Serviceability Diagnostics

Feature Summary and Revision History

Summary Data

Table 1. Summary Data

Applicable Products or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)


Feature Default Setting

Enabled - Always-on

Related Documentation

Not Applicable

Revision History

Table 2. Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced.


Feature Description

The Cisco Policy Control Function (PCF) doesn’t offer capabilities for viewing the system of consolidated health such as Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) Diagnostics. PCF relies significantly on numerous Kubernetes commands to determine the system of health.

PCF implements the diagnostics utility to provide the health check consolidated output of different critical services on the PCF namespace. Validates health of pods, services, and ingress points and produces a pass or fail health check status for each service.

The services for the health check:

  • Rest-endpoint

  • Engine

  • Diameter

  • Common Data Layer (CDL)

  • ETCD

  • Database (DB)

  • Health check of the Splunk

  • Active alarm report

Utility Details:

  • Critical Pod Service Health Check and other Pods Check : When the status argument is "all", then all pods health check for previous mentioned services gets executed.

  • CDL Pods Health Check:

    • When the status argument is "cdl" for the CDL pods health check, then the health check gets executed.

    • When the cdl-ep pods are up and running, then the geo sync functionality gets validated, and the execution status gets displayed.

  • Database Pods Health Check:

    • When the status of the argument is “db” for the DB pod of the health check, then the health check gets executed.

    • When the pods are up, then the accessibility of the database gets performed.

  • Health check of the Splunk

    • When the status of the argument is “splunk” for the health check of the Splunk, then the logging status gets executed and displays details on the console.

  • Active alarm report

    • When the status argument input as “alert”, then Active alert summary details get displays on the console.