count for the NRF, use the following configuration:

   rest-endpoint interface nnrf restart-restep-on-leader-change-count 


  • config —Enters the configuration mode.

  • rest-endpoint interface nnrf restart-restep-on-leader-change-count —Specifies to restart the restep on leader change count. For example, the specific default value is zero. If the leadership count exceeds this value, the rest-ep gets restarted.