Table Of Contents
Release Notes for Cisco Wireless Control System Navigator, Release
Requirements for Cisco WCS Navigator
Hardware Requirements for Navigator
WCS and Navigator Compatibility
Japanese Microsoft Windows Support
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Release Notes for Cisco Wireless Control System Navigator, Release
August 2010These release notes describe open and resolved caveats for the Cisco Wireless Control System Navigator maintenance release
The Cisco Wireless Control System Navigator is referred to as the Cisco WCS Navigator.
These release notes contain the following sections:
Requirements for Cisco WCS Navigator
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
The Cisco WCS Navigator manages multiple Cisco WCSs (running the same release as Navigator) and provides a unified view of the network. It uses SOAP/XML over HTTPs to communicate with individual WCSs. Navigator provides monitoring functionality and reporting capability across all WCSs. In addition, network-wide searches are available. In Windows and Linux, Cisco WCS Navigator runs as a service continuously and resumes running after a reboot.
Cisco WCS Navigator delivers an aggregated platform for enhanced scalability, manageability, and visibility of large-scale implementations of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network. This software-based solution gives network administrators easy access to information from multiple geographically diverse Cisco WCS management platforms. It supports partitioning of the unified wireless network at the management level.
Cisco WCS Navigator Features
The Cisco WCS Navigator provides:
Management of multiple Cisco WCSs
Supports up to 20 Cisco WCS management platforms
Management of up to 30,000 Cisco Aironet lightweight access points from a single management console
A unified view of the network
Overview and multilevel monitoring of wireless networks
The ability to run reports for all WCSs
Network-wide searches
A link to return to the Navigator when directed to a regional WCS from Navigator
Requirements for Cisco WCS Navigator
Hardware Requirements for Navigator
The following server hardware and software is required to support Cisco WCS Navigator for Windows or Linux.
Supports up to 20 wireless control systems depending on the Navigator license.
A 3.2 GHz Intel Dual Core processor with 4 GB of RAM and an 80-GB hard drive.
A 40-GB minimum of available disk space on your hard drive.
For all server levels, AMD processors equivalent to the listed Intel processors are also supported.
The available disk space listed is a minimum requirement but may be different for your system depending on the number of backups.
The recommended screen resolution is 1024 x 768 pixels for Navigator.
Client Requirements
The Cisco Navigator user interface requires Internet Explorer 7.0 or later releases with the Flash plugin or Mozilla Firefox 3 or later releases. The Cisco Navigator user interface has been tested and verified with Internet Explorer and Firefox on a Windows platform.
The following web browsers are recommended for best results:
Windows Internet Explorer 7 or later releases
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 or later releases
Using a web browser running on Windows 2003 to access the WCS web GUI is not recommended because recommended Windows 2003 security settings may cause browsing problems.
The client running the browser must have a minimum of 1 GB of RAM and a 2-GHz processor. The client device should not be running any CPU or memory-intensive applications.
The minimum screen resolution that is recommended for both WCS and Navigator use is 1024 x 768 pixels.
Supported Operating Systems
The following operating systems are supported:
Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later releases with all critical and security Windows updates installed. 64-bit installations are not supported.
Windows Server 2003 32-bit installations provide support for up to 64 GB of RAM if the Physical Address Extension (PAE) is enabled. See the Windows documentation for instructions on enabling this mode.
Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server 5.x—Only 32-bit operating system installations are supported.
Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server 5.x—64-bit operating system installations are not supported.
A 32-bit operating system running on 64-bit capable hardware is supported for both Windows and Linux operating systems.
Windows Server 2003 and Redhat Linux support on VMware ESX 3.0.1 and later releases.
VMware must be installed on a system with these minimum requirements:
Quad CPU running at 3.16 GHz
200 GB hard drive
Individual operating systems running WCS in VMware must follow the specifications for the size of WCS you intend to use.
Important Notes
WCS and Navigator Compatibility
WCS and Navigator must be from the same release in order to be compatible (see Table 1). Although the release numbers will not be the same, you must verify whether they were part of the same release.
For example, Navigator 1.0 is compatible with WCS 4.1, and Navigator 1.1.x is compatible with any WCS 4.2.x.
When Navigator is upgraded to a newer version, the corresponding WCS must also be upgraded to the corresponding version. For example, if Navigator is upgraded to 1.5, WCS must be upgraded to the corresponding 6.0.
Japanese Microsoft Windows Support
This release supports the use of Cisco WCS Navigator on a server running the Japanese version of Microsoft Windows. Cisco Navigator will run in English.
This following sections lists Open Caveats and Resolved Caveats for this software release. For your convenience in locating caveats in Cisco's Bug Toolkit, the caveat titles listed in this section are taken directly from the Bug Toolkit database. These caveat titles are not intended to be read as complete sentences because the title field length is limited. In the caveat titles, some truncation of wording or punctuation might be necessary to provide the most complete and concise description. The only modifications made to these titles are as follows:
Commands are in boldface type.
Product names and acronyms may be standardized.
Spelling errors and typos may be corrected.
If you are a registered user, view Bug Toolkit on at the following website:
To become a registered user, go to the following website:
Open Caveats
There are no open caveats in this release.
Resolved Caveats
Table 2 lists the resolved caveats in this release.
Table 2 Resolved Caveats
ID Number Caveat TitleCSCtf40315
Users with SuperUser credentials could not expand chart.
Data Cleanup on WCS resulted in client count graph discrepancy.
If You Need More Information
If you need information about a specific caveat that does not appear in these release notes, you can use the Cisco Bug Toolkit to find caveats of any severity. Click this URL to browse to the Bug Toolkit:
(If you request a defect that cannot be displayed, the defect number might not exist, the defect might not yet have a customer-visible description, or the defect might be marked Cisco Confidential.)
For more information about troubleshooting, go to the Cisco Support and Documentation website at the following location:
Click Wireless, and choose Wireless > Wireless LAN Management > Unified Wireless LAN Management > Cisco Wireless Control System Navigator.
Related Documentation
For information about Cisco WCS Navigator, see the Cisco Wireless Control System Navigator 1.1.62 Installation Guide.
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation:
Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as an RSS feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service. Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.
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